Html dash table - python-3.x

I am trying to use dash to create a html table
My dataframe looks like this :
Cap non-cap
0 A a
1 B b
2 C c
3 D d
4 E e
26 Z z
I want to display an html table just like the dataframe, but without the 0 - 26 index.
The structure is
{'Cap' : ['A', 'B', 'C',....], 'non-Cap' : ['a','b','c',...]}
I tried :
return html.Table(
[html.Tr([html.Th(col) for col in dataframe.columns])] +
html.Td(dataframe.iloc[i][col]) for col in dataframe.columns
]) for i in range(min(len(dataframe), max_rows))]

import dash
import dash_html_components as html
import pandas as pd
data = {'Cap' : ['A', 'B', 'C', ], 'non-Cap' : ['a','b','c', ]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
def generate_table(dataframe, max_rows=26):
return html.Table(
# Header
[html.Tr([html.Th(col) for col in dataframe.columns]) ] +
# Body
html.Td(dataframe.iloc[i][col]) for col in dataframe.columns
]) for i in range(min(len(dataframe), max_rows))]
app = dash.Dash(__name__, )
app.layout = html.Div(children=[
html.H4(children='StackOverflow - Html dash table'),
if __name__ == '__main__':


Identify the latest series of Continuous same value in Python Pandas DataFrame

I have the following DataFrame (Date in dd-mm-yyyy format):
import pandas as pd
data={'Id':['A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'C', 'B', 'C', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C'],
'Date':['20-10-2022', '20-10-2022', '20-10-2022', '21-10-2022', '21-10-2022', '21-10-2022',
'22-10-2022', '22-10-2022', '23-10-2022', '23-10-2022', '24-10-2022', '24-10-2022',
'25-10-2022', '25-10-2022', '26-10-2022', '26-10-2022', '26-10-2022', '27-10-2022',
'27-10-2022', '27-10-2022']}
Id Date
0 A 20-10-2022
1 B 20-10-2022
2 C 20-10-2022
3 A 21-10-2022
4 B 21-10-2022
5 C 21-10-2022
6 B 22-10-2022
7 C 22-10-2022
8 A 23-10-2022
9 C 23-10-2022
10 B 24-10-2022
11 C 24-10-2022
12 B 25-10-2022
13 C 25-10-2022
14 A 26-10-2022
15 B 26-10-2022
16 C 26-10-2022
17 A 27-10-2022
18 B 27-10-2022
19 C 27-10-2022
This is the Final DataFrame that I want:
I have tried the following code:
# Find first occurance and last occurance of any given Id.
df_first_duplicate = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Id'], keep='first')
df_first_duplicate.rename(columns = {'Date':'DateOfFirstOccurance'}, inplace = True)
df_first_duplicate.reset_index(inplace = True, drop = True)
df_last_duplicate = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Id'], keep='last')
df_last_duplicate.rename(columns = {'Date':'DateOfLastOccurance'}, inplace = True)
df_last_duplicate.reset_index(inplace = True, drop = True)
# Merge the above two df's on key
df_merged = pd.merge(df_first_duplicate, df_last_duplicate, on='Id')
But this is the output that I get:
Id DateOfFirstOccurance DateOfLastOccurance
0 A 20-10-2022 27-10-2022
1 B 20-10-2022 27-10-2022
2 C 20-10-2022 27-10-2022
What should I do to get the desired output?
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format='%d-%m-%Y')
records = []
for key, group in df.groupby(by='Id'):
filt = group['Date'].diff(-1).dt.days >= -1
filt.iloc[filt.shape[0]-1] = True
max_false_index = filt[~filt].index.max()
min_date = group['Date'].min() if type(max_false_index) == float else group.loc[max_false_index+1:, 'Date'].min()
records.append([key, min_date, group['Date'].max()])
pd.DataFrame(records, columns=['Id', 'DateOfFirstOccurance', 'DateOfLastOccurance'])
Here is one way to do it.
Sort your data by Id and Date. Use pandas.Series.diff to get the difference of each row compared to the last one, change it with dt.days to a floating number and create a boolean Series by comparing each value if it is greater/equal to 1. Convert the boolean Series from True/False to 1/0 with astype(int) and build the cumulative sum. The idx with the biggest value is the first/last occurence of your data.
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], infer_datetime_format=True)
df = df.sort_values(['Id', 'Date'])
out = (
first_occurence = lambda x: x[
last_occurence = lambda x: x[

Python Dash Data Table should display only selected columns

I am trying to display only selected columns from my dataframe using datatable . i am able select how many rows i want . looking for a similar option like rows i want to select to display certain columns alone at the time of executing the code.
My dataframe has close to 25 columns . i dont want all of them to be displayed hence looking for this solution
here is my code :
import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_table as dt
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import as px
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('E:\pylab\dshlab\infratickets.csv', low_memory = False )
app = dash.Dash(__name__)
#style={'visibility': 'hidden'}
dpdown = []
for i in df['ASSIGNED_GROUP'].unique() :
app.layout = html.Div([
html.Label("Choose a feature"),
html.Div(dcc.Dropdown(id='dropdown', options=dpdown),
style = {'width': '100px',
'fontSize' : '10px',
'padding-left' : '100px',
'display': 'inline-block'})]),
#style={'visibility': 'hidden'},
html.Div(id='table-container', className='tableDiv'),
dcc.Graph(id = 'plot',style={'height' : '25%', 'width' : '25%'})
#dcc.Dropdown(id='dropdown', style={'height': '30px', 'width': '100px'}, options=dpdown),
#html.Div(html.H3('country graph'),id='table-container1',className='tableDiv1')
[dash.dependencies.Input('dropdown', 'value')])
def display_table(dpdown):
df_temp = df[df['ASSIGNED_GROUP']==dpdown]
return html.Div([
columns=[{'name': i, 'id': i} for i in df_temp.columns],
'maxHeight': '20%',
#'overflowY': 'scroll',
'width': '30%',
'minWidth': '10%',
style_header={'backgroundColor': 'rgb(30, 30, 30)'},
style_cell={'backgroundColor': 'rgb(50, 50, 50)','color': 'white','height': 'auto','width': 'auto'},#minWidth': '0px', 'maxWidth': '180px', 'whiteSpace': 'normal'},
#style_cell={'minWidth': '120px', 'width': '150px', 'maxWidth': '180px'},
style_data={'whiteSpace': 'auto','height': 'auto','width': 'auto'}
if __name__ == '__main__':
Able to figure out the solution
changed the code
columns=[{'name': i, 'id': i} for i in df_temp.columns]
columns=[{'name': i, 'id': i} for i in df.loc[:,['Colname1','Colname2',...]
fixed it
You could also use by index:
df = pd.read_csv('E:\pylab\dshlab\infratickets.csv', low_memory = False ) # load in the dataframe, then ressign with just the columns you want
df = df.iloc[:,1:3] # Remember that Python does not slice inclusive of the ending index.
Would give all rows and columns 1 to 2 of the data frame.
You can change the
columns=[{'name': i, 'id': i} for i in df_temp.columns],
as below:
First define TABLE_SELECTED_COLUMNS = ['col1','col2'. ...]
columns=[{"name": i, "id": i} for i in TABLE_SELECTED_COLUMNS],

Python Passing Dynamic Table Name in For Loop

table_name = []
for year in ['2017', '2018', '2019']:
table_name[counter] = pd.merge(table1, table2.loc[table2.loc[:, 'year'] == year, :], left_on='col1', right_on='col1', how='left')
counter += 1
The print statement outputs are correct:
However, when I try to see what's in temp_df_2017, I get an error: name 'temp_df_2017' is not defined
I would like to create those three tables. How can I make this work?
PS: ['2017', '2018', '2019'] list will vary. It can be a list of quarters. That's why I want to do this in a loop, instead of using the merge statement 3x.
I think the easiest/most practical approach would be to create a dictionary to store names/df.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Create dummy data
data = np.arange(9).reshape(3,3)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])
a b c
0 0 1 2
1 3 4 5
2 6 7 8
df_year_names = ['2017', '2018', '2019']
dict_of_dfs = {}
for year in df_year_names:
df_name = f'some_name_year_{year}'
dict_of_dfs[df_name] = df
dict_keys(['some_name_year_2017', 'some_name_year_2018', 'some_name_year_2019'])
Then to access a particular year:
a b c
0 0 1 2
1 3 4 5
2 6 7 8

create new column using if , else statments from lists

i need to create a new column C using if and else statements, from A, B columns: as in example
the below code returns nothing,
can anybody notify me the correct one
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
a = np.arange(10)
b = [0.1,0.3,0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.4,0.7,0.56,
0.78, 0.45]
df= pd.DataFrame(data=b, columns=['B'])
df2= pd.DataFrame(data=a, columns=['A'])
A = df2['A']
B = df['B']
print (A, B)
def comma ( A, B, c):
if B >= 0.1 and B <0.4:
c = B *2
c = B*A
print (c)
If you consider a dataframe with two columns 'A' and 'B', then you can use the apply function to return a new column based on your conditions
data = np.random.rand(10, 2)
df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=['A', 'B'])
then you can use the apply function to return a new column based on your conditions
def cdt(x):
if x['B'] >= 0.1 and x['B'] < 0.4:
return 2 * x['B']
return x['B'] * x['A']
df['C'] = df.apply(cdt, axis=1)

How to iterate over dfs and append data with combine names

i have this problem to solve, this is a continuation of a previus question How to iterate over pandas df with a def function variable function and the given answer worked perfectly, but now i have to append all the data in a 2 columns dataframe (Adduct_name and mass).
This is from the previous question:
My goal: i have to calculate the "adducts" for a given "Compound", both represents numbes, but for eah "Compound" there are 46 different "Adducts".
Each adduct is calculated as follow:
Adduct 1 = [Exact_mass*M/Charge + Adduct_mass]
where exact_mass = number, M and Charge = number (1, 2, 3, etc) according to each type of adduct, Adduct_mass = number (positive or negative) according to each adduct.
My data: 2 data frames. One with the Adducts names, M, Charge, Adduct_mass. The other one correspond to the Compound_name and Exact_mass of the Compounds i want to iterate over (i just put a small data set)
Adducts: df_al
import pandas as pd
data = [["M+3H", 3, 1, 1.007276], ["M+3Na", 3, 1, 22.989], ["M+H", 1, 1,
1.007276], ["2M+H", 1, 2, 1.007276], ["M-3H", 3, 1, -1.007276]]
df_al = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["Ion_name", "Charge", "M", "Adduct_mass"])
Compounds: df
import pandas as pd
data1 = [[1, "C3H64O7", 596.465179], [2, "C30H42O7", 514.293038], [4,
"C44H56O8", 712.397498], [4, "C24H32O6S", 448.191949], [5, "C20H28O3",
df = pd.DataFrame(data1, columns=["CdId", "Formula", "exact_mass"])
The solution to this problem was:
df_name = df_al["Ion_name"]
df_mass = df_al["Adduct_mass"]
df_div = df_al["Charge"]
df_M = df_al["M"]
#Defining general function
def Adduct(x,i):
return x*df_M[i]/df_div[i] + df_mass[i]
#Applying general function in a range from 0 to 5.
for i in range(5):
df[df_name.loc[i]] = df['exact_mass'].map(lambda x: Adduct(x,i))
Name exact_mass M+3H M+3Na M+H 2M+H M-3H
0 a 596.465179 199.829002 221.810726 597.472455 1193.937634 197.814450
1 b 514.293038 172.438289 194.420013 515.300314 1029.593352 170.423737
2 c 712.397498 238.473109 260.454833 713.404774 1425.802272 236.458557
3 d 448.191949 150.404592 172.386316 449.199225 897.391174 148.390040
4 e 316.203834 106.408554 128.390278 317.211110 633.414944 104.39400
Now that is the rigth calculations but i need now a file where:
-only exists 2 columns (Name and mass)
-All the different adducts are appended one after another
desired out put
Name Mass
a_M+3H 199.82902
a_M+3Na 221.810726
a_M+H 597.472455
a_2M+H 1193.937634
a_M-3H 197.814450
b_M+3H 514.293038
and so on.
Also i need to combine the name of the respective compound with the ion form (M+3H, M+H, etc).
At this point i have no code for that.
I would apprecitate any advice and a better approach since the begining.
This part is an update of the question above:
Is posible to obtain and ouput like this one:
Name Mass RT
a_M+3H 199.82902 1
a_M+3Na 221.810726 1
a_M+H 597.472455 1
a_2M+H 1193.937634 1
a_M-3H 197.814450 1
b_M+3H 514.293038 3
c_M+3H 2
The RT is the same value for all forms of a compound, in this example is RT for a =1, b = 3, c =2, etc.
Is posible to incorporate (Keep this column) from the data set df (which i update here below)?. As you can see that df has more columns like "Formula" and "RT" which desapear after calculations.
import pandas as pd
data1 = [[a, "C3H64O7", 596.465179, 1], [b, "C30H42O7", 514.293038, 3], [c,
"C44H56O8", 712.397498, 2], [d, "C24H32O6S", 448.191949, 4], [e, "C20H28O3",
316.203834, 1.5]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data1, columns=["Name", "Formula", "exact_mass", "RT"])
Part three! (sorry and thank you)
this is a trial i did on a small data set (df) using the code below, with the same df_al of above.
#Defining variables for calculation
df_name = df_al["Ion_name"]
df_mass = df_al["Adduct_mass"]
df_div = df_al["Charge"]
df_M = df_al["M"]
df_ID= df["Name"]
#Defining the RT dictionary
RT = dict(zip(df["Name"], df["RT"]))
#Removing RT column
#Defining general function
def Adduct(x,i):
return x*df_M[i]/df_div[i] + df_mass[i]
#Applying general function in a range from 0 to 46.
for i in range(47):
df[df_name.loc[i]] = df['exact_mass'].map(lambda x: Adduct(x,i))
df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['Name'], var_name = "Adduct", value_name= "Exact_mass", value_vars=[x for x in df.columns if 'Name' not in x and 'exact' not in x])
df['name'] = df.apply(lambda x:x[0] + "_" + x[1], axis=1)
df['RT'] = df.Name.apply(lambda x: RT[x[0]] if x[0] in RT else np.nan)
del df['Name']
del df['Adduct']
df['RT'] = x: RT[x[0]] if x[0] in RT else np.nan)
Why NaN?
Here is how I will go about it, pandas.melt comes to rescue:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from io import StringIO
s = StringIO('''
Name exact_mass M+3H M+3Na M+H 2M+H M-3H
0 a 596.465179 199.829002 221.810726 597.472455 1193.937634 197.814450
1 b 514.293038 172.438289 194.420013 515.300314 1029.593352 170.423737
2 c 712.397498 238.473109 260.454833 713.404774 1425.802272 236.458557
3 d 448.191949 150.404592 172.386316 449.199225 897.391174 148.390040
4 e 316.203834 106.408554 128.390278 317.211110 633.414944 104.39400
df = pd.read_csv(s, sep="\s+")
df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['Name'], value_vars=[x for x in df.columns if 'Name' not in x and 'exact' not in x])
df['name'] = df.apply(lambda x:x[0] + "_" + x[1], axis=1)
del df['Name']
del df['variable']
RT = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'd':5, 'e':1.5}
df['RT'] = x: RT[x[0]] if x[0] in RT else np.nan)
Here is the output:
