Google Cloud PubSub/Datastore Error 13 & 14: "GOAWAY received" and "TCP Read/Write Fail" - node.js

Sorry for the long title. Having some issues randomly pop up (every handful of hours, but not on a regular schedule, could be anywhere from 3 hours to 8) when streaming data from Cloud PubSub into Cloud Datastore using Cloud Functions.
Source is a Node.js 6 script that receives an HTTP Post with info, writes to PubSub topic, then publishes topic to Cloud Datastore.
It is a modified version of this:
This first one happens sometimes with TCP Write instead of Read, but it's the same error.
ERROR: { Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: TCP Read failed
at Object.exports.createStatusError (/user_code/node_modules/#google-cloud/datastore/node_modules/grpc/src/common.js:87:15)
at Object.onReceiveStatus (/user_code/node_modules/#google-cloud/datastore/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:1188:28)
at InterceptingListener._callNext (/user_code/node_modules/#google-cloud/datastore/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:564:42)
at InterceptingListener.onReceiveStatus (/user_code/node_modules/#google-cloud/datastore/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:614:8)
at callback (/user_code/node_modules/#google-cloud/datastore/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:841:24)
code: 14,
metadata: Metadata { _internal_repr: {} },
details: 'TCP Read failed' }
ERROR: { Error: 13 INTERNAL: GOAWAY received
at Object.exports.createStatusError (/user_code/node_modules/#google-cloud/datastore/node_modules/grpc/src/common.js:87:15)
at Object.onReceiveStatus (/user_code/node_modules/#google-cloud/datastore/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:1188:28)
at InterceptingListener._callNext (/user_code/node_modules/#google-cloud/datastore/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:564:42)
at InterceptingListener.onReceiveStatus (/user_code/node_modules/#google-cloud/datastore/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:614:8)
at callback (/user_code/node_modules/#google-cloud/datastore/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:841:24)
code: 13,
metadata: Metadata { _internal_repr: {} },
details: 'GOAWAY received' }

It looks like there is a similar error for other services and the workaround is just to retry.


Trying to fetch spot price using uniswap SDK but transaction is throwing error LOK?

const quotedAmountOut = await quoterContract.callStatic.quoteExactInputSingle(
I created two erc20 dummy tokens and created a pool for them using uniswapV3Factory createPool() method and obtained the pool address. But when I wanted to fetch the spot price for the tokens i have used using the above script it is throwing following Error:
Error: call revert exception; VM Exception while processing transaction: reverted with reason string "LOK" [ See: ] (method="quoteExactInputSingle(address,address,uint24,uint256,uint160)", data="0x08c379a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000034c4f4b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", errorArgs=["LOK"], errorName="Error", errorSignature="Error(string)", reason="LOK", code=CALL_EXCEPTION, version=abi/5.7.0)
at Logger.makeError (/Users/apple/Desktop/solidity/deploy/node_modules/#ethersproject/contracts/lib/index.js:20:58)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) {
reason: 'LOK',
method: 'quoteExactInputSingle(address,address,uint24,uint256,uint160)',
data: '0x08c379a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000034c4f4b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
errorArgs: [ 'LOK' ],
errorName: 'Error',
errorSignature: 'Error(string)',
address: '0xb27308f9F90D607463bb33eA1BeBb41C27CE5AB6',
args: [
BigNumber { _hex: '0x0de0b6b3a7640000', _isBigNumber: true },
transaction: {
data: '0xf7729d4300000000000000000000000008a2e53a8ddd2dd1d895c18928fc63778d97a55a0000000000000000000000006d7a02e23505a74143199abb5fb07e6ea20c6d6300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001f40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000de0b6b3a76400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
to: '0xb27308f9F90D607463bb33eA1BeBb41C27CE5AB6'
i found the issue here is your token address you provided, like token0 is WETH9 you must provide the exactly WETH9 token address, you can find it on

How can I debug "Build failed: Too many concurrent builds" error when only one function is being deployed via Google Cloud Function?

I'm currently trying to deploy a function via the console. I have added variables, package specs, and service account credentials.
When I hit deploy, the status was in build with the spinning wheel for about ten minutes before coming back with a build failed icon.
When I went to the logs I am seeing the following:
status: {
code: 8
message: "Build failed: Too many concurrent builds, please stagger your deployments."
with severity: ERROR under resource.
There are several other cloud functions that are already deployed and active; they were deployed some time ago and are not currently being redeployed.
I have attempted to redeploy the function in question but that resulted in a timeout after 60 seconds.
Full logs below:
protoPayload: {
#type: ""
status: {
code: 8
message: "Build failed: Too many concurrent builds, please stagger your deployments."
authenticationInfo: {
principalEmail: "user#user"
serviceName: ""
methodName: ""
resourceName: "projects/resource_name"
insertId: "-n11hqacqvq"
resource: {
type: "cloud_function"
labels: {3}
timestamp: "2021-02-18T22:16:56.681559Z"
severity: "ERROR"
logName: "projects/.../logs/"
operation: {
id: "operations/..."
producer: ""
last: true
receiveTimestamp: "2021-02-18T22:16:56.858611526Z"

How to resolve "error sending: timeout expired while executing transaction" in hyperledger fabric?

I'm trying to upload a bulk data. Im splitting the records like 100 & trying to invoke . The thing is first 100 transactions executing well after that Im facing an issue like below.
DLT Error { Error: failed to execute transaction 53842934bed9ad4b1f604bdc253f2e06f5677383c0c91cc20f313fa40a85ebf8: error sending: timeout expired while executing transaction
at self._endorserClient.processProposal (/home/user/Project/node_modules/fabric-client/lib/Peer.js:140:36)
at Object.onReceiveStatus (/home/user/Project/node_modules/fabric-client/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:1207:9)
at InterceptingListener._callNext (/home/user/Project/node_modules/fabric-client/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:568:42)
at InterceptingListener.onReceiveStatus (/home/user/Project/node_modules/fabric-client/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:618:8)
at callback (/home/user/Project/node_modules/fabric-client/node_modules/grpc/src/client_interceptors.js:845:24)
status: 500,
payload: <Buffer >,
{ url: 'grpcs://ip:7051',
name: 'ip:7051',
{ 'grpc.max_receive_message_length': -1,
'grpc.max_send_message_length': -1,
'grpc.keepalive_time_ms': 120000,
'grpc.http2.min_time_between_pings_ms': 120000,
'grpc.keepalive_timeout_ms': 20000,
'grpc.http2.max_pings_without_data': 0,
'grpc.keepalive_permit_without_calls': 1,
'grpc.ssl_target_name_override': '',
'grpc.default_authority': '' } },
isProposalResponse: true }
I have tried reducing 100 to 50 Records at a time & also increased the timeout in invoking file
let handle = setTimeout(() => {
resolve({event_status : 'TIMEOUT'});
}, 70000);
But still facing the same issue. Can anybody please help me to fix this Issue?

Failed to parse Dialogflow response into AppResponse because of invalid platform response (with Youtube API)

I am trying to build a YouTube entertainment app using Google Assistant, following this tutorial: here. I have followed every step precisely, copying code verbatim, but when I run the test, I get this error:
MalformedResponse Failed to parse Dialogflow response into AppResponse because of invalid platform response: Could not find a RichResponse or SystemIntent in the platform response for agentId: ~~ and intentId: ~~. WebhookStatus: code: 2 message: "Webhook call failed. Error: UNKNOWN." ..
I'm not really well versed in DialogFlow, so I'm not sure what's happening. If anyone has any advice, I'd really appreciate it!
Edit: So, here's what happens that triggers the error. I follow the tutorial all the way to the end. I run the test and type in their test request 'rahman'. The response I get back from the test is the above error. I'm not sure what other details I can add, but if there's anything else I can provide, please let me know!
Edit 2: Following the next comment I received, I opened the cloud functions up in the GCP console and found that a new function was made called dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment. I checked the logs for the 'youtube' function I made, and found this notification:
insertId: "..."
labels: {
execution_id: ""
logName: "projects/<name of project>/logs/"
receiveTimestamp: "<time>"
resource: {
labels: {…}
type: "cloud_function"
severity: "ERROR"
textPayload: "Warning, estimating Firebase Config based on GCLOUD_PROJECT. Intializing firebase-admin may fail"
timestamp: "<time>"
I then checked out the new function that was made without me knowing and saw it didn't deploy, having an error: "Function failed on loading user code. Error message: Node.js module defined by file index.js is expected to export function named dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment". I checked the logs and found this:
insertId: "<id>"
logName: "projects/<project name>/logs/"
operation: {
id: "operations/<id>"
last: true
producer: ""
protoPayload: {
#type: ""
authenticationInfo: {
principalEmail: "<email>"
methodName: ""
requestMetadata: {
destinationAttributes: {
requestAttributes: {
resourceName: "projects/<project name>/locations/us-central1/functions/dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment"
serviceName: ""
status: {
code: 3
receiveTimestamp: "<time>"
resource: {
labels: {…}
type: "cloud_function"
severity: "ERROR"
timestamp: "<time>"
I know this isn't a good sign, but I also don't know how to really interpret where I should go fix the error. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks!

Nodejs gRPC error with { [Error] code: 14, metadata: Metadata { _internal_repr: {} } }

I used gRPC In my application, but I got an error like this { [Error] code: 14, metadata: Metadata { _internal_repr: {} } }, I can't understand what's meaning. thanks for your answer .
This means that the server you sent the request to responded with status code 14: Unavailable. This is supposed to be a temporary status, so you should be able to successfully make the request just by sending it again.
