Azure LogicApp Metrics - azure

I have a LogicApp which runs for every 2 minutes. All runs in this LogicApp has failed between 4:45pm to 5:00pm.
when I check for the metric Run Failure Percentage under 'Metrics' in the Azure portal with time granularity as 15 minutes and aggregation as Average, it shows me Run Failure Percentage as 114.29% for time window 4:45 pm to 5:00 pm.
My question is, how the metric value is calculated? shouldn't it be less than 100 for percentage?


How to configure an Azure alert for the max cpu held over x time period

I currently have an alert that triggers on average cpu over 80% over the last 15 minutes. However, we have instances that stay over 100% for hours or days while others are very look leaving the average under 80%. I want to find those instances that are higher than 80% for an extended period of time. But what I don't want is a spike and using the max seems only do just that, spend out alerts for spikes and not constants. Anyway I can get such an alert configured?

TTL configuration and billing in Azure Integration Runtime

Doing some tests, I could see that having an Azure Integration Runtime (AIR) allowed us to reduce considerably the amount of time required to finish a pipeline.
To fully understand the use of this configuration and its billing as well, I've got these questions. Let's assume I've got two independent pipelines, all of their Data Flow activities use the same AIR with a TTL = 10 minutes.
The first pipeline takes 7 minutes to finish. The billing will be (if I understand well):
billing: time to acquire cluster + job execution time + TTL (7 + 10)
Five minutes later, I trigger the second pipeline. It will take only 3 minutes to finish (I understand it will also use the same pool as the first one). After it concludes, the TTL is setting up to 10 minutes again or is equal to 2 minutes
10 - 5 -3 (original TTL - start time second pipe - runtime second pipe), in this case, what will happen if I trigger a third pipeline that could take more than 2 minutes?
What about the billing, how is it going to be calculated?
Look at the ADF pipeline monitoring view and find all of your data flow activity executions.
Add up that total data flow activity execution time.
Now add the TTL value for that Azure IR you were using to that total.
That is the total time you will be billed.

azure what is Time Aggregation Max or AVG

I am using SQL Azure SQL Server for my App. My app was in was working perfectly till recently and the MAX dtu usage has been 100% but the AVG DTU usage ois around 50%.
Which value should i monitor to scale the services, MAX or AVG?
I found on the net after lots of searching:
CPU max/min and average within that 1 minute. As 1 minute (60 seconds) is the finest granularity, if you chose for example max, if the CPU has touched 100% even for 1 second, it will be shown 100% for that entire minute. Perhaps the best is to use the Average. In this case the average CPU utilization from 60 seconds will be shown under that 1 minute metric.
which sorta helped me with what it all meant, but thanks to bradbury9 too for your input.

Azure DocumentDB minimum billing time

DcoumentDB has a minimum billing time of 1 hour.
How much would the following cost?
I create a collection (400Ru/s) at time 01:00
I upgrade the collection 1000Ru/s to a total of 1400Ru/s at time 01:30
I downgrade the collection back to 400Ru/s at time 02:15
I delete the collection at 02:45
Will I be charged 400Ru/s for 2 hours + 1000Ru/s for 1 hour
Will I be charged 400Ru/s + 1000Ru/s for 2 hours?
I ask as it would depend on how the billing clock works, I could see it being the latter as I was at 1400Ru/s at 01:00 & 02:00 hours. Although I only used the upgrade for less than 1 hour.
Great question! Based on the FAQs provided here, you will be charged for 1400RU/s for both hours. If I am understanding the FAQs correctly, you will be charged the maximum RU/s provisioned in a clock hour (i.e. between 1:00 and 2:00, 2:00 and 3:00 etc.)
From the documentation link:
What if my container is active for less than an hour?
You are billed the flat rate for each hour the container exists,
regardless of usage or if the container is active for less than an
hour. For example, if you create a container and delete it 5 minutes
later, your bill will reflect a charge for 1 unit hour.
When does the billing rate change after I upgrade a container?
If you define your own performance for a container and you upgrade at
9:30AM from 400 RUs to 1,000 RUs and downgrade at 10:45AM back to 400
RUs, you will be charged for two hours of 1,000 RUs.

Azure alert not working

Does anyone know why my Azure alert isn't working? I've created an alert using response time as the metric and 5 seconds as the threshold, 15 minutes as the evaluation window.
As you can see in the linked image, the response time has been above 30 seconds for most of the previous 2 hours but there are no alerts.
Because that's below for less than 15 minutes (the evaluation window).
