Struggling with interior mutability - rust

I have a data structure like this:
struct R {
hmhs: HashMap<i64, HashSet<i64>>,
impl R {
fn hs_for_hmhs(&mut self) -> &mut HashSet<i64> {
if let None = self.hmhs.get(&0) {
self.hmhs.insert(0, HashSet::new());
fn iter_for_hmhs<'a>(&'a mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a i64> {
fn insert_for_hmhs(&mut self, i: i64) -> bool {
This seems to work, but all the methods require a mutable
reference to self which is unfortunate. I tried to give
interior mutability a go:
struct S {
hmhs: RefCell<HashMap<i64, HashSet<i64>>>,
impl S {
fn hs_for_hmhs(&self) -> &HashSet<i64> {
if let None = self.hmhs.borrow().get(&0) {
self.hmhs.borrow_mut().insert(0, HashSet::new());
fn iter_for_hmhs(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &i64> {
fn insert_for_hmhs(&mut self, i: i64) -> bool {
However, I constantly seem to hit problems. Mostly some variety of How do I return a reference to something inside a RefCell without breaking encapsulation?
I have tried lots of variants here, but I am missing something
fundamental in my understanding. Is there a way of achieving what I
Complete Code:
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
struct R {
hmhs: HashMap<i64, HashSet<i64>>,
impl R {
fn hs_for_hmhs(&mut self) -> &mut HashSet<i64> {
if let None = self.hmhs.get(&0) {
self.hmhs.insert(0, HashSet::new());
fn iter_for_hmhs<'a>(&'a mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a i64> {
fn insert_for_hmhs(&mut self, i: i64) -> bool {
struct S {
hmhs: RefCell<HashMap<i64, HashSet<i64>>>,
impl S {
fn hs_for_hmhs(&self) -> &mut HashSet<i64> {
if let None = self.hmhs.borrow().get(&0) {
self.hmhs.borrow_mut().insert(0, HashSet::new());
fn iter_for_hmhs(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &i64> {
fn insert_for_hmhs(&self, i: i64) -> bool {
fn main() {}
Compiler Message:
error[E0597]: borrowed value does not live long enough
--> src/
36 | self.hmhs.borrow_mut().get_mut(&0).unwrap()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ temporary value does not live long enough
37 | }
| - temporary value only lives until here
note: borrowed value must be valid for the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the method body at 31:5...
--> src/
31 | / fn hs_for_hmhs(&self) -> &mut HashSet<i64> {
32 | | if let None = self.hmhs.borrow().get(&0) {
33 | | self.hmhs.borrow_mut().insert(0, HashSet::new());
34 | | }
35 | |
36 | | self.hmhs.borrow_mut().get_mut(&0).unwrap()
37 | | }
| |_____^

I found a solution -- extract the HashMap as a raw pointer. This in turn means that I can get to the HashSet without shenanigans including returning a iterator.
I'm happy enough with this as a solution. The unsafe code is small and contained and if I understand the reason why the compiler is complaining without unsafe, it cannot occur in this code, since neither the HashMap nor the HashSet are ever removed or replaced after construction.
That was a lot of effort.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
struct R {
hmhs: HashMap<i64, HashSet<i64>>,
impl R {
fn hs_for_hmhs(&mut self) -> &mut HashSet<i64> {
if let None = self.hmhs.get(&0) {
self.hmhs.insert(0, HashSet::new());
fn iter_for_hmhs<'a>(&'a mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a i64> {
fn insert_for_hmhs(&mut self, i: i64) -> bool {
struct S {
hmhs: RefCell<HashMap<i64, HashSet<i64>>>,
impl S {
fn hs_as_ptr(&self) -> *mut HashMap<i64, HashSet<i64>> {
fn mut_hs_for_hmhs(&mut self) -> &mut HashSet<i64> {
unsafe { (*self.hs_as_ptr()).get_mut(&0).unwrap() }
fn hs_for_hmhs(&self) -> &HashSet<i64> {
unsafe { (*self.hs_as_ptr()).get(&0).unwrap() }
fn iter_for_hmhs<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a i64> + 'a {
fn insert_for_hmhs(&mut self, i: i64) -> bool {
fn main() {
let mut r = R {
hmhs: HashMap::new(),
let mut s = S {
hmhs: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
println!("r next: {:?}", r.iter_for_hmhs().next());
println!("s next: {:?}", s.iter_for_hmhs().next());


Cannot return reference to temporary value with RwLock and iterators

I haven't found an answer to this in other questions.
I have reduced my problem to the following:
use std::sync::RwLock;
pub fn main() {
iter_lock().for_each(|v| {
println!("{}", v);
fn get_lock<'a>() -> &'a RwLock<Vec<u32>> {
static mut lock: RwLock<Vec<u32>> = RwLock::new(Vec::new());
unsafe { &lock }
fn iter_lock<'a>() -> impl std::iter::Iterator<Item = &'a u32> {
The code above will not compile and give the following error:
error[E0515]: cannot return reference to temporary value
--> src/
15 | get_lock().read().unwrap().iter()
| --------------------------^^^^^^^
| |
| returns a reference to data owned by the current function
| temporary value created here
= help: use `.collect()` to allocate the iterator
Note that the static mut is not necessary in the code above, but I need it because I need to define a variable inside of an impl block.
I need to return an iterator, not a Vec because I am trying to avoid any allocations, and this function will always be used to iterate.
How can I solve this issue? I'm not afraid of using unsafe code, so unsafe suggestions are also welcome.
You can try something like this:
use std::sync::{RwLock, RwLockReadGuard};
pub fn main() {
let data = Data::new(&[1, 2, 3]);
data.iter().for_each(|x| println!("{:?}", x));
struct Data {
inner: RwLock<Vec<u32>>,
impl Data {
fn new(vec: &[u32]) -> Self {
Self {
inner: RwLock::new(vec.to_vec()),
fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_> {
let d =;
struct Iter<'a> {
inner: RwLockReadGuard<'a, Vec<u32>>,
current_index: usize,
impl<'a> Iter<'a> {
pub fn new(inner: RwLockReadGuard<'a, Vec<u32>>) -> Iter<'a> {
Self {
current_index: 0,
impl Iterator for Iter<'_> {
type Item = u32;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.current_index >= self.inner.len() {
return None;
let item = &self.inner[self.current_index];
self.current_index += 1;

Trouble with digraphs: cannot borrow as mutable

I created a library to deal with digraphs: nodes that link (reference counted) to zero or one other nodes (as in linked lists, but in a digraph a node can be linked to by more than one node).
I am trying to use my library to create a list with a current node:
struct ListWithPointer<'a> {
pub nodes: DigraphNodeRef<String>,
pub current_node: Option<&'a mut DigraphNodeRef<String>>,
current_node points to a link in the list.
Now I am trying to move current node to the next element of the list (or to the beginning if the list ended):
fn next_node<'a>(this: &'a mut ListWithPointer<'a>) {
if this.current_node.is_some() {
this.current_node.iter_mut().for_each(|a| {
.for_each(|rc| this.current_node = Some(&mut Arc::get_mut(rc).unwrap().next));
} else {
this.current_node = Some(&mut this.nodes);
but whatever I do, it fails with an error like:
error[E0500]: closure requires unique access to `this.current_node` but it is already borrowed
--> src/
148 | fn next_node<'a>(this: &'a mut ListWithPointer<'a>) {
| -- lifetime `'a` defined here
149 | if this.current_node.is_some() {
150 | this.current_node.iter_mut().for_each(|a| {
| ---------------------------- ^^^ closure construction occurs here
| |
| borrow occurs here
| argument requires that `this.current_node` is borrowed for `'a`
151 | (*a).as_rc_mut().iter_mut()
152 | .for_each(|rc| this.current_node = Some(&mut Arc::get_mut(rc).unwrap().next));
| ----------------- second borrow occurs due to use of `this.current_node` in closure
Help to rewrite without errors.
Here is the library code:
use std::sync::Arc;
pub struct DigraphNode<T> {
pub next: DigraphNodeRef<T>, // I made it `pub` to be able `` to remove an item from the middle.
data: T,
impl<T> DigraphNode<T> {
fn new(next: DigraphNodeRef<T>, data: T) -> Self {
Self { next, data }
pub struct DigraphNodeRef<T> {
rc: Option<Arc<DigraphNode<T>>>,
impl<T> DigraphNodeRef<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
rc: None
pub fn from_node(value: DigraphNode<T>) -> Self {
pub fn from(rc: Option<Arc<DigraphNode<T>>>) -> Self {
Self {
pub fn as_rc(&self) -> &Option<Arc<DigraphNode<T>>> {
pub fn as_rc_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option<Arc<DigraphNode<T>>> {
&mut self.rc
pub fn is_none(&self) -> bool {
pub fn remove(&mut self) -> bool {
if let Some(rc) = self.rc.clone() {
self.rc =;
} else {
pub fn prepend(&mut self, value: T) -> Self {
let new_node = DigraphNode::new(self.clone(), value);
let new_node_ref = DigraphNodeRef::from_node(new_node);
*self = new_node_ref.clone();
pub fn node(&self) -> Option<DigraphNode<T>>
where T: Clone
self.rc.clone().map(|node| (*node).clone())
/// TODO: Should return a reference.
pub fn data(&self) -> Option<T>
where T: Clone
self.rc.clone().map(|node| (*node).data.clone())
pub fn values(self) -> DigraphNodeValuesIterator<T> {
DigraphNodeValuesIterator {
underlying: self.clone()
impl<T> Clone for DigraphNodeRef<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self { rc: self.rc.clone() }
impl<T> Iterator for DigraphNodeRef<T> {
type Item = Arc<DigraphNode<T>>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if let Some(rc) = self.rc.clone() {
self.rc =;
} else {
pub struct DigraphNodeValuesIterator<T> {
underlying: DigraphNodeRef<T>,
impl<T: Clone> Iterator for DigraphNodeValuesIterator<T> {
type Item = T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|node|
In Rust the mutable access is ensured to be exclusive, i.e. if you hold a reference, some other code can't grab a mutable reference.
Problem is this line:
It grabs a mutable access to current_node, so it can't regain it again down the line.
Not to mention that iterating over Option is a strange decision.
If you want to move current_node to a different place, I'd try to reorganize your code such that reads are separate from writes, and they are performed in a sequence, instead of trying to do it in one go:
// detach the current_node for moving
if let Some(current_node_to_move) = this.current_node.take() {
let new_current_node_ref: &mut ... = ... // find new location logic
} else {
Here in line 1 it does a write None update to current_node via this, but immediately relinquishes the mutable reference. Line 2 does a read (search), but also grabs a mutable reference to a new location. Line 3 writes to this location.
To get the linked list implementation right, I recommend

how to solve cyclic-dependency & Iterator lifetime problem?

Rustaceans. when I start to write a BloomFilter example in rust. I found I have serveral problems have to solve. I struggle to solve them but no progress in a day. I need help, any suggestion will help me a lot, Thanks.
How to solve lifetime when pass a Iterator into another function?
// let bits = self.hash(value); // how to solve such lifetime error without use 'static storage?
// Below is a workaround code but need to computed in advanced.
let bits = Box::new(self.hash(value).collect::<Vec<u64>>().into_iter());
How to solve cyclic-dependency between struts without modify lower layer code, e.g: bloom_filter ?
// cyclic-dependency:
// RedisCache -> BloomFilter -> Storage
// | ^
// ------------<impl>------------
// v--- cache ownership has moved here
let filter = BloomFilter::by(Box::new(cache));
Since rust does not have null value, How can I solve the cyclic-dependency initialization without any stubs?
let mut cache = RedisCache(
// I found can use Weak::new() to solve it,but need to downgrade a Rc reference.
// v-- need a BloomFilter stub to create RedisCache
mod bloom_filter {
use std::{hash::Hash, marker::PhantomData};
pub type BitsIter = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u64>>;
pub trait Storage {
fn set(&mut self, bits: BitsIter);
fn contains_all(&self, bits: BitsIter) -> bool;
pub struct BloomFilter<T: Hash>(Box<dyn Storage>, PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Hash> BloomFilter<T> {
pub fn new() -> BloomFilter<T> {
return Self::by(Box::new(ArrayStorage([0; 5000])));
struct ArrayStorage<const N: usize>([u8; N]);
impl<const N: usize> Storage for ArrayStorage<N> {
fn set(&mut self, bits: BitsIter) {
let size = self.0.len() as u64;|bit| (bit % size) as usize)
.for_each(|index| self.0[index] = 1);
fn contains_all(&self, bits: BitsIter) -> bool {
let size = self.0.len() as u64;|bit| (bit % size) as usize)
.all(|index| self.0[index] == 1)
pub fn by(storage: Box<dyn Storage>) -> BloomFilter<T> {
BloomFilter(storage, PhantomData)
pub fn add(&mut self, value: T) {
// let bits = self.hash(value); // how to solve such lifetime error?
let bits = Box::new(self.hash(value).collect::<Vec<u64>>().into_iter());
pub fn contains(&self, value: T) -> bool {
// lifetime problem same as Self::add(T)
let bits = Box::new(self.hash(value).collect::<Vec<u64>>().into_iter());
fn hash<'a, H: Hash + 'a>(&self, _value: H) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u64> + 'a> {
mod spi {
use super::bloom_filter::*;
use redis::{Client, Commands, RedisResult};
use std::{
rc::{Rc, Weak},
pub struct RedisCache<'a>(Client, RefCell<BloomFilter<&'a str>>);
impl<'a> RedisCache<'a> {
pub fn new() -> RedisCache<'a> {
let mut cache = RedisCache(
// v-- need a BloomFilter stub to create RedisCache
// v--- cache ownership has moved here
let filter = BloomFilter::by(Box::new(cache));
return cache;
pub fn get(&mut self, key: &str, load_value: fn() -> Option<String>) -> Option<String> {
let filter = self.1.borrow();
if filter.contains(key) {
if let Ok(value) = self.0.get::<&str, String>(key) {
return Some(value);
if let Some(actual_value) = load_value() {
let _: () = self.0.set(key, &actual_value).unwrap();
return Some(actual_value);
return None;
impl<'a> Storage for RedisCache<'a> {
fn set(&mut self, bits: BitsIter) {
fn contains_all(&self, bits: BitsIter) -> bool {
First, thanks #Colonel Thirty Two give me a lot of information that I haven't mastered and help me fixed the problem of the iterator lifetime.
The cyclic-dependency I have solved by break the responsibility of the Storage into another struct RedisStorage without modify the bloom_filter module, but make the example bloated. Below is their relationships:
RedisCache -> BloomFilter -> Storage <---------------
| |
|-------> redis::Client <- RedisStorage ---<impl>---
I realized the ownership & lifetime system is not only used by borrow checker, but also Rustaceans need a bigger front design to obey the rules than in a GC language, e.g: java. Am I right?
Final Code
mod bloom_filter {
use std::{
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
pub type BitsIter<'a> = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u64> + 'a>;
pub trait Storage {
fn set(&mut self, bits: BitsIter);
fn contains_all(&self, bits: BitsIter) -> bool;
pub struct BloomFilter<T: Hash>(Box<dyn Storage>, PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Hash> BloomFilter<T> {
pub fn new() -> BloomFilter<T> {
return Self::by(Box::new(ArrayStorage([0; 5000])));
struct ArrayStorage<const N: usize>([u8; N]);
impl<const N: usize> Storage for ArrayStorage<N> {
fn set(&mut self, bits: BitsIter) {
let size = self.0.len() as u64;|bit| (bit % size) as usize)
.for_each(|index| self.0[index] = 1);
fn contains_all(&self, bits: BitsIter) -> bool {
let size = self.0.len() as u64;|bit| (bit % size) as usize)
.all(|index| self.0[index] == 1)
pub fn by(storage: Box<dyn Storage>) -> BloomFilter<T> {
BloomFilter(storage, PhantomData)
pub fn add(&mut self, value: T) {
pub fn contains(&self, value: T) -> bool {
fn hash<'a, H: Hash + 'a>(&self, value: H) -> BitsIter<'a> {
[3, 11, 31, 71, 131]
.map(|salt| SimpleHasher(0, salt))
.map(move |mut hasher| hasher.hash(&value)),
struct SimpleHasher(u64, u64);
impl SimpleHasher {
fn hash<H: Hash>(&mut self, value: &H) -> u64 {
impl Hasher for SimpleHasher {
fn finish(&self) -> u64 {
fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) {
self.0 += bytes.iter().fold(0u64, |acc, k| acc * self.1 + *k as u64)
mod spi {
use super::bloom_filter::*;
use redis::{Client, Commands};
use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
pub struct RedisCache<'a>(Rc<RefCell<Client>>, BloomFilter<&'a str>);
impl<'a> RedisCache<'a> {
pub fn new(client: Rc<RefCell<Client>>, filter: BloomFilter<&'a str>) -> RedisCache<'a> {
RedisCache(client, filter)
pub fn get<'f>(
&mut self,
key: &str,
load_value: fn() -> Option<&'f str>,
) -> Option<String> {
if self.1.contains(key) {
let mut redis = self.0.as_ref().borrow_mut();
if let Ok(value) = redis.get::<&str, String>(key) {
return Some(value);
if let Some(actual_value) = load_value() {
let _: () = redis.set(key, &actual_value).unwrap();
return Some(actual_value.into());
return None;
struct RedisStorage(Rc<RefCell<Client>>);
const BLOOM_FILTER_KEY: &str = "bloom_filter";
impl Storage for RedisStorage {
fn set(&mut self, bits: BitsIter) {
bits.for_each(|slot| {
let _: bool = self
.setbit(BLOOM_FILTER_KEY, slot as usize, true)
fn contains_all(&self, mut bits: BitsIter) -> bool {
bits.all(|slot| {
.getbit(BLOOM_FILTER_KEY, slot as usize)
fn prevent_cache_penetration_by_bloom_filter() {
let client = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Client::open("redis://localhost").unwrap()));
redis::cmd("FLUSHDB").execute(&mut *client.as_ref().borrow_mut());
let mut filter: BloomFilter<&str> = BloomFilter::by(Box::new(RedisStorage(client.clone())));
let mut cache = RedisCache::new(client, filter);
cache.get("Rust", || Some("System Language")),
Some("System Language".to_string())
cache.get("Rust", || panic!("must never be called after cached")),
Some("System Language".to_string())
cache.get("Go", || panic!("reject to loading `Go` from external storage")),
pub type BitsIter = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u64>>;
In this case, the object in the box must be valid for the 'static lifetime. This isn't the case for the iterator returned by hash - its limited to the lifetime of self.
Try replacing with:
pub type BitsIter<'a> = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u64> + 'a>;
Or using generics instead of boxed trait objects.
So your RedisClient needs a BloomFilter, but the BloomFilter also needs the RedisClient?
Your BloomFilter should not use the RedisCache that itself uses the BloomFilter - that's a recipe for infinitely recursing calls (how do you know what calls to RedisCache::add should update the bloom filter and which calls are from the bloom filter?).
If you really have to, you need some form of shared ownership, like Rc or Arc. Your BloomFilter will also need to use a weak reference, or else the two objects will refer to each other and will never free.

Value referencing data owned by the current function

Here's my code:
struct Something<'a> {
val: u32,
another: &'a AnotherThing,
struct AnotherThing {
val: u32,
impl Default for AnotherThing {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
val: 2,
trait Anything {
fn new(val: u32) -> Self;
impl Anything for Something<'_> {
fn new(val: u32) -> Self {
Self {
another: &AnotherThing::default(),
fn main() {
let _ = Something::new(1);
It doesn't compile because:
Compiling playground v0.0.1 (/playground)
error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing temporary value
--> src/
24 | / Self {
25 | | val,
26 | | another: &AnotherThing::default(),
| | ----------------------- temporary value created here
27 | | }
| |_________^ returns a value referencing data owned by the current function
I understand the problem but I don't know how to fix it. If it's not possible to use the Default trait for this case, how can I deal with the function ownership. Below a simpler example:
struct Something<'a> {
val: u32,
another: &'a AnotherThing,
struct AnotherThing {
val: u32,
trait Anything {
fn new(val: u32) -> Self;
impl Anything for Something<'_> {
fn new(val: u32) -> Self {
let at = AnotherThing { val : 2 };
Self {
another: &at,
fn main() {
let _ = Something::new(1);
If I had another: &AnotherThing { val : 2 } instead of another: &at it would work. If I want the another attribute to be a reference and get the value from a function, how can I do it?
You can do like this
struct Something<'a> {
val: u32,
another: &'a AnotherThing,
struct AnotherThing {
val: u32,
impl<'a> Default for &'a AnotherThing {
fn default() -> &'a AnotherThing {
&AnotherThing {
val: 3,
trait Anything {
fn new(val: u32) -> Self;
impl Anything for Something<'_> {
fn new(val: u32) -> Self {
Self {
Another option is to create a const item, of which you can create a reference with 'static lifetime, thus binding to any 'a:
struct Something<'a> {
val: u32,
another: &'a AnotherThing,
struct AnotherThing {
val: u32,
const ANOTHER_THING_DEFAULT: AnotherThing = AnotherThing { val: 3 };
trait Anything {
fn new(val: u32) -> Self;
impl Anything for Something<'_> {
fn new(val: u32) -> Self {
Self {

Return TypeId of Self from a default trait method

I am implementing my own blocking pub/sub pattern as seen below.
use std::any::{Any, TypeId};
struct ModelA {
pub id: u32
struct ModelB {
pub id: u32
struct ModelASubscriberOne<'a> {
pub model: &'a ModelA
impl<'a> Subscriber<u32> for ModelASubscriberOne<'a> {
fn get_type(&self) -> TypeId {
fn execute(&self) {
println!("SubscriberOne ModelA id: {}",;
fn id(&self) -> u32 {
struct ModelASubscriberTwo<'a> {
pub model: &'a ModelA
impl<'a> Subscriber<u32> for ModelASubscriberTwo<'a> {
fn get_type(&self) -> TypeId {
fn execute(&self) {
println!("SubscriberTwo ModelA id: {}",;
fn id(&self) -> u32 {
trait Subscriber<TKey:Eq + 'static> {
fn get_type(&self) -> TypeId;
fn execute(&self);
fn id(&self) -> TKey;
fn filter(&self, other: TKey) -> bool{ == other
struct Publisher<'a> {
pub subscribers: Vec<&'a dyn Subscriber<u32>>
impl<'a> Publisher<'a> {
fn new() -> Publisher<'a> {
Publisher{subscribers: Vec::new()}
fn subscribe(&mut self, subscriber: &'a dyn Subscriber<u32>) {
fn publish<T>(&self) where T: 'static + Subscriber<u32> {
self.subscribers.iter().filter(|x| {
TypeId::of::<T>() == x.get_type()
.for_each(|x| {
fn unsubscribe<T:Any>(&mut self, subscriber: u32) {
let position = self.subscribers.iter().position(|x| {
TypeId::of::<T>() == x.get_type() && x.filter(subscriber)
match position {
Some(position) => {
_ => {}
fn main() {
let model_a = ModelA{id:0};
let mut model_a_list: Vec<ModelA> = Vec::new();
let model_a = ModelA{id:1};
let mut publisher = Publisher::new();
let subscriber = ModelASubscriberOne{model: &model_a_list[0]};
let subscriber = ModelASubscriberOne{model: &model_a_list[1]};
let subscriber = ModelASubscriberTwo{model: &model_a_list[1]};
I feel like it would be helpful to be able to have a default implementation of get_type() for Subscriber that returns a TypeId for Self. Is there a way to do this?
I tried the following:
trait Subscriber<TKey:Eq + 'static> {
fn get_type(self: &Self) -> TypeId {
// <...>
I get the following message:
error[E0310]: the parameter type `Self` may not live long enough
--> src\
51 | TypeId::of::<Self>()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound `Self: 'static`...
= note: that the type `Self` will meet its required lifetime bounds
I am not sure where to put the lifetime bound. I expect I need an Any trait bound as well but I am not sure where to put that either.
Thanks in advance.
