How to save the output of Azure-cli commands in a variable - python-3.x

When using azure-cli in python 3.5 and calling the commands from a script I have no control on the output in the console.
When a command is executed it prints the result to the console, but I'm struggling to just take the result and put it in a variable to analyze it.
from azure.cli.core import get_default_cli
class AzureCmd():
def __init__(self, username, password):
self.username = username
self.password = password
def login(self, tenant):
login_successfull = get_default_cli().invoke(['login',
'--tenant', tenant,
'--username', self.username,
'--password', self.password]) == 0
return login_successfull
def list_vm(self, tenant):
list_vm = get_default_cli().invoke(['vm', 'list', '--output', 'json'])
tenant = ''
cmd = AzureCmd('login', 'mypassword')
Here is my my script attempt.
What I want to achieve : not getting any output when cmd.login(tenant) is executed.
Instead of getting 0 (success) or 1 (failure) in my variables login_successfull and list_vm, I want to save the output of the get_default_cli().invoke() in it.

I ran into the same problem, and found a solution, I also found out many people offered the standard solution that normally works in most cases, but they didn't verify it works for this scenario, and it turns out az cli is an edge case.
I think the issue has something to do with az cli is based on python.
Win10CommandPrompt:\> where az
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\wbin\az.cmd
If you look in that file you'll see something like this and discover that Azure CLI is just python:
python.exe -IBm azure.cli
So to do what you want to do, try this (it works for me):
import subprocess
out =['python', '-IBm', 'azure.cli', '-h'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8')
#this is equivalent to "az -h'
The above syntax won't work unless every single arg is a comma separated list of strings, I found a syntax I like alot more after reading how to do multiple args with python popen:
import subprocess
azcmd = "az ad sp create-for-rbac --name " + SPName + " --scopes /subscriptions/" + subscriptionid
out =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8')

I faced the same problem while trying to save the log of Azure Container Instance. None of the above solutions worked exactly as they are. After debugging the azure cli python code
(File : \Python39\Lib\site-packages\azure\cli\command_modules\container\ , function : container_logs() ), i see that the container logs are just printed to the console but not returned. If you want to save the logs to any variable, add the return line (Not exactly a great solution but works for now). Hoping MS Azure updates their azure cli in upcoming versions.
def container_logs(cmd, resource_group_name, name, container_name=None, follow=False):
"""Tail a container instance log. """
container_client = cf_container(cmd.cli_ctx)
container_group_client = cf_container_groups(cmd.cli_ctx)
container_group = container_group_client.get(resource_group_name, name)
# If container name is not present, use the first container.
if container_name is None:
container_name = container_group.containers[0].name
if not follow:
log = container_client.list_logs(resource_group_name, name, container_name)
# Return the log
terminate_condition_args=(container_group_client, resource_group_name, name, container_name),
stream_args=(container_client, resource_group_name, name, container_name, container_group.restart_policy))
With this modification and along with the above solutions given (Using the get_default_cli), we can store the log of the Azure container instance in a variable.
from azure.cli.core import get_default_cli
def az_cli(args_str):
args = args_str.split()
cli = get_default_cli()
res = cli.invoke(args)
if cli.result.result:
jsondata = cli.result.result
elif cli.result.error:

I think you can use the subprocess and call the az cli to get the output instead using get_default_cli.
import subprocess
import json
process = subprocess.Popen(['az','network', 'ddos-protection', 'list'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = process.communicate()
d = json.loads(out)

Well, we can execute the Azure CLI commands in Python as shown below.
Here, the res variable usually stores a value of integer type and therefore we might not be able to access the json response. To store the response in a variable, we need to do cli.result.result.
from azure.cli.core import get_default_cli
def az_cli(args_str):
args = args_str.split()
cli = get_default_cli()
res = cli.invoke(args)```
if cli.result.result:
jsondata = cli.result.result
elif cli.result.error:


Execute customized script when launching instance using openstacksdk

I'm new to Openstack and I'm trying to create a tool so that I can launch any number of instances in an Openstack cloud. This was easily done using the nova-client module of openstacksdk.
Now the problem is that I want to make the instances execute a bash script as they are created by adding it as a userdata file, but it doesn't execute. This is confusing because I don't any error or warning message. Does anyone know what could it be?
Important parts of the code
The most important parts of the Python program are the function which gets the cloud info, the one that creates the instances and the main function, . I'll post them here as #Corey told.
Function that allow us to log at cloud with all the credentials needed.
Username and password are not read from env.
def get_nova_credentials_v2():
d = {}
user = ""
password = ""
print("Logging in...")
user = input("Username: ")
password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Password: ", stream=None)
while (user == "" or password == ""):
print("User or password field is empty")
user = input("Username: ")
password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Password: ", stream=None)
d['version'] = '2.65'
d['username'] = user
d['password'] = password
d['project_id'] = os.environ['OS_PROJECT_ID']
d['auth_url'] = os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL']
d['user_domain_name'] = os.environ['OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME']
return d
Then we have the create_server function:
This function creates a server using the info we got from JSON file
def create_server(server):
s = {}
print("Creating "+server['compulsory']['name']+"...")
s['name'] = server['compulsory']['name']
s['image'] = server['compulsory']['os']
s['flavor'] = server['compulsory']['flavor']
s['min_count'] = server['compulsory']['copyNumber']
s['max_count'] = server['compulsory']['copyNumber']
s['userdata'] = server['file']
s['key_name'] = server['compulsory']['keyName']
s['availability_zone'] = server['compulsory']['availabilityZone']
s['nics'] = server['compulsory']['network']
s['userdata'] = server['file']
And now the main function:
Main process: First we create a connection to Openstack using our credentials.
Once connected we cal get_serverdata function to get all instance objects we want to be created.
We check that it is not empty and that we are not trying to create more instances than we are allowed.
Lastly we create the instances and the program finishes.
credentials = get_nova_credentials_v2()
nova = client.Client(**credentials)
instances = get_serverdata()
current_instances = len(nova.servers.list())
if not instances:
print("No instance was writen. Check instances.json file.")
num = 0
for i in instances:
For the rest of the code you can access to this public repo on github.
Thanks a lot!
Problem solved
The problem was the content of the server['file'] as #Corey said. It cannot be the Path to the file where you wrote the data but the content of it or a file type object. In the case of OpenstackSDK it must be base64 encoded but it is not the case in Novaclient.
Thanks a lot to #Corey for all the help! :)

400 Caller's project doesn't match parent project

I have this block of code that basically translates text from one language to another using the cloud translate API. The problem is that this code always throws the error: "Caller's project doesn't match parent project". What could be the problem?
translation_separator = "translated_text: "
language_separator = "detected_language_code: "
translate_client = translate.TranslationServiceClient()
# parent = translate_client.location_path(
# self.translate_project_id, self.translate_location
# )
+ "/translator_credentials.json"
# Text can also be a sequence of strings, in which case this method
# will return a sequence of results for each text.
result = str(
"contents": [text],
"target_language_code": self.target_language_code,
"parent": f'projects/{self.translate_project_id}/'
"model": self.translate_model
except Exception as e:
print("error here>>>>>", e)
Your issue seems to be related to the authentication method that you are using on your application, please follow the guide for authention methods with the translate API. If you are trying to pass the credentials using code, you can explicitly point to your service account file in code with:
def explicit():
from import storage
# Explicitly use service account credentials by specifying the private key
# file.
storage_client = storage.Client.from_service_account_json(
Also, there is a codelab for getting started with the translation API with Python, this is a great step by step getting started guide for running the translate API with Python.
If the issue persists, you can try creating a Public Issue Tracker for Google Support

Passing Secret from keyvault as password of Azure VM using Azure CLI wrapped in Python

I've written a basic code which is in Azure CLI wrapped in Python. This runs well on Linux machine and deploys a VM. We just have to provide the Resource Group Name. It fetches the VNET from that RG and then deploys the VM.
I wanted to fetch the credentials which is present in KeyVault and then pass it to the Azure VM password. But VM gets created successfully and I've to reset the password to make it work as I'm unable to login the VM.
Below is the code
import subprocess
import json
#one vnet and one subnet in the resourcegroup.
def get_vnet_name(rscgroup_name):
get_vnet_command=["az","network","vnet","list","--resource-group",rscgroup_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
for item in d:
for i in subnets:
return vname,subnetname
def fetch_secret(vault_name,secret_name):
fetch_secret_command=["az","keyvault","secret","show","--vault-name",vault_name,"--name",secret_name,"--query","value", "-o", "tsv"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
return secretkubectl
def fetch_secret_password(vault_name,secret_pass_name):
fetch_password_command=["az","keyvault","secret","show","--vault-name",vault_name,"--name",secret_pass_name,"--query","value", "-o", "tsv"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
return secretpass
def create_vm(vm_resourcegroup,vm_name, vm_image,vm_username, secretpass,vm_vnet,vm_subnet, vm_size, secretkubectl):
create_vm_command=["az","vm","create","--resource-group",vm_resourcegroup,"--name",vm_name,"--image",vm_image,"--admin-username", vm_username,"--admin-password",secretpass,"--vnet-name",vm_vnet,"--subnet",vm_subnet,"--size", vm_size, "--custom-data", secretkubectl], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
if __name__=="__main__":
vault_name = "keyvaultname"
secret_name = "storgacctn"
secret_pass_name = "password"
secretkubectl =fetch_secret(vault_name,secret_name)
secretpass =fetch_secret_password(vault_name,secret_pass_name)
I can see the password fine, i removed the "-o", "tsv" flag and i see below snap with password in double quotes. Still i cannot login with the credentials present as secret in KeyVault.
I know it's very easy when i use JSON but i wanted to achieve it using python and cli
The issue in your code is that the output of the subprocess is a Bytecode, not a real string. You can see the output start with the b, it means the Bytecode. So you need to convert the output into a string and remove the line break. Change the function like below:
def fetch_secret_password(vault_name,secret_pass_name):
fetch_password_command=["az","keyvault","secret","show","--vault-name",vault_name,"--name",secret_pass_name,"--query","value", "-o", "tsv"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
return secretpass
Then you get a string as you store in the secret for your VM password.

How to get the default application mapped to a file extention in windows using Python

I would like to query Windows using a file extension as a parameter (e.g. ".jpg") and be returned the path of whatever app windows has configured as the default application for this file type.
Ideally the solution would look something like this:
from stackoverflow import get_default_windows_app
default_app = get_default_windows_app(".jpg")
I have been investigating the winreg builtin library which holds the registry infomation for windows but I'm having trouble understanding its structure and the documentation is quite complex.
I'm running Windows 10 and Python 3.6.
Does anyone have any ideas to help?
The registry isn't a simple well-structured database. The Windows
shell executor has some pretty complex logic to it. But for the simple cases, this should do the trick:
import shlex
import winreg
def get_default_windows_app(suffix):
class_root = winreg.QueryValue(winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, suffix)
with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, r'{}\shell\open\command'.format(class_root)) as key:
command = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, '')[0]
return shlex.split(command)[0]
>>> get_default_windows_app('.pptx')
'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office 15\\Root\\Office15\\POWERPNT.EXE'
Though some error handling should definitely be added too.
Added some improvements to the nice code by Hetzroni, in order to handle more cases:
import os
import shlex
import winreg
def get_default_windows_app(ext):
try: # UserChoice\ProgId lookup initial
with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\{}\UserChoice'.format(ext)) as key:
progid = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, 'ProgId')[0]
with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r'SOFTWARE\Classes\{}\shell\open\command'.format(progid)) as key:
path = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, '')[0]
except: # UserChoice\ProgId not found
class_root = winreg.QueryValue(winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ext)
if not class_root: # No reference from ext
class_root = ext # Try direct lookup from ext
with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, r'{}\shell\open\command'.format(class_root)) as key:
path = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, '')[0]
except: # Ext not found
path = None
# Path clean up, if any
if path: # Path found
path = os.path.expandvars(path) # Expand env vars, e.g. %SystemRoot% for ext .txt
path = shlex.split(path, posix=False)[0] # posix False for Windows operation
path = path.strip('"') # Strip quotes
# Return
return path

Jenkins Python API returns HTML

I'm trying to write a Python script to talk to my instance of Jenkins. I am using the newest version of the jenkinsapi module and querying Jenkins 1.509.3.
I can get a job list like follows:
where j is an instance of jenkinsapi.Jenkins (I used the requester from jenkinsapi.utils.requester to skip ssl verification)
However, when I try to get more information on an individual job with
it fails with this error: Inappropriate content found at [some_address] and what is returned is a bunch of HTML (that looks like the starting page for my instance, the one you see when you log in) instead of anything that should look like the response. Pasting [some_address] into the browser gives me what I expect as a response.
While I can get some information on the Jenkins instance, what I am really interested in is info on individual jobs. Any ideas how to fix it and get the job info?
Using python 3.6, python-jenkins 1.0.1 and Jenkins 2.121.1, following works nicely:
import pprint
import jenkins
IP = 'localhost'
USERNAME = 'my_username'
PW = 'my_password'
def get_version(server):
user = server.get_whoami()
version = server.get_version()
print('Hello %s from Jenkins %s' % (user['fullName'], version))
def get_jobs(server):
jobs = server.get_jobs() # List[dict]
print("Here are top 5 jobs")
return jobs
def get_job(server, job_name):
job_config = server.get_job_config(job_name) # XML
job_info = server.get_job_info(job_name) # dict
print("\n --- JOB CONFIG --- ")
print("\n --- JOB INFO --- ")
if __name__ == "__main__":
_server = jenkins.Jenkins(IP, username=USERNAME, password=PW)
_jobs = get_jobs(_server)
get_job(_server, _jobs[0]['name'])
Jenkins API I was using is documented here:
