Creating DTO to shape data from the back-end JHipster - jhipster

I would like to create DTO to shape data from a server H2 and merge data from two or three entities on JHipster.
I never used DTO. Do you know where I can find the way to do this?

It's very simple, you can create one manually by defining a simple class with only getters and setters and then you create a Mapper class that will fill the object from the entities. You can see an example in your JHipster project by looking at UserMapper class.
Alternatively, JHipster uses MapStruct to generate them when you select DTO option but frankly it's simpler to code it manually.


Customizing users and roles using identity in mvc 5

I have sample project for identity customization using
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Samples -pre
command. But, for this project I have a general ApplicationUser class representing all the users of my application. What if I have different categories of users. For example, I may have Teacher and Student entities and data representing both the entities will be different. How can I customize my application to store data for both the entities having all the features of ApplicationUser?
One way that I think is inheriting both the classes from ApplicationUser and then doing appropriate changes in IdentityConfig.csand defining Controllers for each of them. Is there any other efficient way of doing this?
What if I want to use the built-in authentication and authorization features but using database first workflow?
First, you want to know how to create "types" of users. The way you would do that is exactly how you expected: inherit from ApplicationUser. By default, this will result in a single "users" table with an additional Discriminator column. This column will store the class type that was persisted, i.e. "Teacher", "Student", or "ApplicationUser", and EF will utilize this information to new up the right class for each particular record.
One thing to note with this, though, is that you need to be aware of how UserManager works, namely that it's a generic class (UserManager<TUser>). The default AccountController implementation you have from the sample defines a UserManager property on the controller which is an instance of UserManager<ApplicationUser>. If you use this instance with something like Teacher, it will be upcast to ApplicationUser. In particular if you were to do something like UserManager.Create(teacher), it will actually save an ApplicationUser, instead (the Discriminator column's value will be "ApplicationUser", rather than "Teacher"). If you need to work with the derived user types, you'll need to create separate instances of UserManager<Teacher> and UserManager<Student> for that purpose.
Next, you want to know if you can use a "database first workflow". To answer that, we need to define exactly what that means. EF has what it calls "Database First" which employs EDMX to represent your database entities. This in particular is incompatible with Identity. However, despite the name, what EF calls "Code First", can work with an existing database just as well as create a new one. In other words, yes, you can use an existing database, if you prefer, but no you cannot use "Database First", in the EF-sense. For more information about using an existing database with Code First, see my post.

JXB How to use different strategies of code generation

usually, JAXB is used to generate code from an xsd, which generates java classes for xsd complexType with annotations to convert it to xml and vice-versa.
I am trying to achieve something different. I want, to generate a data mapper class for each such xsd element. The mapper will map each field of the generated class with values from another datatype (say from database, or other stream)
so i need to: for every user-defined datatype in xsd, add a method in a DataMapper class map-<XSD-ComplexDataType-Class>() and generate method body.
to achieve this, i think it is not possible to generate this class in a Plugin extending as in the run method, i wont be able to create a new JDefinedClass
is there any way to add a hook method before Model invokes Plugins ?
There are a few things you can do. In my other answer I specificaly meant these:
In a plugin you can write and set your own Field renderers generate a FieldOutlines from CPropertyInfos. This is a step between the model and the outline. So if you want different code generated out of the model, consider implementing your own FieldRendererFactory. You can register a FieldRendererFactory via XJC plugin (see Options.setFieldRendererFactory(...)).
On the class level, you can write your own and use it for code generation.
You can just use model and generate the code completely on your own. I do this in Jsonix when I produce JavaScript mappings for XML<->JSON.
As for your specific task, I would actually just postprocess the code model in the run method of your plugin. You have everything there - the model, the outline and also the code model (see outline.getCodeModel()). And you can definitely create your JDefinedClasses there, the code model exists already.

Approach for "calculated fields" on NSManagedObject subclass

I'd like to place some custom methods directly into each NSManagedObject. Think, "calculated fields": these methods provide read-only calculated values based upon persistent values on the Entity - which is identical to this question.
I'm using the Xcode New File... Wizard to create NSManagedObject subclasses for each of my Entities. I'm trying to benefit from the system auto-creating the accessors for me. For example:
Core Data Entity: "Site"
#interface Site : NSManagedObject
As I continue to add new Attributes to my Entities, I'm replacing their corresponding NSManagedObjects by using the Wizard. When each file is replaced, my custom methods are lost.
Should I create my custom methods elsewhere so that I can continue to leverage the Wizard? Or, should I keep the methods on the NSManagedObject and add Accessors for new Attributes manually? Is there another approach?
Create a category on your NSManagedObject subclass:
In the "New File ..." dialog, choose "Objective-C category".
Create a category "CustomMethods" on "Site".
Xcode will create files Site+CustomMethods.h, declaring the #interface Site (CustomMethods), and Site+CustomMethods.m for the corresponding implementation.
Add your custom methods to the category.
These files will not be overwritten when you recreate Site.m and Site.h in Xcode.
All category methods can be used as if they had been declared in the class itself. The only thing you can not do in a category is add new instance variables.
Once I have used the wizard to create the initial managed objects, I generally change them manually.
Another way of doing this is to create subclasses of the wizard generated class files and use these.
When they are regenerated, all of your custom code is in the subclass, as opposed to the overwritten class file.

Generate xml from Poco entity generated model

How can I generate a Poco model from Entity framework, which can be used to persist an object instance to xml? Basically I would like to know what the T4 template looks like for this?
You can use ADO.NET POCO Entity Generator

Using SubSonic, how to add a field to a pre-defined class?

I've got a SubSonic DAL - works great.
Two classes: TblReceipt and TblReceiptLineItems.
I can create a parallel class of TblReceipt, but seems like a waste, so here's what I need to do:
Have a Class TblReceipt with one additional member, "ReceiptLineItems" - which is simply an ArrayList. This array list will be populated with TblReceiptLineItems types.
So for each Receipt, there are 1..* ReceiptLineItems stored in the array, then the whole thing is serialized.
How can I accomplish this with my existing SubSonic DAL?
A quick code sample would be useful too.
Thank you.
Use a partial class. All classes in Subsonic are defined as partial. What you do is (in a separate file than the one that is generated by Subsonic), you create another part of the partial class with the additional property.
Option 2 here:
