How to get npm to favor local linked dependency over its published install - node.js

I've searched through other questions such as this one, but they all seem to be about a local npm link stopping working for another reason than mine. I assume this is a common use-case issue, so if I'm doing something methodically wrong, I'm more than happy to take suggestions on how I should be doing it.
Principally, I have a private npm module that I'm working on called #organisation/module. When working locally, I'll run npm link on it, and use it within my 'host' project as npm link #organisation/module — this all works great with hot-reloading, etc. I'll also import it as import module from '#organisation/module.
However, since I also want to publish my local changes to npm (as #organisation/module) from time to time, for build testing and production code, I need to run npm install #organisation/module on the host project.
This then seems to break the implicit npm link I set up earlier... I assume mainly because they are the same name, and npm favors an install over a link?
When I want to make live, local changes again, the only way I can currently get it to work is via npm uninstall #organisation/module and then to re-link it.
Is there a way to keep the published module installed (in order to avoid careless mistakes, like forgetting to reinstall it for build testing), but always favour the local, linked instance?
Diagram for ref:

Have you tried locally installing with the other method npm provides.
npm install /absolute/path/packageName
I believe this will change your entry in package.json to look like this:
"dependencies" {
"packageName": "file:../../path/to/packageName",

Since npm link creates a symlink in the global folder, while npm install is local to the project npm install takes precedence. You can read about npm link here:
To avoid this, my suggestion would be to use npm install <path to local> and when you need to use the production code use npm install #organization/module. This would update your node_modules per code basis. Read about npm install here:
Hope this helps :)

Go to the directory where your local package is located open package.json change the name from original_name to "original_name_local".
write npm link on terminal at the same location.
After this go to your working directory and write npm install <path to local>
Now whereever you're requiring or importing update the name to "original_name_local"
for example if it's require('space-cleaner') then change it to require('space-cleaner_local')
Like this you can have both local as well as production package just change the name wherever required.
Otherwise you can remove package by removing it from package.json and deleting from node_modules.
if local is needed go to local package directory and on terminal write npm link and then on your working directory write npm install ./path/to/package
if production then again delete the package as told above and write npm install package_name


Is npm init needed?

I always thought that you should initialize npm first before installing any packages
npm init --yes
However I found out that I could just go straight to installing packages
npm i example-package
Then the package would be installed and package.json would be created at the same time.
Is there any reason I should be doing npm init first? Is it only required if I want to specify project details?
It is not required. You can install packages without, and everything will work.
npm init can do basically two things:
ask for basic project info to include in packages.json
create a specific type of project (for example React) by using npm init typeofproject
If you just want to use packages and don’t care about naming the project or using a template, just install packages.
npm init is there when you are installing the project very first time.
else you don't need to use npm init for installing any package
Well, kind of a late answer, but as far as I know (correct me if im wrong), one of the features is it gets set up with package.json which includes the dependencies list. That way, NPM can simply install the packages on the list (via the "npm init" if you have a situation that you want to clone the app into another machine), rather than copy pasting the whole project folder.
This isn't a direct answer to the question, but, if sheds some light at some point, why not.

npm link, without linking devDependencies

It appears that when I run npm link, it will install the project globally, and it seems to install devDependencies with it.
Is there a way to run npm link without devDependencies, perhaps with the --only=production flag?
In npm#4.x or lower
When you run npm link in other_module then you will get both dependencies and devDependencies symlinked.
The --production flag doesn't change anything, still creates a symlink to the whole directory
In npm#5.1.0
They fixed it!
If you remove node_modules and then do npm link --only=production, it runs an install before symlinking, and therefore devDependencies folder are indeed excluded.
This is currently not possible with npm link. The problem is, if you install only prod dependencies in that dependency, you're able to link it, but you're not able to develop on that dependency anymore (since missing devDependencies). And vice-versa: If you install devDependencies, you can't link anymore.
The solution: A package called npm-local-development at
It basically does the same thing as npm link, but works around the devDependency limitation by setting up a file watcher and syncs file changes automatically in the background, excluding all devDependencies/peerDependencies.
You install npm-local-development: npm i -g npm-local-development
You create file called .links.json in your root package.
You write every package name with its local relative folder path into it like so
"#shared/core": "../../my-library-repo/packages/core"
Open a console and run npm-local-development in that root package. Let it run in the background.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of this free open-source project.
A workaround I use is npm pack then point to the packed file in the example

NPM basics and Local Installs?

I'm not regular node user, so my apologies if this is a stupid newbie question, but I haven't been able to find any clear documentation on this, and my feeble newbie node skills don't let me dig into myself.
I'm following along with these instructions for installing the Ghost blogging system, (a system built with NodeJS).
After telling me to open a terminal window in the just downloaded package folder, yhe instructions include the following line
In the new terminal tab type npm install --production
This confuses me. My understanding of npm is it's a package manager that, like perl's CPAN
Fetches packages from The Internet
Installs them into my local node system
That's clearly not what's happening above, but I don't know what is happening when I run that command, and since I don't run with a NodeJS crowd I don't know who to ask.
I'd like to know what NPM is doing. Specific questions
When I run npm install, it looks like it's downloading a number of packages (lots of npm http GET in the console). How does NPM know what to download?
Where is it downloading these module files to? How does npm know where to download the files?
What effect does the --production flag have on NPM's behavior?
Happy to have specific answers, or a meta-answer that points out where I can learn how npm works with (what appears to be) a application installs (vs. a system install, which is how I normally think of it)
npm has a few different installation modes. From within a module (with a package.json file) npm install installs the dependencies listed in the dependencies and devDependencies fields of the package.json file. Installation means that files the modules are downloaded, placed in the node_modules folder, then npm installed themselves, (but only their dependencies) placing modules their own node_modules folders. This continues until everything needed is installed. Use npm ls to see the tree of installed packages.
Most of the time this is what you want, because running npm install from within a module is what you would do when developing on it, and you'll want to run tests etc. (which is what devDependencies is for).
Occasionally though, you'll be coding a service that consumes modules, but should not necessarily be treated like one (not intended to be require'd). Ghost is such a case. In these cases, you need npm install --production, which only installs the dependencies, leaving the devDependencies.
When I run npm install, it looks like it's downloading a number of
packages (lots of npm http GET in the console). How does NPM know what
to download?
It reads the package.json configuration file in the current directory.
Where is it downloading these module files to? How does npm know where to download the files?
It will create and populate a node_modules directory within the current directory. The file structure is designed in to npm/node and is (mostly) intentionally not configurable.
What effect does the --production flag have on NPM's behavior?
Install just the dependencies without the devDependencies from package.json, meaning "give me what I need to run this app, but I don't intend do do development on this app so I don't need dev-only stuff". has some docs, FAQ, and man pages, which are pretty good although they are mostly lacking basic introductory material.

npm install <git> with dev dependencies

A typical approach to handle private npm modules is to put them to a Git repository, and then use npm install with the path to that repository to install the module.
If you enter the dependency into your package.json file, you can even install using npm install without the need to specify the repository url every time. I.e., if you add
"myPrivateModule": "git+ssh://"
as a dependency, you can install using
$ npm install myPrivateModule
and everything works fine :-).
Now I have a problem in that myPrivateModule is private, yes, but not a dependency. Instead, it's a dependency only for development time, hence I put it into the section devDependencies in the package.json file.
Once you do this,
$ npm install myPrivateModule
does not work any longer, as it now searches the public registry instead of using the registered path to the repository.
Is there a possibility to make this work, without the need to specify the full-blown path each and every time?
Just npm install with no arguments should read package.json and install it.

lock global npm packages

Is it possible to lock global packages to a specific version? For example if I do:
$ npm install -g some-awesome-package#1.7.0
if some-awesome-package#1.7.1 exists, can I prevent npm from ever updating this specific package?
The answer appears to be no. I opened this issue but it got closed. It's hard to imagine that I'm the only person with this use case though.
There may be a way to do this through the npm CLI, but I can't find it. There doesn't seem to be a npm shrinkwrap for global packages, either.
I thought it might be possible using npm link (which creates a symlink from a local package to the global folder), but running npm install -g somepackage#foo after npm link, does overwrite the previously installed global package.
One (very hacky) way to force npm to fail when it tries to overwrite your globally installed package is to remove write permissions for the folder (for the user account that runs npm) with something like this chmod -w /usr/local/lib/node_modules/<some package>.
Once you do that, then npm can't install/update that global package because it doesn't have write access. I can't say I recommend going down that road, though.
