is there any way to click on the mail subject on lotus notes and direct to the link?
Example :
Who Subject Date Size
kit `food list` 11/09 2k
Expected outcome :
when i click on the 'food list', it will redirect to the website link.
I think it is possible. Either you can add some more fields/headers with the mail or have a special subject tag included.
Then you need to change the queryopen event in the mailbox to check for the field/subject tag, parse the mailbody, open the link end set continue = false to prevent the mail from opening.
A notes only solution would be to send a special form within the email...
When a Sales Order is emailed to a customer with Email Preference set to PDF, the body of the email reads:
Please open the attached file to view your Sales Order.
To view the attachment, you first need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have it yet, visit Adobe's Web site to download it.[/CODE]
I'd like to add onto this message a bit. I think that will require me to write a script that renders the transaction to a PDF template and sends the email with whatever message I choose. It also needs to prevent NetSuite from sending the default email as well.
Would the following work:
In a beforeSubmit function on Sales Order records, if the customer has Email Preference=PDF, uncheck the 'Email To' field. Set a new custom checkbox such as 'Email PDF' to true instead.
In a User Event Script, after a Sales Order submits and has 'Email PDF' set to true, render the transaction to a PDF and send it in an email to all the 'Email To' recipients.
Or is there a better solution I may be overlooking?
The 'duplicate question' says this can't be done yet I have a working solution. It also references SuiteTalk, not the same.
This is a solution someone gave me on the official NetSuite forum:
You can accomplish this fairly easily with a Workflow.
- Trigger on Before Record Submit when 'To Be E-mailed' = T
- Set Field Value of 'To Be E-mailed' = F
- Transition to next state After Record Submit
- Use 'Send Email' action. This allows you to use an email template and
also automatically attach pdf
I have a survey that will rate the "Seller" regarding the "Performance" and "Improvement". I need to send an email notification together with an actual copy of my rating. What command can I use?
Attached is the screen capture of the actual survey. In that example, Janine must be able to see through email my rating for her.
You could create a separate Form defined "On Create: Inherit entire selected document into richtext field / as rich text".
when your survey is open, compose this form, copy the Rich Text content and put it in a mail.
You can also design this form to be mail ready (call the Rich Text Body, add the sendto field...)
I can create a search in Lotus Notes Mail like this:
and I get all the mails that are not internal.
Can I make this into a View?
Yes, create a view with following selection formula:
SELECT Form = "Memo" & !#Contains(From; "/DOLPHINGEO")
You might need to add other conditions in additions depending on what you want to see in your view.
This is still not quite correct. You're likely to have mail that should appear in the view, but which is not on the Memo form (it might be on a Reply or calendar entry form, for instance). Also, chances are you have some mail from people in your company, that was delivered by internet rather than Notes mail, and might not contain the exact string "DOLPHINGEO", uppercase.
We're sending email from Newsgator to Notes mail as part of our social implementation. It includes three links that are mailto's. The hotspot formula looks like this:
"mailto:"Like Event" <>?subject=Like this activity event. This email references activity event:NGMetaEvent_0D8111ED124B8FE8693DD6C82BD0FA28_634984171780151056.&body=Send this email to like the activity event."
I would expect this to always fail, because of the multiple double-quotes.
Interestingly, it does not always fail. If you put it in your trash folder, it works. If you forward the document, the recipient will be able to click the links. If you simply edit and save the received message, the links work. The hotspot formula looks exactly the same in any of those circumstances.
So, why does it fail when I open the document from my Inbox?
I created one form with a field richtextitem lite and image is kept in that when i click the action send mail.. a mail should be sent to tne id " abc" with image in it
Any one please provide me the code for developing it
Thank you
This is documented in the designer help file. Setting up automatic mailing or open this Db: Help\help85_designer.nsf
Depending on the requirements you have 3 options:
- system action
- formula
- LotusScript