Source of oauth_token_secret for Evernote Authentication - python-3.x

I am working with the Evernote Python SDK, and proceeding through the Oauth workflow description here.
How do I get a oauth_token_secret? I have my consumer secret, but don't see how to get the oauth_token_secret.
To retrieve an access token, I believe I will need to use the "get_access_token" function. One of the required arguments there is the oauth_token_secret.
I have the other pieces required (oauth_token, oauth_verifier).

I think you can leave that blank.


Does authlib support refresh my access token when using client credentials?

I'm new to authlib, and while checking on the documentation it mentions that it supports "auto-refresh" for password grant_type.
I was wondering if the library is able to detect when the currently associated token expired, while using client_credentials, and then request a new access token for me. (doing the whole OAuth dance for me)
It seems ugly to check for every call that I need to do, whether I got a 401 and then trigger the action of getting a new token.
Is there a best practice to follow here? can this be added as a decorator somehow?
To add some flavour to the previous answer, I was able to get the refresh_token function to work for a recent API integration.
This had some peculiarities in that I had to pass the client_id and client_secret in the refresh_token call. I also had to set the grant_type. These may not be applicable to the API you're trying to use.
from authlib.integrations.requests_client import OAuth2Session
my_token = {'refresh_token':current_refresh_token,
'access_token': current_access_token,
'expires_at': current_access_token_expires_at,
'expires_in': current_access_token_expires_in}
oauth_session = OAuth2Session(CLIENT_ID,CLIENT_SECRET,
new_token = oauth_session.refresh_token(
It will refresh your token automatically, here is the code for that:

Spotify API Token Scope Issue

I have been at this for sometime now and wanted to see if anyone had and idea of what I could be doing wrong. What I am trying to do is add a song to a playlist using the provided Spotify Web APIs. According to the documentation on this I need to establish the scope of the user.
"adding tracks to the current user’s private playlist (including collaborative playlists) requires the playlist-modify-private scope" I have created the playlist as collaborative and I am using the login credentials of my personal account to reach this playlist I created. all this is under the same login.
What I am finding is that my scope is not getting added to my token on my call for my token causes a 403 error when I try to add the song.
Here is what that call looks like
here are the docs on using authorization to get the correct token.
further more if I go into the dev support here
and click the green try button and then request a new token it works.
Bottom line some how my request is not taking my scope request. Any Ideas?
To get the token with a specific scope you need to go to the authorize endpoint and get the code. The code is what you want to get to be able http post to the endpoint and get a token with your desired scopes. You can simply get the code by pasting a url like this in your browser...<client_id>&response_type=code&scope=streaming%20user-read-email%20user-read-private&redirect_uri=<redirect_uri>
Only add %20 in between scopes if you have multiple ones
You will then be sent to spotify's website and they'll verify you want to do this. Once you verify it your browser will redirect you to what you set the redirect_uri to be in the url above. At the end of the url that you are sent to, you should be able to see the parameter name code with the code value assigned to it. You then get that code and put it in your http post body params to the endpoint. Make sure you accurately follow the query params requirements in your post method.
An example of the post in python using the requests library:
authorization =
auth=(client_id, client_secret),
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"code": <code>,
"redirect_uri": <redirect_uri>
authorization_JSON = authorization.json()
return authorization_JSON["access_token"]
In the end you should get a json that shows the scopes you set a long with a refresh the token later on to make more requests.
I know this answer is quite late but I was experiencing the same issue as well which is how I came across this question. I hope this helps anyone that sees this at a later date.

How to get Correct Subscription key for microsoft Face API for Nodejs?

I am using project-oxford inorder to use Microsoft API with nodejs. I am keep on getting error that ,
{"code":"Unspecified","message":"Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure you are subscribed to an API you are trying to call and provide the right key."}
{"code":"Unspecified","message":"Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure you are subscribed to an API you are trying to call and provide the right key."}
I have also regenerated my subscription key for my microsoft account and tried to access the code. Still I am getting the same issue. Spent lot of time to find my bug fixed, But I couldn't able to solve.
This is my nodejs code,
var oxford = require('project-oxford'),
client = new oxford.Client({SubscriptionKey});{
url: path,
}).then(function (response) {
console.log('Response ' + JSON.stringify(response));
},function (error) {
Please guide me to fix this issue.Thanks in Advance!!
You can obtain a key via the Microsoft Cognitive Services web site.
From what I can gather, you are using, is that correct?
It seems that project requires one subscription key, which then is used for all API calls. I can't see any reasons it shouldn't work, if you have signed up for the subscription key for the Video API.
Given that the library you're using is built the way it is, it seems to me that you will only be able to use one API at the time, doing it the way you're doing it now.
Am I making any sense?
Actually Now I am getting output for the same code excepting that I was not able use the localhost URL [i.e., http://localhost:3000/uploads/img.jpg]. While using the url of webserver only then I am getting the output!!
Can anyone explain me the complete fact. i.e., I need to know whether I cannot use the localhost url. If I use so I am getting the error which I have posted in this question.

How to access "current logged-in user" in remote methods?

recently in one of my applications I needed to access currently logged-in user data for saving in another model (something like the author of a book or owner of a book). in my googling, I encountered these references but none of them was useful.
all of them have this problem about accessing context or req object. after three days I decided to switch to afterRemote remote hook and add Owner or Author on that stage.
but something was wrong with this solution.
in strongloop's documentations ( there is a variable as ctx.req.accessToken that saves current logged-in user access token. but in the application this variable is undefined.
instead, I found accessToken in ctx.req.query.access_token and it was currently access_token variable that is sent to the server.
here is my problem:
is this variable (ctx.req.query.access_token) always available or
it's just because loopback-explorer send access_token as GET
in production mode do applications need to send access_token as
GET variable or it should be sent as Authorization in the header?
why ctx.req.accessToken is undefined?
could these things change over time? cause most of users encounter this problem due to deprecation of app.getCurrentContext()
Is this variable (ctx.req.query.access_token) always available or
it's just because loopback-explorer send access_token as GET
Well if your application always sends in the querystring, then it'll be always available for you, but it also sent in the header, or cookie or in the request body, but I don't suggest using it because it if the user logged in and the access token is valid and ctx.req.accessToken should be available and you can use it.
In production mode do applications need to send access_token as
GET variable or it should be sent as Authorization in the header?
I believe Authorization header is preferred, as if you send it in a GET variable, well it'll be visible in the logs and someone with the access to the logs can access the session(well unless you trust everyone), other than this it's fine to have it in a GET variable. Though I believe loopback client SDKs(Angular, Android, iOS) all send it via Authorization header by default, so you might have to configure them(maybe not possible).
Why ctx.req.accessToken is undefined?
Sometimes the context is lost thanks to the database drivers connection pooling, or the context req is lost(ctx.req) and they are null.
Assuming ctx.req is defined(because sometimes it's not), then probably that means the user is not logged it, or it's access token wasn't valid(expired or not in database). Also it could be a bug(maybe misconfiguration on your side), which also means for you that you will authentication problems.
Could these things change over time? cause most of users encounter this problem due to deprecation of app.getCurrentContext()
app.getCurrentContext is risky to use and I don't suggest unless you have no other solution. If you use it and it works, it might stop working if the database driver changes or in some corner cases that you haven't tested it, it might not work.
In the updated doc
add this in your remoting metadata
"accepts": [
{"arg": "options", "type": "object", "http": "optionsFromRequest"}
MyModel.methodName = function(options) {
const token = options && options.accessToken;
const userId = token.userId
but it says
In LoopBack 2.x, this feature is disabled by default for compatibility reasons. To enable, add "injectOptionsFromRemoteContext": true to your model JSON file.
so add "injectOptionsFromRemoteContext": true on your model.json file

Can't get client-credentials access token to authorize Power BI

I'm trying to use the Power BI REST API, using an access token acquired with the "client credentials" method, but I keep getting 403 Forbidden on my requests.
My code follows the pattern demonstrated in this AzureAD sample. In fact, to isolate this problem, I'm running that sample code (with my own values in the parameters.json, of course):
expiresIn: 3599,
tokenType: 'Bearer',
expiresOn: Tue Sep 01 2015 16:56:07 GMT-0500 (CDT),
resource: '00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000',
accessToken: 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ik1uQ19WWmNBVGZNNXBPWWlKSE1iYTlnb0VLWSIsImtpZCI6Ik1uQ19WWmNBVGZNNXBPWWlKSE1iYTlnb0VLWSJ9.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.YTGJfdW1wP09bDHwwsv3FPAmEpmQdc_kifvgY-1KjhkZWANfYtd050wfeZdNgMUeSPZyFdWnoBjnJ4xrlDtnsADwV1Grr6TXYcymPLofbY-xy0cjyvzxTmM11DJ9XN8A4tkgvK0jtR-YyIjPw5EKJSKyeEbD9U3mWsE_gu7IzKzXl8e-dfVAqRYS6WHZy6_0FaNmppPDls5s_QIPOHofFSiWVISw41Mz0fQnP2QEGyceOCvKYJtrUOCDwfVuwFS-gSLmYvEGOJfmIjftP3srda0JPirVzBeU0IFJJ1KW81kE5cfKw1KkBB04VVetRUs_7HqloYaKKiTybauhXAodRQ',
isMRRT: true,
_clientId: '[snip]',
_authority: '[snip]'
When I use that access token in a curl request, as follows, I get a 403:
curl -vv -X GET -H"Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ik1uQ19WWmNBVGZNNXBPWWlKSE1iYTlnb0VLWSIsImtpZCI6Ik1uQ19WWmNBVGZNNXBPWWlKSE1iYTlnb0VLWSJ9.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.YTGJfdW1wP09bDHwwsv3FPAmEpmQdc_kifvgY-1KjhkZWANfYtd050wfeZdNgMUeSPZyFdWnoBjnJ4xrlDtnsADwV1Grr6TXYcymPLofbY-xy0cjyvzxTmM11DJ9XN8A4tkgvK0jtR-YyIjPw5EKJSKyeEbD9U3mWsE_gu7IzKzXl8e-dfVAqRYS6WHZy6_0FaNmppPDls5s_QIPOHofFSiWVISw41Mz0fQnP2QEGyceOCvKYJtrUOCDwfVuwFS-gSLmYvEGOJfmIjftP3srda0JPirVzBeU0IFJJ1KW81kE5cfKw1KkBB04VVetRUs_7HqloYaKKiTybauhXAodRQ"
Wondering if that curl request was flawed somehow, I snooped out an access token “the wrong way” via browser webtools, and the above works fine, returning a 200 and a JSON response listing my datasets.
I did also notice that the return code is 403 (forbidden), not 401 (unauthorized), so I wondered if the authorization was okay but the permissions on the Power BI side were wrong. But I also get 403 when I use any garbage text for the access token (e.g., Authorization: Bearer foo), so I discarded that theory.
So. I think I have a valid test, and I’m getting what I think is a valid access token (from that client-credentials-sample.js code), but it’s still not working. What am I missing?
With the assistance of some Microsoft folks (thanks, Jon Gallant & Josh Caplan), I've learned that authenticating with an OAuth client-credentials flow, as I was doing with that JavaScript sample, provides insufficient access. To use Power BI, authentication needs to be based on a particular user.
I tried using:
the similar JavaScript sample username-password-sample.js
a resource value of (thanks, slugslog)
adding username and password to the parameters.json
That got me closer, but I was still getting a 400 response: "error_description":"AADSTS90014: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'client_secret or client_assertion'. …".
A hack to the adal-node library (hardcoding the client secret, i.e., oauthParameters[OAuth2Parameters.CLIENT_SECRET] = "my-client-secret"; after line 217 of token-request.js) was enough to get back an access token which works in the Authorization header for my original curl call.
Of course hardcoding that value in there isn't my final solution. I don't plan to use the adal-node library, anyway. But as far as this proof-of-concept for this authentication case goes, that's the answer I came to.
Make sure that your app that you registered with AAD has the read write all datasets permission. That should solve the problem.
This is not an answer but one step forward in the debug process. I think the resource for which the token is requested should be "". I've seen these in multiple references; one of them is linked below. Even after changing this, I still get a 403. As the OP mentioned if we use the accessToken from the powerBI portal, everything works.
So I tried this with my own app, the following command works (for me):
curl -vv -X GET -H"Authorization: Bearer ey....qqqq"
BTW, the extra "v" after -v seems redundant.
So what I can conclude is that your application is missing the required permissions to call Power BI's APIs.
One thing you might try is grab one of our samples, create a new application in AAD for it, and then see if the authorization token works for it. Here's a good one to try:
