What is the language whose a function returns value assigned to ret? - programming-languages

The being returned value is assigned to ret, which is a special variable name. One can place another statements following ret = somevalue and the function returns the value of ret after evaluating all of them even if return statement is not put. Maybe the language doesn't have return statement. I glanced through its tutorial of the language once but I can not remember the name of that programming language. Thanks


element => command in Terraform

I see a code as below in https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-efs/blob/master/examples/complete/main.tf#L58
# Mount targets / security group
mount_targets = { for k, v in toset(range(length(local.azs))) :
element(local.azs, k) => { subnet_id = element(module.vpc.private_subnets, k) }
I am trying to understand what => means here. Also this command with for loop, element and =>.
Could anyone explain here please?
In this case the => symbol isn't an independent language feature but is instead just one part of the for expression syntax when the result will be a mapping.
A for expression which produces a sequence (a tuple, to be specific) has the following general shape:
(The KEY_SYMBOL, portion and the if CONDITION portion are both optional.)
The result is a sequence of values that resulted from evaluating RESULT (an expression) for each element of SOURCE_COLLECTION for which CONDITION (another expression) evaluated to true.
When the result is a sequence we only need to specify one result expression, but when the result is a mapping (specifically an object) we need to specify both the keys and the values, and so the mapping form has that additional portion including the => symbol you're asking about:
The principle is the same here except that for each source element Terraform will evaluate both KEY_RESULT and VALUE_RESULT in order to produce a key/value pair to insert into the resulting mapping.
The => marker here is just some punctuation so that Terraform can unambiguously recognize where the KEY_RESULT ends and where the VALUE_RESULT begins. It has no special meaning aside from being a delimiter inside a mapping-result for expression. You could think of it as serving a similar purpose as the comma between KEY_SYMBOL and VALUE_SYMBOL; it has no meaning of its own, and is only there to mark the boundary between two clauses of the overall expression.
When I read a for expression out loud, I typically pronounce => as "maps to". So with my example above, I might pronounce it as "for each key and value in source collection, key result maps to value result if the condition is true".
Lambda expressions use the operator symbol =, which reads as "goes to." Input parameters are specified on the operator's left side, and statement/expressions are specified on the right. Generally, lambda expressions are not directly used in query syntax but are often used in method calls. Query expressions may contain method calls.
Lambda expression syntax features are as follows:
It is a function without a name.
There are no modifiers, such as overloads and overrides.
The body of the function should contain an expression, rather than a statement.
May contain a call to a function procedure but cannot contain a call to a subprocedure.
The return statement does not exist.
The value returned by the function is only the value of the expression contained in the function body.
The End function statement does not exist.
The parameters must have specified data types or be inferred.
Does not allow generic parameters.
Does not allow optional and ParamArray parameters.
Lambda expressions provide shorthand for the compiler, allowing it to emit methods assigned to delegates.
The compiler performs automatic type inference on the lambda arguments, which is a key advantage.

How is this a valid answer when converting boolean value to a string

we have a function bool_to_string(flag) and you're supposed to define it so that the bool value passed to the function i.e flag is always returned as a string.
bool_to_string = str
This was a valid answer but I don't understand how it works. I know about lambda but this doesn't appear to be that. Can someone explain to me how it is so short?
edit: like the person below highlighted, our original function was just converting a value to string. That is the same the built-in function str() does so we have just swapped out our original function with str. Simple and clean solution.
The expression creates a new function bool_to_string and assigns it the value of function str. In essence, bool_to_string is an alias for the str function.
In Python, everything is an object you can work with functions in the same way as with any other data type.

Multiple assignments to function return value

In a SystemVerilog function, is it legal to do multiple assignments to the implicitly-declared return variable? See the following function for an example:
localparam int Q=1,I=0;
function logic [1:0][Q:I][15:0] Cast24to16(input logic [1:0][Q:I][23:0] din);
foreach (Cast24to16[n,iq])
Cast24to16[n][iq] = din[n][iq][23 -: 8];
The language reference manual, IEEE Std 1800-2017, sec 13.4.1 states:
Function return values can be specified in two ways, either by using a return statement or by assigning a value to the internal variable with the same name as the function.
This seems a little unclear as to whether you can assign multiple times, like in my example. Furthermore, the example from the LRM directly after this statement and also all other examples I can find online all show the implicit return value only being assigned once. This makes me feel a bit unsettled.
The LRM also says just before the section you quoted
The function definition shall implicitly declare a variable, internal to the function, with the same name as the function.
I think you can safely assume that if there is no explicit return statement, it effectively inserts an implicit return (var_function_name);
Also, if you declare your function with a static lifetime (which is the implicit default lifetime in a module), that implicit return variable has a static lifetime as well. That means it retains its value from the last time you called the function regardless of whether you assign it or not.
module top;
function int countme;
initial repeat (10) $display(countme());

Binary Search algorithm random array

I don't understand why the recursive function always gives me zero result, even if I put values inside the array.
it seems that size (a) == 0
recursive function binarySearch_R (a, value) result (bsresult)
real, intent(in) :: a(6), value
integer :: bsresult, mid
mid = size(a)/2 + 1
if (size(a) == 0) then
bsresult = 0 ! not found
else if (a(mid) > value) then
bsresult= binarySearch_R(a(:mid-1), value)
else if (a(mid) < value) then
bsresult = binarySearch_R(a(mid+1:), value)
if (bsresult /= 0) then
bsresult = mid + bsresult
end if
bsresult = mid ! SUCCESS!!
end if
end function binarySearch_R
program hji
read*, a
read*, value
print*, binarySearch_R
end program hji
Chapter 1: The dangers of implicit typing
The first thing I strongly recommend you do is to include the line
implicit none
after the program line. This will suppress implicit typing, and the resulting errors will give you some useful insight into what is happening.
If you did that, you'd get an error message:
$ gfortran -o binsearch binsearch.f90
read*, a
Error: Symbol ‘a’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
Error: Symbol ‘binarysearch_r’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
read*, value
Error: Symbol ‘value’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
It doesn't matter that a, value, and binarySearch_R were defined in the function. As the function is not part of the program block, the program doesn't know what these are.
With implicit typing active, it simply assumed that all three are simple real variables. (The type depends on the first letter of the variable name, i through n are integer, everything else is real)
Because this implicit typing can so easily hide coding errors, it's strongly, strongly suggested to always switch it off.
Which also means that we have to declare the variables a and value in the program:
program hji
implicit none
real :: a(6), value
end program hji
Chapter 2: How to introduce a function to the program?
So how does the program get access to the function? There are four ways:
The best way: Use a module
module mod_binsearch
implicit none
recursive function binarySearch_R (a, value) result (bsresult)
end function binarySearch_R
end module mod_binsearch
program hji
use mod_binsearch
implicit none
real :: a(6), value
end program hji
Note that the use statement has to be before the implicit none.
This method leaves the function separate, but callable.
It automatically checks that the parameters (that's something we'll be coming to in a bit) are correct.
Have the function contained in the program.
Between the final line of code of the program and the end program statement, add the keyword contains, followed by the function code (everything from recursive function ... to end function ...).
This is the quick-and-dirty method. You have to be careful with this method as the function will automatically have access to the program's variables unless there's a new variable with that name declared inside the function.
The convoluted way: Interfaces
Create an interface block in the declaration section of your program's source code,
and repeat the interface information in there.
This still allows the compiler to check whether the function is invoked correctly, but it's up to you to ensure that this interface block is correct and matches the actual implementation.
The really, really ugly way: Declare it like a variable, invoke it like a function.
Please don't do that.
Chapter 3: Calling a function
When you call a function, you have to use the parentheses and give it all the parameters that it expects. In your case, you need to type
print *, binarySearch_r(a, value)
Chapter 4: Dynamic arrays as dummy parameters
In the successive recursive calls to the function, the array gets smaller and smaller.
But the dummy parameter is always the same size (6). Not only will this interfere with your algorithm, but this can also lead to dangerously undefined memory access.
Fortunately, specially for intent(in) dummy parameters, you can use dynamic arrays:
recursive function binarySearch_R(a, value)
real, intent(in) :: a(:), value
The single colon tells the compiler to expect a one-dimensional array, but not the length of it. Since you're already using size(a), it should automatically work.
Too long for a comment, but not an answer (and to any Fortran experts reading this, yes, there are one or two places where I gloss over some details because I think they are unimportant at this stage) ...
The way the code is written does not allow the compiler to help you. As far as the compiler is concerned there is no connection between the function and the program. As far as the program is concerned a is, because you haven't told the compiler otherwise, assumed to be a real scalar value. The a in the program is not the same thing as the a in the function - there is no connection between the function and the program.
The same is true for value.
The same is true for binarysearch_r - and if you don't believe this delete the function definition from the source code and recompile the program.
So, what must you do to fix the code ?
First step: modify your source code so that it looks like this:
program hji
... program code goes here ...
recursive function binarySearch_R (a, value) result (bsresult)
... function code goes here ...
end function binarySearch_R
end program hji
This first step allows the compiler to see the connection between the program and the function.
Second step: insert the line implicit none immediately after the line program hji. This second step allows the compiler to spot any errors you make with the types (real or integer, etc) and ranks (scalar, array, etc) of the variables you declare.
Third step: recompile and start dealing with the errors the compiler identifies. One of them will be that you do not pass the arguments to the function so the line
print*, binarySearch_R
in the program will have to change to
print*, binarySearch_R(a, value)

Idiomatic way for single-expressions procs in nim

Why do I see
proc simple(a, b: int) : int =
result = a + b
so often in nim code when it seems as if
proc simple(a, b: int) : int =
a + b
would suffice? Is there any semantic difference between those two that I'm missing?
The only reference to implicitly returning the last statement I found on nim-lang wasn't in the manual but in the tut where it states that
[...] a proc's body can consist of a single expression whose value is
then returned implicitly.
Which seems misleading: it seems as it works for every 'last expression' (unless result was already set, then the result of the statement has to be discarded)
In the coding conventions (https://nim-lang.org/docs/nep1.html#introduction-coding-conventions) they recommend to use return only if it's needed in the flow.
The book Nim in Action says 'it's not idiomatic to use the return keyword as the last statement of the proc', but it's not explicit about result = a + b vs a + b. From the snippets around the book, the convention seems to be:
Prefer a + b.
Use result = a + b only if you are modifying result, as in result.add(b).
Use return a only to do an early exit from the proc.
The book also list this gotcha that won't compile:
proc resultVar: string =
result = "The result"
"This cause an error"
The reason behind code like result = a + b or return a is that people can't get all the idiomatics, specially when they are beginners like me. I still see for i in range(len(variable)) in Python code, which is not only non-pythonic but ugly and underperformant.
One of the more exotic features is the implicit result variable: every procedure in Nim with a non-void return type has an implicit result variable that represents the value that will be returned [Wikipedia].
