Should You Use PM2, Node Cluster, or Neither in Kubernetes? - node.js

I am deploying some NodeJS code into Kubernetes. It used to be that you needed to run either PM2 or the NodeJS cluster module in order to take full advantage of multi-core hardware.
Now that we have Kubernetes, it is unclear if one must use one or the other, to get the full benefit of multiple cores.
Should a person specify the number of CPU units in their pod YAML configuration?
Or is there simply no need to account for multiple cores with NodeJS in Kubernetes?

You'll achieve utilization of multiple cores either way; the difference being that with the nodejs cluster module approach, you'd have to "request" more resources from Kubernetes (i.e., multiple cores), which might be more difficult for Kubernetes to schedule than a few different containers requesting one core (or less...) each (which it can, in turn, schedule on multiple nodes, and not necessarily look for one node with enough available cores).


Does clustering in Node.js and auto-scaling web application using Kubernetes serve the same purpose?

Node.js has introduced the Cluster module to scale up applications for performance optimization. We have Kubernetes doing the same thing.
I'm confused if both are serving the same purpose? My assumption is clustering can spawn up to max 8 processes (if there are 4 cpu cores with 2 threads each) and there is no such limitation in Kubernetes.
Kubernetes and the Node.js Cluster module operate at different levels.
Kubernetes is in charge of orchestrating containers (amongst many other things). From its perspective, there are resources to be allocated, and deployments that require or use a specific amount of resources.
The Node.js Cluster module behaves as a load-balancer that forks N times and spreads the requests between the various processes it owns, all within the limits defined by its environment (CPU, RAM, Network, etc).
In practice, Kubernetes has the possibility to spawn additional Node.js containers (scaling horizontally). On the other hand, Node.js can only grow within its environment (scaling vertically). You can read about this here.
While from a performance perspective both approaches might be relatively similar (you can use the same number of cores in both cases); the problem with vertically scaling on a single machine is that you lose the high-availability aspect that Kubernetes provides. On the other hand, if you decide to deploy several Node.js containers on different machines, you are much more tolerant for the day one of them is going down.

Can slurm run 3 seperate computers as one "node"?

I'm an intern that's been tasked with installing slurm across three compute units running ubuntu. How things work now is people ssh into one of the compute units and run a job on there, since all three units share memory through nfs mounting. Otherwise they are separate machines though.
My issue is that from what I've read in the documentation, it seems like when installing slurm I would specify each of these compute units as a completely separate node, and any jobs I'd like to run that use multiple cores would still be limited by how many cores are available on the individual node. My supervisor has told me however that the three units should be installed as a single node, and when a job comes in that needs more cores than available on a single compute unit, slurm should just use all the cores. The intention is that we won't be changing how we execute jobs (like a parallelized R script), just "wrapping" them in a sbatch script before sending them to slurm for scheduling and execution.
So is my supervisor correct in that slurm can be used to run our parallelized scripts unchanged with more cores than available on a single machine?
Running a script on more cores than available is nonsense. It does not provide any performance increase, rather the oposite, as more threads have to be managed but the computing power is the same.
But he is right in the sense that you can wrap your current script and send it to SLURM for execution using the whole node. But the three machines will be three nodes. They cannot work as a single node because, well, they are not a single node/machine. They do not share either memory nor busses, nor peripherals... they just share some disk thru the network.
You say that
any jobs I'd like to run that use multiple cores would still be limited by how many cores are available on the individual node
but that's the current situation with SSH. Nothing is lost by using SLURM to manage the resources. In fact, SLURM will take care of giving each job the proper resources and avoiding other users interfering with your computations.
Your best bet: create a cluster of three nodes as usual and let people send their jobs asking for as many resources they need without exceeding the available resources.

Is it possible to isolate spark cluster nodes for each individual application

We have a spark cluster comprising of 16 nodes. Is it possible to limit nodes 1 & 2 for application 'A'; nodes 3,4,5 for application 'B'; nodes 10,11,12,15 for application 'C'; and so on?
From the documentation, I understand that we can set some properties to control spark executor cores, number of executors to be launched, memories etc. But, I am curious to know if I can achieve the above use case.
One obvious way to do that is to configure 3 different clusters with the desired topology, otherwise you're out of luck, spark does not have any provision,
because it is usually a bad idea and generally against the design principles of spark and clustering in general. Why? If you assign application A to specific hosts, but it gets idle, while application B is running at 100%, you have 2 idle hosts that could be working for B, so you would be wasting costly computing resources. Usually, what you want is to assign a certain number of resources per application and let the system decide how to allocate them (scheduling.. plain spark is pretty elementary, but running under YARN and Mesos you can be more sophisticated).
Another reason why it's a bad idea is that you don't want rules that specify a specific host or set of hosts. What if you assign node 1&2 to application A and they both go down? Beside not using your resources efficiently, tying your app to specific hosts makes it also difficult to make them resilient to failure by rescheduling them on other hosts.
You may have other ways to do something similar though, if you're running spark under YARN or Mesos, you can define queues or quotas and limit the amount of resources that each application can use at a given time.
In general, it depends on the reason, why do you want to statically allocate resources to applications. If it's for resource management, you should instead looking at schedulers and queues. If it's for security, you should have multiple clusters, keeping in mind that you'd be losing in performance.

Node.js cluster module cannot use all the cpu cores when running inside docker container

When run Node.js cluster module on my physical machine, the os.cpus().length will get 4, but after put the app inside docker container then it returns 2!
I generally know this is because that by default Golang will just run on one single core, that's why here the cluster module only can see one single CPU core (2 logical cores).
If I want my cluster module to utilize all the physical CPU cores, what is the proper way to achieve that?
I tried to play with the --cpuset-cpus=0-1 options, till now haven't figure out much.
I am thinking if I just create an arbitrary amount of workers, will that really can utilize all the CPU cores? The os.cpus().length here is just used to figure out how many cpu cores the machine has, I can get around of this by calling into shell script. That means this question can be just simply equal to Node.js os.cpus() API is not compatible with docker? Is that true?
Your docker machine uses default 2 core. On mac you can change the amount in advanced.

clustering in node.js using mesos

I'm working on a project with Node.js that involves a server. Now due to large number of jobs, I need to perform clustering to divide the jobs between different servers (different physical machines). Note that my jobs has nothing to do do with internet, so I cannot use stateless connection (or redis to keep state) and a load balancer in front of the servers to distribute the connection.
I already read about the "cluster" module, but, from what i understood, it seems to scale only on multiprocessors on the same machine.
My question: is there any suitable distributed module available in Node.js for my work? What about Apache mesos? I have heard that mesos can abstract multiple physical machines into a single server? is it correct? If yes, it is possible to use the node.js cluster module on top of the mesos, since now we have only one virtual server?
My question: is there any suitable distributed module available in Node.js for my work?
Don't know.
I have heard that mesos can abstract multiple physical machines into a single server? is it correct?
Yes. Almost. It allows you to pool resources (CPU, RAM, DISK) across multiple machines, gives you ability to allocate resources for your applications, run and manage the said applications. So you can ask Mesos to run X instances of node.js and specify how much resource does each instance needs.
If yes, it is possible to use the node.js cluster module on top of the mesos, since now we have only one virtual server?
Admittedly, I don't know anything about node.js or clustering in node.js. Going by, it just forks off a bunch of child workers and then round robins the connection between them. You have 2 options off the top of my head:
Run node.js on Mesos using an existing framework such as Marathon. This will be fastest way to get something going on Mesos.
Create a Mesos framework for node.js, which essentially does what cluster node.js is doing, but across the machines.
In both these solutions, you have the option of letting Mesos create as many instances of node.js as you need, or, use Mesos to run cluster node.js on each machine and let it manage all the workers on that machine.
I didn't google, but there might already be a node.js mesos framework out there!
