Azure Web App for Containers not setting Environment Variables - node.js

I have a docker image being deployed from Azure Container Registry. Everything works fine except that I expect to be able to
see environment variables being passed to my running docker image from the Application Settings configured in the portal. It is a Node app accessing environment variables with process.env.VariableName.
As an example its says here …
"App Settings are injected into your app as environment variables at runtime"
I have tried the following.
Setting Applications Settings in the Azure Portal. These are supposed to get passed to the running Docker image as per the documentation but process.env.VariableName in my Node application is not set.
I have tried using a Docker compose file that sets the environment variables but again process.env.VariableName is empty.
I have even updated the VSTS build arguments passing the Variable to my Docker file on build which in turn sets the environment variable. Again no variable passed to the running Docker image.
My conclusion is that custom environment variables are not allowed in Azure Web App for Containers?
Am I doing something wrong?

As per the documentation the app settings are injected into the process as environment variables, however the environment variable name is prefixed with APPSETTING_, so in your Node application you would need to access the app setting with process.env.APPSETTING_VariableName.


How to pass environment variables during program runtime for docker container in azure

I have my connection string inside a .env file, which I don't commit into the git repo. And I have my app up and running on Azure.
So the way my app works is, when I push my code to Github, Azure Container Registry will build the image on the committed code, and then Azure App Service is going to pull and build a container for my app.
So my question is, how do I pass that connection string to the Docker container? What I could do is put the .env file into the git repo, but I don't think I should put it up there.
Thank you Rimaz Mohommed. Posting comment section discussion into Answer section to help other community users.
Couple of approaches
Add the Variables directly as part of the app settings and it should be available as part of your app environment.
Reference :
You can pass/set your environment variables by Configure environment variables.
You can run this Azure CLI command as part of your devops pipeline (

Azure web app service for Linux containers not picking up environment variables from docker-compose file

I am not sure if I misunderstand how this should work.
I have a docker compose file (below) that defines environment variable for a single "service"/image:
image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}webui
context: .
dockerfile: src/WebUI/Dockerfile
UseInMemoryDatabase: false
ASPNETCORE_URLS: https://+:443;http://+:80
ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection: "********************************"
- "5000:5000"
- "5001:5001"
restart: always
When I open kudu for the web app and look at the environment tag, NONE of the environment variables defined above are present.
I manually set them by going to azure app -> configuration - --> application settings and add a record for each of the env variables above.
I can restart the app and I can now see the variables listed in the azure app -> Advance tools -> Kudu -> environment -> AppSettings
I also had to add the connection string to the separate connection strings settings of the azure app portal.
Am I understanding this correctly? Should the app service "see" my environment variables in my docker-compose file and add them to the app settings for the running app service? Or is it normal to have to define each of those variables a second time in the configuration of the azure app service?
thanks in advance
Not correct. The environment variables in the app settings are only accessible when the Web App is in the running state. Currently, it does not support to set custom variables in the docker-compose file. As I know, there are only serial variables set by Azure that can be used in the docker-compose file, such as the variable WEBAPP_STORAGE_HOME. But for the image option, it does not support.
You're setting your environment variables correctly in your compose file. App Service will inject them in your container so no need to duplicate them as App Settings.
What's strange is that if you look at the docker run command in the startup logs, they are not passed as parameters and also, they are not listed in the Environment page in Kudu. That threw me off but I did a test using the Kuard image and was able to see my env var.

Azure deployment The value of deployment parameter 'dockerRegistryUrl' is null

Trying to deploy a web app using docker-compose and azure container registry and some public images but when I get to the review it gives me this error.
The value of deployment parameter 'dockerRegistryUrl' is null. Please specify the value or use the parameter reference. See for details.
here is how I'm linking the azure container registry
think I may have set up the docker-compose file incorrectly for the azure container registry but I am not sure. the documentation link isn't very clear to me it doesn't say anything about the 'dockerRegistryUrl' or where to upload the resource manager parameter file.
here is the Docker compose file
For your issue, actually, the "dockerRegistryUrl" is not a property in the docker-compose file, it's an environment variable of the Azure Web App for Container if you use the template.
So if you use the ACR for you images, you need to set the environment variables DOCKER-REGISTRY-SERVER-UTL, DOCKER-REGISTRY-SERVER-PASSWORD and DOCKER-REGISTRY-SERVER-USERNAME in the app settings. Also, WEBSITES_ENABLE_APP_SERVICE_STORAGE is necessary.
In addition, you need to meet the Docker compose options which supported in Azure. And you can the details here.

Azure Webapps for Containers connection string in environment variables

My app running in a docker container on Azure Webapps for Containers tries to access a connection string through an environment variable. I've added it to the Application Settings in the Azure UI but I can't access it through my code, specifically my ASP.NET Core application is returning null.
I know that the logs won't show it being added as a -e connstring=myconnstring argument in the docker run command, but it should never the less be present in the container.
It turns out, by using the Advanced Tools -> Environment Kudu service in Azure, the connection string environment variable names were being prefixed with SQLAZURECONNSTR_.
I know it is a convention to have these kind of prefixes on environment variables when reading them with the .NET Core environment variable configuration provider as described here, but quite why Azure adds these prefixes automatically, apparently without documenting this behaviour anywhere, is unclear to me.

How to set azure-web-app-service application settings for node.js app via deployment

Is it possible to set azure app service application settings (especially env variables) via deployment?
We are using local git repositories to deploy our NodeJS application to different azure appservices.
There are several environment variables required to run the application. I'd like to know if there is a way to insert those automatically while deploying the application so I do not have to set them manually for each application.
If its possible how does azure handles changes in the environment settings if I changed a variable afterwords? For example if I have sensitive data that I have to enter after deployment directly into the env variable?
Here's an example. Variables: Name=InitialValue
VAR_2=Hello World
USERNAME AND PASSWORD need to be empty an filled afterwords directly via azure portal. Now I redeploy. What happens to my USERNAME and PASSWORD entries? What happens if I change the value of VAR_1? In this case I'd like to have the environment variable changed.
In azure app service the environment variables can be set via Application Settings > App Settings.
It has a 'key-value' format where you can enter the variable name and its value.
Then in the code you can read them as "process.env.Username " and so on.
