Number of minutes in a time range - EXCEL - excel

I have a sheet for tracking my hours at work. We also have a time period between the hours of 07:30 & 18:00 where we can accrue 'flex time'. I want to know from my in and out times, how many hours:minutes I have made in flex.
Please can someone help with the calculation?

The standard way of doing these is to use the overlap formula for two intervals
So in your case it would be
If some of your time cells contain strings instead of numbers you would need to check for these. One way of doing it is
If you ever did a night shift including midnight the formula would need further modification.

Fixed my formula to get correct answers. Bit odd but works now!
We take the total time then
if our time starts earlier than flex time starts, we ADD the difference between our start time and flex time, which of course will be a negative number
if our end time ends later than flex time ends, we SUBTRACT the difference between our end time and flex time


Check range of times in excel to ensure they are within core hours

I am trying to check to see if the following Times in the picture fall within a certain core hour of 0930 - 1430, in military time. This breaks because you aren't clocked in at 930 therefore missed a half an hour of core time.
Currently I am using min/max to check for those columns which works until this example. Any ideas would be great!
Here is an example:
Here is what the output should look like (even though the math is wrong.
It should say CR Missed=1.5 (Core Hour starts at 930 and clock in was 11).
The current code I am using
=IF(AND(COUNTA(J8:J12)<>0,COUNTA(K8:K12)<>0),IF(AND($AQ$15>=MIN(J8:J12),$AR$15<=MAX(K8:K12)),"","CR Missed = "),"")
Edit: Sums are not relevant (it just adds the times) AQ=0930 and AR=1430 (The range of "Core Hours")
Essentially you can enter in different times in each row and I am trying to make sure that you are 'logged in' between required times of 0930 and 1430. Currently the Min/Max equation works ish but doesnt cover the shown example where I am actually missing 30 mins (logged out at 0900 and logged back in at 1000).
I feel like I am missing some logic or command. Sorry, I hope this helps.
From Comments and to add clarity, added an example of the ouput
There can be more lines; I have up to 5 (Just hidden)
The times dont have to be in order but generally thats how they would be entered.
No these are technically different time codes (Leave/Sick/Regular) You would not overlap Sick and Leave for example
I would like to thank everyone for the help!
The function I ended up using was Ron's example with a twist. As his example showed how many hours worked that were within a time range; I wanted to show how many were missing; and since multiple check ins/outs could happen I just covered all the available slots.
So this will give me the number of missed hours between required time interval with multiple check in and check outs.
My approach was to look for the first time-slot that covered the starting time (9:30).
If we find a time-slot like (7:00 - 10:00), we need to check if the next time slot starts at 10:00.
If the next time slot covers 10:00, we will check this time slot's end time with the next one.
And we repeat this process until all time-slots have been checked. If the time we end up with is greater than your "core end time" (14:30), then we know that all hours of the core hours have been covered continuously without breaks (might even be more).
On the contrary, if it is smaller, the value we ended up with, is the last point in time that they worked continuously without any gaps.
Formulas & Explanations
Insert start time into D1, and end time in E1.
In C2 and downwards is: =IF(AND($B2>$D1;$D1>=A2);$B2;$D1)
This is what checks if the time we were looking for was in this interval, if it was, this value will change into the end time of the time slot. If not, it will remain as the previous - this is what lets us know not all core hours have been covered.
D2 and downwards is simply: =MAX(D1;C2) (This could be included in C1, but for readability and to easier understand, I made it a separate column.
Finally E4, whether or not all core hours have been covered is: =C4>=E1, which becomes TRUE or FALSE. If you want the "CR Missed", that will be a simple: =IF(E4;"";"CR Missed")
I realize this isn't very dynamic, so if you have more time slots, you will have to copy the formula down further.
So, maybe this won't be the ultimate solution, but rather do the job and perhaps be enough for you to expand upon.
Best regards! ^_^
It is not clear to me what you want for output. Perhaps this will get you started.
To compute the hours from Start=> End that fall within a certain range (eg: Core Time):
So you could do something like:

Calculate if time period is contained within a start and end time

I have a problem where I am trying to calculate in Excel if any part of a provided work duty time period is contained within a user defined period which specifies the night working hours e.g. 2330-0559 or 0000-0630.
If I provide a work duty time I want and any part of the duty is within the specified period it needs to be identified. E.g. 2230-0630 duty time is within both examples above.
I can tried a few different solutions and still not got the right way solve it.
Maybe someone can help. I also know that 24:00 in excel is used for midnight at the end of the day and 00:00 is used for midnight starting the day as excel works from 0-1 as part of the day.
I would work with the number of minutes as decimal and with it make a valid range from "Duty start time" and "Duty end time".
Check if you can make any sense out of this:
Here the example:
Update: Sorry for the lack of explanation. Here I try my best to clarify how I did it.
First of all I try to convert any time into minutes, so 00:00 is 0 minutes, 01:00 is 60 minutes, 24:00 (excel shows 00:00) is 1440 minutes, 25:00 (excel shows 01:00) is 1500 minutes.
That conversion I do with CONVERT(E2,"day", "mn"), which does convert from day to minutes.
Range Normalization and inclusion
Now every range has to be normalized, that means the "End" has to be always bigger than "Start". For 00:00 to 06:00 this works fine, but for 22:00 to 06:00 it needs to be tweaked. So if "Start" is bigger than "End" then I add 1440 mins (24 hours) to "End". That I do with IF(A6>B6, 1440,0).
You then need to see if any "Duty range" contains the "Night range". That normally is done with the formula if (DutyEnd > NightStart AND DuttyStart < NightEnd) then TRUE.
Challenge 1
That was the main concept. But then if you try to compare a range like 00:00-06:00 contained in 24:00-06-00 it does not work. And that is because the converted minutes are 0-360 and 1440-1830, they don't contain each other.
In E3 to fix this I cut down 1440 with modulo (MOD()), then MOD(1440, 1440) = 0. So even if you use values like 25:00 or 52:00, they will be cut down to the smallest amount of minutes. E.g. 25:00 (1500 mins) = 1:00 = 60 mins, 52:00 (3120 mins) = 4:00 = 240 mins
Challenge 2
We have yet another challenge, the possible comparisons are as follows:
00:00-06:00 contained in 00:00-06:00 which in minutes is 0-390 contained in 0-390
00:00-06:00 contained in 22:00-06:00 which in minutes is 0-390 contained in 1320-1830
22:00-06:00 contained in 00:00-06:00 which in minutes is 1320-1830 contained in 0-390
These last two will not match. So that is why in the "Contains" column (E.g.: E6) I compare against the "Night criteria" - 1400 and + 1400.
Hope it is a bit clear. Let me know otherwise..
Dates in excel are stored as INTEGERS. They represent the days since 1900/01/1 with that date being 1.
Time is stored as a decimal which represents a fraction of a day. 24 hours is 1, 0.5 is 12 noon. etc.
In other words, everything to the left of the decimal is date and everything to the right is time.
This is problematic from the view point that early morning times are less than the late times of the previous day. The fact of the matter is that they are larger. In our heads we do the mental math of knowing the are the following day but we ignore the date aspect.
A quick way to rectify this is to add the date to your time. Life will become much easier with the math. You may however not want to add full dates to start and end times. WITH THE ASSUMPTION that start and end times are not more than 24 hours the simple work around is is to add 1 to the end time when the end time is less than the start time. This means its the next day.
It the example date you provided, column C was insert to CORRECT the end time. It did the check of end less than start if so add one using the following formula:
The part in brackets is a logic check. It either evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. When excel runs a boolean (TRUE or FALSE) through a math operator (not a function like sum) it will convert TRUE to 1 and FALSE to 0.
Straight forward math of C minus A since C is always after you start and is the larger of the two numbers.
Need to be a little careful in your definition of crossing midnight when a start time or end time is exactly midnight. Technically speaking you did not cross it if you start or stop on it. The difference is really < versus <= or > versus >=. I will leave that to you to sort out. For the math I used:
Though I did not use this column for anything else
I broke this into three columns. It can be combined into one but wanted to show the working parts. The first check is to see if the start time is before the night start and that the shift end time was after the night start time. The second check was similar for the the fisrt except you want to know if the start time is before the night end time and the shift end time is after the night end time. For the OR case you want to check to see if ANY of columns F through I are true:
Note the +1 for night end time. This is to reflect that the end time is actually on the following day.
Place the above formulas in row 6 and copy down as needed
Well, I think I'm missing something but let's see if this works for you. To make this work:
All hours must be typed in hh:mm format
Night Criteria End must be on a different day. This means it must be over 00:00 or formulas won't work. If you type something
like start criteria=22:00 and night criteria= 23:50, both times
would be in the same day, so formulas won't work
This formulas only work in periods less than 24 hours. If anytime the different between criterias is over 24 hours, formulas won't work
Now, I replied your data like this:
The trick here is dealing with times without dates. Dates in Excel are înteger numbers and decimal parts are the hours/minutes/seconds. So to compare properly hours like this, you need to add an integer part.
Let me explain. In Excel, 18:00 would be 0,75. And 06:00 would be 0,25. If you try to get the difference between both times, you will get -0,5. In decimal it makes sense, but when trying to convert to time, it makes no sense for Excel. So, as I said before, the trick here is adding integers (in this case, because 06:00 is lower than 18:00, we would add +1), so Excel would make 1,25 - 0,75 = 0,5. And Excel can convert 0,5 to hours, and it will return exactly 12 hours, the right result.
So knowing this, the trick in formulas for your data is comparing ends with starts and add 1 or 2 to compare then properly with your criteria. That way Excel can figure out if a time is later or sooner than a criteria.
All my formulas are these ones:
LENGHT: =IF(B5<A5;B5+1-A5;B5-A5)
START BETWEEN CRITERIA: =IF(AND(IF(A5<$E$2;A5+2;1+A5)>=1+$E$2;IF(A5<$E$2;A5+2;1+A5)<=$F$2+2);TRUE;FALSE)
END BETWEEN CRITERIA: =IF(AND(IF(B5<$E$2;B5+2;1+B5)>=1+$E$2;SI(B5<$E$2;B5+2;1+B5)<=$F$2+2);TRUE;FALSE)
Anyways, I uploaded a file to my Gdrive, in case it may be helpful to download and check the formulas.
This is the best I got. Probably there is a better way, but I hope this can help you, or at least, you can adapt it to your needs.

Excel Formula to Get Time Difference

Checking out a formula that can take the difference of the time schedule. I have
but it doesn't take into consideration the hours that will go beyond 12AM (the next day). Example on the second row (4:00 PM - 12:00 AM). I am only interested with the time that it elapsed from the start time to the end time, which is supposed to be 8, but the result is different because of the difference in the date. Any suggestions without adding a date column?
You need to add 1 to the time when it goes to the next day.

Excel Sumproduct not working when the condition time and date are put together?

I have a worksheet that is a schedule, and I'm trying to create a graphical display [not chart] of how many people are working per hour window. Before I added the dates, which needed to be done so that shifts starting in the evening and going over midnight could be computed, it was working fine except for midnight shifts. The formula I was using is:
Before the date addition, this was working fine[Except for the aforementioned problem]:
To where, $C86, is the start time 1-Feb 0:00, and $D86, is the end time 1-Feb 0:59. +INT(F$5) changes the date from 1-feb to an integer to be added to the hour time blocks. I also tried using COUNTIFS to no avail.
First off, is the way I am computing this possible? Secondly, is there a better way to do this? Thanks.

How to get the difference in minutes between two dates in Microsoft Excel?

I am doing some work in Excel and am running into a bit of a problem. The instruments I am working with save the date and the time of the measurements and I can read this data into Excel with the following format:
1 Date: Time:
2 12/11/12 2:36:25
3 12/12/12 1:46:14
What I am looking to do is find the difference in the two date/time stamps in mins so that I can create a decay curve from the data. So In Excel, I am looking to Make this (if the number of mins in this example is wrong I just calculated it by hand quickly):
1 Date: Time: Time Elapsed (Minutes)
2 12/11/12 2:36:25 -
3 12/12/12 1:46:14 1436.82
I Have looked around for a bit and found several methods for the difference in time but they always assume that the dates are the same. I exaggerated the time between my measurements some but that roll over of days is what is causing me grief. Any suggestions or hints as to how to go about this would be great. Even If I could find the difference between the date and times in hrs or days in a decimal format, I could just multiple by a constant to get my answer. Please note, I do have experience with programming and Excel but please explain in details. I sometimes get lost in steps.
time and date are both stored as numerical, decimal values (floating point actually). Dates are the whole numbers and time is the decimal part (1/24 = 1 hour, 1/24*1/60 is one minute etc...)
Date-time difference is calculated as:
which will give you the answer in days, now multiply by 24 (hours in day) and then by 60 (minutes in hour) and you are there:
time elapsed = ((date2-date1) + (time2-time1)) * 24 * 60
C3 = ((A3-A2)+(B3-B2))*24*60
To add a bit more perspective, Excel stores date and times as serial numbers.
Here is a Reference material to read up.
I would suggest you to use the following:
Combine date to it's time and then do the difference. So it will not cause you any issues of next day or anything.
Please refer to the image with calculations. You may leave your total minutes cell as general or number format.
MS EXCEL Article: Calculate the difference between two times
Example as per this article
Neat way to do this is:
where start and end are formatted as "09:00" and "17:00"
Midnight shift
If start and end time are on the same day the MOD function does not affect anything. If the end time crosses midnight, and the end is earlier then start (say you start 23PM and finish 1AM, so result is 2 hours), the MOD function flips the sign of the difference.
Note that this formula calculates the difference between two times (actually two dates) as decimal value. If you want to see the result as time, display the result as time (ctrl+shift+2).
get n day between two dates, by using days360 function =days360(dateA,dateB)
find minute with this formula using timeA as reference =(timeB-$timeA+n*"24:00")*1440
voila you get minutes between two time and dates
I think =TEXT(<cellA> - <cellB>; "[h]:mm:ss") is a more concise answer. This way, you can have your column as a datetime.
