Add Carbone to Docker image - linux

I have installed Carbone on my local Linux machine using the following command and it is working properly.
npm install carbone
Now, I need to add carbone in my docker image, but I don't know how to add it to the image. Should I add the npm install command to DockerFile or add it to package.json?
I got the following error if I don't add carbone to docker image:
Code : const carbone = require('carbone');
Error: Cannot find module 'carbone'

Carbone have to be used on node projects. You can install through NPM:
npm install carbone --save
Then, you must follow the documentation of the basics:
If you want to dockerize your application, you can start your container from the image ideolys/carbone-env-docker. It's a ready to go node:8 image with Libreoffice installed. Example of Dockerfile:
FROM ideolys/carbone-env-docker
ENV DIR /app
RUN npm install
# index.js should call carbone functions to generate your report.
CMD [ "node", "index.js" ]
Finally you can build and run the container !
If you need more help or encounter an issue, post an issue on the Carbone Github.


How to install the node in Dockerfile?

I want to install the node v18 in on AWS Linux
I have Django and frontend React system. So, I want to use node when installing frontend.
If I use make Dockerfile such as From node:18 it works, but I want to use FROM python:3.9 to django work.
Is it not a good idea to put Djang and React in the same container?
Now my docker file is like this.
FROM python:3.9
RUN apt-get update
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN apt-get install -y npm
RUN pip install pipenv
WORKDIR /usr/src/app/frontend_react
RUN npm install --force
RUN node -v //version 12 is installed
RUN dnf module install nodejs:18/common
RUN node -v
RUN npm run build
Howeber there is no dnf.
How can I do this?
If you can use prebuilt Docker Hub images then this is much easier. I would generally avoid trying to put components with different use cases, build systems, and runtimes into the same image if possible.
In the specific case of a Django application with a React frontend, you might be compiling the frontend to static files that you then serve directly via Django. In this setup, you don't need Node to run the application, just so long as the static files exist then Django can serve them up. Docker's multi-stage build feature will let you build the front-end using a node image, then COPY it into your application. A typical example might look like:
FROM node:18 AS react
COPY frontend_react/package*.json ./
RUN npm ci
COPY fronend_react/ ./
RUN npm build
FROM python:3.9
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY requirements.txt ./
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY ./ ./
COPY --from=react /app/dist/ frontend_react/dist/
CMD ["./", "runserver", ""]
The first half should look like a normal React image build, except that it doesn't have a CMD. The second half should look like a normal Django image build, plus the COPY --from=react line to get the built application from the first build stage. We don't need node or npm in the final image, only the static files, and so we don't invoke a package manager to try to install them.

Unable to run (Linux container) or create image (Windows container) a Gatsby React site (win binaries error, matching manifest error) through Docker

I have my website wrapped up and wanted to containerize it for experience as I've never used Docker before. It's built on Gatsby. I did a fresh install of Docker and am running into two issues:
If I try to create an image in a Linux container, it seems to work, but I can't actually run it. I get the following error: "Error in "/app/node_modules/gatsby-transformer-sharp/gatsby-node.js": 'win32-x64' binaries cannot be used on the 'linuxmusl-x64' platform. Please remove the 'node_modules/sharp' directory and run 'npm install' on the 'linuxmusl-x64' platform."
I tried the above, uninstalling and reinstalling sharp in my project to no avail.I'm not even using sharp nor do I know what it is, though.
If I switch to Windows containers, I can't even create an image as I get the following:
"no matching manifest for windows/amd64 10.0.18363 in the manifest list entries"
My Dockerfile is as follows:
FROM node:13.12.0-alpine
# set working directory
# add `/app/node_modules/.bin` to $PATH
ENV PATH /app/node_modules/.bin:$PATH
# install app dependencies
COPY package.json ./
COPY package-lock.json ./
RUN npm install --silent
RUN npm install react-scripts#3.4.1 -g --silent
# add app
COPY . ./
# start app
CMD ["npm", "start"]
and my .dockerignore contains
Things I've tried:
This tutorial > (Where I got the Dockerfile text)
This tutorial > (And its Dockerfile at one point)
Changing the FROM for node: to 14.4.0, 14, with or without -alpine.
Uninstalling and re-installing sharp
Uninstalling sharp entirely and trying to run it that way (I still get the sharp error for some reason)
Reading the documentation. Which for whatever reason only tells you how to launch a default application (such as create-react-app) or one pulled from somewhere, but not how to do so for our own website.

Why I can't install node_module with docker-sompose run command

I have a express application. And I use the docker-compose to run it. To run my app I use command:
docker-compsoe up
If I run it at first time and don't have any node_modules - I have an error in terminal, sth like "The module 'express' not found, please install it and try again...". So, I just open one more terminal, and run next command:
docker-compose exec backend npm i
Modules are installed for a few seconds. And and my app start working in the previous terminal. I allways use this method, but now I found command run for docker-compose. It allows you to exec some command in container, when it is not raised. So I wanted to try this command and I deleted ./node_modules directory, stop all containers, close all terminals, open terminal and run command:
docker-compose run backend npm i
Modules started to install, I wait for about 10 minutes but it is stops in the middle. I don't understand why? If I try up and npm i in second terminal it works, but with command run - not. What I do wrong?
You should not install your node modules in a running container. Instead, you shoud install it in your image via your Docker file and then run it via docker or docker-compose.
Your Dockerfile should look like something like this:
FROM node:10 # or the version of node you are using
WORKDIR /usr/src/app #replace this with your app code path
COPY package.json /usr/src/app
RUN npm install
COPY app-code/ /usr/src/app/app-code # again, use your own path
CMD ["npm", "start"]
You have to run npm install from your dockerfile and not copy your development node folder because the environment from the container may differ from your development environment.
Then you can just run it from your docker-compose file.

cannot build docker image

I have been trying to build a Docker image by using this Dockerfile:
FROM mhart/alpine-node:base-6
MAINTAINER techhadmin
COPY ./package.json src/
RUN cd src && npm install
COPY . /src
CMD ["npm", "start"]
But I receive this error:
/bin/sh: npm: not found
The command '/bin/sh -c cd src && npm install' returned a non-zero code: 127
Any idea how I can solve this?
Read the docs:
Is written:
# If you need npm, don't use a base tag
# RUN npm install
So don't use base-6 tag and change FROM image to something like 7
FROM mhart/alpine-node:7
You are seeing this error message because when you tried to run npm install, there is no copy of npm available.
You are using alpine as the base image.
By default, alpine is a small image and so it has a limited set of default programs inside of it. What programs are in the alpine image? Not much.
So if you are trying to run an alpine image with Nodejs you need to do additional work.
To solve it, you have two options:
Find a different base image. - You can try to find a base image that already has Node and NPM inside of it.
Run alpine with some additional commands that attempts to install npm inside of it.
Use someone else's work or building it from scratch.
I recommend finding an image preconfigured with npm inside of it. You can navigate to DockerHub, which is a repository of images.
There is an official Node repository in DockerHub.
So you could do something like this:
# Specify base image
FROM node:alpine
# Install some dependencies
RUN npm install
# Setup default command
CMD ["npm", "start"]
The nice thing about node:alpine is that you will not get any additional unnecessary packages, just the absolute stripped down version of Nodejs and nothing else aside from the basics such as the ping command, cat, ls and so on.

How should I Accomplish a Better Docker Workflow?

Everytime I change a file in the nodejs app I have to rebuild the docker image.
This feels redundant and slows my workflow. Is there a proper way to sync the nodejs app files without rebuilding the whole image again, or is this a normal usage?
It sounds like you want to speed up the development process. In that case I would recommend to mount your directory in your container using the docker run -v option:
Once you are done developing your program build the image and now start docker without the -v option.
What I ended up doing was:
1) Using volumes with the docker run command - so I could change the code without rebuilding the docker image every time.
2) I had an issue with node_modules being overwritten because a volume acts like a mount - fixed it with node's PATH traversal.
FROM node:5.2
# Create our app directories
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN npm install -g nodemon
# This will cache npm install
# And presist the node_modules
# Even after we are using the volume (overwrites)
COPY package.json /usr/src/
RUN cd /usr/src && npm install
#Expose node's port
# Run the app
CMD nodemon server.js
to build:
docker build -t web-image
to run:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app -p 3000:3000 --name web web-image
You could have also done something like change the instruction and it says look in the directory specified by the build context argument of docker build and find the package.json file and then copy that into the current working directory of the container and then RUN npm install and afterwards we will COPY over everything else like so:
# Specify base image
FROM node:alpine
WORKDIR /usr/app
# Install some dependencies
COPY ./package.json ./
RUN npm install
# Setup default command
CMD ["npm", "start"]
You can make as many changes as you want and it will not invalidate the cache for any of these steps here.
The only time that npm install will be executed again is if we make a change to that step or any step above it.
So unless you make a change to the package.json file, the npm install will not be executed again.
So we can test this by running the docker build -t <tagname>/<project-name> .
Now I have made a change to the Dockerfile so you will see some steps re run and eventually our successfully tagged and built image.
Docker detected the change to the step and every step after it, but not the npm install step.
The lesson here is that yes it does make a difference the order in which all these instructions are placed in a Dockerfile.
Its nice to segment out these operations to ensure you are only copying the bare minimum.
