Sudden forbidden access - dialogflow-es

Since this morning, all our ChatBot using DialogFlow get denied with a response code 403 and the following JSON :
{"status":{"code":401,"errorType":"unauthorized","errorDetails":"You are not authorized for this operation. Invalid access token"}}
We tried to update the client access token for one of them but without any change.
Note that the responseCode is different that the one specified in the JSON.
Any idea?

Could be an issue with the service itself. There is already a thread in the official community forum:!topic/dialogflow/CEZE6HS4C4o;context-place=forum/dialogflow
You are not alone...

I tried what Andrey Kotkovets said in this thread:!topic/dialogflow/CEZE6HS4C4o;context-place=forum/dialogflow
and it worked. You need to export your bots and import them as v1 for now.
edit: I created new agents and imported the old ones, I didn't overwrite the old ones.


Error when setting up webhook with Ngrok/WhatsApp

I am trying to setup a WhatsApp bot using voiceflow, based on the tutorial found here. I've set this up before and everything has worked fine, but now I can't seem to configure the webhook.
The steps I'm performing are as follows:
Clone the repo here
Checked ngrok is installed (version 3.0.7), and its location (/usr/local/bin/ngrok)
Created a .env file at the root with the VERIFY_TOKEN, PORT, and WHATSAPP_TOKEN
Started the app from root with npm start
Started ngrok with ngrok http 8000 (the same port as specified in my .env)
Checked the resulting address works in the browser
According to the documentation, I then configure the webhook by adding "/webhook" to the end of the URL, and adding the same VERIFY_TOKEN as specified in my .env file. This, however, gives me the following error:
The callback URL or verify token couldn't be validated.
Please verify the provided information or try again later.
I've had a look around at similar questions here, but could not find what was wrong. I have also spoken to others who encountered similar issues over the last few weeks. This process was working up until recently (Nov 2022).
The error msg: The callback URL or verify token couldn't be validated. Please verify the provided information or try again later. usually means you are not returning a 200 response to the webhook origin. I would make sure your code is returning a 200 to whatsapp.
As an alternative, try to set the webhook on glitch as explained here:
so that you can check if your meta account is valid.
From what I have found it seems that feature is now behind a paywall. It worked fine a few months ago on the free tier of ngrok. So you will need to upgrade your ngrok subscription for WhatsApp to start validating. You can read about it here. Try using Cloudflare tunnel.

Snaplogic REST POST Snap: Failing with SSL error

I am trying to post a simple json to our backend api through REST POST snap. Everything was working. And then we changed the url to a new url and I updated the url in the snap.
But now request is simply not reaching our new api server.
In fact, the snaplogic pipeline also completes successfully, with all snaps turning green. Only when I click on the properties of pipeline, I get to know that REST POST snap has failed, with attached screenshot error.
Please note that we are able to reach the new api server via postman or any other rest client. Nothing has changed at all except for the url.
Can you please help me understand, what exactly is going wrong and where? How to debug this?
Just for everyone's reference, I was able to find out the root cause.
Reason was that the api url was not accessible to snaplogic pod running in our enterprise because of Zscaler firewall.
The confusing part here was the error message returned which says "SSL issue, connection was reset". So if you see issue saying "Connection was reset", assume that snaplogic is unable to access the url as the first problem. Only after making sure, it is not the case, go and look for what exactly the error says.

A third party application may be attempting to make unauthorized access to your account - Ameritrade

I was trying to do some simple authorization for ameritrade's developer platform. I was attempting.
According to the platform, the Endpoint I need to access is is:{uri}&client_id={client_id}}%40AMER.OAUTHAP
When looking at the client_id, for the dev application, I was noticing that they may actually be referencing the Applications, Consumer Key instead? So i did just that, but when attempting to query the information, it returns: A third-party application may be attempting to make unauthorized access to your account. The reason why i think it is the consumer key, is listed at:
So I ended up doing something like:
from urllib.parse import urlencode, quote_plus
url = "{uri}&client_id={client_id}}%40AMER.OAUTHAP".format(
uri=urlencode("http://localhost", quote_via=quote_plus),
I dont think this is because I am currently in a different country currently, I think that something else is wrong here.
It doesnt follow through with it, but instead returns a 400 error with that information. Im not sure whats wrong though.
This happens when you copied the callback URI incorrectly. Imagine if this were a client application, and TD detected that the application is trying to send the user to a different URL than the app is configured with. If they send the callback request to that application, it will receive the token and gain full control over your account.
Have you double and triple checked that you're copying the callback URL correctly, protocol name, ports, and trailing slashes and everything? Also, consider using an API library instead of writing your own. You can find documentation about this specific error here.
I had this issue and I solved it using simply using on the call back URI of the App.
I then used below URL and it worked as expected.{MyConsumerKey}%40AMER.OAUTHAP
Just in case anyone is still having this problem, make sure the callback URI is spelled EXACTLY the same as you specified when creating the app. I was having this problem because I set the callback on the TD developer website to "https://localhost/" and used "https://localhost" in the URL instead (missing the slash at the end). As soon as I added the slash at the end, it worked.
I found out that the issue is caused by the way the callback URL is set. It have to be exactly the same as the callback URL you have typed in at the apps details on the TD developer API page. I tried several permutations and indeed to get the authorization to work both have to be the same. eg. https or http.. end with '/' or does not, it matters. There is also no need to URL encode it.

How to fetch device location from action-on-google

I'm using nodejs as a webhook for fetching the current location of user but constantly getting that error Webhook call failed. Error: 500 Internal Server Error in dialogflow response, here some screen shots.
Thank you.enter image description here
From your code, there are a number of things going on which could be causing issues. It isn't clear which one is actually causing the problem.
First, your use of libraries. It looks like you're trying to import the version 1 libraries for both the Action SDK and the (legacy) ApiAi interface, but not using them. If you are using the latest version of actions-on-google (you don't show your package.json), these will fail.
You also seem to be trying to use DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION, but this isn't defined anywhere. Although this mirrors the name of a permission, this variable doesn't automatically get populated.
While this isn't causing the error, it also looks like you're doing this as part of the welcome intent, but in order to get the location, you must explicitly request permission to get the location from Google.

Python: adding comments to specific cell using Drive API

I am trying to automate some simple updating of a Google spreadsheet and I'm using the gspread library to do so. One task that is critical and not currently supported by gspread is the ability to add comments to a specific cell (there's an open issue for this and even a gist solution but I was getting a 404 error when trying to use it).
I know that the Google Drive API (v3) supports adding comments as described here, but I'm having issues with authenticating and could use some help.
What I have/know:
I have already setup the OAuth 2.0 and registered for the API through Google, as well as have the client_secret.json in my directory, but my knowledge of web requests and responses is limited so going through the Drive API documentation hardly makes sense. I know in order to create the comments I will have to make use of anchors and specify the cell location using column/row numbers.
What I'm stuck on:
When using the Google API Explorer, I'm getting a 400 error with the message: The 'fields' parameter is required for this method. How can I make the POST request using my authentication? I think from there I'd be able to actually add the comments myself.
I'm getting a 400 error with the message: The 'fields' parameter is required for this method
The error is asking for a property which you want returned (these properties are listed in Drive API files resource).
You can just place ' * ' to indicate you want it to return a complete response. That's the quick fix.
