Heroku, triggering a deploy, after installing buildpacks [duplicate] - node.js

I would like to deploy a Heroku app which will be done ideally using git push -u heroku master. However this will only work if there are any pending commits to be pushed to master.
How can I redeploy the app while there is nothing to push ? I tried git push -u heroku master -f and still get the same below
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from heroku.
Everything up-to-date
PS: I also want to retain the existing app, which means I cannot make use of this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/22043184/968442

Normally setting a config var causes your application to be restarted. In most situations there should be no need to redeploy after doing this.
If you really do need to trigger a new deployment you can add a new empty commit, then push to Heroku again:
git commit --allow-empty -m "Trigger Heroku deploy after enabling collectstatic"
git push heroku master
The new empty commit is a regular commit. It has a hash, an author, a timestamp, etc. It will have the same tree as its parent. This should cause Heroku to build your app slug again using the same code as the previous commit.
It's a bit awkward, but it works.

You can do it from UI as well!
Login to your Heroku dashboard and go to deploy section
Find Manual deploy option
Hit Deploy Branch button!
Note: you must have your app connected to GitHub for this option to be available (see comment from Derek below).

There is now also a plugin for the Heroku command-line that allows you to re-release the most recently deployed slug.
See https://www.npmjs.com/package/heroku-releases-retry

It turns out there is a neat plugin for Heroku called heroku release retry that lets you retry the last deploy without resorting to adding bad commits to your repository.
// install plugin
heroku plugins:install heroku-releases-retry
// retry release
heroku releases:retry --app {your-app}
Source: https://www.darraghoriordan.com/2019/03/02/heroku-push-failed-force-rebuild

You can run heroku restart --app app_name and you are good to go.

This worked for me, it did an actual build and release without any commit, contrary to one other post that only does a release:
heroku plugins:install heroku-builds
heroku builds:create --source-url https://user:token#api.github.com/repos/<username>/<repo name>/tarball/master/ --app <app-name>
Source: https://help.heroku.com/I3E6QPQN/how-do-i-force-a-new-deploy-without-adding-a-commit-to-my-github-repo

For stop the heroku app uses :
$ heroku ps:scale web=0
And for start it uses :
$ heroku ps:scale web=1


How to stop heroku build in progress

I accidentally added npm start in the heroku post build process so now the build progress is stuck.
I did git push heroku master the build started normal and my server started as it should when running npm start, but because the npm start was in the post build it never finished. Because I'm on free account I only have one concurrent build process and because of the one stuck I can't build new version.
I already tried heroku ps -a APP_NAME and then heroku ps:kill web.1 for the single process that was running, but it didn't help.
Heroku has a CLI Plugin with which you can manage your builds.
heroku builds -a example-app # take note of the build ID you'd want to display
heroku builds:cancel <id> -a example-app
In case anybody reading this might still need it!

How to Deploy MEAN stack to my hosted server?

I have a great working website built with MEAN and works great locally.
i wish to deploy it on my server,
but i never deployed a website
other than uploading the files to my website ftp.
Tutorials anyone?
Another good starting point would be Digital Ocean, they offer a one click install MEAN stack, with tutorials. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-the-mean-one-click-install-image
I have just deployed my MEAN Stack application on Heroku cloud application environment. The deployment steps are easy.
Steps to deploy:
Your mean stack project structure should be like this. This is very important step. The bottonline is your package.json and server.js should be under your root directory. Have a look at the link to know more about the structure.
Clone your remote repository locally i.e. git clone https://github.com/heroku/node-js-getting-started.git
Go inside the cloned repository e.g. cd node-js-getting-started
Run git add .
Run git commit -m "Sample"
Run Heroku login (It will ask you to press any key and then open up the browser and ask you to click login. After logged in closed the browser instance.
Run heroku create myApp --buildpack heroku/nodejs. Note: Buildpacks are responsible for transforming deployed code into a slug, which can then be executed on a dyno. More information
Run git push heroku master. Your deplyment will start.
Once deployment is done, you will see the complete deployment logs on command prompt terminal
The application is now deployed. Ensure that at least one instance of the app is running: heroku ps:scale web=1
Run heroku open. It will run your deployed instance.
Run heroku logs to view information about your running app. More information
You can find more details visiting following links:
Start from here...
What operating system do you plan to host it on?

creating and deployment of application on heroku

I am new to heroku and I am trying to create an app and deploy, but when i do heroku create on CLI this creates a random name for the application. So I used heroku app:create project-name which created the application with the project-name but how do i deploy my existing code to that application.
If you've already performed heroku create without specifying a name in your application folder then you will already have a git remote named heroku. You can confirm this by doing
git remote -v
in your project folder which will probably show something like
heroku git#heroku.com:stark-taiga-7738.git (fetch)
heroku git#heroku.com:stark-taiga-7738.git (push)
When you then create an application specifying an application name then the existing remote will not get updated with the new application details.
To fix this you will need to remove the existing git remote named heroku and then add a new one pointed to the correct application.
git remote rm heroku will remove the existing remote
heroku git:remote --app <new app name> will create a new heroku remote pointing at your new application will then let you do git push heroku master and deploy to the correct application.
Heroku uses Git to deploy. Navigate to the home directory of your application and simply do
git push heroku master
See the documentation for deploying a node.js application to Heroku for details.

how to deploy nodejs on heroku

Hi I developed a small application in nodeJs and angular using the angular-fullstack generator for grunt, following the instruction on: https://npmjs.org/package/generator-angular-fullstack, when I finished the developement run:
3) yo angular-fullstack:deploy heroku
4) cd heroku && git push heroku master
my application now is on heroku and the dynos starts, but when I visit the domain where heroku put my application: http://dollsdresses-gnosis.herokuapp.com/
I can see that some files are missing: main.css, script.js , all I can see is a white page with my favicon, when I use my application on my computer, running: grunt server, it works, so I think there is something that I do not know or do wrong on deploying on heroku.
You may not have added main.css, script.js et al to git, so they are not pushed to Heroku when you run git push heroku master. Make sure to git add them.

Deploy Geddy to Heroku

I'm trying to deploy a simple Geddyjs (node.js) app to Heroku.
When I make a push a recive that error:
git push heroku master
Heroku receiving push
Heroku push rejected, no Cedar-supported app detected
What I have to do to that heroku detect the nodejs app?
couple of things did you do this for cedar you need to explicitly say this (I am sure you have done this but here for completeness)
heroku create --stack cedar
ensure that your package.json is at the root
heroku have a good article on this
You should now be able to
git push heroku master
Have you added Procfile and package.json to your local git repo. and committed them?
I had created them but forgot to add & commit them so when pushed these files weren't uploaded hence Heroku didn't know the type of app.
Adding, committing & re-pushing fixed this.
Obvious when you know:-)
