Iterative RDD/Dataframe processing in Spark - apache-spark

My ADLA solution is being transitioned to Spark. I'm trying to find the right replacement for U-SQL REDUCE expression to enable:
Read logical partition and store information in a list/dictionary/vector or other data structure in memory
Apply logic that requires multiple iterations
Output results as additional columns together with the original data (the original rows might be partially eliminated or duplicated)
Example of possible task:
Input dataset has sales and return transactions with their IDs and attributes
The solution is supposed finding the most likely sale for each return
Return transaction must happen after the sales transaction and be as similar to the sales transactions as possible (best available match)
Return transaction must be linked to exactly one sales transaction; sales transaction could be linked to one or no return transaction - link is supposed to be captured in the new column LinkedTransactionId
The solution could be probably achieved by groupByKey command, but I'm failing identify how to apply the logic across multiple rows. All examples I've managed to find are some variation of in-line function (usually an aggregate - e.g. .map(t => (t._1, t._2.sum))) which doesn't require information about individual records from the same partition.
Can anyone share example of similar solution or point me to the right direction?

Here is one possible solution - feedbacks and suggestions for different approach or examples of iterative Spark/Scala solutions are greatly appreciated:
Example will read Sales and Credit transactions for each customer (CustomerId) and process each customer as separate partition (outer mapPartition loop)
Credit will be mapped to the sales with closest score (i.e. smallest score difference - using the foreach inner loop inside each partition)
Mutable map trnMap is preventing double-assignmet of each transactions and captures updates from the process
Results are outputted thru an iterator as into final dataset dfOut2
Note: in this particular case the same result could have been achieved using windowing functions w/o using iterative solution, but the purpose is to test the iterative logic itself)
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
case class Person(name: String, var age: Int)
case class SalesTransaction(
CustomerId : Int,
TransactionId : Int,
Score : Int,
Revenue : Double,
Type : String,
Credited : Double = 0.0,
LinkedTransactionId : Int = 0,
IsProcessed : Boolean = false
case class TransactionScore(
TransactionId : Int,
Score : Int
case class TransactionPair(
SalesId : Int,
CreditId : Int,
ScoreDiff : Int
object ExampleDataFramePartition{
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val spark = SparkSession
.appName("Example Combiner")
.config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value")
import spark.implicits._
val df = Seq(
(1, 1, 123, "Sales", 100),
(1, 2, 122, "Credit", 100),
(1, 3, 99, "Sales", 70),
(1, 4, 101, "Sales", 77),
(1, 5, 102, "Credit", 75),
(1, 6, 98, "Sales", 71),
(2, 7, 200, "Sales", 55),
(2, 8, 220, "Sales", 55),
(2, 9, 200, "Credit", 50),
(2, 10, 205, "Sales", 50)
).toDF("CustomerId", "TransactionId", "TransactionAttributesScore", "TransactionType", "Revenue")
.withColumn("Revenue", $"Revenue".cast(DoubleType))
val dfOut2 = df.mapPartitions(p => {
val trnMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int, SalesTransaction]()
val trnSales = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[TransactionScore]
val trnCredits = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[TransactionScore]
val trnPairs = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[TransactionPair]
p.foreach(row => {
val trnKey: Int = row.getAs[Int]("TransactionId")
val trnValue: SalesTransaction = new SalesTransaction(row.getAs("CustomerId")
, trnKey
, row.getAs("TransactionAttributesScore")
, row.getAs("Revenue")
, row.getAs("TransactionType")
trnMap += (trnKey -> trnValue)
if(trnValue.Type == "Sales") {
trnSales += new TransactionScore(trnKey, trnValue.Score)}
else {
trnCredits += new TransactionScore(trnKey, trnValue.Score)}
if(trnCredits.size > 0 && trnSales.size > 0) {
//define transaction pairs
trnCredits.foreach(cr => {
trnSales.foreach(sl => {
trnPairs += new TransactionPair(cr.TransactionId, sl.TransactionId, math.abs(cr.Score - sl.Score))
trnPairs.sortBy(t => t.ScoreDiff)
.foreach(t => {
if(!trnMap(t.CreditId).IsProcessed && !trnMap(t.SalesId).IsProcessed){
trnMap(t.SalesId) = new SalesTransaction(trnMap(t.SalesId).CustomerId
, trnMap(t.SalesId).TransactionId
, trnMap(t.SalesId).Score
, trnMap(t.SalesId).Revenue
, trnMap(t.SalesId).Type
, math.min(trnMap(t.CreditId).Revenue, trnMap(t.SalesId).Revenue)
, t.CreditId
, true
trnMap(t.CreditId) = new SalesTransaction(trnMap(t.CreditId).CustomerId
, trnMap(t.CreditId).TransactionId
, trnMap(t.CreditId).Score
, trnMap(t.CreditId).Revenue
, trnMap(t.CreditId).Type
, math.min(trnMap(t.CreditId).Revenue, trnMap(t.SalesId).Revenue)
, t.SalesId
, true
}) => m._2).toIterator


Iterating over a grouped dataset in Spark 1.6

In an ordered dataset, I want to aggregate data until a condition is met, but grouped by a certain key.
To set some context to my question I simplify my problem to the below problem statement:
In spark I need to aggregate strings, grouped by key when a user stops
"shouting" (the 2nd char in a string is not uppercase).
Dataset example:
ID, text, timestamps
1, "OMG I like bananas", 123
1, "Bananas are the best", 234
1, "MAN I love banana", 1235
2, "ORLY? I'm more into grapes", 123565
2, "BUT I like apples too", 999
2, "unless you count veggies", 9999
2, "THEN don't forget tomatoes", 999999
The expected result would be:
1, "OMG I like bananas Bananas are the best"
2, "ORLY? I'm more into grapes BUT I like apples too unless you count veggies"
via groupby and agg I can't seem to set a condition to "stop when an uppercase char" is found.
This only works in Spark 2.1 or above
What you want to do is possible, but it may be very expensive.
First, let's create some test data. As general advice, when you ask something on Stackoverflow please provide something similar to this so people have somewhere to start.
import spark.sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df = List(
(1, "OMG I like bananas", 1),
(1, "Bananas are the best", 2),
(1, "MAN I love banana", 3),
(2, "ORLY? I'm more into grapes", 1),
(2, "BUT I like apples too", 2),
(2, "unless you count veggies", 3),
(2, "THEN don't forget tomatoes", 4)
).toDF("ID", "text", "timestamps")
In order to get a column with the collected texts in order, we need to add a new column using a window function.
Using the spark shell:
scala> val df2 = df.withColumn("coll", collect_list("text").over(Window.partitionBy("id").orderBy("timestamps")))
df2: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ID: int, text: string ... 2 more fields]
scala> val x = df2.groupBy("ID").agg(max($"coll").as("texts"))
x: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ID: int, texts: array<string>]
scala> x.collect.foreach(println)
[1,WrappedArray(OMG I like bananas, Bananas are the best, MAN I love banana)]
[2,WrappedArray(ORLY? I'm more into grapes, BUT I like apples too, unless you count veggies, THEN don't forget tomatoes)]
To get the actual text we may need a UDF. Here's mine (I'm far from an expert in Scala, so bear with me)
import scala.collection.mutable
val aggText: Seq[String] => String = (list: Seq[String]) => {
def tex(arr: Seq[String], accum: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = arr match {
case Seq() => accum
case Seq(single) => accum :+ single
case Seq(str, xs #_*) => if (str.length >= 2 && !(str.charAt(0).isUpper && str.charAt(1).isUpper))
tex(Nil, accum :+ str )
tex(xs, accum :+ str)
val res = tex(list, Seq())
res.mkString(" ")
val textUDF = udf(aggText(_: mutable.WrappedArray[String]))
So, we have a dataframe with the collected texts in the proper order, and a Scala function (wrapped as a UDF). Let's piece it together:
scala> val x = df2.groupBy("ID").agg(max($"coll").as("texts"))
x: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ID: int, texts: array<string>]
scala> val y =$"ID", textUDF($"texts"))
y: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ID: int, UDF(texts): string]
scala> y.collect.foreach(println)
[1,OMG I like bananas Bananas are the best]
[2,ORLY? I'm more into grapes BUT I like apples too unless you count veggies]
I think this is the result you want.

How to aggregate string to dictionary like results in pyspark?

I have a dataframe and I want to aggregate to daily.
data = [
(125, '2012-10-10','good'),
(20, '2012-10-10','good'),
(40, '2012-10-10','bad'),
(60, '2012-10-10','NA')]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["temperature", "date","performance"])
I could aggregate numerical values using spark built in functions like max, min, avg. How could I aggregate strings?
I expect something like:
"good": 2, "bad":1, "NA":1
We can use MapType and UDF with Counter to return the value counts,
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import MapType,StringType,IntegerType
from collections import Counter
data = [(125, '2012-10-10','good'),(20, '2012-10-10','good'),(40, '2012-10-10','bad'),(60, '2012-10-10','NA')]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["temperature", "date","performance"])
udf1 = F.udf(lambda x: dict(Counter(x)),MapType(StringType(),IntegerType()))
|date |min(temperature)|max(temperature)|performance_frequency |
|2012-10-10|20 |125 |Map(NA -> 1, bad -> 1, good -> 2)|
[Row(date='2012-10-10', min(temperature)=20, max(temperature)=125, performance_frequency={'bad': 1, 'good': 2, 'NA': 1})]
Hope this helps!

Spark SQL - Aggregate collections?

Let's say I have 2 data frames.
DF1 may have values {3, 4, 5} in column A of various rows.
DF2 may have values {4, 5, 6} in column A of various rows.
I can aggregate these into a set of distinct elements using distinct_set(A), assuming all those rows fall into the same grouping.
At this point I have a set in the resulting data frame. Is there anyway to aggregate that set with another set? Basically, if I have 2 data frames resulting from the first aggregation, I want to be able to aggregate their results.
While explode and collect_set could solve this, it made more sense just to write a custom aggregator to merge the sets themselves. The structure underlying them is a WrappedArray.
case class SetMergeUDAF() extends UserDefinedAggregateFunction {
def deterministic: Boolean = false
def inputSchema: StructType = StructType(StructField("input", ArrayType(LongType)) :: Nil)
def bufferSchema: StructType = StructType(StructField("buffer", ArrayType(LongType)) :: Nil)
def dataType: DataType = ArrayType(LongType)
def initialize(buf: MutableAggregationBuffer): Unit = {
buf(0) = mutable.WrappedArray.empty[LongType]
def update(buf: MutableAggregationBuffer, input: Row): Unit = {
if (!input.isNullAt(0)) {
val result : mutable.WrappedArray[LongType] = mutable.WrappedArray.empty[LongType]
val x = result ++ (buf.getAs[mutable.WrappedArray[Long]](0).toSet ++ input.getAs[mutable.WrappedArray[Long]](0).toSet).toArray[Long]
buf(0) = x
def merge(buf1: MutableAggregationBuffer, buf2: Row): Unit = {
val result : mutable.WrappedArray[LongType] = mutable.WrappedArray.empty[LongType]
val x = result ++ (buf1.getAs[mutable.WrappedArray[Long]](0).toSet ++ buf2.getAs[mutable.WrappedArray[Long]](0).toSet).toArray[Long]
buf1(0) = x
def evaluate(buf: Row): Any = buf.getAs[mutable.WrappedArray[LongType]](0)

How to get all columns after groupby on Dataset<Row> in spark sql 2.1.0

First, I am very new to SPARK
I have millions of records in my Dataset and i wanted to groupby with name column and finding names which having maximum age. I am getting correct results but I need all columns in my resultset.
Dataset<Row> resultset ="*").groupBy("name").max("age");,false);
I am getting only name and max(age) in my resultset dataset.
For your solution you have to try different approach. You was almost there for solution but let me help you understand.
Dataset<Row> resultset = studentDataSet.groupBy("name").max("age");
now what you can do is you can join the resultset with studentDataSet
Dataset<Row> joinedDS = studentDataset.join(resultset, "name");
The problem with groupBy this that after applying groupBy you get RelationalGroupedDataset so it depends on what next operation you perform like sum, min, mean, max etc then the result of these operation joined with groupBy
As in you case name column is joined with the max of age so it will return only two columns but if use apply groupBy on age and then apply max on 'age' column you will get two column one is age and second is max(age).
Note :- code is not tested please make changes if needed
Hope this clears you query
The accepted answer isn't ideal because it requires a join. Joining big DataFrames can cause a big shuffle that'll execute slowly.
Let's create a sample data set and test the code:
val df = Seq(
("bob", 20, "blah"),
("bob", 40, "blah"),
("karen", 21, "hi"),
("monica", 43, "candy"),
("monica", 99, "water")
).toDF("name", "age", "another_column")
This code should run faster with large DataFrames.
| name|another_column|age|
|monica| water| 99|
| karen| hi| 21|
| bob| blah| 40|
What your trying to achieve is
group rows by age
reduce each group to 1 row with maximum age
This alternative achieves this output without use of aggregate
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
object TestJob5 {
def main (args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val sparkSession = SparkSession
.appName(this.getClass.getName.replace("$", ""))
val sc = sparkSession.sparkContext
import sparkSession.sqlContext.implicits._
val rawDf = Seq(
("Moe", "Slap", 7.9, 118),
("Larry", "Spank", 8.0, 115),
("Curly", "Twist", 6.0, 113),
("Laurel", "Whimper", 7.53, 119),
("Hardy", "Laugh", 6.0, 118),
("Charley", "Ignore", 9.7, 115),
("Moe", "Spank", 6.8, 118),
("Larry", "Twist", 6.0, 115),
("Charley", "fall", 9.0, 115)
).toDF("name", "requisite", "funniness_of_requisite", "age")
val nameWindow = Window
val aggDf = rawDf
.withColumn("id", monotonically_increasing_id)
.withColumn("maxFun", max("funniness_of_requisite").over(nameWindow))
.withColumn("count", count("name").over(nameWindow))
.withColumn("minId", min("id").over(nameWindow))
.where(col("maxFun") === col("funniness_of_requisite") && col("minId") === col("id") )
bear in mind that a group could potentially have more than 1 row with max age so you need to pick one by some logic. In the example I assume it doesn't matter so I just assign a unique number to choose
Noting that a subsequent join is extra shuffling and some of the other solutions seem inaccurate in the returns or even turn the Dataset into Dataframes, I sought a better solution. Here is mine:
case class People(name: String, age: Int, other: String)
val df = Seq(
People("Rob", 20, "cherry"),
People("Rob", 55, "banana"),
People("Rob", 40, "apple"),
People("Ariel", 55, "fox"),
People("Vera", 43, "zebra"),
People("Vera", 99, "horse")
val oldestResults = df
case (nameKey, peopleIter) => {
var oldestPerson =
while(peopleIter.hasNext) {
val nextPerson =
if(nextPerson.age > oldestPerson.age) oldestPerson = nextPerson
The following produces:
| name|age| other|
|Ariel| 55| fox|
| Rob| 55|banana|
| Vera| 99| horse|
You need to remember that aggregate functions reduce the rows and therefore you need to specify which of the rows age you want with a reducing function. If you want to retain all rows of a group (warning! this can cause explosions or skewed partitions) you can collect them as a list. You can then use a UDF (user defined function) to reduce them by your criteria, in this example funniness_of_requisite. And then expand columns belonging to the reduced row from the single reduced row with another UDF .
For the purpose of this answer I assume you wish to retain the age of the person who has the max funniness_of_requisite.
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRowWithSchema
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, StringType}
import scala.collection.mutable
object TestJob4 {
def main (args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val sparkSession = SparkSession
.appName(this.getClass.getName.replace("$", ""))
val sc = sparkSession.sparkContext
import sparkSession.sqlContext.implicits._
val rawDf = Seq(
(1, "Moe", "Slap", 7.9, 118),
(2, "Larry", "Spank", 8.0, 115),
(3, "Curly", "Twist", 6.0, 113),
(4, "Laurel", "Whimper", 7.53, 119),
(5, "Hardy", "Laugh", 6.0, 18),
(6, "Charley", "Ignore", 9.7, 115),
(2, "Moe", "Spank", 6.8, 118),
(3, "Larry", "Twist", 6.0, 115),
(3, "Charley", "fall", 9.0, 115)
).toDF("id", "name", "requisite", "funniness_of_requisite", "age")
val rawSchema = rawDf.schema
val fUdf = udf(reduceByFunniness, rawSchema)
val nameUdf = udf(extractAge, IntegerType)
val aggDf = rawDf
.withColumn("short", fUdf($"horizontal"))
.withColumn("age", nameUdf($"short"))
def reduceByFunniness= (x: Any) => {
val d = x.asInstanceOf[mutable.WrappedArray[GenericRowWithSchema]]
val red = d.reduce((r1, r2) => {
val funniness1 = r1.getAs[Double]("funniness_of_requisite")
val funniness2 = r2.getAs[Double]("funniness_of_requisite")
val r3 = funniness1 match {
case a if a >= funniness2 =>
case _ =>
def extractAge = (x: Any) => {
val d = x.asInstanceOf[GenericRowWithSchema]
here is the output
|name |count|max(funniness_of_requisite)|short
|Hardy |1 |6.0 |[5, Hardy, Laugh, 6.0, 18]
|18 |
|Moe |2 |7.9 |[1, Moe, Slap, 7.9, 118]
|Curly |1 |6.0 |[3, Curly, Twist, 6.0, 113]
|Larry |2 |8.0 |[2, Larry, Spank, 8.0, 115]
|Laurel |1 |7.53 |[4, Laurel, Whimper, 7.53, 119]|119|
|Charley|2 |9.7 |[6, Charley, Ignore, 9.7, 115] |115|

how to filter () a pairRDD according to two conditions

how can i filter my pair RDD if i have 2 conditions for filter it , one to test the key and the other one to test the value (wanna the portion of code) bcz i used this portion and it didnt work saddly
JavaPairRDD filtering = pairRDD1.filter((x,y) -> (x._1.equals(y._1))&&(x._2.equals(y._2)))));
You can't use regular filter for this, because that checks one item at a time. You have to compare multiple items to each other, and check which one to keep. Here's an example which only keeps items which are repeated:
val items = List(1, 2, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 16, 19, 20)
val rdd = sc.parallelize(items)
// now create an RDD with all possible combinations of pairs
val mapped = { case (x) => (x, 1)}
val reduced = mapped.reduceByKey{ case (x, y) => x + y }
val filtered = reduced.filter { case (item, count) => count > 1 }
// Now print out the results:
filtered.collect().foreach { case (item, count) =>
println(s"Keeping $item because it occurred $count times.")}
It's probably not the most performant code for this, but it should give you an idea for the approach.
