show a missing value from one column compared to another - excel

I'm moving a tracker from google sheets to Excel however the formula in excel does not work.
When i download the new data I want to know if any new vins have been added. In google sheets it would look at the MASTER then look at the Download and if there was any new vins it would show them in the New VINs. Please see the google sheets formula:
=IFERROR(QUERY('download'!$A$2:$Y, "Select W where not lower(Q) contains 'core' and (B=30 or B=35) and not W matches '"&JOIN("|", ' MASTER'!$E2:$E)&"'"))
Basically I need the excel version of this formula

Google spreadsheet's QUERY formula is actually based on Google Visualization API Query Language which you can only find in Google spreadsheet.
Unfortunately, there's nothing similar in excel. In addition, There is no inbuilt regex/ formulaic version of regex in excel.
Further Reading
SQL query in excel


How to search a website using a range of cells in excel to extract specific data

I'm trying to search the website "" using a column of cells and import the "Cap Hit" value back into excel in the adjacent column for each.
I'm a complete beginner when it comes to programming, so I've mostly been trying to learn from previous questions such as this one: excel macro to search a website and extract results
I'm still pretty perplexed, especially with how to extract just the specific value I'm looking for. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know which version of Excel you work with.
Anyway you can try this :
Create a new sheet.
Go to Data in the ribbon to get external data and choose "From web".
Input the url of your page ie
After a moment you should retrieve "Results" data that you can load with or without structure modifications. You now have a data table in your new sheet.
You can now access it with Vlookup or similar function, with VBA code or with formulas, to put specific data on specific cells of specific sheets like you need to.
Hope it helps.

Is there a way to automate checking for duplicates in a column and delete/notify as entering?

So I'm working on a google sheet project where I and a few others will be keeping track of every movie we watch and then scoring it from 1-10. Since this is a long-term project, the list of movie titles will get quite long and I'm trying to think of a way to notify the inputter if the movie title they're writing already exists further up in their column. Assuming it's an if-statement of some sort but very new to excel and google sheets.
Anyone have any ideas?
You might try to create validation rule for the range of cells. Right button click on the cell -> Data Validation...
Or see the link below for details
Google sheet value validation
Same solution might be implemented for MS Excel sheets
I have used conditional formatting for this. Lets say movie names are in column A. The below code would highlight duplicate entries.
The only issue is if there is a Typo in the movie name you could still end up whit duplicates. Example

Copy and paste Excel rows between two workbooks based on criteria from exported Access data

I have no previous experience in Access, VBA coding or in Excel macros prior to teaching myself the past month via these forums. Thank you forums and contributors. I have enjoyed my Access learnings so far, the challenge that it has provided and appreciate any help that I can get. As such, the code and methods that I have used to this point may well be convoluted and confusing. I will do my best to provide relevant details and accurate terminology.
I work in a lab and I am creating an Access Form for semi-automated reporting. Samples are received from clients and are logged into the Excel Table R&D Log. The worksheet is InProcess. Samples are sorted based on the site in which they originate and given a one or two letter site code (G, D, WH, etc.) and an ID "yy-000" in separate Excel columns (i.e. D 18-096). Samples may be submitted for multiple analyses (Metals, Water, Soil, etc.) and may even have multiple rows of reporting if multiple analytes are identified in the sample. There are several other columns, such as receipt date, reporting date, units, etc. Once samples are reported, I manually copy and paste them into the Archived worksheet, and delete the record and blank row from the InProcess worksheet. Since one sample may have multiple analyses and even more potential results, each record would be reported on a new Excel row (with the same D 18-096 ID number). Thus, there is not a single unique identifier or primary key for each sample in the current format. R&D Log is updated manually by lab technicians and the worksheet InProcess is a linked table in an Access Database.
The Access Database is using two combo boxes on a Form frmInProcess to filter a Query qryInProcess of the linked table. The combo boxes are filtering the report destination (one client may receive multiple site codes) and the analysis (reports are separated based on type of analysis). The Query is also filtering out blank results and blank dates, so only completed samples will appear on the filtered Form. I have generated VBA code to this point that will export the Form to a .pdf, save the file with unique filename, and open outlook to mail out the report. I have also managed to export the filtered Form frmInProcess to an Excel file Access Test (not the linked file).
What I would like to do now is to automate the transfer of completed test results from the Excel worksheet R&D Log: InProcess to R&D Log: Archived and delete the record from the InProcess worksheet. I am not sure if I can export the filtered Form into a linked Excel table, or if I must use a separate Excel file (or if it even matters for simplicity of code?). I would now like to read the exported filtered Form in Excel Access Test, lookup matching rows in R&D Log based on several criteria (site, ID, Analysis, Analyte, Report Date) and automate the transfer of records between R&D Log worksheets. End result being that Access generates reports for completed tests, and the records are removed from InProcess testing and transferred to Archived testing in Excel. I am guessing that I may need to close the Access application and perform this in Excel. Hope this is easy enough to follow.
Thank you.
In my experience, importing an Excel document into a temporary NEW (or totally empty) Access table is usually the easiest way to go. Then you do not have to worry about cell references like you do in Excel VBA. Even if the Excel document has old data in it with just a few new changes each time, importing it into a temporary Access table could be the simplest way to go, because then you can compare the data in this table with the data in another, permanent Access table and update the latter based on the former.
As far as the original Excel file, if you need to delete rows there, it might be quicker to export a new Excel file with just the data the old one is supposed to end up with, and then use VBA to delete (or - safer! - rename) the old file.
So the development process goes something like this:
Save import steps by first importing an Excel file via Access' ribbon options "External Data" (tab) ->"Excel" and when you finish, be sure to check the "Save import steps" box and note the name you give the "saved import" because you will need that in your VBA code.
In Access, write a function for deleting the table. The VBA code is:
Const cTable = "MyExcelTempTable"
If TableExists(cTable) Then
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, cTable
End If
Now you can test your delete function on the data you imported.
Write VBA code to import the same spreadsheet to create the same table:
Const cSavedImport = "Import-MyExcelTempTable"
' Import the Excel file
DoCmd.RunSavedImportExport cSavedImport
Write more VBA function(s) to check the imported table for bad data and then to copy it into the permanent table. You might be updating existing records or adding new ones. Either way, you could use Access queries or SQL to do this and run them from VBA.
Write a VBA function to rename the old Excel file. (You could use an InputBox if the Excel file name is different each time. I do this for importing Excel files, and I set a default value so I do not have to type as much.)
Write a VBA function to export the new version of the Excel file.
Make yourself a button on a form that, when clicked, runs a VBA function. Inside that function, run Steps 2 through 6, above.
I am not sure my answer exactly matches what you are trying to do, but hopefully you get enough of a picture of the workflow to figure out the details of what you need.

Read excel cell colour into Power BI

I have an excel file that I need to read into Power BI. Unfortunately I have no control over this file as its auto generated from another person.
Some of the cells in this file are just filled with colours and I want to be able to translate these colours when importing the data into Power BI.
For example if the colour is green in excel then show true in the corresponding power BI cell. At the moment it's just blank.
Does anyone know of a way to get cell "meta" data like colour from excel in Power BI?
Don't give up just yet...
I found an example that works in a roundabout way using Power Query in Excel. It will give you the meta data associated with each cell by its address (e.g. A1 is highlighted with color FFFFFF00). I relied on some Excel functions to associate the highlighted cell addresses with the cell values. Pulling the cell data with Power BI might take some additional work.
The technique is to use Power Query to open the Excel .xlsx file, which is basically a .zip file containing .xml documents. The color information for each cell can be extracted into a table. From there I was able to use INDIRECT() statements to read from the .xlsx workbook and extract the values from the colored cells. It worked quite well for me.
You can find a working example in the forum in the link below. The user defined DecompressFiles function in the sample uses the Binary.Decompress command to access the XML files within the .xlsx file.
In my situation, I had a database export of about 7,000 rows and 50 columns into Excel. Working offline, users then went through Excel and made changes, highlighting every cell they had changed. Then they wanted me to update the database with only the highlighted cells. The background color used by each person varied but I didn't care what the color was, just that it was colored.
For each changed cell I was able to generate SQL statements to update the database and also insert into a transaction log table. The main database table was mostly flat but the few foreign key lookup values that were modified I had to update manually.
Column F uses the Indirect formula to pull data from the source workbook. Note that the source workbook must be open for the Indirect formula to read from it.
=INDIRECT("'[" & Import_Filename & "]" & Sheet_Name & "'!"&[#[SheetCellRef.2]])
Column G refines the data in Column F by putting quotes around strings or NULL if the cell is blank.
Column H grabs the column heading to know what field to update.
Column K grabs the Record ID value from the row specified in Column E.
I have had to run this process three different times for the users so my time invested paid off quickly. All I have to do is put their latest highlighted Excel file in the local folder and refresh the Power Query to generate new SQL statements.
Sorry I don't have a 'solution' posted right here. The process is still a little fragile and I'm trying to make a more robust example I can share. Stack Overflow doesn't seem to be set up for ongoing development of a solution. The point of this answer is to give hope to some of you who are desperate for a solution and won't take 'No' for an answer.
Color is not data. Unfortunately, many people color-code cells and then expect to be able to do things based on the color of the cell. But it's not that simple.
Although Excel now provides some ways to filter by cell color, it still cannot identify cell color with a worksheet formula.
Hence, you will need a VBA routine that evaluates all cells and records their colors in another table, which you will then need to push into your Power BI data model.
In the long run, it might be easier to talk to that other person who produces the color coded cells, and teach them a better way of doing things. Show them how to use conditional formatting based on cell values for color coding. The logic used for conditional formatting can also be applied to classify the data in Power BI.
From a data architecture point of view, the best solution is to address the problem at the source, instead of creating tools to handle bad data input.
Just sayin'.

Script to perform like a search macro in a spreadsheet?

I use a macro in an Excel spreadsheet that allows me to type in one or multiple words and search the spreadsheet for those words. Each row of the spreadsheet that contains those words is copied over to sheet 2 of the spreadsheet. (The spreadsheet is basically a large list of inventory at my work place. So, for example, if I wanted to search our inventory for all 'red widgets', I can type the word red, and the word widget into the search field and on sheet 2 of the spreadsheet, a list of all of our red widgets would appear (even those listed as "widget red")). Could a script in Google sheets do the same thing? I would really like to use Google sheets instead of Excel for this.
A Google Apps Script can definitely do this. You would likely be best off starting from scratch rather than working from your Excel Macro code.
There are a few options for how you could set this up, but off the top of my head I would approach it like this:
Add a custom menu to the sheet, with "find & copy" menu entry
Pop up a a simple dialog using HtmlService, where the user enters the
search term.
On submission, retrieve all rows from Sheet1
Loop over the rows and search for your term in one or more columns
copy matching rows to a new array
write the array of matches to a new sheet.
See the extending sheets overview here:
html service here:
and function references for these services here:
