how to retrieve a key in a map whose value contains a particular substring in clojure? - string

i need to retrieve the key whose value contains a string "TRY"
so in this case the output should be :CAB .
I am new to Clojure, I tried a few things like .contains etc but I could not form the exact function for the above problem.its easier in few other languages like python but I don't know how to do it in Clojure.
Is there a way to retrieve the name of the key ?

for can also filter with :when. E.g.
(for [[k v] {:FOO "TRY" :BAR "BAZ"}
:when (.contains v "TRY")]

First, using .contains is not recommended - first, you are using the internals of the underlying language (Java or JavaScript) without need, and second, it forces Clojure to do a reflection as it cannot be sure that the argument is a string.
It's better to use clojure.string/includes? instead.
Several working solutions have been already proposed here for extracting a key depending on the value, here is one more, that uses the keep function:
(require '[clojure.string :as cs])
(keep (fn [[k v]] (when (cs/includes? v "TRY") k))
{:CAB "NAB/TRY/FIGHT.jar" :BLAH "NOWAY.jar"}) ; => (:CAB)

The easiest way is to use the contains method from java.lang.String. I'd use that to map valid keys, and then filter to remove all nil values:
(filter some?
(map (fn [[k v]] (when (.contains v "TRY") k))
{:CAB "NAB/TRY/FIGHT.jar" :BLAH "NOWAY.jar"}))
=> (:CAB)
If you think there is at most one such matching k/v pair in the map, then you can just call first on that to get the relevant key.
You can also use a regular expression instead of .contains, e.g.
(fn [[k v]] (when (re-find #"TRY" v) k))

You can use some on your collection, some will operate in every value in your map a given function until the function returns a non nil value.
We're gonna use the function
(fn [[key value]] (when (.contains values "TRY") key))
when returns nil unless the condition is matched so it will work perfectly for our use case. We're using destructuring in the arguments of the function to get the key and value. When used by some, your collection will indeed be converted to a coll which will look like
'((:BAR "NAB/TRY/FIGHT.jar"))
If your map is named coll, the following code will do the trick
(fn [[key value]] (when (.contains value "TRY") key))


Recursively reading a file in Racket

I am struggling to understand how to read a file line by line with racket, while passing each line to a recursive function.
According to the manual, the idiomatic way of doing this is something like the following example:
(with-input-from-file "manylines.txt"
(lambda ()
(for ([l (in-lines)])
(op l))))
What if my function op is a recursive function that needs to do some complicated operations depending on the line just read from file and also on the history of the recursion?
For example, I could have a function like this:
(define (op l s)
;; l is a string, s is a list
(cond ((predicate? l)
(op (next-line-from-file) (cons (function-yes l) s)))
(op (next-line-from-file) (append (function-no l) s)))))
I am not sure how to use this function within the framework described by the manual.
Here next-line-from-file is a construct I made up to make it clear that I would like to keep reading the file.
I think I could do what I want by introducing side effects, for example:
(with-input-from-file "manylines.txt"
(lambda ()
(let ((s '()))
(for ([l (in-lines)])
(if (predicate? l)
(let ((prefix (function-yes l)))
(set-cdr! s s)
(set-car! s prefix))
(let ((prefix (function-no l)))
(set-cdr! prefix s)
(set-car! s prefix)))))))
I actually did not try to run this code, so I'm not sure it would work.
Anyway I would bet that this common task can be solved without introducing side effects, but how?
Two approaches that Racket supports rather well are to turn the port into something which is essentially a generator of lines, or into a stream. You can then pass these things around as arguments to whatever function you are using in order to successively read lines from the file.
The underlying thing in both of these is that ports are sequences, (in-lines p) returns another sequence which consists of the lines from p, and then you can turn these into generators or streams.
Here's a function which will cat a file (just read its lines in other words) using a generator:
(define (cat/generator f)
(call-with-input-file f
(λ (p)
(let-values ([(more? next) (sequence-generate (in-lines p))])
(let loop ([carry-on? (more?)])
(when carry-on?
(displayln (next))
(loop (more?))))))))
Here call-with-input-file deals with opening the file and calling its second argument with a suitable port. in-lines makes a sequence of lines from the port, and sequence-generate then takes any sequence and returns two thunks: one tells you if the sequence is exhausted, and one returns the next thing in it if it isn't. The remainder of the function just uses these functions to print the lines of the file.
Here's an equivalent function which does it using a stream:
(define (cat/stream f)
(call-with-input-file f
(λ (p)
(let loop ([s (sequence->stream (in-lines p))])
(unless (stream-empty? s)
(displayln (stream-first s))
(loop (stream-rest s)))))))
Here the trick is that sequence->stream returns a stream corresponding to a sequence, and then stream-empty? will tell you if you're at the end of the stream, and if it's not empty, then stream-first returns the first element (conceptually the car) while stream-rest returns a stream of all the other elements.
The second one of these is nicer I think.
One nice thing is that lists are streams so you can write functions which use the stream-* functions, test them on lists, and then use them on any other kind of stream, which means any other kind of sequence, and the functions will never know.
I recently implement something similar, except in my case the predicate depended on the following line, not the preceding one. In any case, I found it simplest to discard in-lines and use read-line recursively. Since the predicate depended on unread input, I used peek-string to look ahead in the input stream.
If you really want to use in-lines, you might like to experiment with sequence-fold:
(sequence-fold your-procedure '() (in-lines))
Notice this uses an accumulator, which you could use to check the previous results from your procedure. However, if you're building a list, you generally want to build it backwards using cons, so the most recent element is at the head of the list and can be accessed in constant time. Once you're done, reverse the list.

How to construct an array with multiple possible lengths using immutability and functional programming practices?

We're in the process of converting our imperative brains to a mostly-functional paradigm. This function is giving me trouble. I want to construct an array that EITHER contains two pairs or three pairs, depending on a condition (whether refreshToken is null). How can I do this cleanly using a FP paradigm? Of course with imperative code and mutation, I would just conditionally .push() the extra value onto the end which looks quite clean.
Is this an example of the "local mutation is ok" FP caveat?
(We're using ReadonlyArray in TypeScript to enforce immutability, which makes this somewhat more ugly.)
const itemsToSet = [
[JWT_KEY, jwt],
[JWT_EXPIRES_KEY, tokenExpireDate.toString()],
[REFRESH_TOKEN_KEY, refreshToken /*could be null*/]]
.filter(item => item[1] != null) as ReadonlyArray<ReadonlyArray<string>>;
AsyncStorage.multiSet( => [...roArray]));
What's wrong with itemsToSet as given in the OP? It looks functional to me, but it may be because of my lack of knowledge of TypeScript.
In Haskell, there's no null, but if we use Maybe for the second element, I think that itemsToSet could be translated to this:
itemsToSet :: [(String, String)]
itemsToSet = foldr folder [] values
values = [
(jwt_key, jwt),
(jwt_expires_key, tokenExpireDate),
(refresh_token_key, refreshToken)]
folder (key, Just value) acc = (key, value) : acc
folder _ acc = acc
Here, jwt, tokenExpireDate, and refreshToken are all of the type Maybe String.
itemsToSet performs a right fold over values, pattern-matching the Maye String elements against Just and (implicitly) Nothing. If it's a Just value, it cons the (key, value) pair to the accumulator acc. If not, folder just returns acc.
foldr traverses the values list from right to left, building up the accumulator as it visits each element. The initial accumulator value is the empty list [].
You don't need 'local mutation' in functional programming. In general, you can refactor from 'local mutation' to proper functional style by using recursion and introducing an accumulator value.
While foldr is a built-in function, you could implement it yourself using recursion.
In Haskell, I'd just create an array with three elements and, depending on the condition, pass it on either as-is or pass on just a slice of two elements. Thanks to laziness, no computation effort will be spent on the third element unless it's actually needed. In TypeScript, you probably will get the cost of computing the third element even if it's not needed, but perhaps that doesn't matter.
Alternatively, if you don't need the structure to be an actual array (for String elements, performance probably isn't that critical, and the O (n) direct-access cost isn't an issue if the length is limited to three elements), I'd use a singly-linked list instead. Create the list with two elements and, depending on the condition, append the third. This does not require any mutation: the 3-element list simply contains the unchanged 2-element list as a substructure.
Based on the description, I don't think arrays are the best solution simply because you know ahead of time that they contain either 2 values or 3 values depending on some condition. As such, I would model the problem as follows:
type alias Pair = (String, String)
type TokenState
= WithoutRefresh (Pair, Pair)
| WithRefresh (Pair, Pair, Pair)
itemsToTokenState: String -> Date -> Maybe String -> TokenState
itemsToTokenState jwtKey jwtExpiry maybeRefreshToken =
case maybeRefreshToken of
Some refreshToken ->
WithRefresh (("JWT_KEY", jwtKey), ("JWT_EXPIRES_KEY", toString jwtExpiry), ("REFRESH_TOKEN_KEY", refreshToken))
None ->
WithoutRefresh (("JWT_KEY", jwtKey), ("JWT_EXPIRES_KEY", toString jwtExpiry))
This way you are leveraging the type system more effectively, and could be improved on further by doing something more ergonomic than returning tuples.

Switch statement in Lisp

Switch statement with Strings in Lisp.
(defun switch(value)
(case value
(("XY") (print "XY"))
(("AB") (print "AB"))
I want to compare if value is "XY" then print "XY" or same for "AB".
I have tried this code but it gives me nil. Can some please tell me what i am doing wrong?
You can use the library alexandria, which has a configurable switch macro:
(switch ("XY" :test 'equal)
("XY" "an X and a Y")
("AB" "an A and a B"))
print("XY") looks more like Algol (and all of its descendants) rather than LISP. To apply print one would surround the operator and arguments in parentheses like (print "XY")
case happens to be a macro and you can test the result yourself with passing the quoted code to macroexpand and in my implementation I get:
(let ((value value))
(cond ((eql value '"XY") (print "XY"))
((eql value '"AB") (print "AB"))))
You should know that eql is only good for primiitive data types and numbers. Strings are sequences and thus (eql "XY" "XY") ;==> nil
Perhaps you should use something else than case. eg. use cond or if with equal.
The Hyperspec on CASE says:
These macros allow the conditional execution of a body of forms in a clause that is selected by matching the test-key on the basis of its identity.
And strings are not identical in CL, i.e. (EQ "AB" "AB") => NIL.
That is why CASE wouldn't work for strings. You either need to use symbols (they are interned once only, thus guaranteeing identity) or use COND with EQUAL or even EQUALP if the letters case to be ignored.

What is the best way to append to an array in each iteration of a loop on a map using clojure?

I have created a structure which builds a URL query from a map but it is not thread-safe since it's relying on a defined variable which probably isn't needed so what is the best way to do this?
(def charset "UTF-8")
(defn make-query
(def tmpa [])
(doseq [keyval params]
(def tmpa
(into tmpa
( (name (first keyval)) charset)
( (apply (first keyval) [params]) charset)
(clojure.string/join "&" tmpa)
The use of nested defs is not really the way to go when you need to work with an intermediate value in a function, that's what the let form is for. Also note that def creates a top level var, so even after the make-query function returns, you will still have a tmpa var lying around in the namespace where you declared the function.
The function you posted has an imperative style since it's using doseq (which is by definition to be used for side-effects) and changing the value of the tmpa var in every iteration of the loop.
A functional approach would be reduceing the key-value pairs and build the result by concatenating the key and value to the query string in each call to the reducing function. The following is an example of how this can be achieved:
(def charset "UTF-8")
(defn make-query
(reduce (fn [query [k v]]
(str query
( (name k) charset)
( (str v) charset)
(make-query {:name "clojure" :year 2014})
;= "name=clojure&year=2014&"
It takes some time to get used to thinking this way, when one comes from an imperative and OOP background, but with practice it gets a lot easier.
Hope it helps.

Common Lisp: Appending a nested plist efficiently

I am using a nested plist in order to create a structure of objects (CLOS type), passing on the nested ones to its parts. I want to append the nested plist in an iterative way, but therefore I want to do it efficiently in terms of time and memory.
The below example shows the delta due to one iteration:
'(:airframer "Boeing" :type "777" :wing-plist ((:side :left :winglet? nil)
(:side :right :winglet? nil)))
'(:airframer "Boeing" :type "777" :wing-plist ((:type :main-wing :side :left)
(:type :main-wing :side :right)
(:type :stabilizer :size :left)))
I already read that the use of vectors instead of lists might help, as you access elements without too much penalty: Replace an item in a list in Common Lisp?. However, I would really like to bypass the use of vectors.
Furthermore, I think the use a destructive function would save memory and hopefully calculation time.
This is how I solved it now at the moment, but I have the feeling that it is not elegant and efficient. The function fill is used for destructiveness.
(defun append-nested-plist (plist key sub-plist)
(let* ((key-pos (position key plist)))
(fill plist (append (getf plist key) (list sub-plist))
:start (+ key-pos 1) :end (+ key-pos 2))))
I am looking forward to your answers.
How about this?
(defun append-nested-plist (plist key sub-plist)
(push-to-end sub-plist (getf plist key))
Push-to-end is a commonly-defined macro that's not part of the common lisp standard:
(defmacro push-to-end (item place)
`(setf ,place (nconc ,place (list ,item))))
