ActiveWeb: mocking injected service - activeweb

When mocking a service injected into a controller, a service method should return a mocked object, something like that:
public class EmptyInterventionServiceMock implements InterventionService {
public Intervention findByInvoiceNumber(String invoiceNumber, String language) {
return mockedIntervention(invoiceNumber, language);
protected Intervention mockedIntervention(String invoiceNumber, String language) {
return mock(Intervention.class);
Is it possible to mock some values to be return by the above mocked object (Intervention) to test fi they should be present in the generated JSON template ?
For example, depending on if Intervention has spare parts, services, states (all of them are just collections of other objects), etc. If so, JSON should contain the corresponding keys: services: [{....}], states: [{}], etc.
It would be nice to get the mocked object in the test and stub its return values. The only way I see to achieve that for the moment is to create a separate Mock service class and inject it in a test class as follows:
public class InterventionsControllerSpec extends ControllerSpec {
public void before() {
Injector injector = injector().bind(InterventionService.class).to(BaseInterventionServiceMock.class).create();
Where BaseInterventionServiceMock just extends EmptyInterventionServiceMock and stubs some methods return values by overriding its mockedIntervention method:
public class BaseInterventionServiceMock extends EmptyInterventionServiceMock {
protected Intervention mockedIntervention(String invoiceNumber, String language) {
Intervention intervention = mock(Intervention.class);
As it is far from ideal, I wonder if there is a DRYer way to do that ?
Thank you.

You are not missing anything. Your assumptions are correct. Creating a mock subclass of a service is how we do the testing. If you want a more elegant way, you can submit a proposal for consideration: for consideration.


Inject different implementations based on application property in Quarkus

I have a Repository interface that has two implementations. One reads data from a locally stored CSV file while the other reads from an Amazon Dynamo DB. I would like to be able to switch between which implementation I'm using based on an application property or custom build profile. I would normally use a Factory to retrieve the correct class at runtime, but I would like to do this with injection if possible.
I found a similar question using Spring boot but couldn't find an equivalent that would work in Quarkus Spring choose bean implementation at runtime
I also tried implementing a Configuration class similar to what is found in the docs here but again didn't have much luck.
It feels like I'm missing something obvious so any pointers would be much appreciated.
Here is a simple example of my classes:
public class ExampleService {
ExampleRepository repository;
public List<Data> retrieveData() {
return repository.retrieveData();
public interface ExampleRepository {
List<Data> retrieveData();
public class DynamoRepository implements ExampleRepository {
public List<Data> retrieveData() {
//Get Data from DynamoDb
public class CsvRepository implements ExampleRepository {
CsvBeanHandler csvBeanHandler;
LocalFileReader fileReader;
public List<Data> retrieveData() {
// Get data from CSV
I currently also have the following in my application.yml:
storage-type: 'CSV' # OR AMAZON_DYNAMO_DB
It looks like they've added this directly to the documentation:
I feel a bit guilty pasting this much, but it's the SO way.
I can add that it is NOT like a Guice 'binding'; BOTH classes will be instantiated, but only one will be injected. Also unlike Guice, you cannot inject the interface (or I did it wrong) - you have to do what's shown below, with Instance.
Personally I just use constructor injection and then drop the value of the Instance wrapper into a final field, so I'm not crying about the extra step. I do miss the power and explicit bindings possible with Modules ala Guice, but the simplicity here has its own value.
5.16. Declaratively Choose Beans That Can Be Obtained by Programmatic Lookup
It is sometimes useful to narrow down the set of beans that can be
obtained by programmatic lookup via javax.enterprise.inject.Instance.
Typically, a user needs to choose the appropriate implementation of an
interface based on a runtime configuration property.
Imagine that we have two beans implementing the interface
org.acme.Service. You can’t inject the org.acme.Service directly
unless your implementations declare a CDI qualifier. However, you can
inject the Instance instead, then iterate over all
implementations and choose the correct one manually. Alternatively,
you can use the #LookupIfProperty and #LookupUnlessProperty
annotations. #LookupIfProperty indicates that a bean should only be
obtained if a runtime configuration property matches the provided
value. #LookupUnlessProperty, on the other hand, indicates that a bean
should only be obtained if a runtime configuration property does not
match the provided value.
#LookupIfProperty Example
interface Service {
String name();
#LookupIfProperty(name = "", stringValue = "true")
class ServiceFoo implements Service {
public String name() {
return "foo";
class ServiceBar implements Service {
public String name() {
return "bar";
class Client {
Instance<Service> service;
void printServiceName() {
// This will print "bar" if the property "" is NOT set to "true"
// If "" is set to "true" then service.get() would result in an AmbiguousResolutionException
If your request is to bind at startup time the right implementation based on a configuration property, I suppose your problem may be resolved used #Produces annotation:
public class ExampleRepositoryFactory {
String storageType;
public ExampleRepository dynamoInstance() {
return storageType == "CSV" ? new CsvRepository() : new DynamoRepository();

Mock constructor of a class

I am writing test class for my java class. I am using Junit5 with Mockito.
I am using Junit5 which isnt compatible with Power Mockito so I am using Mockito only.
I have class Emp which have function findSalary like below and EmpProfileClient is initialized at constructor.
Class Emp {
public void findSalary(empId) {
TaxReturn taxReturn = new TaxReturn(EmpProfileClient);
int value = taxReturn.apply(new TaxReturnRequest.withEmpId(empId))
When I am writing the test case, I mocked EmpProfileClient, but since we are creating TaxReturn in a method, How I can mock TaxReturn.apply so I can write the expectation to get the value as per my choice which I set in the test class?
If you want to mock this, the TaxReturn class should be an injected bean in the Emp class. Add an injection framework (like Spring) and inject the TaxReturn class. In the test you write you can inject a Mock instead of the real class. See #InjectMocks annotation of the mockito framework.
If I understood your question correctly(you are looking for mocking taxReturn.apply) I'd suggest next:
First. Refactor your taxReturn instantiation(as it is would be much easier to mock method behavior in comparison for trying to mock local variable)
public class EmpService {
public int findSalary(Integer empId) {
// It's doesn't matter what the actual empProfileClient type is
// as you mocking creation behavior anyway
Object empProfileClient = null;
TaxReturn taxReturn = createClient(empProfileClient);
int value = taxReturn.apply(new TaxReturnRequest().withEmpId(empId))
return value; // or whatever
protected TaxReturn createClient(Object empProfileClient) {
return new TaxReturn(empProfileClient);
Second. Use Mockito.spy() in your test:
class EmpServiceTest {
void findSalary() {
TaxReturn taxReturn = Mockito.mock(TaxReturn.class);
// this is the main idea, here you using partial EmpService mock instance
// part is mocked(createClient()) and other part(findSalary()) is tested
EmpService service = Mockito.spy(EmpService.class);
int yourExpectedValue = 5;
assertEquals(yourExpectedValue, service.findSalary(0));
Keep in mind that any(), spy(), when() and mock() methods are part of Mockito API. So there is nothing hidden here

Mockito: Intercept any methods that return a type

I've an interface like this:
public interface ICustomer extends IEnd<Customer> {
String getId();
ICustomer id(String id);
ICustomer email(String email);
ICustomer description(String description);
I need to mock any methods which returns an ICustomer regardless of parameters.
When these methods are called, the self called ICustomer have to be returned.
Any ideas?
To do this you need a custom Answer class:
public class CustomerAnswer implements Answer {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
Class retType = invocation.getMethod().getReturnType();
if (ICustomer.class.isInstance(retType)) {
return invocation.getMock();
// provide default logic here -- override with "when()" calls.
return null;
Then create your mock, specifying the default behavior:
Foo mockCustomer = mock(ICustomer.class, new CustomerAnswer());
Add, when() statements for other methods that need to be stubbed.
But as I commented in the OP, be sure you actually want to mock this class before you go thru all the trouble. Only mock when it will make the test code simpler. If you have some simple implementation of the interface that is just a POJO with fluent API (no side-effects, no complicated dependencies or injections), there is probably no need to mock it. Instead use a real instance, because the real instance already returns the original object.
If you need to verify() on the ICustomer object, then use a #Spy of a real instance of a ICustomer.

JukitoRunner, bind mock of final class

How to bind mock of final class in Jukito ?
For example :
public final class SomeFinalClass(){
public SomeFinalClass(String someString){
//Testing class
public class TestingClass(){
private SomeFinalClass someFinalClassMock;
public static class TestModule extends JukitoModule {
protected void configureTest() {
// bind(SomeClient.class).in(TestSingleton.class);
public SomeFinalClass getSomkeFinalClass() {
return Mokito.mock(SomeFinalClass.class); //throws error
Is there a way i can use PowerMockito with JukitoRunner ?
You can mock a final class if you're using Mockito 2. From Mockito 2 Wiki:
Mocking of final classes and methods is an incubating, opt-in feature. It uses a combination of Java agent instrumentation and subclassing in order to enable mockability of these types. As this works differently to our current mechanism and this one has different limitations and as we want to gather experience and user feedback, this feature had to be explicitly activated to be available ; it can be done via the mockito extension mechanism by creating the file src/test/resources/mockito-extensions/org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker containing a single line: mock-maker-inline.
After you created this file, Mockito will automatically use this new engine and one can do :
final class FinalClass {
final String finalMethod() { return "something"; }
FinalClass concrete = new FinalClass();
FinalClass mock = mock(FinalClass.class);
given(mock.finalMethod()).willReturn("not anymore");

Mockito implemetation for formhandlers in ATG

I am new to Mockito as a concept. Can you please help me understand using Mockito for formhandlers in ATG. Some examples will be appreciated.
There is a good answer (related to ATG) for other similar question: using-mockito-for-writing-atg-test-case. Please review if it includes what you need.
Many of ATG-specific components (and form handlers particularly) are known to be "less testable" (in comparison to components developed using TDD/BDD approach), b/c design of OOTB components (including reference application) doesn't always adhere to the principle of having "Low Coupling and High Cohesion"
But still the generic approach is applicable for writing unit-tests for all ATG components.
Below is a framework we've used for testing ATG FormHandlers with Mockito. Obviously you'll need to put in all the proper bits of the test but this should get you started.
public class AcmeFormHandlerTest {
#Spy #InjectMocks private AcmeFormHandler testObj;
#Mock private Validator<AcmeInterface> acmeValidatorMock;
#Mock private DynamoHttpServletRequest requestMock;
#Mock private DynamoHttpServletResponse responseMock;
private static final String ERROR1_KEY = "error1";
private static final String ERROR1_VALUE = "error1value";
#BeforeMethod(groups = { "unit" })
public void setUp() throws Exception {
testObj = new AcmeFormHandler();
//Test the happy path scenario
#Test(groups = { "unit" })
public void testWithValidData() throws Exception {
testObj.handleUpdate(requestMock, responseMock);
//Assume your formhandler calls a helper method, then ensure the helper method is called once. You verify the working of your helper method as you would do any Unit test
Mockito.verify(testObj).update(Matchers.refEq(requestMock), Matchers.refEq(responseMock), Mockito.anyString(), (AcmeBean) Mockito.anyObject());
//Test a validation exception
#Test(groups = { "unit" })
public void testWithInvalidData() throws Exception {
Map<String, String> validationMessages = new HashMap<String, String>();
validationMessages.put(ERROR1_KEY, ERROR1_VALUE);
when(acmeValidatorMock.validate((AcmeInterface) Mockito.any())).thenReturn(validationMessages);
testObj.handleUpdate(requestMock, responseMock);
assertEquals(1, testObj.getFormExceptions().size());
DropletFormException exception = (DropletFormException) testObj.getFormExceptions().get(0);
Assert.assertEquals(exception.getMessage(), ERROR1_VALUE);
//Test a runtime exception
#Test(groups = { "unit" })
public void testWithRunProcessException() throws Exception {
doThrow(new RunProcessException("")).when(testObj).update(Matchers.refEq(requestMock), Matchers.refEq(responseMock), Mockito.anyString(), (AcmeBean) Mockito.anyObject());
testObj.handleAddGiftCardToCart(requestMock, responseMock);
assertEquals(1, testObj.getFormExceptions().size());
DropletFormException exception = (DropletFormException) testObj.getFormExceptions().get(0);
Assert.assertEquals(exception.getMessage(), GENERAL_ERROR_KEY);
Obviously the above is just a framework that fit in nicely with the way in which we developed our FormHandlers. You can also add validation for redirects and stuff like that if you choose:
Mockito.verify(responseMock, Mockito.times(1)).sendLocalRedirect(SUCCESS_URL, requestMock);
Ultimately the caveats of testing other people's code still applies.
Here's what I do when I unit test a form handler (at least until I manage to release a major update for AtgDust). Note that I don't use wildcard imports, so I'm not sure if this causes any namespace conflicts.
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import static org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations.initMocks;
import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;
import atg.servlet.*;
import some.form.handler.FormHandler;
public class FormHandlerTest {
#Mock DynamoHttpServletRequest request;
#Mock DynamoHttpServletResponse response;
FormHandler handler;
public void setup() {
handler = new FormHandler();
public void testSubmitHandlerRedirects() {
handler.handleSubmit(request, response);
verify(response).sendLocalRedirect(eq("/success.jsp"), eq(request));
assertThat(handler.getFormError(), is(false));
The basic idea is to set up custom behavior for mocks/stubs using when() on the mock object method invocation to return some test value or throw an exception, then verify() mock objects were invoked an exact number of times (in the default case, once), and do any assertions on data that's been changed in the form handler. Essentially, you'll want to use when() to emulate any sort of method calls that need to return other mock objects. When do you need to do this? The easiest way to tell is when you get NPEs or other runtime exceptions due to working with nulls, zeros, empty strings, etc.
In an integration test, ideally, you'd be able to use a sort of in-between mock/test servlet that pretends to work like a full application server that performs minimal request/session/global scope management. This is a good use for Arquillian as far as I know, but I haven't gotten around to trying that out yet.
