How to Display Earliest Time - excel

I am having the toughest time finding how to get ONLY the earliest time to show in the Summary Tab. Currently I have a pivot table on the Summary tab with All Data selected from Report Tab. The Report tab gets the information from the Data tab. I have trying using MIN but I'm not sure that is the best method. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Report Tab
Summary Tab
Data Tab

MIN is in fact the best function so far for this. Best if you can reference this not on the pivot table, but on the source data set to ensure no mis-referencing when pivot structure changes.
If you're doing this with a pivot table, using the value filters functionality would do the trick. You just select the 'bottom 1' of the list of time values you have.


How to get Pivot Table - Calculated Field to work in this excel sheet?

first time asking a question here. So I apologize in advance if I have not asked properly.
I have a set of data in the form of a table, which I have converted into a Pivot Table, with the normal purchase sales and profit columns. However, my problem arises as I want to create another column in the Pivot Table which gives the profit percentage on purchases. I am aware that this can be done by clicking on the Fields, Items & Sets drop-down menu under the PivotTable Tools - Analyze Tab, However, this doesn't work and all I can see is that the Calculated Field option is greyed out.
Can anyone advise how I can get a profit percentage column to be inserted in the pivot table? Thank you in advance.
Warren Barrell
It looks like your PivotTable uses an OLAP data source, which is why that option is greyed out. If you have the requisite version/SKU of Excel you could use the PowerPivot add-in to write a measure, but otherwise I think your only other option is to get your database admin to add the column to the database, and then bring that through to Excel.

Excel pivot table relative information

Is there anyway to show information without calculating anything in a pivot table in excel?
For example, I've got a pivot table with a number of invoices and it shows which products are billed in the invoices. I only want it to show the invoice date to the right of the invoice number, without summing it nor counting it or anything, I only want the information to be shown. The invoice date is in another column in the base sheet, by the way.
Select a cell in the Pivot Table, then on the Pivot Tools Design ribbon select Report Layout > Show in Tabular Form.
In Excel 2010 the Compact Form was introduced for pivot tables and all pivot tables default to Compact Form, where the row fields are indented and appear in the same column.
The screenshot shows the difference between compact form on the left and tabular form on the right.
Many people don't like the default compact form. If you would like to see this behavior changed, please place a vote in the suggestion at Excel Uservoice here:

Create a table with drill down capability(prefereably not Pivot Table)

I have a long set of data, it can be grouped into general cathegories but I need to see the details as well.
I know how I can acheve this with a pivot table, but I am wondering if it is possible to get this done in some other way?
Note: I have well over 1000 rows in that table, whatever solution you proposu it should not require a lot of time for each row in the table.
Thank you
I found it in the "Data" Ribbon, there is section "Outline", it has a "Subtotal" button, select the table, and then click on "Subtotal", menu that pops ups will help you build in the "drill" capability to the table.
Excel powerview has this functionality, available in v2013.

Excel Pivot Chart Help - Pulling names that contributed to count (VBA?)

I am looking to develop a pivotchart of meaningful data related to employees. Lets say it's a graph of employees with infractions by month.
We have a graph that graphs it based on the COUNT of employees that got an infraction for that month. What I am looking to do is make it very easy for management to see the graph and then see the names that contributed to a large count for a month.
However, upon selecting a certain pivot chart cell (Lets say March had a LOT of infractions on the chart and we want to know who was a part of it). Upon double clicking the cell, it then brings up a "Show Detail" window, we select the cell Name since we want to know the names - however that doesn't help because it just puts the names as part of the legend and screws up the chart.
What are some ways to get it to display the names that contributed to the count for the month? I am thinking something along these lines:
-Upon mousing over the data point of the pivot chart, the tooltip is a list of the names
-Upon clicking on it, it displays a table at the bottom that shows the data from the table that contributed to that month (including names).
Anything along those lines. Any help is much appreciated, I do have experience with VBA - but sadly not in Excel yet.E
The best solution would be to check the PivotTable associated with the PivotChart.
When you show detail on the chart the change will be mirrored in the PivotTable.
For more information check out Overview of PivotTable and PivotChart reports #

Excel 2012 Pivot Table Displayed Data

I am trying to make a simple bug viewer with Excel. I think I need a pivot table for this.
I have attached a screen shot of what I have got so far. What I would like, is instead of the 'Count of x' columns, is the actual data to be displayed.
My data table is formatted as follows:
Thank you very much,
Richard Hughes
You cannot have the actual text displayed in those columns. The columns show aggregated data. You can have counts and sums, averages, etc.
I think that what you want is the "classic" pivot table view. Go into the pivot table options, Display tab and select "Classic Pivottable Layout".
Then add the data you want to see as "Row Labels" not Values. You might want to keep a count of ID as a value. Is that better?
