I want to add an event to a google calendar by sending an email.
In fact, I created a calendar and i have the id of the calendar #hash##group.calendar.google.com
My idea was to send an ICS to that id but it does not work.
Example of the ics:
PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN
DESCRIPTION:my description
Using Stripe/iOS, the user of the app can pay by credit card or by Apple Pay.
I want, from the app (not the server), to request an email receipt when payment is successful.
For Credit Card payment I do the following:
let paymentIntentParams = STPPaymentIntentParams(clientSecret: <paymentIntentClientSecret>)
paymentIntentParams.paymentMethodParams = paymentMethodParams
if let receiptEmail = self.receiptEmail {
paymentIntentParams.receiptEmail = <email address>
let paymentHandler = STPPaymentHandler.shared()
paymentHandler.confirmPayment(withParams: paymentIntentParams,
authenticationContext: authenticationContext) {
However for Apple Pay payment I don’t know which property to set. In the app, I implement the STPApplePayContextDelegate protocol.
Question: For Apple Pay payment, what and where I need to set the email-address for the receipt? Can you please provide a code snippet?
After discussion with Stripe support, it seems that using STPApplePayContextDelegate there is no way to set the receiptEmail property in the payment intent.
The best approach is to change the server and set the receiptEmail at
the server
If you still want to make the change at the app, the workaround is to use the REST API to update the payment intent.
Below is the reply from Stripe support:
The STPApplePayContext does not support this directly -- it needs to be set on the payment intent. The iOS flow for card payments is described in [0] and support receiptEmail in the STPPaymentIntentParams [1], but the Apple Pay flow is different. If not set when you create the payment intent, you would then want to make a call to your server to update the payment intent [2] in the payment flow where you call the completion. Alternately, confirm the payment intent server-side after collecting the Apple Pay payment method client-side [3].
[0] https://stripe.com/docs/payments/accept-a-payment?platform=ios&ui=custom#ios-submit-payment
[1] https://stripe.dev/stripe-ios/docs/Classes/STPPaymentIntentParams.html#/c:#M#Stripe#objc(cs)STPPaymentIntentParams(py)receiptEmail
[2] https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/update#update_payment_intent-receipt_email
[3] https://stripe.com/docs/apple-pay?platform=ios#client-side
im using nodemailer to send a string generated by a package called ical-toolkit it correctly displayed the calendar event, with timezone accordingly in gmail. but in outlook it says that the calendar format is not supported. im not sure what i did wrong. mayb there's a standard that outlook reading the calendar differently from gmail? here's the generated ics file string:
X-WR-CALNAME:CRM Web Activities
SUMMARY:New note.
DESCRIPTION:do something
ORGANIZER;CN="The Almighty":mailto:miike.vaan#gmail.com
When setting CustomProperties to an appointment that has attendees, only the appointment for the organizer gets the CustomProperties. The properties do not propagate to the appointments of the other attendees.
Longer version
When we create an appointment with multiple attendees and then log in as each attendee, we notice that each ItemId is different. So, it appears that each attendee in a meeting gets their own copy of an appointment. (Would really like someone to confirm this is true).
However, when setting a custom property from our add-in (using the Outlook JavaScript API), only the organizer's appointment gets the custom property as we are unable to see the custom property when we log in as any of the other attendees.
Snippets from our code that is relevant:
Office.initialize = function (reason) {
$(document).ready(function () {
Office.context.mailbox.item.loadCustomPropertiesAsync (onCustomPropertiesLoaded);
function onCustomPropertiesLoaded(asyncResults) {
_customProps = asyncResults.value;
//Set custom properties
_customProps.set("myProp", "true");
Is there a way to have each copy of the appointment have the custom property?
When we create an appointment and have multiple attendees and then log in as each attendee, we notice that each ItemId is different. So, it appears that each attendee in a meeting gets their own copy of an appointment. (Would really like someone to confirm this is true).
Yes that's correct an attendees copy of the appointment is a separate new Item in that mailbox. On the back end Exchange server its a separate Mailbox Store Item they are not linked in any way (other then properties that can be used to correlate them) and the server does not update appointments in attendee mailboxes so they must always be updated by a client process (in the case of room mailbox the Mailbox assistant does this but this is still a client process that runs on the server).
However, when setting a custom property from our add-in, only the organizer's appointment gets the custom property as we are unable to see the custom property when we log in as any of the other attendees.
That is most likely happening because you need to first save the custom property on the Appointment before you add any attendees and send meeting invitations. Its important to first save the appointment with the property (or attachments) before you add any attendees, then when the server produces the invites those invites should include the custom property (you can check that is happening using a Mapi editor and looking at the invite being produced in the Sent Items folder of the Organiser). Its important to remember as the appointments aren't linked on the server updating the property on the organiser won't be reflected on the attendees copy unless your sending a Meeting update and that Meeting update is then accepted by the attendees which would then update their calendars.
Checkout from Stripe has a great way to add a credit card for a transaction, by simply invoking StripeCheckout.open().
Is it possible to use .open() to edit a card? (passing in the card token)
Also, where can I download a non-minified version of checkout.js to see the .open() method signature?
There is no way to edit a card that way. What you can do though is use Stripe Checkout to ask your customer for a new card without asking him to pay anything. The idea is to avoid setting the amount or data-amount parameter.
<form action="/charge" method="POST">
src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button"
data-name="Demo Site"
data-description="Update Card Details"
data-panel-label="Update Card Details"
data-label="Update Card Details">
You would get a new card token for that new card and you could then use the Update Customer API to save the new card on the customer.
As for your second question, there is unfortunately no unminified version of Checkout.js accessible at the moment.
Try http://unminify.com/ to see an unminified version of checkout.
I saw this done for the first time today. If you have an app where users log in, you should be able to do it with a custom Checkout integration (the above is the simple integration) found here https://stripe.com/docs/checkout#integration-custom
On the server side you would retrieve the customer via Stripe's API. From the linked custom example, you can pass the retrieved ID through to Checkout via session data so it knows which customer to update here:
$('#customButton').on('click', function(e) {
// Open Checkout with further options
name: 'Your Company Name',
email: customer_email,
id: customer_id,
zipCode: false,
I have not yet tested this, if I get a chance I'll report back.
In Gmail when you have an email from a newslist, you get a 'unsubscribe' link next to the email address, like this:
Google+ <noreply-67e4f7ae#plus.google.com> Unsubscribe
If you click it, it says:
Unsubscribe from Google+
Google+ provides a page at plus.google.com
where you can manage your email subscriptions. Learn more
Okay, when I send newsletters, I get the following message with 'undefined' instead, note that the link is actually right, it's just the text label that's wrong:
Unsubscribe from newslist#mywebsite.com
Sender provides a page at
undefined where you can manage your email subscriptions. Learn more
I'm sending the following header:
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:unsubscribe-request#mywebsite.com?subject=Unsubscribe+my+newsletter>,
Any ideas how I stop is saying 'undefined' and change 'sender' to my website?