nodejs bodyParser.json convert float number - node.js

My request postman request
But when I do console req.body
{ data:
{ hoauBagId: 'WEB20180904003',
battery: null,
incoterm: 30,
I know the problem because I use "app.use(bodyParser.json());" and it convert my number
How can I get 30.0 instead of 30?

You can parse it to float parseFloat() explicitly.
I think this happens only because 30.0 = 30! Please try with 30.1 I think should be satisfied with your result

You can done this with parseFloat()
Lets say you create a function that return a float number like:
function pFloat(data) {
return parseFloat(data);
Where data is a new variable that you create from response data like:
const data = data.incoterm
or you could simply:
var data = parseFloat(data.incoterm);


How to get TransactionUnspentOutput as a hex encoded bytes string programmatically

So basically I want to convert a normal UTxO hash like:
to a TransactionUnspentOutput as a hex encoded bytes string like:
This is how it is done with a nami wallet implementation:
cardano.getUtxos(amount?: Value, paginate?: {page: number, limit: number}) : [TransactionUnspentOutput]
I tried to pass a UTxO into the lucid utxoToCore() function:
export const utxoToCore = (utxo: UTxO): Core.TransactionUnspentOutput => {
const output =
if (utxo.datumHash) {
However the only output I get is:
TransactionUnspentOutput { ptr: 1247376 }
How to get the unpacked (?), or at least the right format I want, TransactionUnspentOutput?
It looks like you are trying to call an external library. Usually, in such cases, it will return you a memory address. Just like you have it in wasm calls through browser client. One way is to deserialize your object inside your node js code.
Maybe you can use some sorta utility function to get it as a string.
Hope this helps

TypeScript / JavaScript gRPC google.protobuf.Struct cannot be read

I have a TypeScript server trying to read a JSON object using a Struct but it seems to be partially working only for objects containing a "fields" key which then expects an object as value. Nonetheless, a Struct should work with any JSON object.
Using BloomRPC I am trying the following message:
"payload": {
"fields": {
"Hello": {
"whatever": 0
The server reads:
{ fields: { Hello: {} } }
If I send:
"payload": {
"anotherfield": {
"HelloWorld": {
"whatever": 0
I get an empty object on the server.
The simplified protobuf file looks like this:
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
// The service definition.
service TestTicketService {
rpc UpdateTicket (UpdateTicketRequest) returns (UpdateTicketResponse);
// The request message containing the required ticket information.
message UpdateTicketRequest {
string ticketId = 1;
google.protobuf.Struct payload = 2;
// The response message containing any potential error message
message UpdateTicketResponse {
string error = 1;
Any idea why google/protobuf/struct.proto doesn't work as expected?
What really confused me is that I was trying to pass normal JSON objects and expecting to read them. The whole point is that from the client side, the JSON object needs to be encoded in a very specific way.
For example:
"payload": {
"fields": {
"name": {
"stringValue": "joe"
"age": {
"numberValue": 28
You can figure out the format of the message by looking at the Struct proto file here:
The idea of a struct is that you can store arbitrary data - but only simple types: null, number, string, bool, array and object.
This maps perfectly to JSON, and this is not by accident.
The google.protobuf.Struct message has a special JSON representation:
The JSON representation for Struct is JSON object.
So you can parse any JSON string into a protobuf Struct, and when serializing to JSON again, you also get the same JSON string again.
It is important to note that the in-memory representation of the parsed Struct is not equal to a JSON object. Protobuf does not have dynamic fields and has to represent JSON data in a more complicated manner. That is why struct.proto defines some other types.
When you want to create a Struct in JavaScript, it is probably the easiest way to just create the JSON object you want:
var jsonObject = {foo: "bar"};
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonObject);
Now you can parse you Struct from this jsonObject or jsonString and put set resulting Struct as a field value in another protobuf message.
Since you are already using TypeScript, it might be worth checking out one of the alternative TypeScript implementations for protobuf.
I am the author of protobuf-ts. Creating a Struct is pretty straight-forward:
let struct = Struct.fromJson({foo: "bar"});
First, install #types/google-protobuf and:
let rqm = new UpdateTicketRequest();
whatever: 0,
//and call the api....

Expect positive number parameter passed - jest

The test is linked to this question here which I raised (& was resolved) a few days ago. My current test is:
// Helpers
function getObjectStructure(runners) {
const backStake = runners.back.stake || expect.any(Number).toBeGreaterThan(0)
const layStake = runners.lay.stake || expect.any(Number).toBeGreaterThan(0)
return {
netProfits: {
back: expect.any(Number).toBeGreaterThan(0),
lay: expect.any(Number).toBeGreaterThan(0)
grossProfits: {
back: (runners.back.price - 1) * backStake,
lay: layStake
stakes: {
back: backStake,
lay: layStake
// Mock
const funcB = jest.fn(pairs => {
return pairs[0]
// Test
test('Should call `funcB` with correct object structure', () => {
const params = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(paramsPath, 'utf8'))
const { arb } = params
const result = funcA(75)
The object structure of arb.runners is this:
"back": {
"stake": 123,
"price": 1.23
"lay": {
"stake": 456,
"price": 4.56
There are many different tests around this function mainly dependent upon the argument that is passed into funcA. For this example, it's 75. There's a different length of array that is passed to funcB dependent upon this parameter. However, it's now also dependent on whether the runners (back and/or lay) have existing stake properties for them. I have a beforeAll in each test which manipulates the arb in the file where I hold the params. Hence, that's why the input for the runners is different every time. An outline of what I'm trying to achieve is:
Measure the array passed into funcB is of correct length
Measure the objects within the array are of the correct structure:
2.1 If there are stakes with the runners, that's fine & the test is straight forward
2.2 If not stakes are with the runners, I need to test that; netProfits, grossProfits, & stakes properties all have positive Numbers
2.2 is the one I'm struggling with. If I try with my attempt below, the test fails with the following error:
TypeError: expect.any(...).toBeGreaterThan is not a function
As with previous question, the problem is that expect.any(Number).toBeGreaterThan(0) is incorrect because expect.any(...) is not an assertion and doesn't have matcher methods. The result of expect.any(...) is just a special value that is recognized by Jest equality matchers. It cannot be used in an expression like (runners.back.price - 1) * backStake.
If the intention is to extend equality matcher with custom behaviour, this is the case for custom matcher. Since spy matchers use built-in equality matcher anyway, spy arguments need to be asserted explicitly with custom matcher.
Otherwise additional restrictions should be asserted manually. It should be:
function getObjectStructure() {
return {
netProfits: {
back: expect.any(Number),
lay: expect.any(Number)
grossProfits: {
back: expect.any(Number),
lay: expect.any(Number)
stakes: {
back: expect.any(Number),
lay: expect.any(Number)
const funcBArg = funcB.mock.calls[0][0];
const nonPositiveNetProfitsBack = funcBArg
.map(({ netProfits: { back } }, i) => [i, back])
.filter(([, val] => !(val > 0))
.map(([i, val] => `${netProfits:back:${i}:${val}`);
const nonPositiveNetProfitsLay = ...
Where !(val > 0) is necessary to detect NaN. Without custom matcher failed assertion won't result in meaningful message but an index and nonPositiveNetProfitsBack temporary variable name can give enough feedback to spot the problem. An array can be additionally remapped to contain meaningful values like a string and occupy less space in errors.

Find JSON value using variable from function

I'm working on a function where I need to be able to input a string which is a key in a JSON object then I need to be able to take the actual object and tack on the string to get the correct value from the JSON
function contact(contact_method) {
let method = array[place].settings.contact_method; // Example for contact_method is 'first_contact_method'
The idea is I have 3 different contact methods and I'd like to be able to use the same function for all 3. I know the code above is barely a function but I think it shows what I want to be able to do.
I could not find anything on MDN or SO about this. I had tried using ES6 and string with `` but that did not work it just returned [object Object].first_contact_method
You can access keys of objects with a variable by using [].
For instance:
const obj = { a: 4, b: 5, c: () => { /* do something*/}, d() { /* do something*/ } }
const keyA = 'a'
const keyC = 'c'
const valueA = obj[keyA] // valueA === 4
const methodC = obj[keyC]
// Call method c
// or short
// and even for "real" methods

node.js - Is there any proper way to parse JSON with large numbers? (long, bigint, int64)

When I parse this little piece of JSON:
{ "value" : 9223372036854775807 }
This is what I get:
{ hello: 9223372036854776000 }
Is there any way to parse it properly?
Not with built-in JSON.parse. You'll need to parse it manually and treat values as string (if you want to do arithmetics with them there is bignumber.js) You can use Douglas Crockford JSON.js library as a base for your parser.
EDIT2 ( 7 years after original answer ) - it might soon be possible to solve this using standard JSON api. Have a look at this TC39 proposal to add access to source string to a reviver function -
EDIT1: I created a package for you :)
var JSONbig = require('json-bigint');
var json = '{ "value" : 9223372036854775807, "v2": 123 }';
console.log('Input:', json);
console.log('node.js bult-in JSON:')
var r = JSON.parse(json);
console.log('JSON.parse(input).value : ', r.value.toString());
console.log('JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(input)):', JSON.stringify(r));
console.log('\n\nbig number JSON:');
var r1 = JSONbig.parse(json);
console.log('JSON.parse(input).value : ', r1.value.toString());
console.log('JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(input)):', JSONbig.stringify(r1));
Input: { "value" : 9223372036854775807, "v2": 123 }
node.js bult-in JSON:
JSON.parse(input).value : 9223372036854776000
JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(input)): {"value":9223372036854776000,"v2":123}
big number JSON:
JSON.parse(input).value : 9223372036854775807
JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(input)): {"value":9223372036854775807,"v2":123}
After searching something more clean - and finding only libs like jsonbigint, I just wrote my own solution. Is not the best, but it solves my problem. For those that are using Axios you can use it on transformResponse callback (this was my original problem - Axios parses the JSON and all bigInts cames wrong),
const jsonStr = `{"myBigInt":6028792033986383748, "someStr":"hello guys", "someNumber":123}`
const result = JSON.parse(jsonStr, (key, value) => {
if (typeof value === 'number' && !Number.isSafeInteger(value)) {
let strBig = jsonStr.match(new RegExp(`(?:"${key}":)(.*?)(?:,)`))[1] // get the original value using regex expression
return strBig //should be BigInt(strBig) - BigInt function is not working in this snippet
return value
"original": JSON.parse(jsonStr),
"handled": result
A regular expression is difficult to get right for all cases.
Here is my attempt, but all I'm giving you is some extra test cases, not the solution. Likely you will want to replace a very specific attribute, and a more generic JSON parser (that handles separating out the properties, but leaves the numeric properties as strings) and then you can wrap that specific long number in quotes before continuing to parse into a javascript object.
let str = '{ "value" : -9223372036854775807, "value1" : "100", "strWNum": "Hi world: 42 is the answer", "arrayOfStrWNum": [":42, again.", "SOIs#1"], "arrayOfNum": [100,100,-9223372036854775807, 100, 42, 0, -1, 0.003] }'
let data = JSON.parse(str.replace(/([:][\s]*)(-?\d{1,90})([\s]*[\r\n,\}])/g, '$1"$2"$3'));
you can use this code for change big numbers to strings and later use BigInt(data.value)
let str = '{ "value" : -9223372036854775807, "value1" : "100" }'
let data = JSON.parse(str.replace(/([^"^\d])(-?\d{1,90})([^"^\d])/g, '$1"$2"$3'));
