It's my understanding that everything Hyperledger fabric offers can be done on regular database software.
For example, "smart contracts" are analogous to stored procedures. Also, there are some existing pieces of "distributed database" software that appear to be equivalent to what fabric can do. For example, the X-Road project from e-Estonia.
EDIT: I've been told a better example of a distributed database is Apache CouchDB. How is this "Distributed Ledger" idea different from CouchDB?
When does Hyperledger fabric offer an advantage?
hi hope you are doing well. by the way I have a research on the frameworks used by blockchain. I found a problem while fixing the differences between Hyper-Ledger Fabric and hyper ledger Besu. can you help me
You can find the differences from the description given in official documentation:
Hyperledger Besu is an open source Ethereum client developed under the Apache 2.0 license and written in Java. It can be run on the Ethereum public network or on private permissioned networks, as well as test networks such as Rinkeby, Ropsten, and Görli. Hyperledger Besu includes several consensus algorithms including PoW, PoA, and IBFT, and has comprehensive permissioning schemes designed specifically for uses in a consortium environment.
Hyperledger Fabric is an open source enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger technology (DLT) platform, designed for use in enterprise contexts, that delivers some key differentiating capabilities over other popular distributed ledger or blockchain platforms. Fabric has a highly modular and configurable architecture, enabling innovation, versatility and optimization for a broad range of industry use cases including banking, finance, insurance, healthcare, human resources, supply chain and even digital music delivery.
For further details you can refer following links:
I'm currently trying to figure out on couple of things
1) What blockchain databases can be integrated with hyperledger fabric – (such as IPDB, or Bigchain db or couchDb)
2) What distributed file systems can be integrated with hyperledger fabric (such as IPFS, StorJ, Swarm).
can someone add your views, if there is anything better please share.
There are no such limitations, many people use integration patterns with various other technologies, for example:
Clients can write data to a distributed file system or database and then put a link and/or hash of the data on the Fabric blockchain as permanent evidence of the data.
Clients can listen for block events on a Fabric peer, and as blocks are committed to Fabric, write the data to another distributed file system or database.
The possibilities are endless.
Both, Hyperledger Fabric and BichainDB offer the possibility to have a private, permissioned blockchain database. With their concepts they try to address the main disadvantages of public blockchains like lack of privacy and lack of performance (low throughput etc).
What are the main differences between the two technologies?
If you try out example application of both frameworks, you will quickly notice that BigchainDB is easier to start with. Hyperledger Fabric involves a lot of more knowledge to master it.
Fabric knows different kinds of nodes (peers, peers additionally being endorser nodes, orderer) and thereby allows a very flexible setup, depending on the consortium design and organisations themselves. BigchainDB has one kind of node that can be deployed. Also every involved organisation gets one node of course.
Fabric has richer capabilities to model assets and all kinds of transactions. One transaction kind can always be implemented by a custom processor function doing whatever is needed to query or modify the state of the ledger. BigchainDB only knows CREATE and TRANSFER transactions on every defined asset. You can create something (that may be also divisable, e.g. amounts of tokens) and can transfer them completely or partly.
Both seem to have pretty low level APIs. Fabric has more APIs and config models that need to be mastered. But Fabric is being complemented by frameworks such as Composer (with all its nice libraries involved, like playground and rest-server) that really improve the programming model. As far as I know there is nothing like that for BigchainDB, also because it is pretty simple from the start.
Consensus: BigchainDB uses Tendermint which is Byzantine Fault Tolerant. Fabric does PBFT which is Practically Byzantine Fault Tolerance, based on the idea of Miguel Castro.
In general I would say that Fabric is intended to be used for complex business use cases. BigchainDB is simpler and nice for assets that can be divided (financal stuff like coins/tokens maybe).
Other than the fact that Composer makes deployment and testing of prototype business networks easier and the fact that we don't have to know golang to develop chaincode, what is the difference in the functionalities that these interfaces provide that may lead one to choose one over the other?
This article can probably provide you with the answers you need:
Hyperledger Composer is both an application development framework and set of powerful tools which simplifies and expedites the creation of blockchain applications and smart contracts that are ultimately executed on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. Composer has its own runtime, that is generic chaincode and hosts and interprets the business network deployed - so your smart contract need only use Javascript, not chaincode in Go a (which is Fabric's domain) s you mentioned. It also has a modeling facility to create your business network model and to define such controls as Access Control lists and queries to be executed.
This architecture link should help you with further understanding ->
Furthermore see the Hyperledger Composer docs, see here:
TO see the Hyperledger Fabric docs - see here:
I have been working on hyperledger fabric for some time. But I don’t understand where hyperledger composer comes in place . I do understand that it helps in visualizing the logic and transaction. But what I don’t get is how do you integrate it with fabric network? what does it create? Is it chaincode if not then what?
The Compose runtime is chain code that executes the business network archive artefacts created by the end-user.
Perhaps this will help?
The tech answer is that Hyperledger Composer is an abstraction layer over Hyperledger Fabric.
The practical answer is that it is awesome. Think how Angular and hundreds of other frameworks make web programming easier.
It is a framework where you can write your blockchain in Javascript and specify your data objects in an easy to understand text file. Throw in some querying, ACL stuff and pathways to use some nice opensource tools that let you do things like generate a Web API automatically and play around in a web environment without installing anything.
We are using it for the Integra Ledger Legal blockchain. ( I just spent the day working in it.