gitlab: how to update to latest minor version - gitlab-ce

I tried to update my gitlab-CE from 10.3.2 to the latest one (currently the 11.4). And it gives me this honestly safe error.
gitlab preinstall: It seems you are upgrading from 10.x version series
gitlab preinstall: to 11.x series. It is recommended to upgrade
gitlab preinstall: to the last minor version in a major version series first before
gitlab preinstall: jumping to the next major version.
gitlab preinstall: Please follow the upgrade documentation at
gitlab preinstall: and upgrade to 10.8 first.
dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/gitlab-ce_11.2.3-ce.0_amd64.deb (--unpack):
subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
root#this-vm# apt-cache policy gitlab-ce | grep Installed
Installed: 10.3.2-ce.0
But how to install to the latest minor version ? The documentation they are referring to, doesn't say how to do it.
Do you guys encounter any problem like this ?

Try to update to the latest minor version as suggested here:
apt-get update
apt-get install gitlab-ce=<YOUR-LATEST-MINOR-VERSION>-ce.0
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
gitlab-ctl restart
In your case latest minor is: 10.8.6 [as of today].
You can check the release list.
Remember to check the changes between your initial and target versions.

For CentOS/RHEL reference:
To install minor version on (CentOS/RHEL). Follow below steps.
To update minor version on 11.xx to latest version of 11.11.5:
sudo yum install gitlab-ce-11.11.5-ce.0.el6.x86_64
Similarly for all other version, You can find the specific version/install command you need to use at Search for a version string such as gitlab-ce-11. Click on the RPM or Deb package for your OS version, then you will see all version of gitlab where you can findout latest version name and install it as stated above but just replace it with your minor version name i,e. gitlab-ce-11.11.5-ce.0.el6.x86_64
Upgrading from one version to another version should be followed as per the recommendation below or official page here.
12.7.5 -> 12.10.5
11.3.4 -> 11.11.1
10.6.6 -> 10.8.3
11.3.4 -> 11.11.8
10.6.6 -> 10.8.7
9.2.3 -> 9.5.5
8.9.4 -> 8.12.3
Always recommended that first upgrade to the latest available minor version within your major version and then upgrade it next stable version.

I was trying to update our existing gitlab-ce version 11.2.1 to latest gitlab-ce 12.2.0. After installing the 12.2.0 using yum update when I tried gitlab-ctl reconfigure. I got the error saying you need to install gitlab 11.0.0 first.
So, I removed the gitlab 12.2.0 and installed the 11.0.0 version using
yum remove gitlab-ce-12.2.0-ce.0.el7.x86_64.rpm
rpm -Uvh gitlab-ce-11.11.0-ce.0.el7.x86_64.rpm
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
sudo gitlab-ctl restart
The process was successful, My old data was there and I could login with my old credentials. The version in front-end was showing 11.0.0. Now to get to latest version I did
gitlab-ctl stop
yum remove gitlab-ce-11.11.0-ce.0.el7.x86_64.rpm
rpm -Uvh gitlab-ce-12.2.0-ce.0.el7.x86_64.rpm
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
gitlab-ctl restart
I got on version 12 but then I got another error the alermanager service was not starting so I added the following block to /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
alertmanager['flags'] = {
'cluster.advertise-address' => "",
I restarted the gitlab and everything was running.
gitlab-ctl restart

`enter code here`Check the latest version
1.sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info:If it is above 13.12.0 then proceed with step 3.If its below please follow serially.
2."sudo apt upgrade gitlab-ee=13.12.5-ee.0": Update to any version of 13.12.x.
3.sudo apt-get update
4.sudo apt-get install gitlab-ee

Improving this answer, if you need to install/update manually, all you have to do is:
Download the required package here
Run rpm -Uvh packageName.rpm
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
gitlab-ctl restart
You are good to go.

A useful tool now exists that a allows you to set the current and desired version. The tool then tells you the intervening versions you need to install in order to upgrade (please note that you Must apply the versions in a specific order as some updates make database changes later updates rely upon)
Link to Gitlab upgrade path


Hugo version not updating to latest

I am trying to work with the Hugo static site generator.
Problem: Hugo is saying it is updated to the latest version but it is not.
$ hugo version
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.40.1 linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2018-04-25T17:16:11Z
But the latest version is now v0.70.0
Windows Subsystem for Linux via the terminal in Visual Studio Code v1.45.0
Any help would be much appreciated thank you all.
If you're using a Debian-based system, e.g. Ubuntu, you can download the appropriate .deb from and install it with, for example:
sudo dpkg --install ./hugo_extended_0.70.0_Linux-64bit.deb
I wrote about this in footnote 10 in my Hugo Tutorial.
If you've installed it via the apt package manager, you might be out of luck there, because the official repositories might not be up to date with the latest version of Hugo.
To update the repositories and install the latest available version of hugo, try doing
sudo apt update
sudo apt install hugo
However, I see it's only getting version 0.6x.
If you want to use it on Windows, you could try installing it via Chocolatey or Scoop. Both seem to have version 0.70.x in their repositories, but you'd need to install them first, because they're not Windows out-of-the-box software. Not sure if and how it would work if you use it in the WSL, though.
Otherwise, there's always the good'ol download the binary and save it.
The Ubuntu package manager "apt" does not contain the latest version of Hugo right now. It needs to be updated by the repo owner or similar.
I solved my problem by following a binary install guide here

How to install the latest version of NuGet.exe CLI in Ubuntu 18.04 WSL?

I have WSL 18.04 (Ubuntu) and I want to use NuGet.exe to install a Nuget Package to a folder (not .csproj) using the code below:
nuget install Test.Nuget.Version -OutputDirectory packages
In WSL, I use sudo apt install nuget. However that will only install an old nuget version in Ubuntu. =(
In order to run nuget install command, I must use the latest version of NuGet version (5.x.x) installed in Ubuntu.
Is it possible to install latest NuGet version in Ubuntu?
If yes, how can I do so?
Normally you can get nuget to update itself:
nuget.exe update -self
However recently, because I assume they have updated the min TLS version, one can get the following error:
The authentication or decryption has failed.
Error while sending TLS Alert (Fatal:InternalError): System.IO.IOException:
So your nuget version has to be new enough to upgrade itself.
So you have to get a new nuget.exe by alternative means:
curl -o nuget.exe

Debian - GIT upgrade from 1.5 to 1.7

A simple question,
I want to upgrade an existing GIT installation onto my VPS server. The thing is that, when I'm writting into the command line:
apt-get install git-core
I can get only version which is depricated. How to upgrade / reinstall GIT to get 1.7.3 or newer?
You are running a very old version of Debian (version 5). It is not even supported, so maybe consider upgrading it. Otherwise, you may get away with just building a later git version yourself.

Need Advice: Latest version of Node.js vs using Synaptic Package Manager?

I'm trying to get node.js and npm installed on my Ubuntu 11.10 installation, and I'm having a tricky time. I decided to go the route of downloading and compiling from the latest source because I want to use the new version of node.js - v0.6.0 instead of the older version that the synaptic package manager will install. However, I could not get npm set up correctly with it due to a "module not found" error. I was completely surprised at how little information I was able to find on the error.
Anyways, my goal here is to learn node.js, not to run a production environment. Should I give in and use v4.9 or is it really worth getting the newest version for the sake of learning, even if I have to go through the pain of keeping it updated and configuring it myself?
If you have Ubuntu, install it from Chris Lea's repo, it's always up to date with the last stable version (for ex now the version is 0.6.0 - as of today):
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Generally, you want to install node from source since the packages you find in package managers are usually out of date. 0.4.12 was the last stable before 0.6.0 that was released a few days ago. 0.4.9 is pretty out of date.
This is a old question, nowadays my preferred way to install node is by using nvm (Node Version Manager). This will allow you to have multiple versions of node installed and quickly switch version.
Install C++ compiler
apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
Install NVM
curl | bash
source ~/.profile
Install node (select which version you want to install)
nvm install 6
To set a default node version:
nvm alias default 0.12.7
To select a different installed version:
nvm use 4

Why won't my package upgrade with yum?

I'm trying to upgrade a package using yum on Fedora 8. The package is elfutils. Here's what I have installed locally:
$ yum info elfutils
Installed Packages
Name : elfutils
Arch : x86_64
Version: 0.130
Release: 3.fc8
Size : 436 k
Repo : installed
Summary: A collection of utilities and DSOs to handle compiled objects
There's a bug in this version, and according to the bug report, a newer version has been pushed to the Fedora 8 stable repository. But, if I try to update:
$ yum update elfutils
Setting up Update Process
Could not find update match for elfutils
No Packages marked for Update
Here are my repositories:
$ yum repolist enabled
repo id repo name status
InstallMedia Fedora 8 enabled
fedora Fedora 8 - x86_64 enabled
updates Fedora 8 - x86_64 - Updates enabled
What am I missing?
OK, I figured it out. I needed to upgrade the fedora-release package. That allowed me to see all of the updated packages. Thanks to ethyreal for pointing me to the Yum upgrade FAQ.
i know this seems silly but did you try removing it and reinstalling?
yum remove elfutils
yum install elfutils
alternatively you could try updating everything:
yum update
...if their is no update marked in the repository you might try:
yum upgrade
If you look at the listing of the repository packages directory at
Link to Fedora Repository
You will see that you have the latest version in that directory, which is why yum is not upgrading your package. This is the same in both the i386 and x86_64 package directories. So the reason that you are not seeing an update is that there is not a more current version in the repository yet. The notification in the bug report that a new version is in the repository is incorrect.
