Error reading FrontendRequest message content error in Azure API Management - azure

Sometime we are getting "Error reading FrontendRequest message content" exceptions in API Management. Backend calls are actually not failing, and their responses are what we expect. This is not very frequent (a handful per day), but I would like to find the reason.
Thanks in advance,

This means that there were some problems (details should be in logs) reading request content from client, that is client that has made a call to APIM service. It's normal to have some of those since usually you do not control where calling clients are or what is their connection quality. But if you have this persistently or do control your clients and sure that there are no problems with their connection, might want to file a support request.


ForEach Bulk Post Requests are failing

I have this script where I'm taking a large dataset and calling a remote api, using request-promise, using a post method. If I do this individually, the request works just fine. However, if I loop through a sample set of 200-records using forEach and async/await, only about 6-15 of the requests come back with a status of 200, the others are returning with a 500 error.
I've worked with the owner of the API, and their logs only show the 200-requests. So I don't think node is actually sending out the ones that come back as 500.
Has anyone run into this, and/or know how I can get around this?
To my knowledge, there's no code in node.js that automatically makes a 500 http response for you. Those 500 responses are apparently coming from the target server's network. You could look at a network trace on your server machine to see for sure.
If they are not in the target server logs, then it's probably coming from some defense mechanism deployed in front of their server to stop misuse or overuse of their server (such as rate limiting from one source) and/or to protect its ability to respond to a meaningful number of requests (proxy, firewall, load balancer, etc...). It could even be part of a configuration in the hosting facility.
You will likely need to find out how many simultaneous requests the target server will accept without error and then modify your code to never send more than that number of requests at once. They could also be measuring requests/sec to it might not only be an in-flight count, but could be the rate at which requests are sent.

managing the lifetime of transient webhooks?

Imagine I have a (ReST) API which provides access to versions of a resource. In order to achieve a lower latency I want push out notifications of a new resource as it becomes available. One way to do this is to use webhooks.
Webhooks seem to be typically viewed as long lived (days, weeks...) or semi-permanent resources.
Nowadays we can now upgrade connections to websockets for relatively short-lived low latency sessions.
I think there is still a middle ground where clients create transient webhooks to receive real-time notifications.
For a semi-permanent resource it makes sense for the subscription to be managed by the client.
For a transient webhook we need the server to manage the life-time of web-hooks in case a client forgets to delete them itself.
I haven't seen any discussion of this kind of webhook online. Is transient webhook the correct term?
Are there any best practices for when to automatically delete them?
If the client forgets to or cannot send the DELETE when should the server delete the resource?
Should the reply to the original POST include a time-to-live?
Should it post a probe heart-beat periodically and keep the hook if there is no reply after N attempts?
When server decides that /foobar/webhooks/ can be deleted should it become a 410 GONE or a 404?
It seems like there is good scope here for some standardisation to avoid all the potential pitfalls.
I would accept an answer (comments also welcome) that improves on my own and links to one or more well documented approaches to this or describes some good patterns.
My guess would be something like:
The webhooks for a ReST resource /foobar reside under /foobar/webhooks/
A specific web-hook would reside under /foobar/webhooks/
A client sends an HTTP POST to /foobar/webhooks to create a subscription.
The client optionally includes an indication of how long it expects to need it.
The server replies with a 202 ACCEPT and the location of the webhook /foobar/webhooks/
That webhook should provide the a time-to-live indication.
When it is done the client sends an HTTP DELETE to /foobar/webhooks/
If the client wants the hook to last longer it should tell the server by posting to /foobar/webhooks/ with a message asking it to keep
the hook alive longer.
You also need to be mindful of security, which is discussed well here.
Another resource is:

How to properly test an azure bot service

I'm able to successfully load test my bot server by getting the proper auth token from Microsofts auth URL (basically through this page)
I was wondering if this was a valid test on the service considering that we're not actually hitting the bot frameworks endpoint (which has rate limiting)
Is there another way to load test a bot service wherein i can replicate the bot frameworks throttling/rate limits?
I ended up with using load test with Visual Studio and Visual Studio Team Services.
The reason why I used this approach is that you can setup full path of load tests. Azure Bot Service can be either Web App or Function App with endpoint prepared for receiving messages - using HTTP POST so in the end is just web service.
You can setup load tests for different endpoints including number of hits to selected endpoint. In case of Bots you can for instance setup test with 100 fake messages sent to the bot to see the performance.
You can read more under these two links below:
Load test your app in the cloud using Visual Studio and VSTS
Quickstart: Create a load test project
Unfortunately as stated in the documentation you linked, the rates are not publicly available due to how often they are adjusted.
Regarding user-side throttling- this should not actually have an effect either way as long as you simulate reasonable traffic, but even if you go a bit overboard, an individual user hitting rate-limiting would be functionally equivalent to just having a bit more traffic. The single user sending more messages to the bot is the same as three users sending the same amount of messages slightly slower and there's no limit for your bot in terms of how many customers you might have. That said, a user getting a message, reading it, and typing up a response should not put themselves into a situation where they are rate-limited.
However, regarding bot side throttling it is useful to know if your bot is sending messages too fast for the system. If you are only ever replying directly to messages from users, this will not be an issue, as the system is built with replying to each user message in mind. The only area you might run into trouble is if you are sending additional (or unsolicited) messages, however even here as long as you are within reasonable limits you should be OK. (i.e. if you aren't sending several messages back to a user as fast as possible for each message they send you, you will probably not have problems.) You can set a threshold for bot replies within your channel at some reasonable-sounding limit to test this.
If you would like to see how your bot responds in cases where throttling is occurring (and not necessarily forcing it into tripping the throttling threshold), consider setting your custom channel to send 429 errors to your bot every so often so that it has to retry sending the message.

NodeJS API sync uploaded files through SFTP

I have a NodeJS REST API which has endpoints for users to upload assets (mostly images). I distribute my assets through a CDN. How I do it right now is call my endpoint /assets/upload with a multipart form, the API creates the DB resource for the asset and then use SFTP to transfer the image to the CDN origin's. Upon success I respond with the url of the uploaded asset.
I noticed that the most expensive operation for relatively small files is the connection to the origin through SFTP.
So my first question is:
1. Is it a bad idea to always keep the connection alive so that I can
always reuse it to sync my files.
My second question is:
2. Is it a bad idea to have my API handle the SFTP transfer to the CDN origin, should I consider having a CDN origin that could handle the HTTP request itself?
Short Answer: (1) it a not a bad idea to keep the connection alive, but it comes with complications. I recommend trying without reusing connections first. And (2) The upload should go through the API, but there maybe be ways to optimize how the API to CDN transfer happens.
Long Answer:
1. Is it a bad idea to always keep the connection alive so that I can always reuse it to sync my files.
It is generally not a bad idea to keep the connection alive. Reusing connections can improve site performance, generally speaking.
However, it does come with some complications. You need to make sure the connection is up. You need to make sure that if the connection went down you recreate it. There are cases where the SFTP client thinks that the connection is still alive, but it actually isn't, and you need to do a retry. You also need to make sure that while one request is using a connection, no other requests can do so. You would possibly want a pool of connections to work with, so that you can service multiple requests at the same time.
If you're lucky, the SFTP client library already handles this (see if it supports connection pools). If you aren't, you will have to do it yourself.
My recommendation - try to do it without reusing the connection first, and see if the site's performance is acceptable. If it isn't, then consider reusing connections. Be careful though.
2. Is it a bad idea to have my API handle the SFTP transfer to the CDN origin, should I consider having a CDN origin that could handle the HTTP request itself?
It is generally a good idea to have the HTTP request go through the API for a couple of reasons:
For security reasons' you want your CDN upload credentials to be stored on your API, and not on your client (website or mobile app). You should assume that your code for website can be seen (via view source) and people can generally decompile or reverse engineer mobile apps, and they'll be able to see your credentials in the code.
This hides implementation details from the client, so you can change this in the future without the client code needing to change.
#tarun-lalwani's suggestion is actually a good one - use S3 to store the image, and use a lambda trigger to upload it to the CDN. There are a couple of Node.js libraries that allow you to stream the image through your API's http request towards the S3 bucket directly. This means that you don't have to worry about disk space on your machine instance.
Regarding your question to #tarun-lalwani's comment - one way to do it is to use the S3 image url path until the lambda function is finished. S3 can serve images too, if properly given permissions to do so. Then after the lambda function is finished uploading to the CDN, you just replace the image path in your db.

protocol comparison for notification server with node.js

I'd like to implement push notification server using node.js. The basic scenario is:
Some applications sends notification messages to the server.
Notification server receives the request and forwards the message to uesr's mail or IM client based on user's preference.
In step 1, which protocol (e.g. REST, socket, HTTP/XML and so on.) would you recommend from the performance perspective?
Also in step 2, I have a plan to use node-xmpp module for IM client but for mail, which way is the best to implement? For example,
Just use SMTP. (But I think this might occur performance degradation because SMTP is an expensive communication and performance depends on SMTP server capacity.
use queue mechanism, in order to avoid drawbacks from the above. node.js app simply puts the message into the queue, and smtp server pulls the message.
other solutions...
Thanks in advance.
With regards to what to use as a protocol, i would go for a REST interface, whereby the application posting sends a POST request to a resource associated with the USER. something along the lines of "{userID}/notifications
I personally would use json as the data/content of the rest request and have node.js write this information to a message queue. (as a json string).
You can than have xmpp readers for each user, as well as an SMTP handler reading from this queue as fast as the SMTP server allows it to go.
However, this full post is what i would do in your situation, rather than a factual response on what is best. I know JMS fairly well and i've been working a lot with rest interfaces lately, therefore this is the way i would do it.
