Playing VLC on a Ubuntu machine running an Apache server, no playback - linux

I've used xampp (lampp) to run an Apache2 server out of my Intel ComputeStick with Ubuntu 18.04.1 installed. I've written a .cgi script with perl:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
print CGI::header();
system("vlc /home/jack/Desktop/ayni1.mp4");
However, when I hop onto my laptop (Win10) and use Chrome to visit http://12.345.678.90:80/dashboard/perl/ayni1.cgi (That's my server, and that directory does exist), nothing happens on the hosting machine. In the browser, this line is displayed:
VLC media player 3.0.3 Vetinari Command Line Interface initialized. Type `help' for help. > Shutting down.
I'm afraid I don't quite understand what's happening. I thought cgi scripts interacted directly with the command line; i.e. they could issue commands to Terminal directly. Was I mistaken in that? What am I doing wrong?
Sorry, I know this question is somewhat scattered. If needed, I'll try to provide clarification as best I can.
I'm somewhat new to all of this.

I think you have set VLC to open a command line interface automatically.
Reset the VLC preferences and it should work normally again.


Running Matlab code on a cluster

I have a university account for the university's cluster, but I don't know how can I use it to run my Matlab code. Could anyone help? I connect to the cluster by typing below code in the terminal of my laptop:
ssh myusername#
Then it asks me to type my password.After that, below text appears:
Welcome to gav 9.1.1 (3.12.60-ql-generic-9.1-74) based on Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
Last login: Sun Apr 16 10:45:49 2017 from
gav:~ >
How can I run my code after these processes? Could anyone help me?
It looks like you have a Linux shell, so you can run your script (for instance yourScript.m)
> matlab -nojvm -nodisplay -nosplash < yourScript.m
(see also
As far as I know, there are two possibilities:
Conventional Matlab is installed on the Cluster
The Matlab Distributed Computing server is installed on the cluster
Conventional Matlab is installed on the Cluster
You execute Matlab on the cluster as you would on your local computer. I guess that you work on Windows on your local computer, given that you quote a simple shell prompt in your question ;) All right, all right, bad psychic skillz ;) see edit below.
What you see is the cluster awaiting a program name to execute. This is called the "Shell". Google "Linux shell tutorial" or start with this tutorial to get information about how to operate a Linux system without a graphical desktop.
Try to start matlab by simply typing matlab after the text you've seen. If it works, you see Matlab's welcome message and the Matlab prompt as you would see it in Matlab's command window on your local PC.
Bonus: you can try to execute Matlab on the cluster but see a graphical interface by replacing your ssh call by ssh -X myusername#, so add an additional -X.
Upload your Matlab scripts to the cluster, for example by using WinSCP (tutorial)
Execute your Matlab functions like you would locally by navigating into the correct folder and typing the function name.
EDIT: As you use Linux, you may use gio mount ssh://myusername# to access your home folder on the cluster via your file manager. If that fails, try gvfs-mount ssh://myusername# (the old name of the tool). The packages gvfs-backends and gvfs-fuse (I assume that you use ubuntu, other distributions may have different package names) must be installed for this; use your Package manager to install them if you get an error like "command not found".
Distributed Computing Server
This provides a set of Matlab "Workers" which are sent tasks from your local Computer. You use your local Matlab installation to connect to the Distributed computing server. Start with the Matlab Help Pages for the Distributed Computing Server

Command Not Found CentOS | .bat File

Im trying to run a .bat file on my server through php popen command, ive struggled and finally got to the point where all the permissions are set correctly and now i can actually execute the file but i have a problem. In my server logs it displays
foo.bat: line 1: mstsc: command not found, referer:
The full code in the file is mstsc /v: I know this means that it doesn't recognise the command on centos but im not sure what to do to fix the problem.
The aim of this code is to open RDP for the user who requested it. Bear in mind that this code works perfectly locally on my windows OS using xampp but when i upload it to the server running CENTOS it doesnt work.
My question is
How do i fix this error and allow CENTOS to execute a command that opens an RDP window for the user
MSTSC is a Windows RDP client which is why it works on Windows.
It's not available to run on CentOS, let alone call by executing a Windows batch file! You'll need to use an alternative solution like FreeRDP and use a script like this one if you want to do this from CentOS:
I feel like this is exactly what you're after
It allows you run a bat file that opens windows RDP without needing to write a single line of server code. Take a look its pretty good!

Linux CentOS Server Startscript: Minecraft Server

Recently tried using the following startscript here:
After installing dos2unix, it says it is installed and using the latest version. I then use the command "dos2unix" and I prompted with the message: "dos2unix: converting file to UNIX format ..." and then it returns to the next blank command line. Problem is there is nothing actually starting the script or I am missing something. I have tried talking to the owner of this script and he helped me to this point, but is unsure what to do next. He says he uses debian and is less familiar with CentOS and so I am posting here.
Here is my script that has been edited according to my server. The most important change I made is SCRIPTUPDATE="0" (so it doesn't update)
Please keep in mind that I am very new to linux and any operating systems in general.
The dos2unix command converts the newline characters in a file from dos format to unix format. This is just for cleaning up a file that may have problems (e.g., from a bad ftp transfer).
Try running the ./ command again, now that the file has been cleansed.

Using script to automatically start program when the system boot up (linux, shell)

Here is the situation, I'm planning to use a simple script to start a program call "STAF", when the Suse system is fully booted. I have achieved this by putting it in the "/etc/init.d/", but this script is basically executed at the background, which means that I cannot see its progress.
When the "STAF" is started this way it works but it doesn't show any working progress when its running service (for example ping, or system backup), instead if I start the "STAF" manually by running the same script whit a terminal, the working progress of "STAF" can be seen on the terminal. Its sort of like the program needs to be started with a interactive terminal, but how can I make this starting process automatic and it should imitate human opening a terminal and run the script?
Sorry if I explained it poorly because its a confusing situation. Thanks.
First, go to the KDE Startup and Shutdown options under System Settings. Then add this command as a new startup script:
konsole -e bash
I believe the screen utility can do what you describe. Instead of running STAF on startup, you would run screen STAF. To open that terminal, you would run screen -ls to get the screen ID, and screen -r ... to open it.
(Disclaimer: I have not tried this.)

When SSHing into system, is there a way to launch netbeans from command-line like I do VIM?

VIM seems integrated to the terminal. Can I open a remote file from the command-line with netbeans? Does it have shell integration? Any further explanation on this so I can better conceptually understand it would be very appreciated.
Few options:
Using ssh -X to forward X. Then you
can start netbeans remotely.
Use sshfs so you mount the
remote filesystem locally over ssh.
You can use then local copy of
netbeans to work on remote files.
Using rsync to have a local copy
The best one - use version control
Yes, you can, providing certain conditions are met!
Using ssh, you can tunnel the display of X-Window applications, meaning you can run the application (the X-Client) on one machine, and have it display on another (the X-Server).
You'll need to launch ssh with the -X option (or -Y, but preferably -X) to allow tunnelling, and then run NetBeans from the commandline as usual:
Read about X-forwarding. The link points to a very verbose and detailed howto/tutorial.
