Drupal 8 search api solr want to get all items - search

i´m using drupal8 with solr 7.4 and the search api module. I don´t find a way to configure the search api to get all indexed items by searching with ""(nothing an put enter) or searching by "*". How can i enable such a search behavior?
Thanks a lot

As upto my understanding on your question, You can Create Facets and configure the filters by specific taxonomy terms or content types. Before that check the fields what you are indexing into the solr.


It's possible to search cql by Url confluence page

I'm using a cql search on my project, and on the search i use the default search and also searching by keyword title or text of the page context.
But i made some research to see if is possible to search by URL project and i saw like it's possible to search by Id, but i don't see nothing about URL. It's possible in some way? using CQL, or another way?

Tell Solr Search Not to Index Parts of My Page

I'm having an issue where inline Javascript is being displayed in Solr search results on my Drupal website. Is there a way to hide parts of my code from being indexed by Solr similar to how google uses googleoff:index and googleon:index to keep code from being indexed?
If you use the solr search module for drupal, you can tell solr to index specific fields in your content :
So your javascript will not get indexed.

Kentico smart search with custom web part

I have custom web part registered in Kentico web page and I would like to use Kentico smart search to search information from web part.
My custom web part contains grid view with following columns
Item Code
Item Name
Item Price
Mfg. Date
If user is going to enter "Laptops" in search box then system should search information based on Item Name.
Can anyone give me brief idea about Kentico smart search which satisfy above functionality?
Have you tried using the smart search index and set it to be the document crawler? In this case the crawler will index the HTML output of the pages - including the output of the web part.
I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how smart search operates.
Basically you'll use Smart search to index your database.
You can then use Kentico's Smart search API to filter a dataset to be used to bind into a repeater or datalist of some type.
The only thing I can suggest is consulting the Kentico documentation for your version of Kentico, specifically looking for smart search. If you included more information such as the Kentico version and the source of your data (documents, custom tables, etc) then someone may be able to give a clearer answer.

How to combine fuzzy search and field boosting

I'm developing a Lucene search for my Zend 1.12 site. I would like to combine fuzzy search and field boosting. I try syntax like
title:"query"^10~0.8 OR description:"query"~0.8
It seems not to change results. I've also tried to find hints on the Internet, nobody had similar problem. This is query for particular setting and field boosting cannot be set in advance.
The question is: does Lucene support such a combination of modifiers? Is this syntax correct?

How to use lucene query syntax on Orchard CMS

I would like to use the full Lucene query syntax on an Orchard CMS based Website.
Currently, after enabling the indexing and search on Orchard, I can search on the website according to the fields I selected on the Orchard search administration page,
but I cannot perform one search on a particular field only (without changing the behavior on the entire search)
I cannot use fuzzy search...
From the logs, I can see that Orchard take care of that part (providing Lucene a good query syntax), but I would like to do it on my own.
For example, when searching "wel" on the website, Orchard will send to Lucene this query : title:wel* body:wel* (if I have the title and body fields activated on the search).
I did see some blogs that talk about coding some features to customize search, but I would like to be sure I'm not missing something before switching to developer mode :)
There are so many scenarios that can be done with search that there is no way to provide such coverage out of the box, which is why the API is very simple to use if you need custom searching capabilities.
You should copy-paste the controller from the search module and use the Parse() method of the ISearchBuilder with the escape parameter to false. This will parse a pure lucene query. You can also use the WithField("body", "value") to do simpler field search.
I don't believe anyone has released any modules that provide additional search functionality, because if you need it, it is so simple to develop ^_^ So yes, you will have to go dev mode to do custom field search
