Who make estimations on Agile for Developement tasks? [closed] - agile

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Closed 3 years ago.
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We are supposed to follow agile approach in my team.We have a Scrum master, Product owner, proxy product owner and team of devs, I am a dev.
During Poker, we need to make estimations on developpement tasks. From what I know about Agile, only devs can give estimations, in our case, Scrum master and Product owner want us to follow their estimations (they have some pression with clients) so when we estimate a task to 5 days, they do not like it, even if we have explainations why 5. And in general (99% of time) they ask re-estimation and kind of "force" us to change our estimation to 2.
The worst part is that they even do not know what they are talking about, sometimes we even have half of specifications !
My question is : According to Agile, is it true that Dev tasks estimation are done only by devs, right ?

You are right. The scrum master's role is there to facilitate the meeting, not take part in the meeting by estimating. You are correct. Estimation is only done by the dev team.
Instead of arguing with agile principles I would do a more constructive way to approach this by writing down two estimates: the dev team's estimation and the other estimation by the scrum master and product owner and when the ticket is done look at how much time it actually took. There can be learnings in there for the dev team as well, but much more learning for your scrum master and the product owner.
Sounds like a lot of pressure.

According to Scrum the final estimate is made by people who do the work:
The Development Team is responsible for all estimates. The Product
Owner may influence the Development Team by helping it understand and
select trade-offs, but the people who will perform the work make the
final estimate.
Maybe point your Scrum Master to the Scrum guide ;-)
The nice thing of work is it takes the amount of time it takes, doesn't really matter if it is a 2 or a 5. If they influence all the work the same you probably will have a stable velocity. Just don't take days estimates as how many days the work will take, suggested is to estimate in relative sizes, not days.

My question is : According to Agile, is it true that Dev tasks estimation are done only by devs, right ?
If you go to the literature of classic scrum the scrum planning meeting is cleft in half (by a mighty sword).
During first half the product owner presents backlog items for the team which are candidates for the upcoming sprint. The backlog items already have estimates on them (in story points) produced by the whole team (not only the product owner) during the refinement/backlog grooming meeting. The team decides on how much work to commit to by looking at velocity from previous sprints and by consulting their gut feeling.
During the second half of the of the meeting the team breaks down the backlog items into tasks and, when appropriate, sets estimation of time of respective task.
If this is a good process or not is very context specific, so I leave it to you to decide...
The purpose of estimation is to get a good prognoses of scoop for future releases. It's a tool for the product owner when prioritizing and for managing expectation towards the stakeholders. If your PO thinks he/she can get more features by manipulating the estimates, they are up for a surprise down the line.


Best way to modify my sprint [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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let me paint for you the scenario in question:
I'm working through my weekly sprint using Trello. My board:
is up-to-date. Alas! Here comes a new business-critical feature requirement (e.g. Dancing hamster animation). I'm only 2 days into my sprint! Which of these options do I do!?
drop what I'm doing, add Critical feature to sprint and start working on it immediately
drop what I'm doing and make room for new Critical feature by moving other cards (aka pieces of work) into next week's sprint. Start working on critical feature.
tell the product owner that my sprint is locked and I'll add it to my next sprint
exclaim "Hey! where's my scrum master, he's supposed to shield me from this!" (This is a joke, we are 3 developers and don't have a scrum master).
Currently we implement option 2. This way the sprint remains a manageable unit of work, with a defined release date. After the sprint has finished we (the dev team) will review the sprint and follow up with the business team to see if we can avoid this situation going forwards.
Which option "is the best" or do most people recommend? I know it depends on your implementation of agile and kanban and scrum and all that but I'm looking for the best way for us to handle sprint modifications.
Please be gentle, we're learning agile methodologies. Please don't be overly dogmatic since this approach is called "agile" - not everyone has to do it in the same way.
Many thanks!
This is going to be highly opinionated, but #2 is what I end up doing most of the time. However, it also depends on your release cycle. If you're releasing at the end of the sprint and need this in, then it takes precedence over what was already scheduled.
Scrum idealists will say #3 is the right answer. It's not the wrong answer, but it also negatively impacts your working capabilities w/ the product owner.
Scrum is a team activity. The delivery team works with the Product Owner to deliver maximum value to the organisation as effectively as possible.
If the Product Owner wishes to introduce a business-critical feature to a sprint then the delivery team will usually work together with them to make it happen. However, a number of things need to be kept in mind:
Is the newly introduced story ready to be introduced to the sprint? Are there any unknowns about the work? Is there any preperation needed before the work is started?
Will the newly introduced story significantly impact on the planning for the sprint? If it will, it may well be worth the Product Owner aborting the sprint and calling a new planning meeting. This isn't ideal, but it can and does happen (particularly with organisations new to Scrum).
The impact of the late change to requirements should be raised as a discussion at the team's retrospective. Is there anything that can be done to avoid this situation happening in the future? Perhaps the sprint length is too long to accomodate the rate of change in the organisation?

What are the issues for a developer being a part of multiple scrums? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am working in 2 scrums as a developer, and it is difficult get anything done - I wanted to ask if other people have had the same issue and what did they do to manage their work?
It does not seem an agile way to work at all.
The problem is one of commitment. As a team you commit to your peers at the sprint planning meeting and each daily scrum what you will all accomplish together. If you have another team, that undermines that commitment naturally, it also inflates your WIP and causes task switching and the additional overhead of the ceremonies for two teams.
Why are you on both teams? The usual answers are: domain knowledge, skill set, because we only have one QA (insert any discipline there), funding/allocation, etc.
I fundamentally believe that your team will not have a reliable, predictable team until you form your teams in a way that you can commit to your team mates.
Report your situation as an impediment to the scrum master(s) and commit yourself only to the work you think you can achieve until this impediment is solved (by the scrum master(s)). It is not a contest on who commits to the most work done and then not achieving it.
I rather think this is a discipline issue. If you are following you need have scrum disciplines. What happens is when you are a shared resource, there will be switching cost and productivity loss. If you still want to follow this, you need to take actions to reduce switching cost and increase productivity.
One thing that you can defined dates where you are going to work on. Ex: first three days you are in one project and next two days your are in other project. If you define like that, then you can plan work to increase productivity and reduce switching cost.
Another thing is that reduce the participation time on stand ups and sprint planning. Make sure to prioritize your areas and discuss and then you leave those ceremonies than staying for the entire meeting. this is a responsibility of the scrum master to plan.
Working in multiple teams is possible, but each team needs to be considerate and accept they are only going to get 50% (or just under) of your time.
When planning, don't over commit, look at how many story points you can roughly achieve in a sprint and only commit to 50% of that total for each team.
Try splitting your time into Team A's work in the morning and Team B's in the afternoon. Each team will then know when you are available to them and should try (unless urgent) not to disturb you when you are not doing their work.
Have dedicated times for planning, standups and try to get the team to stick to these so you are not double booked.
The scrum master (or any elected person) for each team could also consider having a scrum of scrums where they get together and quickly discuss how things are going in the same way as a normal scrum so that they understand what pressures you are under.
However you mange this, you will get less actual work done than being in one team due to the commitments such as planning, standups, retrospectives which agile introduces.

How to handle "tickets" during sprint planning [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I work within an agile team.
We have a released product and we are still working towards a future release.
Every sprint we receive anywhere from 0 to 5 tickets to fix bugs in the released product.
Our team is composed of software engineers (to handle new development) and maintenance software engineers ( to handle tickets).
My question is how do you account for the maintenance hours during sprint planning.
Currently we have a story called maintenance buffer where we allocate some hours to solve tickets. And we sort of use it as a buffer, so in sprints where we receive no tickets we use the hours in the buffer for development work.
I feel this is not a good agile way to do things, any suggestion?
The approach you have mentioned is also covered by Mike Cohn in Should Story Points Be Assigned to the Agile Defect Story?, where he writes:
Sometimes teams write a user story for this activity such as: “As a
user, I want at least 15 bugs fixed” or, “As a user, I want you to
spend about 50 hours this sprint fixing bugs so that the application
becomes gradually more high quality.” Even a team that doesn't
explicitly write such a user story will usually include a row on its
taskboard to make the agile defects and bug fixing visible, and to
track it.
You currently have a story called maintenance buffer where you allocate some hours to solve tickets which is something similar to what is stated in Mike Cohn's article where he recommends to assign points to bug fixing the agile defects.
There could be other options too, like
Setting some time for bug-fixing in each sprint. It could be a set time of the day/week when every team member deals with bugs.
Including each bug in the same sprint backlog by considering them as a partially implemented feature. This is discussed by Mark Summer in Managing Bugs in Scrum.
What to do in case of emergencies / hotfixes?
You need to assess the criticality and the effort required to fix that urgent bug. It is up to the Product Owner to decide if the team drops everything and starts working on the hotfix. Reason being that the customer always comes first and if the delivered product is not providing the expected value then there is no use of adding more features to an incomplete product. No framework / methodology stops you from handling exceptional cases or dictates you to ignore critical issues. So the current sprint can be cancelled or if the hotfix can be handled by one (or some) members of the team then a feature or bug, from the current sprint, can be swapped with the urgent bugfix.
In words of Geoff Watts from Production Support and Scrum:
If the issue is a true emergency, the Product Owner should have the
authority to play the “emergency card,” as long as he is aware of the
costs of doing so— not completing the items we planned to and,
potentially, jeopardizing the sprint goal.
The Product Owner can exercise any of the 3 options:
Add the urgent defect to the backlog because he/she has decided that the current sprint goal has higher priority
Add the urgent defect to the current sprint because it is critical enough which could even jeopardize the sprint goal
Cancel the current sprint, do the hotfix, and then start a new sprint after that
In brief, I'd raise bug(s) as a Product Backlog Item (PBI) and prioritise them against other PBI's in the Product Backlog. This way, you can always be sure that the most important things are done first.
Part of the unwritten contract of Scrum is that the business agrees not to interrupt the Development Team. This is partly how they can improve performance.
If you get a hot/urgent ticket that CANNOT wait for the duration of a Sprint, you need to convince the Product Owner who would then negotiate with the Development Team for the best way to introduce the hot item.
However, this would need to be an exception, rather than the rule. If, as you imply, you get a lot of bugs to fix, I'd be tempted to run the maintenance / defect fixing with a separate team using KanBan, rather than Scrum.
I agree with you that this is not a good agile way to do things! The question to ask is - is your real objective to plan for maintenance hours or to ensure that your team is optimally utilized working on both user stories and defects while turning out quality code on a continuous basis, including defect fixes?
I would go one step further from what Derek has suggested - and use Kanban AND Scrum together - Scrumban is increasingly catching on! Since you have said you may have 0 to 5 defects in any sprint, clearly your 'failure demand' is variable and so is the need for your 'maintenance engineers' capacity. What do they do when there are 0 or 1 or 2 defects? I presume they also contribute to the 'value demand' - new user stories.
This is where Kanban shines. While the actual design of your Kanban board will need to be analyzed by your team, you can potentially start with a simple 2 swim-lane board that mirrors your current process for doing your work. A simple example is shown below -
Here, you have all your engineers available for working in either lanes. As work flows in, depending on who is free to take it up - and CAN take it up - they pull work in and work on it. You still batch things for the sprint at Staging - and deploy the batch at one go.
Alternately, you might have completely separate lanes for User Stories and Defects -
Here again, all your engineers work on items in both lanes. However, you have the flexibility to deploy defect fixes as soon as they are fixed and accepted by the customer (if applicable). With your value demand, you continue to follow the same process as you are now and deploy when each sprint is done.
The advantages of either of these approaches are -
You get a bigger pool of people to work on either situation.
You potentially get faster response times, better SLA performance, on defects.
You get a happier team where everyone gets to work on new stuff. Most engineers don't want to be 'maintenance' guys :-)
Of course, this is just based on basic analysis. If you are not familiar with Kanban or Scrumban, you should read books by David Anderson (Kanban) and papers by Corey Ladas (Scrumban) and several others like Yuval Yeret, Jim Benson, Masa Maeda and prepare yourself better. You can also connect with us at www.swiftkanban.com and we can certainly help as well.
Hope this helps!

Sprint to the finish: how to keep all team-members busy in the final days of a Scrum sprint? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Given that the tasks in a specific sprint will not divide perfectly into the team, and all finish on the same date, what do you do to keep everyone working as the sprint moves into its final stages?
Inevitably it seems like there will be one or two people freed-up. If all the other tasks are done-done, and the remaining tasks are already underway, then what?
Do those team-members pick up items from the top of the product backlog, as they are likely to be needed in the next sprint anyways to get a head start?
What do you or your teams do?
My teams have always picked items up from the backlog, starting with the highest-priority items that can fit in the remaining time.
If nothing quite fits that criteria (as when there's only half a day left and/or no small stories to pick up), consider paying down some technical debt.
Scrum is done by teams.
If some people are done, they can help other members of their team.
They can also help their team by getting a head start on the next sprint.
They can also do some exploration of new technology, if that would help the team.
Or they could brush up their own skills, if that would help the team.
They could create training materials to help other members of the team improve their skills.
That's a team decision.
Pay down Technical Debt
Do anything that the team thinks should be done but doesn't belong on a card because there's no visible business value. Some people have called these tasks "technical stories". They tend to be things you should have done before Sprint 0, but didn't. Examples include adding of these that you don't already have to the build:
a Continous Integration server
a test coverage tool
static analysis tools
One thing I recommend is looking up future tasks and doing some detailed planning for estimates. This is non trivial and will take some time. Another is to scope of a new large scale project that can be broken into tasks and entered in product backlog.
Refactoring, writing unit-tests, improvement skills.
(...) what do you do to keep everyone working as the sprint moves into its final stages?
Nothing, I expect a self-organized team to find out this by themselves. And there are many options (by order of importance):
Help other members of the team to finish their stories (achieving the goal of the sprint is the most important, the whole team succeed or fail at this, not individuals).
Prepare a kick-ass demo.
Pick up a story from the backlog that can be done-done before the end of the sprint (i.e. not always the next highest priority items but something that fit in terms of size).
Repay technical debt if you have some.
Document things if this make sense.
Explore new things (tools, frameworks, testing techniques, etc) that may be useful for the team.
While it may seem obvious for team members to move on to the next highest items in the product backlog, I would advise against starting with this.
First and foremost, the teams' obligation is to achieving the sprint goal, so anything they can do to work towards that must come first (e.g. helping out testing, chipping in where possible, etc.).
Next, the team should look at expanding their definition of "done". Perhaps it currently doesn't include testing, or doesn't include some form of code review. Most teams starting with Scrum do not start with a definition of done that truly has a product increment that is ready to ship, so now would be the team to move towards that.
As others have mentioned, what tools do you need setup in order to get closer to a shippable state? Continuous integration? Automated acceptance tests? Now is the time to add these things.
Likely, you also have areas of the code that existed before you moved to Scrum and thus don't have very good test coverage or have accumulated technical debt. Now's the time to pay that off.
Also, as Mike Cohn suggests in his book Succeeding with Agile teams may want to reserve roughly 10% of their time for some look ahead planning. This may involve having a meeting with the Product Owner to discuss some up and coming stories for future sprints, breaking down larger stories into smaller ones, or for designers, perhaps doing some wire frames or mock-ups for upcoming stories.
Once you've gotten to this state, only then should you consider continuing on with the product backlog.
When there are team members that have completed there task early and find themselfs unoccupied there are a few things that can be done.
Make sure that estimation can be improved so hence planning can be improved. In doing this, bare in mind this estimation is very subjective. (However in my view underestimation is a situation we do not want to be in).
The scrum master has to bring in an ethos to the team of "Forwarding thinking"; improvements in oneself, in team productivity and the product or business the team is working on.
2.1. Try help out other team members task where possible to get stories Done (DOD) in the the sprint.
This could be pair work (pair programming)
As a programmer fixing other peoples bugs
etc etc
2.2. Try to help the scrum-master with other stories in he backlog. Check if any small story can be completed within the capacity of sprint making sure of it Impact to the sprint.
2.3. Work on research where there is a story in the backlog which is unclear. Do research on this story. Here a new story can be created with the emphasis on delivering research results. This story should be 0 points. programming prototyping etc can be done on the developers local PC without it being checked in.
2.4. Develop ones own skill either in there functional area (programming, testing etc) or the domain area.
The idea is a team that is performing. Each team member is dedicated to the goals of the team. So if you find yourself free...forward think how can i help the goals of the team.

Is our agile plan standard? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
We have been trying Scrum but for a while now and are trying to formalize it within as our own version of Agile Application Development. Here's how our current process works. There are two main drawbacks to it as it stands right now. Wanted to get input on whether you have a similar approach and if the community has any practical tips for the impediments we currently have.
Scrum team = 4 Developers, 2 QA, 1 Tech Writer, 1 PO(PM), 1 Scrum Master (Engg Dir)
Release = 3 Sprints
Sprint = 2 weeks
PO and customers create product backlog of user stories and related acceptance criteria.
1 week Sprint planning at the start of each iteration
Day 1# Estimate the Sprint backlog and agree on priority
Day 2-5# Scrum team discuss stories and work on the details of each story in the Sprint backlog (get the details on the story, process flows if any, identify UE guidelines to apply, details for UI items/fields/widgets and their behavior if anything specific is required, understand acceptance criteria and create tests)
2 week Sprint with 15 min daily scrum
Repeat 3 week cycle
The two major drawbacks we're having in this are:
The details that are discussed in the spring planning week are not captured effectively and get noted on a wiki. Since there is no standard format for capturing such details in Scrum, often time is wasted in daily scrum or subsequent meetings are required to further understand story details. Whats the best way of capturing story details for a functionally fairly complex product in sprint planning? Most of the issues seem to be around UI and developers inability to decide how screens/fields should be laid out without detailed mocks.
How do you anticipate critical showstopper bugs that come back from customers when team is in a sprint cycle. Currently the Dev folks have to be pulled away into supporting these Red Account issues that crop up thus disrupting the sprint.
Any inputs on how we can improve this?
There is no "standard" Agile plan. Plans aren't important.. planning is. What i mean by that is adapt your plan regularly to reflect ground realities. Formulating a plan, having it blessed by the powers to be and then strapping on developers hasn't worked traditionally.
Sprint planning shouldn't go over a day if I'm not mistaken. One of the key ideas of scrum is that you don't spend too much time planning. If they do, stop and reconvene when you have better clarity.. dont trudge on.
Get prioritized set of stories from customer ~3 hrs
developers huddle to estimate ~3 hrs
show estimates and let customers change their bucket to reflect business needs (within sprint quota) ~rem time.
Documenting decisions:
Get a good scribe? Someone who can type away as fast as 4 people talk.. get the core statements/decisions in a high-visibility area like a chart.. or a wiki.. whatever works for you
UX Study:
Try to pipeline UX work. Make sure the UX people have already worked UI Details,Mock screens, workflows, etc. by the time the devs get to it. UX is working on stories for Iteration n+1 when the devs are working on iteration n. A bit difficult but can be done if UX is causing a lot of "thrashing" for you.
One approach is to make all bugs as regular backlog items for the next iteration. Get Customer buy-in on which ones need to go in during sprint planning.
If that is not feasible, Trend bug-inflows, rate of fixing and plan for it. Keep x days marked away for the fix-on-demand devs dedicated for these requests.
Scope for improvement:
You need a dedicated person in the "customer" role (or coach/BA who can front for the customer) that the developers can get in touch with on a real-time basis. Daily scrum meetings should be timeboxed to 30 mins and shouldn't include story "clarifications". Stick to the 3 questions - What did you do yesterday? What are you doing today? Any obstacles you need help with?
The dev or sub-team in charge of a specific story should work with the Customer/Front in case of doubts while they are working on the specific task. They are responsible for extracting out the details as part of the development effort. They can request for help from other devs who have worked in related areas too if that helps. Work together with the customer to stay on the right track.
Yep. I noted that nowhere in your process were the developers listening / talking to the actual end users. This is a recipe for failure. You cannot expect your "PO" to catch all the nuances that the actual users will express.
Developers must talk to the end users. The PO should be there as well, to document what was discovered. This is the biggest problem I see in most development projects, separation of developers from users.
Why are you sprint planning meetings a week long? The goal of sprint planning is to get just enough detail to feel comfortable as a team with the features you can get done and commit to doing them. This usually takes less than a day (~4 hours). The actual implementation details are discovered just in time by the devs during the sprint. That is why it is so important that they have access to the PO and the users. If you are asking where to capture the details, then you are designing to much in the planning meeting. The details should go directly into code during the sprint as they are worked out.
What would be a showstopper? The PO sees the progress at the end of each sprint (2 weeks) and then decides if the business value is enough to warrant a release. If there were any critical issues then the PO would probably not release that sprint. Hopefully you can get your PO and maybe users to look at the product on a daily basis as features are completed and thus reduce the probability of issues at the end of a sprint.
