Enabling nested virtualisation for Android Studio on Linux platform - linux

I want to run emulator for Android Studio on a Linux platform. Upon contaction Google (since I'm using Google server) I was told this : "nested virtualisation is not enabled out of the box for Compute Engine instances. Therefore you need to enable it manually," and was given this link for further query "https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/enable-nested-virtualization-vm-instances". Can anyone help me with this since I'm not getting the exact procedure to run an emulator for Android Studio on a Linux platform hosted on a Google server.


Getting Android Studio AVD To Work With Mac Mini M1

I'm having trouble getting my emulator to work on my m1 mac. Currently, I am waiting on my physical android phone to arrive so I have to use an emulator for the moment. I have looked at the official google repo (https://github.com/google/android-emulator-m1-preview) for the m1 preview and I noticed it said "Support for downloading the M1-based emulator was added to SDK Manager, so it's not necessary to go to the Github releases page to download a standalone .app anymore. In AVD Manager go to the Other Images tab as by default it doesn't show the ARM64 images." However, I can't seem to find which SDK to download in the SDK manager as every time I attempt to cold boot a virtual device it simply returns the error "Could Not Start AVD".
Sorry if this has been asked before. Couldn't seem to find any posts about it.
So it took some time but I figured it out. In the updated Android Studio you have to create a new virtual device for ARM based machines. Once you select your new device and you get to what android release you would like to run, hit the "other" column. Now you have a list of some of the ARM based Virtual Devices.
Here is a link to a post I found that helped:
Android Studio - How Can I Make an AVD With ARM Instead of HAXM?
Android Studio Dolphin, Virtual Device Manager, now includes arm64a-v8a for Tiramisu API level 33, which works well for M1 mac.

Visual Studio Code trigger hot deployment via script

I am developing an app using Flutter, and I want to be able to test some functionality that behaves slightly different depending on the device directly on both an iPhone and an Android device.
I am using a Linux machine with Visual Studio Code as my main development machine (and do not want to change that), and on that machine Visual Studio Code is deploying to an Android emulator (or a real device).
Then I have a Mac, which has also got Visual Studio Code installed. I mounted the "lib" directory from the Linux machine via sshfs to the Mac (the rest of the Flutter project is just copied to there, since for example I do not want to share the build-folder). From there Visual Studio Code deploys the app to either the simulator or a real iPhone.
With this setup, whenever I change a file, Visual Studio Code on the Linux maching deploys directly to Android. However, since file system events do not get picked up on the Mac due to sshfs, Visual Studio Code on the Mac does not directly deploy. I only have to trigger a hot deployment though (which I mapped to F5), so even now it is only one keypress I have to do on the Mac.
My question is, can I somehow automate this last step? I was thinking about using ssh to connect from the Mac to Linux, and then pick up the filesystem events via inotify. But how could I then trigger a hot deployment on the Mac?

Android Studio bug

I need to test an application on Android Studio, but my virtual machine is not creating correctly and the studio does not see my phone, even though the debug mode is enabled on it. How can I test my application?
Check out the android developer official site how to connect the real device and run app. And for create virtual device follow this tutorial from the official site

Problem running the Android Studio emulator on AMD CPU

Recently I decided to learn android dev with Kotlin, I installed JDK, the latest Android Studio release and other stuff but my CPU is AMD so I cannot install intel's HAXM which is required to launch the emulator . I want to know if an equivalent for pc with AMD exist
For your problem there are several ways to fix the issue.
Android Studio with Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors Tools(Recommended)
Here's the full document
Go to Android SDK -> SDK Tools -> Check Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processors also make sure if they're installed they're updated, since this solution got a problem with using NOX player at same time, and causing Blue Screen of Death
Then go to App & Features -> Turn windows features on or off -> make sure Hyper-V and Windows Hypervisor Platform are disabled. All Windows features enabling Hyper-V either explicitly or silently must be turned off.
Other solution is to use Nox or Bluestack emulator. i prefer nox since idk why but bluestack using so many resource, and also nox multi-instance is also working very well for using several emulators and it's got 3 version of android (4, 5, 7).
Common issues while using nox when trying to develop flutter app or etc is sometime emulator won't appear in your emulator list in android studio which the solution is that you should copy your adb nox file to your android sdk folder. or address the PATH VARIABLES to use nox adb.
Good Luck.

Can we deploy Xamarin.iOS app into simulator using windows Machine without connecting to Mac agent

Any one suggest me using visual studio can we deploy any of the iOS application in Simulator not connecting to Mac Agent??? Through Windows Machine.
Thanks In Advance!!
No it is an apple licensing requirement. There is the xamarin live player in preview which will let you test apps on an iphone without an mac
Simulator for iOS always runs on Mac, there is no simulator for iOS for Windows. You can only cast the screen to Windows so that you don't have to look on the Mac screen, but that's all, you need a mac for that (and this requires Visual Studio Enterprise which you probably don't have - assuming from your other statements).
If you want to develop without Mac you can try to install Xamarin Live Player on your iOS device. And also you can't build the final package without a Mac (and it also required for uploading it to the store), just in this case you can possibly get some Mac in the cloud and pay per hour.
If you don't have even the iOS device then you need to buy it as this can't be resolved in any way.
