How to move data into multiple Rust closures? - rust

I have a two widgets in a simple GTK app:
extern crate gdk;
extern crate gtk;
use super::desktop_entry::DesktopEntry;
use gdk::enums::key;
use gtk::prelude::*;
pub fn launch_ui(_desktop_entries: Vec<DesktopEntry>) {
let builder = gtk::Builder::new_from_string(include_str!(""));
let window: gtk::Window = builder.get_object("main_window").unwrap();
let search_entry: gtk::SearchEntry = builder.get_object("search_entry").unwrap();
let list_box: gtk::ListBox = builder.get_object("list_box").unwrap();
search_entry.connect_search_changed(move |_se| {
let _a = list_box.get_selected_rows();
window.connect_key_press_event(move |_, key| {
match key.get_keyval() {
key::Down => {
_ => {}
I need to change list_box from both events. I have two closures that move, but it is not possible to move list_box to both closures simultaneously as I get the error:
error[E0382]: capture of moved value: `list_box`
What can I do?

As explained in Shepmaster's answer, you can only move a value out of a variable once, and the compiler will prevent you from doing it a second time. I'll try to add a bit of specific context for this use case. Most of this is from my memory of having used GTK from C ages ago, and a few bits I just looked up in the gtk-rs documentation, so I'm sure I got some details wrong, but I think the general gist is accurate.
Let's first take a look at why you need to move the value into the closures in the first place. The methods you call on list_box inside both closures take self by reference, so you don't actually consume the list box in the closures. This means it would be perfectly valid to define the two closures without the move specifiers – you only need read-only references to list_box, you are allowed to have more than one read-only reference at once, and list_box lives at least as long as the closures.
However, while you are allowed to define the two closures without moving list_box into them, you can't pass the closures defined this way to gtk-rs: all functions connecting event handlers only accept "static" functions, e.g.
fn connect_search_changed<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(
f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId
The type F of the handler has the trait bound Fn(&Self) + 'static, which means that the closure either can't hold any references at all, or all references it holds must have static lifetime. If we don't move list_box into the closure, the closure will hold a non-static reference to it. So we need to get rid of the reference before being able to use the function as an event handler.
Why does gtk-rs impose this limitation? The reason is that gtk-rs is a wrapper around a set of C libraries, and a pointer to the callback is eventually passed on to the underlying glib library. Since C does not have any concept of lifetimes, the only way to do this safely is to require that there aren't any references that may become invalid.
We have now established that our closures can't hold any references. We still need to access list_box from the closures, so what are our options? If you only have a single closure, using move does the trick – by moving list_box into the closure, the closure becomes its owner. However, we have seen that this doesn't work for more than one closure, because we can only move list_box once. We need to find a way to have multiple owners for it, and the Rust standard library provides such a way: the reference-counting pointers Rc and Arc. The former is used for values that are only accessed from the current thread, while the latter is safe to move to other threads.
If I remember correctly, glib executes all event handlers in the main thread, and the trait bounds for the closure reflect this: the closure isn't required to be Send or Sync, so we should be able to make do with Rc. Morevoer, we only need read access to list_box in the closures, so we don't need RefCell or Mutex for interior mutability in this case. In summary, all you need is probably this:
use std::rc::Rc;
let list_box: gtk::ListBox = builder.get_object("list_box").unwrap();
let list_box_1 = Rc::new(list_box);
let list_box_2 = list_box_1.clone();
Now you have two "owned" pointers to the same list box, and these pointers can be moved into the two closures.
Disclaimer: I couldn't really test any of this, since your example code isn't self-contained.

You can use cloning on the gtk-rs widgets.
In gtk-rs every object implementing gtk::Widget (so basically every GTK object you can use inside a gtk::Window) must also implement the Clone trait. Calling clone() is very cheap because it's just a pointer copy and a reference counter update.
Knowing this below is valid and cheap:
let list_box_clone = list_box.clone();
search_entry.connect_search_changed(move |_se| {
let _a = list_box.get_selected_rows();
But since this solution is verbose and gets very ugly very soon if you have more than one objects to move, the community came up with the following macro:
macro_rules! clone {
(#param _) => ( _ );
(#param $x:ident) => ( $x );
($($n:ident),+ => move || $body:expr) => (
$( let $n = $n.clone(); )+
move || $body
($($n:ident),+ => move |$($p:tt),+| $body:expr) => (
$( let $n = $n.clone(); )+
move |$(clone!(#param $p),)+| $body
The usage is very simple:
search_entry.connect_search_changed(clone!(list_box => move |_se| {
let _a = list_box.get_selected_rows();
This macro is capable of cloning any number of objects that are moved into a closure.
For further explanation and examples check out this tutorial from the gtk-rs team: Callbacks and closures

You literally cannot do this. I encourage you to go back and re-read The Rust Programming Language to refresh yourself on ownership. When a non-Copy type is moved, it's gone — this is a giant reason that Rust even exists: to track this so the programmer doesn't have to.
If a type is Copy, the compiler will automatically make the copy for you. If a type is Clone, then you must invoke the clone explicitly.
You will need to change to shared ownership and most likely interior mutability.
Shared ownership allows a single piece of data to be jointly owned by multiple values, creating additional owners via cloning.
Interior mutability is needed because Rust disallows multiple mutable references to one item at the same time.
Wrap your list_box in a Mutex and then an Arc (Arc<Mutex<T>>). Clone the Arc for each handler and move that clone into the handler. You can then lock the list_box and make whatever changes you need.
See also:
What is the right way to share a reference between closures if the value outlives the closures?
How to share an Arc in multiple closures?


Rust: How to use methods defined in traits within newly spawned threads using Arc?

So I am trying to define a method in a trait that would spawn a thread and make use of another trait method, but I am a bit stuck on how to "unpack" it from Arc<...>:
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use websocket::{Message, WebSocketResult};
trait Sender<S>
S: Into<Message<'static>> + Send,
fn send_once(&mut self, message: S) -> WebSocketResult<()>;
fn send_in_thread(&mut self, sleep_interval: time::Duration) -> WebSocketResult<()> {
let self_copy = Arc::new(Mutex::new(self)).clone();
let thread_join_handle = thread::spawn(move || self_copy.send_once(message));
The error I get is:
no method named `send_once` found for struct `std::sync::Arc<std::sync::Mutex<&mut Self>>` in the current scope
method not found in `std::sync::Arc<std::sync::Mutex<&mut Self>>`
Which is fair, I didn't define such a method on this wrapper type, but how do I get out of this situation the shortest way? Or, the most idiomatic way? I used Arc because previously I had Self cannot be sent between threads safely if I didn't use it.
There's a couple of things going on here:
Arc<T> is used to provide "shared ownership". By default, a value has a single owner, which ensures that each value is dropped exactly once. If the same piece of data could be owned by 2 variables, it would be dropped twice. An Arc bypasses this restriction by providing a different Drop implementation: "if there are other references, decrease the reference count by one, otherwise, drop the wrapped data".
Arc dereferences to T via the Deref trait. This means that something like the following will work:
let string = Arc::new("hello");
println!("{}", string.len());
Note there is no "unpacking" needed, this happens implicitly, and is explained in some detail in this question: What is the relation between auto-dereferencing and deref coercion?
Mutex does a different job. It allows an otherwise non-thread-safe value to be shared safely between threads, by performing "locking" to prevent simultaneous reads/writes.
Because of this, if you have a Mutex<i32>, you can't just treat that as an i32, you first have to acquire the lock, by calling .lock(), and then handle the Result you get back in case the mutex was poisoned.
use self_copy.lock().unwrap().send_once(), or .lock() and handle the error case
You need to lock the mutex to obtain a MutexGuard before you can call methods on it:
let thread_join_handle = thread::spawn(move || self_copy

Unable to join threads from JoinHandles stored in a Vector - Rust

I am writing a program which scrapes data from a list of websites and stores it into a struct called Listing which is then collected into a final struct called Listings.
use std::{ thread,
sync::{ Arc, Mutex }
fn main() {
// ... some declarations
let sites_count = site_list.len(); // site_list is a vector containing the list of websites
// The variable to be updated by the thread instances ( `Listing` is a struct holding the information )
let listings: Arc<Mutex<Vec<Vec<types::Listing<String>>>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
// A vector containing all the JoinHandles for the spawned threads
let mut fetch_handle: Vec<thread::JoinHandle<()>> = Vec::new();
// Spawn a thread for each concurrent website
for i in 0..sites_count {
let slist = Arc::clone(&site_list);
let listng = Arc::clone(&listings);
thread::spawn(move || {
println!("⌛ Spawned Thread: {}",i);
let site_profile = read_profile(&slist[i]);
let results = function1(function(2)) // A long list of functions from a submodule that make the http request and parse the data into `Listing`
for thread in fetch_handle.iter_mut() {
// This is the one line version of the above for loop - yields the same error.
// fetch_handle.iter().map(|thread| thread.join().unwrap());
// The final println to just test feed the target struct `Listings` with the values
println!("{}",types::Listings{ date_time: format!("{}", chrono::offset::Local::now()),
category: category.to_string(),
query: (&search_query).to_string(),
listings: listings.lock().unwrap() // It prevents me from owning this variable
To which I stumble upon the error
error[E0507]: cannot move out of `*thread` which is behind a mutable reference
--> src/
112 | thread.join().unwrap();
| ^^^^^^ move occurs because `*thread` has type `JoinHandle<()>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
It prevents me from owning the variable after the thread.join() for loop.
When I tried assigning to check the output type
let all_listings = listings.lock().unwrap()
all_listings reports a type of MutexGuard(which is also true inside the thread for loop, but it allows me to call vector methods on it) and wouldn't allow me to own the data.
I changed the data type in the Listings struct to hold a reference instead of owning it. But it seems so the operations I perform on the struct in .to_json() require me to own its value.
The type declaration for listings inside the Listings Struct is Vec<Vec<Listing<T>>.
This code however works just fine when I move the .join().unwrap() to the end of thread::spawn() block or apply to its handle inside the for loop(whilst disabling the external .join() ). But that makes all the threads execute in a chain which is not desirable, since the main intention of using threads was to execute same functions with different data values simultaneously.
I am quite new to Rust in general(been 3 weeks since I am using it) and its my first time ever implementing Multithreading. I have only ever written single threaded programs in java and python before this, so if possible be a little noob friendly. However any help is appreciated :) .
I figured out what needed to happen. First, for this kind of thing, I agree that into_iter does what you want, but it IMO it obscures why. The why is that when you borrow on it, it doesn't own the value, which is necessary for the join() method on the JoinHandle<()> struct. You'll note its signature takes self and not &mut self or anything like that. So it needs the real object there.
To do that, you need to get your object out of the Vec<thread::JoinHandle<()>> that it's inside. As stated, into_iter does this, because it "destroys" the existing Vec and takes it over, so it fully owns the contents, and the iteration returns the "actual" objects to be joined without a copy. But you can also own the contents one at a time with remove as demonstrated below:
while fetch_handle.len() > 0 {
let cur_thread = fetch_handle.remove(0); // moves it into cur_thread
This is instead of your for loop above. The complete example in the playground is linked if you want to try that.
I hope this is clearer on how to work with things that can't be copied, but methods need to fully own them, and the issues in getting them out of collections. Imagine if you needed to end just one of those threads, and you knew which one to end, but didn't want to end them all? Vec<_>::remove would work, but into_iter would not.
Thank you for asking a question which made me think, and prompted me to go look up the answer (and try it) myself. I'm still learning Rust as well, so this helped a lot.
Another way to do it with pop() and while let:
while let Some(cur_thread) = fetch_handle.pop() {
This goes through it from the end (pop pulls it off of the end, not the front), but doesn't reallocate or move the vector contents via pulling it off the front either.
Okay so the problem as pointed out by #PiRocks seems to be in the for loop that joins the threads.
for thread in fetch_handle.iter_mut() {
The problem is the iter_mut(). Using into_iter() instead
for thread in fetch_handle.into_iter() {
yields no errors and the program runs across the threads simultaneously as required.
The explanation to this, as given by #Kevin Anderson is:
Using into_iter() causes JoinHandle<()> to move into the for loop.
Also looking into the docs(std::iter)
I found that iter() and iter_mut() iterate over a reference of self whereas into_iter() iterates over self directly(owning it).
So iter_mut() was iterating over &mut thread::JoinHandle<()> instead of thread::JoinHandle<()>.

A cell with interior mutability allowing arbitrary mutation actions

Standard Cell struct provides interior mutability but allows only a few mutation methods such as set(), swap() and replace(). All of these methods change the whole content of the Cell.
However, sometimes more specific manipulations are needed, for example, to change only a part of data contained in the Cell.
So I tried to implement some kind of universal Cell, allowing arbitrary data manipulation.
The manipulation is represented by user-defined closure that accepts a single argument - &mut reference to the interior data of the Cell, so the user itself can deside what to do with the Cell interior. The code below demonstrates the idea:
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
struct MtCell<Data>{
dcell: UnsafeCell<Data>,
impl<Data> MtCell<Data>{
fn new(d: Data) -> MtCell<Data> {
return MtCell{dcell: UnsafeCell::new(d)};
fn exec<F, RetType>(&self, func: F) -> RetType where
RetType: Copy,
F: Fn(&mut Data) -> RetType
let p = self.dcell.get();
let pd: &mut Data;
unsafe{ pd = &mut *p; }
return func(pd);
// test:
type MyCell = MtCell<usize>;
fn main(){
let c: MyCell = MyCell::new(5);
println!("initial state: {}", c.exec(|pd| {return *pd;}));
println!("state changed to {}", c.exec(|pd| {
*pd += 10; // modify the interior "in place"
return *pd;
However, I have some concerns regarding the code.
Is it safe, i.e can some safe but malicious closure break Rust mutability/borrowing/lifetime rules by using this "universal" cell?
I consider it safe since lifetime of the interior reference parameter prohibits its exposition beyond the closure call time. But I still have doubts (I'm new to Rust).
Maybe I'm re-inventing the wheel and there exist some templates or techniques solving the problem?
Note: I posted the question here (not on code review) as it seems more related to the language rather than code itself (which represents just a concept).
[EDIT] I'd want zero cost abstraction without possibility of runtime failures, so RefCell is not perfect solution.
This is a very common pitfall for Rust beginners.
Is it safe, i.e can some safe but malicious closure break Rust mutability/borrowing/lifetime rules by using this "universal" cell? I consider it safe since lifetime of the interior reference parameter prohibits its exposition beyond the closure call time. But I still have doubts (I'm new to Rust).
In a word, no.
fn main() {
let mt_cell = MtCell::new(123i8);
mt_cell.exec(|ref1: &mut i8| {
mt_cell.exec(|ref2: &mut i8| {
println!("Double mutable ref!: {:?} {:?}", ref1, ref2);
You're absolutely right that the reference cannot be used outside of the closure, but inside the closure, all bets are off! In fact, pretty much any operation (read or write) on the cell within the closure is undefined behavior (UB), and may cause corruption/crashes anywhere in your program.
Maybe I'm re-inventing the wheel and there exist some templates or techniques solving the problem?
Using Cell is often not the best technique, but it's impossible to know what the best solution is without knowing more about the problem.
If you insist on Cell, there are safe ways to do this. The unstable (ie. beta) Cell::update() method is literally implemented with the following code (when T: Copy):
pub fn update<F>(&self, f: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(T) -> T,
let old = self.get();
let new = f(old);
Or you could use Cell::get_mut(), but I guess that defeats the whole purpose of Cell.
However, usually the best way to change only part of a Cell is by breaking it up into separate Cells. For example, instead of Cell<(i8, i8, i8)>, use (Cell<i8>, Cell<i8>, Cell<i8>).
Still, IMO, Cell is rarely the best solution. Interior mutability is a common design in C and many other languages, but it is somewhat more rare in Rust, at least via shared references and Cell, for a number of reasons (e.g. it's not Sync, and in general people don't expect interior mutability without &mut). Ask yourself why you are using Cell and if it is really impossible to reorganize your code to use normal &mut references.
IMO the bottom line is actually about safety: if no matter what you do, the compiler complains and it seems that you need to use unsafe, then I guarantee you that 99% of the time either:
There's a safe (but possibly complex/unintuitive) way to do it, or
It's actually undefined behavior (like in this case).
EDIT: Frxstrem's answer also has better info about when to use Cell/RefCell.
Your code is not safe, since you can call c.exec inside c.exec to get two mutable references to the cell contents, as demonstrated by this snippet containing only safe code:
let c: MyCell = MyCell::new(5);
c.exec(|n| {
// need `RefCell` to access mutable reference from within `Fn` closure
let n = RefCell::new(n);
c.exec(|m| {
let n = &mut *n.borrow_mut();
// now `n` and `m` are mutable references to the same data, despite using
// no unsafe code. this is BAD!
In fact, this is exactly the reason why we have both Cell and RefCell:
Cell only allows you to get and set a value and does not allow you to get a mutable reference from an immutable one (thus avoiding the above issue), but it does not have any runtime cost.
RefCell allows you to get a mutable reference from an immutable one, but needs to perform checks at runtime to ensure that this is safe.
As far as I know, there's not really any safe way around this, so you need to make a choice in your code between no runtime cost but less flexibility, and more flexibility but with a small runtime cost.

How to return a reference to a value from Hashmap wrappered in Arc and Mutex in Rust?

I got some trouble to return the reference of the value in a HashMap<String,String> which is wrappered by Arc and Mutex for sharing between threads. The code is like this:
use std::sync::{Arc,Mutex};
use std::collections::HashMap;
struct Hey{
a:Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String, String>>>
impl Hey {
fn get(&self,key:&String)->&String{
As shown above, the code failed to compile because of returns a value referencing data owned by the current function. I know that lock() returns MutexGuard which is a local variable. But How could I achieve this approach to get a reference to the value in HashMap. If I can't, what is the motivation of Rust to forbidden this?
Let me explain why rustc thinks that your code is wrong.
You can interact with value protected by Mutex only when you have lock on it.
Lock handled by RAII guard.
So, I desugar your code:
fn get(&self,key:&String)->&String{
let lock = self.a.lock().unwrap();
let reference = lock.get(key).unwrap();
drop(lock); // release your lock
// We return reference to data which doesn't protected by Mutex!
// Someone can delete item from hashmap and you would read deleted data
// Use-After-Free is UB so rustc forbid that
return reference;
Probably you need to use Arcs as values:
struct Hey{
a:Arc<RwLock<HashMap<String, Arc<String>>>>
fn get(&self,key:&String)->Arc<String>{
Also, you can use Arc<str> (and I would recommend that), which would save you from extra pointer indirection. It can be built from String: let arc: Arc<str> = my_string.into(); or Arc::from(my_string)
Since, you made the design decision of wrapping your data i.e. HashMap<String, String> in Arc<Mutex<..>> I am assuming you need to share this data across threads/tasks in a thread safe manner. That is the primary use case for this design choice.
So, my suggestion for anyone reading this today isn't a direct answer(returning reference) to this question rather to change the design such that you return an owned data using something like .to_owned() method on the result from the get function call.
fn get(&self, key: &String) -> String {
let lock = self.a.lock().unwrap(); // #1 Returns MutexGuard
let val = lock.get(key).unwrap();
Long Form
In the original code snipped, there are actually 2 problems at hand, though only 1 is mentioned in the question.
cannot return value referencing temporary value
returns a value referencing data owned by the current function
Let's try to dig deeper into each of these one by one.
Problem 1
cannot return value referencing temporary value
The temporary value here is referring to MutexGuard. The lock method doesn't return us the reference to the HashMap rather a MutexGuard wrapped around the HashMap. The reason why .get() works on MutexGuard is because it implements DeRef::deref trait. Essentially, it means that MutexGuard can deref into the value it wraps when needed. This deref happens when we call the .get() method.
We can understand the temporary nature of the mutexguard by diving deeper into how the deref method is implemented under the hood.
fn deref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a T
This means that MutexGuard can only return reference to HashMap for as long as it is alive. Notice the elided lifetime 'a. But since, we don't store the MutexGuard into any local variable rather directly dereference it the rust compiler thinks that it gets dropped right after the get call.
The lifetime of the HashMap will be same as MutexGuard. Any result will share the lifetime of the HashMap. Hence, the value/result from .get() method gets dropped instantly.
Solution 1: Store the MutexGuard locally
If we store the mutexguard in a local variable using the let binding. Then the HashMap also has the lifetime of the function scope and the reference/result also has the same lifetime.
let lock = self.a.lock().unwrap(); // storing MutexGuard in local binding
let val = lock.get(key).unwrap(); // val can live as long as lock is alive which is function's lifetime
With this issue fixed, there is just one problem left.
Problem 2
returns a value referencing data owned by the current function
Since, we take the lock in the current function scope, the reference returned from the get function will only be alive for as long as the lock is alive. When we return the reference from the function the compiler will start screaming back at us with the error of data ownership is only valid in the current function scope. It makes sense also, since we only asked(indirectly) for the lock to be active in this function scope. It is semantically wrong to expect the reference to be valid outside the scope of this function.
Solution 2: Change in approach
The whole idea of using Arc and Mutex is to add the capability to update the data between multiple threads safely. This thread safety is provided by the Mutex which enables locking mechanism on the wrapped data, in your case HashMap.
As pointed out by #Abhijit-K, It's not a good design to take the reference of any value outside the scope of the lock.
As explained very nicely in the post by #Angelico the lock is dropped within the scope of the function.
Case 1: modifying wrapped data
Only fetch the wrapped value where you have to make changes to the data. Basically, take the lock where you want to change the data, do it in the same scope.
Basically, you pass around the cloned Arc between functions to start with. That is the power of Arc, it can give you many cloned references pointing to the same data on the heap.
Case 2: reading wrapped data
Take a cloned value instead of the reference. Change the approach to return String from &String.
You need to clone the ARC and move the clone ARC to another thread/task. From the clone you can lock and access it. I suggest use RwLock instead of Mutex if there are more accesses than writes.
When you clone ARC you are not cloning the underlying object just the ARC. Also in your case you need to wrap the struct into ARC or change the design, as it is ARC that should be cloned and moved
Approach to share the object should be via guard I believe. With RWLock multiple can read map via the guards:
use async_std::task;
use std::sync::{Arc,RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard};
use std::collections::HashMap;
struct Hey{
a:Arc<RwLock<HashMap<String, String>>>
impl Hey {
pub fn read(&self) -> RwLockReadGuard<'_, HashMap<String, String>> {
pub fn write(&self) -> RwLockWriteGuard<'_, HashMap<String, String>> {
fn main() {
let h = Hey{..Default::default()};
h.write().insert("k1".to_string(), "v1".to_string());
task::block_on(async move {

&self move field containing Box - Move out of borrowed content

I have a struct with a field containing references to other structs (that I did not define)
struct HtmlHandlebars {
user_helpers: Vec<(String, Box<HelperDef + 'static>)>,
And HtmlHandlebars has to implement a function
fn render(&self, ...) -> &self
And in that function I would need to move the Box to another function. Something like this:
fn render(&self, ...) -> &self {
let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new();
for (name, helper) in self.user_helpers {
handlebars.register_helper(&name, helper);
But I am kind of stuck because:
I can't move the Box references because I am borrowing self
I can't copy the Box references because that struct does not implement copy
I can't modify &self to &mut self because that causes other problems...
Maybe I am doing it completely wrong.. Is there something else I can do? What are my options?
If you need a more complete overview of the code, you can find it here
PS: I had no idea how to describe the situation in the title, feel free to change it
The code you've written is trying to consume the Vec and its elements. In general, you can iterate over &self.user_helpers which will give you references to the elements rather than consuming them. That is (modulo silly typos in the pattern):
for &(ref name, ref helper) in self.user_helpers {
handlebars.register_helper(name, helper);
See also: The Rust Programming Language on iterating vectors.
There is a problem with that though: Handlebars needs ownership of the helpers. It may very well be that you have to create a new Handlebars object every time you render, but in that case you also need to be able to create all the helpers every time you create a new Handlebars. There is no way to take ownership of the boxes without taking at least a &mut reference to the Vec. You need at least mutable access to take the handlers out of the struct. And if you did that, you wouldn't have the handlers around for the next time render() is called. Depending on how configurable the set of handlers is, you could have a function that constructs the Vec<Box<HelperDef + 'static>> out of thin air when you need it, or you could maintain a list of callbacks that construct Box<HelperDef + 'static> for you.
