Failed to run script function from Custom Actions - installshield

I implemented an installscript file of my own that will allow the installer to register dll's. I combined this with a custom action to actually run the function I created. I had to make this script because the dlls were failing to register with setting the property to self register. So I am stuck on how to resolve this problem with the custom action failing so that I can test my script.
Below is my script:
#include "Ifx.h"
export prototype RegisterComponents(HWND);
function RegisterComponents(hMSI)
sRunStr = WINSYSDIR ^ "regsvr32.exe";
LongPathToQuote(sRunStr, TRUE);
//change the directory to target directory
//register dll
if(LaunchAppAndWait(sRunStr, "/s " +
WAIT)) < 0) then
MessageBox("NCRUniEmulatorSO.dll", SEVERE);
Below is my custom actions:
FunctionName: RegisterComponents
Return Processing: Synchronous
In-Script Execution: Deferred Execution
Install Exec Sequence: After PublishProduct
All other sequence settings are set to Absent from sequence.
log file
InstallShield 14:17:18: Invoking script function RegisterComponents
InstallShield 14:17:18: Failed to run script function, error
0x80020006 InstallShield 14:17:18: CallScriptFunctionFromMsiCA() ends,
result 0x643 CustomAction RegisterComponents returned actual error
code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking

Is this an MSI project? I would not use self-registration, instead enable COM Extract at Build in the property page for the component in question:
If this extraction does not work, then you might have dependencies that are not met for the file to load. For example a missing resource dll or something like that. The extraction process for "COM Extract at Build" will populate a number of MSI-specific COM tables that take care of all COM registration details for you (including rollback support).
InstallShield Self-Registration: Additionally you can enable self-registration for a file in Installshield and not run via custom action code at all. I think it is in the property page for each file.


How can I invoke a task module on handleTeamsMessagingExtensionSelectItem(...)?

I am building a messaging extension app for MS Teams using the Teams-Toolkit in Visual Studio Code. I have been able to launch task modules from the message context without a problem but is there a way to launch a task module from handleTeamsMessagingExtensionSelectItem(context, obj)? The goal is for the user to select an item from the query list which triggers a new task module where they can fill out and submit a form (adaptive card).
For more visibility, adding the answer from the comment section:
Task module can be opened using TaskModuleResponse return type.
Only TeamsTaskModuleFetchAsync() method supports TaskModuleResponse return type.
TeamsMessagingExtensionSelectItemAsync() method return type can be MessagingExtensionResponse only. As this response type can't be changed.
So, overall not feasible.

How to read AssemblyInfo.cs into [SETUP] [duplicate]

I would like to read these three values from my application.exe in my Inno Setup script.
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("My Company")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("My Great Application")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("9.3.2")]
Does anyone know how this might be accomplished?
I know I can get the last one using GetFileVersion("path/to/greatapp.exe")
is there something similar for the first two?
Use the GetStringFileInfo() function provided by the Inno Setup Preprocessor (ISPP) as follows:
GetStringFileInfo("path/to/greatapp.exe", "CompanyName")
GetStringFileInfo("path/to/greatapp.exe", "ProductName")
GetStringFileInfo("path/to/greatapp.exe", "FileVersion")
As you have already mentioned, you can use the GetFileVersion() function instead of #3 above.
Also, have a look at the ISPPBuiltins.iss script file included with your Inno Setup installation. It contains a GetFileCompany() function to use instead of #1 above and you can implement #2 above in a similar fashion.
I dont know Inno Setup but I guess it supports custom actions like the other setup tools (Visual Studio, Wix, InstallShield or Wise).
So, you will need to create a custom action to read this information from the assembly. In your custom action, you need to add the following code to fetch the assembly attributes:
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom (#"path\to\greatapp.exe");
object[] attributes = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(true);
if (attributes.Length > 0)
foreach (object o in attibutes)
//Do Something with the attribute

Data race in MFC in afxCurrentResourceHandle

we have an issue in MFC-based application related to “current MFC state” and threads. In main thread we call VisualManager, because we want to have fancy toolbars. The call ends up in CMFCVisualManagerOffice2007::OnUpdateSystemColors function located inside afxvisualmanageroffice2007.cpp, which changes “current resource handle” by calling AfxSetResourceHandle function. This function gets “current module state” and changes “current resource handle” from MyApp.exe to mfc140u.dll. This is fine, because assets for VisualManager are located in that DLL and the change will be restored back to MyApp.exe in all cases.
However, what is not fine is that we spawn a new thread just before call to VisualManager (by using AfxBeginThread), this thread needs to load some strings from string table (by using CString class), but it sometimes fails to do so. It fails because there is race with main thread about AFX_MODULE_STATE::m_hCurrentResourceHandle variable. The thread expect it to be set to MyApp.exe, but the main thread changes it to mfc140u.dll and back, the “current resource handle” is effectively a global variable.
So, my questions are: 1) Are we doing something obviously wrong managing our MFC-based threads? Should we somehow copy or protect the “module state” so our new thread is immune to the change main thread is doing? Should aim MFC to create something like per-thread variable / state? 2) I believe Microsoft is wrong here, changing what is effectively a global variable and screwing other threads expectations, VisualManager should obtain the handle and pass it to all its functions as a parameter. Am I right?
Hi guys #iinspectable, #cha, I have an update, sorry it took so long. Steps to reproduce: Open Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, Create new MFC application through the wizard, make sure it has the "Project style" and "Visual style and colors" selected as "Office" and "Office 2007 (Blue theme)". Open file afxvisualmanageroffice2007.cpp from MSVS folder and put 4 break-points into CMFCVisualManagerOffice2007::OnUpdateSystemColors function where it calls AfxSetResourceHandle. Open file MFCApplication1.cpp in your newly created project folder and put this code [1] into CMFCApplication4App::InitInstance function just before CMainFrame* pMainFrame = new CMainFrame;, put break-point into this thread proc.
Now build and run this MFC application in debug mode, on each break-point hit, use freeze thread and thaw thread functions from Threads window, so you will arrange main thread in the middle of CMFCVisualManagerOffice2007::OnUpdateSystemColors function just after setting the global variable using AfxSetResourceHandle function and the worker thread before CStringT::LoadString. Now the load string will fail because it is looking for it inside mfc140ud.dll instead of using resource chain and MFCApplication1.exe.
I believe this is Microsoft's bug (changing global variable for a while), my code-base is full of innocent CString::LoadString calls which rely on carefully and correctly constructed resource chain with various plug-in DLLs and with an .exe at the end. If this is not Microsoft's bug then it is my bug relying on MFC on providing me a usable resource chain. I would need to create my own resource-chain-like functionality and use it everywhere when loading strings and other stuff from resources.
// [1]
AFX_THREADPROC thread_proc = [](LPVOID pParam){
CString str;
UINT ret = 0;
return ret;
::AfxBeginThread(thread_proc, (LPVOID)nullptr);
// Same result with ::AfxBeginThread(CRuntimeClass*) overload.

How to insert module into product page in prestashop

I am creating a new module in Prestashop 1.6 which displays some data on the products page in the info box. I have created a new hook in the install method of the module like this: $this->registerHook('combinationDescription') and created the hookDisplayCombinationDescription function for assigning some smarty variables and displaying them with a tpl file.
After installing my module the hook is registered into the database so its usable.
Manually I can insert code into the product.tpl file just like: {hook h="hookDisplayCombinationDescription"} and I think it's working, but I would like to make this step automatically when the module gets installed. How can I do that?
My guess would be that to edit the product.tpl file from the install method of the module but it's a bit dirty method for me. Is there some other nice way to do that?
If you made a custom hook you need to insert its execution somewhere manually: into .tpl or into overrided ProductController.php (if it is an action hook). Prestashop can't execute it automatically for it doesn't know where do you want to execute it.
But you can use the default Prestashop 1.6 hooks to make your part of the code hooked and ready after the module installation. For the product page are these:
You can use one of these hooks and position your content with css (or javascript - to any part of the page).
If you make any custom hook then you have to make it executable first.Prestashop can't execute custom hooks automatically.But for displaying some data on product page you can use predefined prestashop hooks.Some are following
To use these hooks, first you have to register hooks in install function like
public function install()
if (!parent::install() || !$this->registerHook('displayProductButtons')){
and in the same file you have to make a function like
public function hookDisplayProductButtons($params)
Now in that function you can assign some smarty variables which you want to access or show in your tpl file like
public function hookDisplayProductButtons($params)
'product_name' => 'abc'
Now in your tpl file you can access that
If you want to add new custom hook and execute them when your particular module is active or installed.
Please follow the following steps:
Add you new custom hook code any where you want to perform your action.
Then, you can insert entry for that new custom hook into database at the time of installing module.
Now, your hook will execute as per your need.
Delete the same entry of hook from database at the time of uninstalling module so that hook could not be executed after uninstalling module.
I am not sure for, Is any other solution available to fulfill your need in prestashop?

How can I overwrite an error message occured on custom action

I trigger an c# application by an custom action:
On failing condition, my application tells Install Shield to abort the installation process using an exit code:
static void Main(string[] args)
Environment.ExitCode = 1;
Using this approach, Install shield´s setup displays an error message like expected:
How can I overwrite that error message by a custom text?
Reading between the lines here, it appears your custom action launches an EXE. If that is so, there is no way to do what you ask. You could show a message from your EXE before returning a non-zero exit code, but then Windows Installer would still show the Error 1722 message.
If you can instead run a function from a DLL, you have more options. Instead of returning errors, you'd be able to set properties (assuming this is an immediate mode action), and could use those properties to do further things, such as show another dialog, or exit the installation without the Error 1722 message. I don't think all the necessary configuration options are available in the limited edition - you certainly cannot edit dialogs in LE - so to do all of that, you would have to change to a more capable tool (including the Professional edition, or options from other vendors).
