Excel Macro Expected Function or variable - excel

I am following this script
it looks simple and straight forward.
but when I open the excel file I get these errors
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
Compile error:
Expected Function or variable
OK Help
I am not sure if I am doing anything wrong
but everything looks alright to me
any idea how to fix that?
Thanks K Daves
Do you know why I get error on End Sub and On Error Resume Next?

There was an HTML coding error on their website.
In the sub TimeSetting(), it should look like this:
Sub TimeSetting()
CloseTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:15")
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=CloseTime, _
Procedure:="SavedAndClose", Schedule:=True
End Sub
The <span style="background-color:#ff0"> portion that was in your code was actually meant to style the the Sub on their website - not meant to be part of the code.


Different computers handling "On Error Resume Next" differently?

I have the following code:
Sub test()
On Error GoTo Label
Debug.Print 1 / 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Infinity!"
End Sub
If I run this code on my laptop, I get "Infinity", as I expected. However... When I run it on my desktop, excel throws an error message Runtime error 11 ... Division by zero
Has anyone ever experienced this before? It's almost like my Excel desktop client has just 'forgotton' how to handle errors...
Most likely this is due to different settings in your VB editor under
Tools>>Options>>General>>Error Trapping
If set to "Break on all errors" then that's what it does...

Unable to execute kill function VBA - Run-time error '13'

I'm unable to perform the Kill function using Visual Basic in Excel. When I run the code to Kill, I get
"Run-time error '13' Type mismatch'
Does anybody have any ideas? I've tried
Kill "pathname"
I've tried different filetypes in various locations and always end up getting the same error.
Edit- I've now reverted to attempting the simplest of Macros and I still get the error instantly:
Sub KillFile()
Dim filetokill As String
filetokill = "C:\Users\thomas.bennett\Desktop\test.txt"
VBA.Kill filetokill
End Sub
Both of these should work, to delete a file from for instance, your desktop.
Sub killfile1()
Dim filetokill As String
filetokill = "C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\test.txt"
Kill filetokill
End Sub
Sub killfile2()
Kill "C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\test.txt"
End Sub
I've had an idea though.. you haven't created a FUNCTION or SUB called Kill have you? I just created one and it didn't disallow it:
Function kill(filename As Integer)
End Function
If this is present, I get the exact same error (13) as you when running either of my example macros. Check your code for other uses of Kill.

Excel Timer Function Throwing "Expected Function or variable" Error

I have an Excel macro I've called for years I need a pause in running code. Here's the macro:
Sub timeFrame(PauseTime As Double)
Dim Start As Double
Start = timer
Loop Until (timer - Start) >= PauseTime
End Sub
I just ran a macro that calls the one above and got an "Expected Function or variable" compile error with the Start = time line highlighted. In troubleshooting, I established that the error occurs with any macro that contains the same line. I even went to MSDN and copied their sample code, and got the same error when I tried to run it.
I thought I might have a missing library reference but nothing showed up there. After an hour or so of Googling I'm at a complete loss for a reason for the error, and would greatly appreciate some fresh insight.
This can happen if you have a Function or Sub that shares the same name as the Module. Every name must be unique. Even the Modules.

excel vba error handling

I'm having trouble with an error handling in VBA excel.
Basicaly, I have a situation where I'm dealing with multiple errors within same error handling block.
To make things really simple let's just say:
Sub some_function ()
On Error go to step1
some code which triggers an error
Exit Sub
Okay, so far so good.
Problem is, that in this block of code can also occur an error
with the same Err.Number but I have to deal with him on other way
which is not specified in this block of code.
go to step 2
End sub
I'm using SAP session to connect to SAPgui and I cannot predict which error will occur. If I can catch an error within error handling block of code I can solve this situation.
So basicaly I'm blind foilded. If an error occurs I try to do some other things and if it works OK, but if an error occurs second time (within error handling block) it will throw me an error.
Is there any walkaround?
just thinking out loud.
If I use On Error Resume next statement and do as following:
On Error Resume next
some code,
line of code that could trigger an error
if Err.Number <> 0 Then
try to handle an error
End if
line of code that could also trigger an error
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Try to handle an error
End If
Would that be OK? or is there any better solution?
Is it possible to use Resume next statement within the procedure in only a certain block of code? Let's just say we have a procedure with 20 lines, and I would like to use Resume Next statement between 10th and 15th line.. Is it possible to enable and disable Resume next statement, or on Error line?
How about putting the code in step 2 into a separate procedure? There, you can do separate error handling with a new on error goto statement.

VBA Error Handling not working in Excel

I have not had much experience with VBA, but I sometimes use it at work. Recently, I have encountered a problem that shouldn't happen, and that neither my boss nor myself can figure out.
Basically, the issue is that the Application property DisplayAlerts is set to True by default and can't be changed for some reason. Possibly related is that when I hit an error, it always display the End|Debug|Help alert and never hits the applied error handling.
I am running 64-bit Office 2010 on a 64-bit Windows 7 machine. However, I do not believe it to be a platform issue, as I have tested on multiple different platforms, operating systems and software permutations and no other machine has this error; just mine.
I have created some sample code in case anyone has encountered this before or has any ideas. The only thing I can think of, is that I have something installed on my machine that is causing this. But after a program purge and many restarts, I am no closer to deciphering what it might be.
Public Sub TestErrorHandler()
' Suppress alerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim strArray(1) As String
strArray(0) = "Hello"
strArray(1) = "World"
' Set up error handler
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
For i = 0 To 3
MsgBox strArray(i)
' Strip the error handler
On Error GoTo 0
' Unsuppress alerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description
Resume Next
End Sub
The error is thrown on the third enumeration of the for-loop (as it should). The type of the error is irrelevant, what is relevant is that I get the error and never hit the error handler.
Any suggestions or help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!
Press ALT + F11 from within Excel to reach VBA editor.
Goto Tools menu -> Options item -> General tab.
Set the error trapping to "Break on unhandled errors"
(source: microsoft.com)
