Qt static build and link to icu libraries statically - linux

I've built Qt 5.9.6 statically using these commands on Ubuntu 14.04
git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git
perl init-repository --module-subset=qtbase,qtimageformats,qtcharts,qtsvg,qttools,qttranslations,qtx11extras
git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout v5.9.6
./configure -prefix "/usr/local/Qt-5.9.6" -release -force-debug-info -opensource -confirm-license -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-freetype -qt-harfbuzz -qt-pcre -qt-xcb -qt-xkbcommon-x11 -no-opengl -static -openssl-linked -nomake examples -nomake tests
sudo make install
so the build goes ok and at the end i can add this build to my QtCreator and build a test project. The problem is that the end result executable is linked dynamically to these libraries:
and this is a problem which makes my executable app not run on other ubuntu systems. I want these libraries to be statically linked to my project.
these libraries are located at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and there are 2 versions of them a statically compiled(.a) and some dynamically compiled(.so) versions.
I've also noticed the command that QtCreator uses to link contains these libs:
g++ -Wl,-O1 -o test main.o -L/usr/local/Qt-5.9.6/lib -lQt5Core -lm -licui18n -licuuc -licudata -lqtpcre2 -ldl -lgthread-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -lpthread
Should I change something in my build or should I change my .pro on my project to make these libraries link statically?


include openssl library on native android project

I want to create wrapper module to openssl library for android that will use most of the main functions for security.
I know there are people that say they already did it and publish thier work on github but for security reasons we can't use it.
I compiled the openssl library to android and add to the CMakeList.txt as described here:
My steps that i have made :
1. I download from here: https://www.openssl.org/source/ version 1.1.1c
2. Compiled sucessfully:
export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle
./Configure android-arm64
I put the entire folder here:
4.thats how the CMakeList looks like:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1)
target_link_libraries( # Specifies the target library.
the error when i build is this:
Error while executing process /home/user/Android/Sdk/cmake/3.6.4111459/bin/cmake with arguments {--build /home/user/AndroidStudioProjects/EncryptionModule/app/.externalNativeBuild/cmake/debug/x86_64 --target openssl-wrapper-lib}
[1/1] Linking CXX shared library /home/user/AndroidStudioProjects/EncryptionModule/app/build/intermediates/cmake/debug/obj/x86_64/libopenssl-wrapper-lib.so
FAILED: : && /home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang++ --target=x86_64-none-linux-android21 --gcc-toolchain=/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64 --sysroot=/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot -fPIC -g -DANDROID -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -fno-addrsig -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security -v -O0 -fno-limit-debug-info -Wl,--exclude-libs,libgcc.a -Wl,--exclude-libs,libatomic.a -static-libstdc++ -Wl,--build-id -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings -Wl,--no-undefined -Qunused-arguments -Wl,-z,noexecstack -shared -Wl,-soname,libopenssl-wrapper-lib.so -o /home/user/AndroidStudioProjects/EncryptionModule/app/build/intermediates/cmake/debug/obj/x86_64/libopenssl-wrapper-lib.so CMakeFiles/openssl-wrapper-lib.dir/openssl-c-wrapper.cpp.o /home/user/AndroidStudioProjects/EncryptionModule/app/src/main/cpp/openssl-1.1.1c/libcrypto.so /home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-android/21/liblog.so -latomic -lm && :
Android (5220042 based on r346389c) clang version 8.0.7 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/clang b55f2d4ebfd35bf643d27dbca1bb228957008617) (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm 3c393fe7a7e13b0fba4ac75a01aa683d7a5b11cd) (based on LLVM 8.0.7svn)
Target: x86_64-none-linux-android21
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin
Found candidate GCC installation: /home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib/gcc/i686-linux-android/4.9.x
Found candidate GCC installation: /home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-android/4.9.x
Selected GCC installation: /home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-android/4.9.x
Candidate multilib: .;#m64
Selected multilib: .;#m64
"/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-android/4.9.x/../../../../x86_64-linux-android/bin/ld" --sysroot=/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot -z now -z relro --hash-style=gnu --hash-style=both --enable-new-dtags --eh-frame-hdr -m elf_x86_64 -shared -o /home/user/AndroidStudioProjects/EncryptionModule/app/build/intermediates/cmake/debug/obj/x86_64/libopenssl-wrapper-lib.so /home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-android/21/crtbegin_so.o -L/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib64/clang/8.0.7/lib/linux/x86_64 -L/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-android/4.9.x -L/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-android/4.9.x/../../../../x86_64-linux-android/lib/../lib64 -L/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-android/21 -L/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-android -L/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-android/4.9.x/../../../../x86_64-linux-android/lib -L/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib --exclude-libs libgcc.a --exclude-libs libatomic.a --build-id --warn-shared-textrel --fatal-warnings --no-undefined -z noexecstack -soname libopenssl-wrapper-lib.so CMakeFiles/openssl-wrapper-lib.dir/openssl-c-wrapper.cpp.o /home/user/AndroidStudioProjects/EncryptionModule/app/src/main/cpp/openssl-1.1.1c/libcrypto.so /home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-android/21/liblog.so -latomic -lm -Bstatic -lc++ -Bdynamic -lm -lgcc -ldl -lc -lgcc -ldl /home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-android/21/crtend_so.o
/home/user/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-android/4.9.x/../../../../x86_64-linux-android/bin/ld: error: /home/user/AndroidStudioProjects/EncryptionModule/app/src/main/cpp/openssl-1.1.1c/libcrypto.so: incompatible target
clang++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
please help me understand what am I doing wrong
You built the library for arm64, but you're also building for Android's other ABIs. You need to build those libraries for each architecture your application supports. i.e., repeat your initial steps:
./Configure android-arm
./Configure android-arm64
./Configure android-x86
./Configure android-x86_64
(Note that you probably need to run each of those builds in a separate directory, unless the build scripts you're using will install libraries for each arch independently for you.)
You'll then want to do something like the following (adjust as needed based on your actual install paths) to import the libraries into CMake:
# The change happens here: each of the architectures gets its own subdirectory.
The other option, if you only care about supporting 64-bit ARM, would be to disable the other architectures in your build.gradle, as described by https://google.github.io/android-gradle-dsl/current/com.android.build.gradle.internal.dsl.NdkOptions.html:
android {
// Similar to other properties in the defaultConfig block, you can override
// these properties for each product flavor in your build configuration.
defaultConfig {
ndk {
// Tells Gradle to build outputs for the following ABIs and package
// them into your APK.
abiFilters 'arm64-v8a'

Compiling program with Open Source libFTDI

I use Asus router (based on ARMv7 proc) with Advanced Tomato installed
on it as my ARMv7 developer platform. I install compiler (gcc - 5.4.0-1)
plus dependencies and libFTDI (libftdi1 - 1.3-1) from OpenWRT Linux
repo. OpenWRT does not provide libftdi-dev so I copied ftdi.h file from libFTDI download page to /opt/include directly. I try to compile program taken directly from libFTDI samples. The
compiler command is:
gcc -v -Wl,-rpath=/opt/usr/local/lib -Wl,--dynamic-linker=/opt/lib/ld-linux.so.3 -L/opt/lib -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a9-fno-caller-saves -mfloat-abi=soft -l ftdi1 d.c -o d
But compilation fails because:
/opt/bin/ld: cannot find -lftdi1
But there is /opt/usr/local/lib/libftdi1.so linked to libftdi1.so.2
My LD_LIBRARY_PATH looks like this:
So what the problem is?
I dont know why (probably bug) but for compiler taken from OpenWRT repo, MUST have wanted library in /opt/lib. So simply copy libftdi1.so.2.3.0 file and linking it to libftdi1.so resolved problem. That means that it does not use correctly LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. Finally compilation command looks like this:
gcc -v -Wl,-rpath=/opt/usr/local/lib -Wl,--dynamic-linker=/opt/lib/ld-linux.so.3 -L/opt/lib -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a9 -fno-caller-saves -mfloat-abi=soft -l ftdi1 arco.c -o arco
From my point of view - topic closed

Source-built clang-3.7 on Linux not finding Block_copy

I built and installed llvm/clang-3.7 from source on my Ubuntu Linux system (I'm building from source because my development environment at work does not have apt-get available). The gcc version is 4.8.2. I followed the clang build instructions at http://clang.llvm.org/get_started.html, and everything worked fine (mkdir build; cd build; cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../llvm; make; make install). However, I'm now finding that a program to test Block_copy fails to compile. The program is auto-generated by autoconf when I try to build gnustep-base. The part that fails is:
main ()
return _Block_copy ();
return 0;
My compile command is:
clang -o conftest -m64 -march=opteron -mno-3dnow -ggdb -O2 -Wall -I/home/build/GNUstep/Local/Library/Headers -I/home/build/GNUstep/Local/Library/Headers -I/home/build/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers -fgnu-runtime -x objective-c -m64 -L/home/build/GNUstep/Local/Library/Libraries -L/home/build/GNUstep/Local/Library/Libraries -L/home/build/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries conftest.c -lrt -ldl -lpthread -rdynamic -m64 -fgnu-runtime -L/home/build/GNUstep/Library/Libraries -L/home/build/GNUstep/Local/Library/Libraries -L/home/build/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries -lobjc -lm
Do I need to build clang with a special option to enable blocks, or should I be linking with another library?
Do I need to build clang with a special option to enable blocks
No. But you may need -fblocks option using the clang binary.
Enable the "Blocks" language feature.
should I be linking with another library?
_Block_copy is a part of BlocksRuntime.
BlocksRuntime Block.h
BlocksRuntime runtime.c
Have you compiled compiler-rt? It includes BlocksRuntime. The document explains how to build compiler-rt.

undefined reference when cross-compiling for ARM with static OpenCV libraries

I'm trying to compile a simple test program using static OpenCV libraries that have been compiled using an ARM compiler. But when I try to compile it with the command
$arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ `pkg-config --static opencv` -I/usr/local/include -L<path to static libary> -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core ARMtest2.cpp -o ARMtest2
This gives
/tmp/ccxNeUbK.o: In function main':
ARMtest2.cpp:(.text+0x8a): undefined reference tocv::Mat::ones(int, int, int)'
/tmp/ccxNeUbK.o: In function cv::Mat::~Mat()':
ARMtest2.cpp:(.text._ZN2cv3MatD2Ev[_ZN2cv3MatD5Ev]+0x20): undefined reference tocv::fastFree(void*)'
/tmp/ccxNeUbK.o: In function cv::Mat::release()':
ARMtest2.cpp:(.text._ZN2cv3Mat7releaseEv[_ZN2cv3Mat7releaseEv]+0x30): undefined reference tocv::Mat::deallocate()'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
The code itself is just some simple test code that prints a Mat type variable.
I compiled the static OpenCV library with cmake-gui. I selected UNIX Makefile and then selected 'specify options for cross-compiling' where I gave the path to the ARM (arm-linux-gnueabihf) gcc and g++ compiler. Then I unticked BUILD_SHARED_LIB so it compiled static libraries. It seemed to compile fine without errors. After that I did make & sudo make install.
I also tried it with shared libraries and that worked fine on the ARM board (once I copied the libraries to the board and exported the library path).
The static .a files landed nicely in the build folder. Apparently it can also find it when I -L link to it. I have tried reversing the order of the libraries, but to no avail.
So I'm a bit at a loss what is going wrong.
I solved it. Using the normal --static pkg-config command to compile with OpenCV libraries;
`pkg-config --libs --static opencv`
Of course I installed the static libraries also to the folder /usr/local/lib where libraries get installed first. But still i don't know what I missed in the command line I tried to use. I had a look in the config file /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/opencv.pc
Here is whats in it:
# Package Information for pkg-config
Name: OpenCV
Description: Open Source Computer Vision Library
Version: 2.4.9
Libs: ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_calib3d.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_contrib.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_core.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_features2d.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_flann.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_gpu.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_highgui.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_imgproc.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_legacy.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_ml.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_nonfree.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_objdetect.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_ocl.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_photo.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_stitching.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_superres.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_ts.a ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_video.so ${exec_prefix}/lib/libopencv_videostab.so -lrt -lpthread -lm -ldl
Cflags: -I${includedir_old} -I${includedir_new}
I believe this is what is being called with the pkg-config <--something_or_other> opencv line.
And saw some other things that probably get linked when compiling -lrt -lpthread -lm -ldl Not really sure though as I tried it ina normal command line and I apparently still missed somethings.
But it worked, so didn't really bother too much with it much further :)
In your command:
*$arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ `pkg-config --static opencv` -I/usr/local/include -L<path to static libary> -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core ARMtest2.cpp -o ARMtest2*
The cflags was missing.
Try with:
$arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ `pkg-config --cflags --static opencv` -I/usr/local/include -L<path to static cross-compiled libary> -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core ARMtest2.cpp -o ARMtest2
Assuming here that your cross-compiled headers are saved in /usr/local/include (as you specified).

Incompatible libc.so.6 Found During Cross-Compilation of Qt5 OpenGL Test for i.MX6

I'm trying to cross-compile Qt5 for the Freescale i.MX6 processor. I've already built an image using the latest Yocto package.
Before compilation of qtbase, a test for OpenGL functionality is first ran by compiling an some OpenGL code. However, during this test the compiler complains that an incompatible libc.so.6 is found.
I've discovered in another post (which I can't find at the moment), that such an error occurs because /lib/libc.so.6 is actually a symbolic link which points to the actual shared object file. However, the compiler does not use the shared object file pointed to by libc.so.6, instead trying to link to the symbolic link itself, thus the compatibility issue.
Here is the output when the configure script is ran:
OpenGL ES 2.x auto-detection... ()
/home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-g++ -c -pipe -mfloat-abi=softfp -O2 -O2 -march=armv7-a -mfpu=neon -DLINUX=1 -DEGL_API_FB=1 -Wall -W -fPIE -I../../../mkspecs/devices/linux-imx6-g++ -I. -I/home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/deploy/images/mountpoint/usr/include -o opengles2.o opengles2.cpp
/home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-g++ -Wl,-rpath-link,/home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/deploy/images/mountpoint/usr/lib -Wl,-O1 -o opengles2 opengles2.o -L/home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/deploy/images/mountpoint/usr/lib -lGLESv2 -lEGL -lGAL
/home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/libexec/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.7.2/ld: skipping incompatible /lib/libc.so.6 when searching for /lib/libc.so.6
/home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/libexec/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.7.2/ld: cannot find /lib/libc.so.6
/home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/libexec/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.7.2/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a when searching for /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a
/home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/libexec/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.7.2/ld: cannot find /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a
/home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/libexec/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/gcc/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/4.7.2/ld: cannot find /lib/ld-linux.so.3
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake: *** [opengles2] Error 1
OpenGL ES 2.x disabled.
The OpenGL ES 2.0 functionality test failed!
Here is the script I used to supply the proper options to the configure script:
./configure -v -opensource -confirm-license -no-pch -opengl es2 \
-make libs -device imx6 \
-make examples -make demos \
-device-option CROSS_COMPILE=/home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi- \
-sysroot /home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/deploy/images/mountpoint -no-gcc-sysroot \
-prefix /opt/qt5
At the moment, I'm considering just renaming the actual shared object file to libc.so.6, but that doesn't seem like a good way to fix things.
It seems that you are compiling against the wrong libc. The location of the correct libc should be: /home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/deploy/images/mountpoint/lib/ Can you check that? Run in that folder:
file libc.so.6
Have a look if the architecture is fine. I do not have the sources in front of me, so please give feedback if things are going wrong.
Your application is compiled in a chroot environment (see man chroot). The folder /home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/deploy/images/mountpoint acts as the new rootfolder for your application. This is configured in the -sysroot option of your configure script. This is not valid for gcc, because the -no-gcc-sysroot is on. So the linker is looking to your native /lib/ folder to find the libraries. They are not there of course.
So, can you try the following things:
1) remove the -no-gcc-sysroot option in the configure script. Configure again and try to make.
2) This can possibly fail because the compiler does not find back it's own components. Please mount the directory of the compiler into your chroot enviroment. Run the next commands:
mkdir /home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/deploy/images/mountpoint/usr/bin -p
mount --bind /home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/ /home/Desktop/poky-dylan-9.0.0/build/tmp/deploy/images/mountpoint/usr/bin
Configure again and try again to make.
3) If it still is not working, the cross-compiler is not set properly. Change into the configure script argument list the CROSS_COMPILE argument:
I wish you good luck. Let me know if it is working or not.
