I need to create a custom component that either extend or include a Primefaces SelectOneMenu. This is done so that I can deliver the select items based on the field (for now, they are hardcoded in the example below and the tag is properly registered).
The component is rendered and the select items are also displayed fine. However, when I save, the record's field is not updated with the selected item's value. Is there some primeface method I should override to actually set the value?
Are there any tutorials on how to extend primeface (or atleast jsf) components? I could hardly find any. Thank you in advance
#FacesComponent(value = ComponentRegistry.INPUT_SELECTDROPDOWN_COMPONENT_TYPE)
public class InputSelectDropdown extends SelectOneMenu {
public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
this.setValueExpression("value", this.getValueExpression("value"));
UISelectItem select1 = new UISelectItem();
select1.setItemLabel("item 1");
UISelectItem select2 = new UISelectItem();
select2.setItemLabel("item 2");
I'm building the content of a p:slideMenu by binding the value to a MenuModel in a backing bean. This is necessary because the content is generated dynamically based on the result of a database query. Using
public class BackingBeanView0 implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private MenuModel menuModel = new DynamicMenuModel();
private void init() {
DefaultMenuItem menuItem = new DefaultMenuItem("Click me!",
null, //icon
"/index.xhtml" //url
menuItem.setCommand("#{backingBeanView0.onMenuItemClick('Hello world!')}");
[getter and setter for menuModel]
public void onMenuItemClick(String message) {
System.out.println(BackingBeanView0.class.getName()+" message: "+message);
as recommended by #Melloware (this does not show the need to create the model in the backing bean) causes backingBeanView0.onMenuItemClick to be not invoked
to be displayed with a delay for a few seconds. Moving the wanted backing bean method to a view scoped bean doesn't change this behavior.
The onXXX properties for Javascript callbacks on DefaultMenuItem can't be used to trigger a method in a backing bean afaik. I noticed that the command property in DefaultMenuItem isn't used in the Primefaces source code and it is not documented in the Primefaces 6.2 user guide.
I'm providing a SSCCE at https://gitlab.com/krichter/primefaces-menuitem-bean-callback. It doesn't contain more information than the MCVE above and merely exists to ease the investigation of the problem.
I'm using Primefaces 6.2.
I think I know what you are asking. In the example below, I call the bean controller method myController.changeAccount and I also provide an OnComplete Javascript callback as if I built the menu in XHTML.
final DefaultMenuItem item = new DefaultMenuItem(bean.getLongName());
item.setCommand("#{myController.changeAccount('" + bean.getShortName() + "')}");
item.setOncomplete("melloware.handleAccountChange(xhr, status, args);");
DefaultMenuItem menuItem = new DefaultMenuItem("Click me!",
null, //icon
"/index.xhtml" //url
DefaultMenuItem menuItem = new DefaultMenuItem("Click me!");
You cannot combine a "URL" parameter and an Action command in the same menuitem it uses the URL first. If you need to send to a new location have your Command simply return that as a string and you will navigate to that page for example:
public String onMenuItemClick(String message) {
System.out.println(BackingBeanView0.class.getName()+" message: "+message);
return "/index.xhtml";
I need to add a component (UIParameter) to a HtmlCommandLink component dinamically through a Phase Listener.
What I want to achieve is that every element <h:link outcome="out"> renders as <a href="out_url_parsed + ?param=paramvalue">.Where "param" is my component.
I've tried using this
private void addElement(final PhaseEvent event, final Class clazz, final UIComponent component) {
final FacesContext fcontext = event.getFacesContext();
UIViewRoot root = fcontext.getViewRoot();
if (root == null) {
root.visitTree(new FullVisitContext(fcontext), new VisitCallback() {
public VisitResult visit(VisitContext context, UIComponent target) {
if (clazz.isInstance(target)) {
LOGGER.info("Element Found");
UIParameter parameter = new UIParameter();
return VisitResult.ACCEPT;
But it's not working. The element is actually found on the tree but the UIParameter does not render.
I've found that the UIViewRoot only has child elements after RENDER_RESPONSE phase. So i think this is why my added element is not rendered at the end of the process.
I'm sure I can add this param editing the views but I don't want to do that since it must be present on all h:link in the application and must be present on any other new added too. So I consider this as a better approach to avoid missing tags
On a similar case I've managed to add input hidden elements to every form on view with this code...
HtmlInputHidden hiddenToken = new HtmlInputHidden();
root.addComponentResource(event.getFacesContext(), hiddenToken,"form");
But it doesn't work on anchor tags
There are several mistakes:
You want to add a parameter to a HtmlCommandLink component which represents <h:commandLink>, but you're giving an example with <h:link>, which is represented by HtmlOutcomeTargetLink. What exactly do you want?
A PhaseListener on beforePhase() of RENDER_RESPONSE may be too late on GET requests which would only build the view for the first time during render response. At the moment your PhaseListener runs, the UIViewRoot would have no children at all. You'd better hook on view build time instead. For that, a SystemEventListener on PostAddToViewEvent is the best suitable.
You're setting the parameter name as an id instead of name. Use UIParameter#setName() instead of UIParameter#setId().
Provided that you actually meant to add them to <h:link> components, then here's a kickoff example how you can achieve that with a SystemEventListener.
public class YourSystemEventListener implements SystemEventListener {
public boolean isListenerForSource(Object source) {
return source instanceof HtmlOutcomeTargetLink;
public void processEvent(SystemEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException {
UIParameter parameter = new UIParameter();
((UIComponent) event.getSource()).getChildren().add(parameter);
(if you actually want to apply them on <h:commandLink> as well, just extend the isListenerForSource() check with a || source instanceof HtmlCommandLink)
In order to get it to run, register it as follows in faces-config.xml:
I have a "new item" form that requires a list of dates, with the following components:
A <rich:calendar> input;
A <a4j:commandButton> that adds the chosen date to a List<Date> chosenDates in the backing bean;
A <rich:dataTable> with it's value set to the List<Date> chosenDates attribute;
A <a4j:commandButton> per dataTable row that removes it's date from theList<Date> chosenDates;
How to validate (JSF's validation phase) the size of the chosenDates list on form submit (creation process)?
RichFaces 4, JSF 2.1 (Mojarra).
I'd advise a cleaner approach with a JSF PhaseListener. The JSF processing will stop skip ahead the other phases if validation fails. Create a PhaseListener that will inspect the size of your list during the validations phase as against during the model update/invoke action phase. Try something like this
Create a phase listener for the validations phase
public class TestPhaseListener implements PhaseListener {
public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent event) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void beforePhase(PhaseEvent event) {
FacesContext ctx = event.getFacesContext();
YourBeanClass theBeanClass = ctx.getApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(ctx, "#{someBean}", YourNeanClass.class); //obtain a reference to the backing bean containing the list
inspect the size of the list here and based on that throw the exception below
throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("Too many dates","Too Many Dates"));
public PhaseId getPhaseId() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
Register your new listener in the faces_config.xml file
EDIT: Based on your comment, as an alternative, you can hook into the component's lifecycle using the <f:event/> tag and the preValidate or postValidate events (depending on your preference)
A listener tag to your component
<f:event type="preValidate" listener="#{yourBean.listener}"/>
Define a listener method in your backing bean to run per your defined event. The method signature must take an argument of type ComponentSystemEvent
public void preCheck(ComponentSystemEvent evt){
//You're in your backing bean so you can do pretty much whatever you want. I'd advise you mark the request as validation failed and queue FacesMessages. Obtain a reference to FacesContext and:
Do something like:
I suppose you have a getter called getChosenDates which returns the chosenDates list.
Regarding your "validation concerns":
You can create a Validate method in your bean and return list of ValidationMessages. A sample is below, one that i used in my code.
public List<ValidationMessage> validate() {
List<ValidationMessage> validations = new ArrayList<ValidationMessage>();
int curSampleSize = sampleTable.getDataModel().getRowCount();
if(getNumberOfSamples() != null) {
size += getNumberOfSamples();
} else {
validations.add(new ValidationMessage("Please enter the no of samples to continue."));
return validations;
return validations;
Then, on submit you can check if you have any ValidationMessages as follows:
List<ValidationMessage> errs = validate();
if(errs.size()>0) {
return null;
Hope this helps!
I have a problem when dynamically instantiating a PF 3.4.2 AutoComplete component.
The component intially renders ok, its value is refreshed on partial processing
but the suggestions are never displayed.
I am instantiating this control the following way :
AutoComplete ac = (AutoComplete) context.getApplication().createComponent(AutoComplete.COMPONENT_TYPE);
final String varName = "p";
ValueExpression ve = JSFUtils.createValueExpression("#{minContext.selected.sen}"), Sen.Type);
ac.setValueExpression("value", ve);
ValueExpression itemLabel = JSFUtils.createValueExpression("#{sc:senLibelle(p)}"), String.class);
ac.setValueExpression("itemLabel", itemLabel);
ValueExpression itemValue = JSFUtils.createValueExpression("#{" + varName + "}");
ac.setValueExpression("itemValue", itemValue);
MethodExpression completeMethod = JSFUtils.createMethodExpression("#{senUtils.completeAllSens}", List.class,new Class[]{String.class});
then adding it to parent control using
The parent component is a derivation of PF PanelGrid. I use this approach successfully to generate various edition panels and it works like a charm. But I can not figure why it does not with autoComplete.
The parent control looks like :
public class SenatDataTableEntryDetail extends PanelGrid {
/** Leaving renderer unchanged, so that PF renderer for PanelGrid is used.
public static final String SENAT_COMPONENT_FAMILY = "fr.senat.faces.components";
public static final String SENAT_COMPONENT_TYPE = SENAT_COMPONENT_FAMILY + ".SenatDataTableEntryDetail";
private enum PropertyKeys { mapper, bean; }
public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
public boolean getRendersChildren()
return true;
private Boolean isInitialized() {
return (Boolean)getStateHelper().eval(SENAT_INITIALIZED,false);
private void setInitialized(Boolean param) {
getStateHelper().put(SENAT_INITIALIZED, param);
private void addDynamicChildren(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
if(isInitialized()) {
/* components are instiated and added as children only once */
It just adds children to the panel grid.
The other aspects of custom component declaration (in taglib and so on) are ok.
The problem doest not seem to be in EL expressions, completeMethod definition, etc. If I include in my test xhtml page an instanciation of the p:autoComplete with the very same parameters, it just works as expected :
<p:autoComplete value="#{minContext.selected.sen}" forceSelection="true"
var="p" itemLabel="#{sc:senLibelle(p)}" itemValue="#{p}"
I noticed that the PF AutoComplete component is a bit special as it renders differently
when a query is detected. See AutoCompleteRenderer source code in http://primefaces.googlecode.com/files/primefaces-3.4.2.zip .
In the "dynamically instantiated" case, the decode method of this component is not called. I failed to find why those last days, but did not succeed.
I look forward for your suggestions on what to check to correct this annoying "bug".
So, the problem was in id generation (see the two comments).
The beginning of component instantiation becomes :
AutoComplete ac = (AutoComplete) context.getApplication().createComponent(AutoComplete.COMPONENT_TYPE);
ac.setId(...some application specific unique id generation...);
final String varName = "p";
This way, the naming container is properly taken in account on client id generation.
I have a jsf composite component implemented from two p:calendar components.
The idea is when the first calendar is selected, the value of the second calendar need to be reset. There is a problem when the validation takes place, and the reset of the second calendar is not performed.
After reading posts I decided to use EditableValueHolder in my validator.
I have custom validator: in which I added the following code:
public void validate(FacesContext fc, UIComponent uic, Object o) throws ValidatorException {
public void resetValues(FacesContext fc) {
PartialViewContext partialViewContext = fc.getPartialViewContext();
Collection<String> renderIds = partialViewContext.getRenderIds();
UIComponent input;
UIViewRoot viewRoot = fc.getViewRoot();
for (String renderId : renderIds) {
input = viewRoot.findComponent(renderId);
if (input.isRendered() && input instanceof EditableValueHolder) {
EditableValueHolder editableValueHolder = (EditableValueHolder) input;
After debug I can see that each code line is passed, but nothing is happening on jsf side.
This is not the right moment to reset the values. They will be overridden anyway for the current component after the validate() method leaves and also for the second calendar once it get validated. You need to perform the reset somewhere after the update model values phase, preferably before the invoke action phase, so that you've chance to change the model value in an action(listener) method. You could use an ActionListener or a PhaseListener for this.
By the way, the JSF utility library OmniFaces has a reuseable solution for this in flavor of ResetInputAjaxActionListener.