Find the app which created a VM using python azure-sdk - azure

How can i find the app, whose credentials were used to launch a vm in azure. I am able to use the compute client to get admin_username attached to a VM but it does not solve my use case as a user can give any username while launching it.
compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id)
vm_details = compute_client.virtual_machines.get(resource_group_name= <resource_group>, vm_name=<vm_name>, expand='instanceView')
username = vm_details.os_profile.admin_username
Is the app_name stored as a vm property anywhere that can be accessed via azure-sdk for python?

First, please clarify "launch". Do you mean initial deployment, or starting an already existing VM which was off? Or both :)?
I do believe that this information is not part of the VM, but will be considered an event of ARM. Then, this will be available part of the Activity Log:
Activity Log is available in the Monitor SDK:
If you want to test this quickly, try the CLI:
Since this CLI is using the same SDK, if you find your information with the CLI this means you can definitely get it with SDK
(I work at MS in the Python team, but not in the VM or Monitor team, it's why I start my post with "believe", but I really think it's accurate based on my knowledge of Azure)


Google Cloud Platform Authentification: Recognized as end user anthentification despite using a service account

Anyone can HELP? This one is really driving me crazy... Thank you!
I tried to use a google cloud platform API Speech-to-text.
Tools: WINDOWS 10 && GCP &&Python(Pycharm IDE)
I've created a service account as a owner for my speech-to-test project and generated a key from GCP console in json, then I set the environment variables.
Code I ran on WIN10 Powershell && CMD:
$env:GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="D:\GCloud speech-to-text\Speech
To Text Series-93e03f36bc9d.json"
set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=D:\GCloud speech-to-text\Speech To
Text Series-93e03f36bc9d.json
PS: the added environment variables disappear in CMD and Powershell after reboot my laptop but do show in the env list if added again.
I've enabled the google storage api and google speech-to-text api in GCP console.
I've tried the explicitely showing credential method via python, same problem.
I've installed the google cloud SDK shell and initialized by using command to log in my account.
import io
import os
# Imports the Google Cloud client library
from import speech
from import enums
from import types
# Instantiates a client
client = speech.SpeechClient()
# The name of the audio file to transcribe
file_name = os.path.join(
# Loads the audio into memory
with, 'rb') as audio_file:
content =
audio = types.RecognitionAudio(content=content)
config = types.RecognitionConfig(
# Detects speech in the audio file
response = client.recognize(config, audio)
for result in response.results:
print('Transcript: {}'.format(result.alternatives[0].transcript))
----Expected to receive a "200OK" and the transcribed text when runing the code above (a demo of short speech to text api from GCP Document)
----But got:
D:\Python\main program\lib\site-packages\google\ UserWarning: Your application has authenticated using end user credentials from Google Cloud SDK. We recommend that most server applications use service accounts instead. If your application continues to use end user credentials from Cloud SDK, you might receive a "quota exceeded" or "API not enabled" error. For more information about service accounts, see
google.api_core.exceptions.ResourceExhausted: 429 Quota exceeded for quota metric '' and limit 'DefaultRequestsPerMinutePerProject' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:764086051850'.
ANOTHER WEIRD THING: the error info shows that 'project_number:764086051850', which is different from my speech-to-text project_number on GCP (I do distinguish project number and project ID), the project_number shown in the error info also varies every time the code runs. It seems I was sending cloud requirement of the wrong project?
My GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS system environment variables disappear after I restart my laptop next time. After adding again, it will appear in the env list but can't be stored after reboot again.
Appreciate it if someone can help, thank you!
try to do this:
Run gcloud init -> authenticate with your account and choose your project
Run gcloud auth activate-service-account <service account email> --key-file=<JSON key file>
Run gcloud config list to validate your configuration.
Run your script and see if it's better.
Else, try to do the same thing on a micro-vm for validating your code, service account and environment (and for validating that there is a problem only with Windows)
For Windows issues, I'm on ChromeBook, I can't test and help you on this. However, I checked about EnvVar on internet, and this update the registry. Check if you don't have stuff which protect Registry update (Antivirus,....)
D:\Python\main program\lib\site-packages\google\
UserWarning: Your application has authenticated using end user
credentials from Google Cloud SDK. We recommend that most server
applications use service accounts instead. If your application
continues to use end user credentials from Cloud SDK, you might
receive a "quota exceeded" or "API not enabled" error. For more
information about service accounts, see
This error means that your code is not using a service account. Your code is configured to use ADC (Application Default Credentials). Most likely your code is using the Google Cloud SDK credentials configured and stored by the CLI gcloud.
To determine what credentials the Cloud SDK is using, execute this command:
gcloud auth list
The IAM Member ID, displayed as ACCOUNT, with the asterisk is the account used by the CLI and any applications that do not specify credentials.
To learn more about ADC, read this article that I wrote:
Google Cloud Application Default Credentials
google.api_core.exceptions.ResourceExhausted: 429 Quota exceeded for
quota metric '' and limit
'DefaultRequestsPerMinutePerProject' of service
'' for consumer 'project_number:764086051850'.
The Cloud SDK has the concept of default values. Execute gcloud config list. This will display various items. Look for project. Most likely this project does not have the API Cloud Speech-to-Text enabled.
ANOTHER WEIRD THING: the error info shows that
'project_number:764086051850', which is different from my
speech-to-text project_number on GCP (I do distinguish project number
and project ID), the project_number shown in the error info also
varies every time the code runs. It seems I was sending cloud
requirement of the wrong project?
To see the list of projects, Project IDs and Project Numbers that your current credentials can see (access) execute:
gcloud projects list.
This command will display the Project Number given a Project ID:
gcloud projects list --filter="REPLACE_WITH_PROJECT_ID" --format="value(PROJECT_NUMBER)"
My GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS system environment variables
disappear after I restart my laptop next time. After adding again, it
will appear in the env list but can't be stored after reboot again.
When you execute this command in a Command Prompt, it only persists for the life of the Command Prompt: set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=D:\GCloud speech-to-text\Speech To
Text Series-93e03f36bc9d.json. When you exit the Command Prompt, reboot, etc. the environment variable is destroyed.
To create persistent environment variables on Windows, edit the System Properties -> Environment Variables. You can launch this command as follows from a Command Prompt:
Suggestions to make your life easier:
Do NOT use long path names with spaces for your service account files. Create a directory such as C:\Config and place the file there with no spaces in the file name.
Do NOT use ADC (Application Default Credentials) when developing on your desktop. Specify the actual credentials that you want to use.
Change this line:
client = speech.SpeechClient()
To this:
client = speech.SpeechClient().from_service_account_json('c:/config/service-account.json')
Service Accounts have a Project ID inside them. Create the service account in the same project that you intend to use them (until you understand IAM and Service Accounts well).

Accessing a Azure Key Vault secret works on server box but not local?

We have a Key Vault in a resource group in an Azure instant.
We have a user in the US (ME) and a user in different country (FU).
Both of use have many things in common, namely:
Using same version of VS 2017.
Running the exact same code.
Our VS user account is the same (a user in our Azure AD instance).
We are using a Managed Identity
If I run the code in US (logged in in VS as the FU), I am able to read the secret and display on the screen.
If the FU(logged in in VS as the FU but in another country), when he runs the code it throws the following exception
Operation returned an invalid status code 'Unauthorized'
The line of code that throws the error is:
var secret = await keyVaultClient.GetSecretAsync("")
We have both installed Azure CLI 2.0.
However, I found these stipulations at this site.
Your on-premise active directory is synced with Azure AD.
You are running this code on a domain joined machine.
Neither of these are true in our case.
Possibly a good test of these would for our vendor to allow me to remote into his machine and put my identity on VS and then run the code.
If we still get the error, then it is very likely this is our problem.
The above link said we could "Run the application using a service principal in local development environment"
Would that fix the problem???
I am fairly new to Azure and C#. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

How can I programatically (C#) read the autoscale settings for a WebApp?

I'm trying to build a small program to change the autoscale settings for our Azure WebApps, using the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring and Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites NuGet packages.
I have been roughly following the guide here.
However, we are interested in scaling WebApps / App Services rather than Cloud Services, so I am trying to use the same code to read the autoscale settings but providing a resource ID for our WebApp. I have already got the credentials required for making a connection (using a browser window popup for Active Directory authentication, but I understand we can use X.509 management certificates for non-interactive programs).
This is the request I'm trying to make. Credentials already established, and an exception is thrown earlier if they're not valid.
AutoscaleClient autoscaleClient = new AutoscaleClient(credentials);
var resourceId = AutoscaleResourceIdBuilder.BuildWebSiteResourceId(webspaceName: WebSpaceNames.NorthEuropeWebSpace, serverFarmName: "Default2");
AutoscaleSettingGetResponse get = autoscaleClient.Settings.Get(resourceId); // exception here
The WebApp (let's call it "MyWebApp") is part of an App Service Plan called "Default2" (Standard: 1 small), in a Resource Group called "WebDevResources", in the North Europe region. I expect that my problem is that I am using the wrong names to build the resourceId in the code - the naming conventions in the library don't map well onto what I can see in the Azure Portal.
I'm assuming that BuildWebSiteResourceId is the correct method to call, see MSDN documentation here.
However the two parameters it takes are webspaceName and serverFarmName, neither of which match anything in the Azure portal (or Google). I found another example which seemed to be using the WebApp's geo region for webSpaceName, so I've used the predefined value for North Europe where our app is hosted.
While trying to find the correct value for serverFarmName in the Azure Portal, I found the Resource ID for the App Service Plan, which looks like this:
That resource ID isn't valid for the call I'm trying to make, but it does support the idea that a 'serverfarm' is the same as an App Service Plan.
When I run the code, regardless of whether the resourceId parameters seem to be correct or garbage, I get this error response:
<string xmlns="">
{"Code":"SettingNotFound","Message":"Could not find the autoscale settings."}
So, how can I construct the correct resource ID for my WebApp or App Service Plan? Or alternatively, is there a different tree I should be barking up to programatially manage WebApp scaling?
The solution below got the info I wanted. I also found the Azure resource explorer at extremely useful to browse existing resources and find the correct names. For example, the name for my autoscale settings is actually "Default2-WebDevResources", i.e. "{AppServicePlan}-{ResourceGroup}" which I wouldn't have expected.
There is a preview service where you can inspect all your resources easily. If you search for autoscale in the UI you will easily find the settings for your resource. It will also show you how to call the relevant REST Api endpoint to read or update that resorce.
It's a great tool for revealing a lot of details for your deployed resources and it will actually give you an ARM template stub for the resource you are looking at.
And to answer your question, you could programmatically call the REST API from a client with updated settings for autoscale. The REST API is one way of doing this, the SDK another and PowerShell a third.
The guide which you're following is based on the Azure Service Management model, aka Classic mode, which is deprecated and only exists mainly for backward compatibility support.
You should use the latest
Microsoft.Azure.Insights nuget package for getting the autoscale settings.
Sample code using the nuget above is as below:
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.Insights;
using Microsoft.Rest;
//... Get necessary values for the required parameters
var client = new InsightsManagementClient(new TokenCredentials(token));
client.AutoscaleSettings.Get(resourceGroupName, autoScaleSettingName);
Besides, the autoscalesettings is a resource under the "Microsoft.Insights" provider and not under the "Microsoft.Web" provider, which explains why you are not able to find it with your serverfarm resourceId.
See the REST API Reference below for getting the autoscale settings.

Azure manage compute API is failing with InvalidAPIVersion error

I am trying to use Azure resource manager and Azure Compute Management APIs to get list of virtual machines in a resource group and all of virtual machine properties. It's failing with InvalidAPIVersion error even though I have updated to latest version. As per the error it expects older version no but i don't see any old library with such a version. Can someone please suggest what am I missing?
VirtualMachineGetResponse vm = m_computeClient.VirtualMachines.Get("/subscriptions/1f94c869-####-####-####-055e8ae15be3/resourceGroups/TestGroup", "TestMachine");
m_computeClint is an object of ComputeManagementClient class in name space Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute
Is this because resource provider is Microsoft.ClassicCompute?
Error message:
InvalidApiVersionParameter: The api-version '2015-05-01-preview' is invalid. The supported versions are '2015-01-01,2014-04-01-preview,2014-04-01,2014-01-01,2013-03-01,2014-02-26,2014-04'.
If you're using the resource group management api, you're definitely going to get an invalidapiversionparameter using ClassicCompute. The resource management compute provider is "Microsoft.Compute"; ClassicCompute exists only to view VMs that were already created using the service management API.
Right now, you should keep the two APIs and resources separate. Did you create the VM using the preview portal ( or using PowerShell? If the former, it has almost (but not quite) converted over to using the resource management api. Try following these steps:
Hope that helps.

Azure / SharePoint Server Farm Failing

I am attempting to create a SharePoint Server Farm using the option via the New menu in Azure. I've tried like 5 times now and each time, it fails after about an hour.
The error is so cryptic that I cannot figure out exactly what is going on.
The operation name is: Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/extensions/write
The status is: Failed
And then another,
The operation name is: Update deployment
The status is: Failed.
I've had a similar experience using the "new" preview portal when deploying Databases. This portal uses Resource Manager to deploy it's resources which is a new way of doing things. Anyhow, I used the PowerShell command:
Get-AzureResourceGroupLog -Name ResourceGroupName
This provided me the detail to understand what was happening with the deployment. I had to adjust my Datacenter because the one I was trying to use was hot.
I talk a little more about the other options this command has here:
