Creating column index in VBA based in multiple conditions - excel

I am trying to create a column index in excel with this idea:
If A3 cell is between -$A$1 and $A$1 the D3 cell receives the 0 value
If A3 cell is between $A$1 and 2*$A$1 the D3 cell receives the 1 value
If A3 cell is between -2*$A$1 and -$A$1 the D3 cell receives the -1 value
If A3 cell is below -2*$A$1 the D3 cell receives the -2 value
If A3 cell is above 2*$A$1 the D3 cell receives the 2 value
Any help?


Modified number formula

any body know how to modified number the formula
=A Number based cell value
example if I put cell B2 =2
Cell A2 = A(value B2)
or formula cell A2 is =A2

can I use the IF function in the problem below?

How do I use the IF function (or another function) in ce;;s C2-C11 with the condition that if in Cell B5 I have "*" the rezult should be "0" in cell C5 and if in cell B2 I have a number the result in Cell C2 should be equal to the value in Cell C1
How do I use the IF function (or another function) in ce;;s C2-C11 with the condition that if in Cell B5 I have "*" the rezult should be "0" in cell C5 and if in cell B2 I have a number the result in Cell C2 should be equal to the value in Cell C1
Solved: =IF(NOT(B2="*"),C1,0)

Excel : If cell has a value write value into next cell in column

I am looking for a formula or connection in excel where if cell A2 has value entered should copy the same value into cell D2 , now enter new value into cell A2 , should add this new value in cell D3 or else D2 but still retaining the earlier value to D3 .Overall all the values entered in the cell A2 should keep storing in Column D .

How to use match with multiple criteria in excel

I have two sheets. I am matching sheet1 A2 value with sheet2 A2 to get Sheet1 C2 Value in sheet2 C2.
In Sheet1, if the number (in Column A) is repeating then it will have
(blank) and AW. If the number is not repeating then it will have only
In Sheet2, if the number (in Column A) is repeating then it will have
(blank) and AW. If the number is not repeating then it will have
(blank) or AW. Actually (blank) = BY
In sheet1 and sheet2, Repeating values are always adjacent to each
Conditions are:
In Sheet1, A2 not repeating & B2 = (blank) then Copy the value and paste to sheet2 in Column C. It could be either BY and AW in Sheet B2. So, paste in both B2 & B3.
For Eg: In sheet1 A4 &A5 are equal; B4 = (blank); B5 = AW. So take
C4 value and paste in Sheet2 both C4 AND C5.(Or the cell where it gets matched)
For Eg: In sheet1 A16; B16 = (blank). But In sheet2; B16 = AW. So
take C16 value and paste in Sheet2 C16.(Or the cells where it gets matched). If both the values are (blank), then no problem.
In Sheet1, A2 repeating & B2 = (blank), A2 = A3, B3 = AW then Copy the value and paste to sheet2 in Column C2 and C3.
For Eg: In sheet1 A4 &A5 are equal; B4 = (blank); B5 = AW. So take
C4 & C5 value and paste in Sheet2 both C4 AND C5.(Or the cells where it gets matched).
Help me. How to change my formula
=IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet1!$C$2:$C$4000; MATCH(1; (Sheet1!$A$2:$A$3000=Sheet2!$A2)*(Sheet1!$B$2:$B$3000=Sheet2!$B2);0));"")
place the following in C2 and copy down:
you will then want to go back and add a special case for your first row of data since you do not want to copy information from C1.
Alternatively you could add that as an option to your formula, but it MAY be a wasted bit of effort in all remaining rows.
In the case where the pairs of numbers are out of sequence you could use:

adding value to a cell reference

I'm having multiple sheets in an excel file
sheet1 contains some data from A1 to A100
sheet2 in this sheet row1 contains the data with numeric value
in sheet2 if A1 contains the 0 A3 should be the value of A1 of sheet1
in sheet2 if A1 contains the 30 A3 should be the value of A1+30 that is A31 of sheet1
Any idea how to get the described behavior?
It sounds like you're looking for something involving INDIRECT. Not sure what your data looks like, but from what it sounds like, you would want to put a formula like this in A3 in Sheet2:
=INDIRECT("Sheet1!A" & A1 + 1)
That will get the value in A1, add 1 (0->1, 30->31) and then concatenate it with the Sheet1!A string, giving you a reference to a cell on the first sheet. Using INDIRECT then returns the value at that cell.
