I'd like to use multiprocessing in a rescource-heavy computation in a code I write, as shown in this watered-down example:
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as multiproc
def function(r, phi, z, params):
"""returns an array of the timepoints and the corresponding values
(demanding computation in actual code, with iFFT and stuff)"""
times = np.array([1.,2.,3.])
tdependent_vals = r + z * times + phi
return np.array([times, tdependent_vals])
def calculate_func(rmax, zmax, phi, param):
rvals = np.linspace(0,rmax,5)
zvals = np.linspace(0,zmax,5)
for r in rvals:
func_at_r = lambda z: function(r, phi, z, param)[1]
with multiproc.Pool(2) as pool:
fieldvals = np.array([*pool.map(func_at_r, zvals)])
print(fieldvals) #for test, it's actually saved in a numpy array
If I run this, it fails with
AttributeError: Can't pickle local object 'calculate_func.<locals>.<lambda>'
What I think the reason is, according to the documentation, only top-level defined functions can be pickled, and my in-function defined lambda can't. But I don't see any way I could make it a standalone function, at least without polluting the module with a bunch of top-level variables: the parameters are unknown before calculate_func is called, and they're changing at each iteration over rvals. This whole multiprocessing thing is very new to me, and I couldn't come up with an alternative. What would be the simplest working way to parallelize the loop over rvals and zvals?
Note: I used this answer as a starting point.
This probably isn't the best answer for this, but it's an answer, so please no hate :)
You can just write a top level wrapper function that can be serialized and have it execute functions... This is kinda like function inception a bit but I solved a similar problem in my code like this.
Here is a brief example
def wrapper(arg_list, *args):
func_str = arg_list[0]
args = arg_list[1]
code = marshal.loads(base64.b64decode(func_str.data))
func = types.FunctionType(code, globals(), "wrapped_func")
return func(*args)
def run_func(func, *args):
func_str = base64.b64encode(marshal.dumps(func.__code__, 0))
arg_list = [func_str, args]
with mp.Pool(2) as pool:
results = pool.map(wrapper, arg_list)
return results
I am currently developing some code that deals with big multidimensional arrays. Of course, Python gets very slow if you try to perform these computations in a serialized manner. Therefore, I got into code parallelization, and one of the possible solutions I found has to do with the multiprocessing library.
What I have come up with so far is first dividing the big array in smaller chunks and then do some operation on each of those chunks in a parallel fashion, using a Pool of workers from multiprocessing. For that to be efficient and based on this answer I believe that I should use a shared memory array object defined as a global variable, to avoid copying it every time a process from the pool is called.
Here I add some minimal example of what I'm trying to do, to illustrate the issue:
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
import multiprocessing as mp
import ctypes
class Trials:
# Perform computation along first dimension of shared array, representing the chunks
def Compute(i, shared_array):
shared_array[i] = shared_array[i] + 2
# The function you actually call
def DoSomething(self):
# Initializer function for Pool, should define the global variable shared_array
# I have also tried putting this function outside DoSomething, as a part of the class,
# with the same results
def initialize(base, State):
global shared_array
shared_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(base.get_obj()).reshape(125, 100, 100) + State
base = mp.Array(ctypes.c_float, 125*100*100) # Create base array
state = np.random.rand(125,100,100) # Create seed
# Initialize pool of workers and perform calculations
with mp.Pool(processes = 10,
initializer = initialize,
initargs = (base, state,)) as pool:
run = partial(self.Compute,
shared_array = shared_array) # Here the error says that shared_array is not defined
pool.map(run, np.arange(125))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Trials = Trials()
The trouble I am encountering is that when I define the partial function, I get the following error:
NameError: name 'shared_array' is not defined
For what I understand, I think that means that I cannot access the global variable shared_array. I'm sure that the initialize function is executing, as putting a print statement inside of it gives back a result in the terminal.
What am I doing incorrectly, is there any way to solve this issue?
I'm trying to restart an optimisation in pymoo.
I have a problem defined as:
class myOptProb(Problem):
"""my body goes here"""
algorithm = NSGA2(pop_size=24)
problem = myOptProblem(opt_obj=dp_ptr,
lb=0.3 * np.ones(7),
ub=0.7 * np.ones(7),
parallelization=('threads', cpu_count(),))
res = minimize(problem,
('n_gen', 100),
During the optimisation I write the design vectors and results to a .csv file. An example of design_vectors.csv is:
5.000000000000000000e+00, 4.079711567060104183e-01, 6.583544872784267143e-01, 4.712364759485179189e-01, 6.859360188593541796e-01, 5.653765991273791425e-01, 5.486782880836487131e-01, 5.275405748345924906e-01,
7.000000000000000000e+00, 5.211287914743063521e-01, 6.368123569438421949e-01, 3.496693260479644128e-01, 4.116734716044557763e-01, 5.343037085833151068e-01, 6.878382993278697732e-01, 5.244120877022839800e-01,
9.000000000000000000e+00, 5.425317846613321171e-01, 5.275405748345924906e-01, 4.269449637288642574e-01, 6.954464617649794844e-01, 5.318980876983187001e-01, 4.520564690494201510e-01, 5.203792876471586837e-01,
1.100000000000000000e+01, 4.579502451694219545e-01, 6.853050113762846340e-01, 3.695822666721857441e-01, 3.505318077758549089e-01, 3.540316632186925050e-01, 5.022648662707586142e-01, 3.086099221096791911e-01,
3.000000000000000000e+00, 4.121775968257620493e-01, 6.157117313805953174e-01, 3.412904026310568106e-01, 4.791574104703620329e-01, 6.634382012372381787e-01, 4.174456593494717538e-01, 4.151101354345394512e-01,
The results.csv is:
5.000000000000000000e+00, 1.000000000000000000e+05, 1.000000000000000000e+05, 1.000000000000000000e+05, 1.000000000000000000e+05,
7.000000000000000000e+00, 1.041682833582066703e+00, 3.481167125962069189e-03, -5.235115318709097909e-02, 4.634480813876099177e-03,
9.000000000000000000e+00, 1.067730307802263967e+00, 2.194702810002167534e-02, -3.195892023664552717e-01, 1.841232582360878426e-03,
1.100000000000000000e+01, 8.986880344052742275e-01, 2.969022150977750681e-03, -4.346692726475211849e-02, 4.995468429444801205e-03,
3.000000000000000000e+00, 9.638770499257821589e-01, 1.859596479928402393e-02, -2.723230073142696162e-01, 1.600910928983005632e-03,
The first column is the index of the design vector - because I thread asynchronously, I specify the indices.
I see that it should be possible to restart the optimisation via the sampling parameter for pymoo.algorithms.nsga2.NSGA2 but I couldn't find a working example. The documentation for both population and individuals is also not clear. So how can I restart a simulation with the previous results?
Yes, you can initialize the algorithm object with a population instead of doing it randomly.
I have written a small tutorial for a biased initialization:
Because in your case the data already exists, in a CSV or in-memory file, you might want to create a dummy problem (I have called it Constant in my example) to set the attributes in the Population object. (In the population X, F, G, CV and feasible needs to be set). Another way would be setting the attributes directly...
The biased initialization with a dummy problem is shown below. If you already use pymoo to store the csv files, you can also just np.save the Population object directly and load it. Then all intermediate steps are not necessary.
I am planning to improve checkpoint implementation in the future. So if you have some more feedback and use case which are not possible yet please let me know.
import numpy as np
from pymoo.algorithms.nsga2 import NSGA2
from pymoo.algorithms.so_genetic_algorithm import GA
from pymoo.factory import get_problem, G1, Problem
from pymoo.model.evaluator import Evaluator
from pymoo.model.population import Population
from pymoo.optimize import minimize
class YourProblem(Problem):
def __init__(self, n_var=10):
super().__init__(n_var=n_var, n_obj=1, n_constr=0, xl=-0, xu=1, type_var=np.double)
def _evaluate(self, x, out, *args, **kwargs):
out["F"] = np.sum(np.square(x - 0.5), axis=1)
problem = YourProblem()
# create initial data and set to the population object - for your this is your file
N = 300
X = np.random.random((N, problem.n_var))
F = np.random.random((N, problem.n_obj))
G = np.random.random((N, problem.n_constr))
class Constant(YourProblem):
def _evaluate(self, x, out, *args, **kwargs):
out["F"] = F
out["G"] = G
pop = Population().new("X", X)
Evaluator().eval(Constant(), pop)
algorithm = GA(pop_size=100, sampling=pop)
('n_gen', 10),
I'm running a constrained optimisation with scipy.optimize.minimize(method='COBYLA').
In order to evaluate the cost function, I need to run a relatively expensive simulation to compute a dataset from the input variables, and the cost function is one (cheap to compute) property of that dataset. However, two of my constraints are also dependent on that expensive data.
So far, the only way I have found to constrain the optimisation is to have each of the constraint functions recompute the same dataset that the cost function already has calculated (simplified quasi-code):
def costfun(x):
data = expensive_fun(x)
def constr1(x):
data = expensive_fun(x)
def constr2(x):
data = expensive_fun(x)
constraints = [{'type':'ineq', 'fun':constr1},
{'type':'ineq', 'fun':constr2}]
# initial guess
x0 = np.ones((6,))
opt_result = minimize(costfun, x0, method='COBYLA',
This is clearly not efficient because expensive_fun(x) is called three times for every x.
I could change this slightly to include a universal "evaluate some cost" function which runs the expensive computation, and then evaluates whatever criterion it has been given. But while that saves me from having to write the "expensive" code several times, it still runs three times for every iteration of the optimizer:
# universal cost function evaluator
def criterion_from_x(x, cfun):
data = expensive_fun(x)
def costfun(data):
def constr1(data):
def constr2(data):
constraints = [{'type':'ineq', 'fun':criterion_from_x, 'args':(constr1,)},
{'type':'ineq', 'fun':criterion_from_x, 'args':(constr2,)}
# initial guess
x0 = np.ones((6,))
opt_result = minimize(criterion_from_x, x0, method='COBYLA',
args=(costfun,), constraints=constraints)
I have not managed to find any way to set something up where x is used to generate data at each iteration, and data is then passed to both the objective function as well as the constraint functions.
Does something like this exist? I've noticed the callback argument to minimize(), but that is a function which is called after each step. I'd need some kind of preprocessor which is called on x before each step, whose results are then available to the cost function and constraint evaluation. Maybe there's a way to sneak it in somehow? I'd like to avoid writing my own optimizer.
One, more traditional, way to solve this would be to evaluate the constraints in the cost function (which has all the data it needs for that, have it add a penalty for violated constraints to the main cost function, and run the optimizer without the explicit constraints, but I've tried this before and found that the main cost function can become somewhat chaotic in cases where the constraints are violated, so an optimizer might get stuck in some place which violates the constraints and not find out again.
Another approach would be to produce some kind of global variable in the cost function and write the constraint evaluation to use that global variable, but that could be very dangerous if multithreading/-processing gets involved, or if the name I choose for the global variable collides with a name used anywhere else in the code:
def costfun(x):
global data
data = expensive_fun(x)
def constr1(x):
global data
def constr2(x):
global data
I know that some people use file I/O for cases where the cost function involves running a large simulation which produces a bunch of output files. After that, the constraint functions can just access those files -- but my problem is not that big.
I'm currently using Python v3.9 and scipy 1.9.1.
You could write a decorator class in the same vein to scipy's MemoizeJac that caches the return values of the expensive function each time it is called:
import numpy as np
class MemoizeData:
def __init__(self, obj_fun, exp_fun, constr_fun):
self.obj_fun = obj_fun
self.exp_fun = exp_fun
self.constr_fun = constr_fun
self._data = None
self.x = None
def _compute_if_needed(self, x, *args):
if not np.all(x == self.x) or self._data is None:
self.x = np.asarray(x).copy()
self._data = self.exp_fun(x)
def __call__(self, x, *args):
self._compute_if_needed(x, *args)
return self.obj_fun(self._data)
def constraint(self, x, *args):
self._compute_if_needed(x, *args)
return self.constr_fun(self._data)
Followingly, the expensive function is only evaluated once for each iteration. Then, after writing all your constraints into one constraint function, you could use it like this:
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def all_constrs(data):
return np.hstack((cheap_fun2(data), cheap_fun3(data)))
obj = MemoizeData(cheap_fun1, expensive_fun, all_constrs)
constr = {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': obj.constraint}
x0 = np.ones(6)
opt_result = minimize(obj, x0, method="COBYLA", constraints=constr)
While Joni was writing their answer, I found another one, which is admittedly more hacky. I prefer theirs, but for the sake of completeness, I wanted to post this one, too.
It's derived from the material from https://mdobook.github.io/ and the accompanying video tutorials from BYU FLow Lab, in particular this video:
The trick is to use non-local variables to keep a cache of the last evaluation of the expensive function:
import numpy as np
last_x = None
last_data = None
def compute_data(x):
data = expensive_fun(x)
def get_last_data(x):
nonlocal last_x, last_data
if not np.array_equal(x, last_x):
last_data = compute_data(x)
last_x = x
def costfun(x):
data = get_last_data(x)
def constr1(x):
data = get_last_data(x)
def constr2(x):
data = get_last_data(x)
...and then everything can progress as in my original code in the question.
Reasons why I prefer Joni's class-based version:
variable scopes are clearer than with nonlocal
If some of the functions allow calculation of their Jacobian, or there are other things worth buffering, the added complexity is held in check better than with
Having a class instance do all the work also allows you to do other interesting things, like keeping a record of all past evaluations and the path taken by the optimizer, without having to use a separate callback function. Very useful for debugging/tweaking convergence if the optimizer won't converge or takes too long, but also to visualize or otherwise investigate the objective function or similar.
The same ability might actually be really cool for things like constructing a response surface model from the results of previous function evaluations. That could be used to establish a starting guess in case the expensive function is some numerical method that benefits from a good starting point.
Both approaches allow the use of "cheap" constraints which don't require the expensive function to be evaluated, by simply providing them as separate functions. Not sure whether that would help much with compute times, though. I suppose that would depend on the algorithm used by the optimizer.
I have a requirement like below
from multiprocessing import Pool
import pandas as pd
import time
def test():
def opt_by_region(a,b,c,d):
print("inside process")
return b
def opt():
res=[pool.apply_async(fun,args=(r,df,3,4))for r in range(5)]
This is sample structure of my code that am working.Here I need to run "opt_by_region" only in parallel for each region. but region and other variable are getting from function "opt"(it is not running in parallel)
so how can I solve this.how can I put wait "opt_by_region" to trigger with all the variables from function "opt".could anyone please suggest ideas it would be appreciated.
First, try removing that list comprehension from around pool.apply_async. You want to supply a list of your arguments to apply_async, even if the list elements are containers or objects.
Next, I think you have a typo, and should be supplying the function you want to iterate (fun <-> opt_by_region)
args = [(r,df,3,4) for r in range(5)]
res = pool.apply_async(opt_by_region,args=args)
I am quite new to the numba package in python. I am not sure if I am using the numba.jit correctly, but the code just runs too slow with 23.7s per loops over the line: Z1 = mmd(X,Y,20)
What is the correct way to optimize the code? I need your help guys. Thank you.
Here is my code:
import pandas as pd
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
def mmd(array1, array2, n):
n1 = array1.shape[0]
MMD = np.empty(n1, dtype = 'float64')
for i in range(n-1,n1):
MMD[i] = np.average(abs(array1[i+1-n:i+1] - array2[i]))
return MMD
X = np.array([i**2 for i in range(1000000)])
Y = np.array([i for i in range(1000000)])
Z1 = mmd(X,Y,20)
EDIT: simplified the code even further
EDIT2: tried #nb.jit(nopython = True), then there is an error message:
KeyError: "<class 'numba.targets.cpu.CPUTargetOptions'> does not support option: 'nonpython'"
also tried:
To make Numba work well you need to use "nopython" mode, as you mentioned. To enable this, simply run the program with jit replaced by njit (or equivalently, jit(nopython=True), and fix the errors one by one:
np.empty() doesn't support the dtype='float64' argument in Numba. That's OK though, because float64 is the default. Just remove it.
np.average() is not supported in Numba. That's OK, since we are not passing any weights anyway, it's the same as np.mean(). Replace it.
The built-in abs() is not supported in Numba. Use np.abs() instead.
We end up with this:
def mmd(array1, array2, n):
n1 = array1.shape[0]
MMD = np.empty(n1)
for i in range(n-1,n1):
MMD[i] = np.mean(np.abs(array1[i+1-n:i+1] - array2[i]))
return MMD
And it is 100x faster.
Bonus tips:
You can initialize your sample data more concisely and faster like this:
Y = np.arange(1000000)
X = Y * Y
The first n values in the result are uninitialized garbage. You might want to clean that up somehow.