API Calls from HTTPClient or Backend? - node.js

I'm currently developing an Angular 6 page where we are doing some Http Post calls and sending the authentication as the header. The header is static (fixed password).
Is there any security differences sending it from the Angular frontend side with HttpClient, or sending it to an endpoint in our Node.Js backend (on cloud premises) and sending it there? Our thinking is that the "header" will be "hidden" for the client since we are sending it through our backend instead.
Another note, we will have the entire site behind authentication, and the clients logged obviously have the right to see the authentication, but we would like preferably not to.
Any thoughts and suggestions?

Depending on what you are trying to do with your post request, In previous projects I have worked on we have used your second approach and used a backend to validate requests before sending them on as I also have worked with secure systems and as a rule of thumb don't trust the client.
Here is some information from Angular's website on security with HttpClient https://angular.io/guide/http#security-xsrf-protection
I hope it helps.


How to restrict access to my Next.js APIs for my application

I am building a Next.js application in which I want to restrict access to my APIs. I only want my application to make those requests.
I once built an app with MERN stack, and I remember I used cors to only allow my domain to make requests to my APIs. But apparantly cors does not work with nextJS, and I tried many npm modules such as nextjs-cors but they didn't work.
I am thinking about using firebase App Check in order to check if this is my app that is making the requests, but I am still hesitant.
What do you think is the optimal and professional solution for this?
P.S.: Is there a similar behavior to cors in but in NextJS because I also remember cors did not allow postman to make requests as well to my APIs.
That is what API keys are for. Since you have control over both client and server, in client requests you can add a random key to headers when you make request. Then on the server, you can extract the headers console.log(req.headers), if the headers include the specific key and matching value, you process the request if not you reject the request.

How can i hide API Key in an Electron JS Project?

i'm working on an electron js app & i need to connect it to an API
knowing that the source code of an electron-js app is visible it's a huge security risk to leave the API key there !
how can i solve this problem ?
Instead of having the electron app (whether from the page or from the main process) make a request to the API directly, you can have it make a request to your own server instead - then, your server can make the request to the API, so that the key is only visible to your server, and isn't exposed publicly anywhere.
This will also let you gate requests from clients - if, for example, the credentials a client sends don't match what you need, or if they make too many requests in too short a time, you can cut them off.
You can't. If API key is shared, it's probably designed to be used in the backend.
The solution for that is to create a backend API for proxying API calls. Such proxying API should utilize authentication, so each user must send individual credentials.
How about obfuscate it using a utility like js-beautify.

Secure requests in nodejs

I have an application. My application has 3 layers.
Front-end (contains front end design and functions)
Back-end 1 (layer 2 - this is the back end server that get data form front-end layer and gives to back-end 2 that contains database operations. this layer is just a transporter)
Back-end 3 is another back-end that triggers database operations by data that gets from layer 2.
When a XHR request send from front-end, it goes to layer 2, in layer 2 in Nodejs server, it will be add an API key and forward request to back-end 2 by special address. in back-end 2 it will check the API key first then trigger the operation.
1- form submited in front end to "/api/create_user"
2- in front-end 2 -> request handled "/api/create_user" get the request and
send to "/api/create_user_dkfjhierhgeirhuggridrfjkndf/APIKEY"
3- in back-end 2 -> it check the the request address and APIKEY then trigger
the request.
The problem is somebody has sent some request by an application they made out of my application.
My question is how can I check requests in layer 2 and make sure this request has been came from our front-end not out of our application?
So... you have an API on the internet, and a web application that uses the API.
Somebody took a look at your application, figured out what your API calls are (reverse engineered), and they wrote their own front end.
If your application is a website, there are some things you can enforce. CORS is one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing
With CORS, the web browser loads the webpage and sees a javascript xhr request. The web browser first ask the web server if the web page has permission to access the web server.
This relies on the web browser enforcing the access. If your adversary is using an app like curl, there isn't much you can do.
The most common mitigation is to require user registration and users need to login. Even this can be gamed, but now the adversary needs to duplicate your login flow, and grab the login credentials.
The final mitigation I'm aware of - You can continue to make it difficult for the adversary to get your pages. You can set a random cookie and verify that cookie for each request. You can set a secret code in the HTML, and pass that with your XHR request (like set it in a header) and verify it exists. You can change your API names, even make them randomly different every day. All these take time for the adversary to figure out, and until they figure it out, they are offline. If it's offline often enough, they might give up.

How to make Node API only accessible by web app?

I'm developing a web app with React and an GraphQL API with Node.js / Express. I would like to make the API more secure so that its harder for API requests that don't come from the web app on the browser to get data. I know how to do it with registered users. But how to make the non-registered user still be able to access some basic data needed for the app?
Is it possible to put some kind of key in the web app - so the API call can't be replicated for others through sniffing the network dev tool in browser and replicating in Postman? Does SSL/TLS also secure requests in that browser tool? Or use like a "standard" user for non-registered visitors?
Its a serverside web app with next.js
I know theres no 100% secure api but maybe its possible to make it harder for unauthorized access.
I'm not sure if this is a problem about CSRF because Its not about accessing user data or changing data through malicious websites etc. But its about other people trying to use the website data (all GET requests to API) and can easily build there own web app on top of my api. So no one can easily query my api through simple Postman requests.
The quick answer is no you can't.
If you trying to prevent what can be describe as legit users form accessing your api you can't really do it. they can always fake the same logic and hit your webpage first before abusing the api. if this is what your trying to prevent your best bet is to add rate limiting to the api to prevent a single user from making too many request to your api (I'm the author of ralphi and
express-rate-limit is very popular).
But if you are actually trying to prevent another site form leaching of you and serving content to their users it is actually easier to solve.
Most browsers send Referrer header with the request you can check this header and see that requests are actually coming from users on your own site (this technique is called Leech Protection).
Leaching site can try and proxy request to your api but since they all going to come from the same IP they will hit your rate limiting and he can only serve a few users before being blocked.
One thing the Leecher site can do is try to cache your api so he wont have to make so many requests. if this is a possible case you are back to square one and you might need to manually block his IP once you notice such abuse. I would also check if it's legal cause he might be breaking the law.
Another option similar to Referrer is to use samesite cookies. they will only sent if the request is coming directly from your site. they are probably more reliable than the Referrer but not all browsers actually respect them.

are nodejs https 3rd party api requests encrypted?

I'm sorry if this is a daft question.
I'm developing an application that uses oauth2 to integrate with a 3rd party api via a server-side flow in node.
The one thing I'd like to confirm is that when I make the final post request to the 3rd party api to retrieve the access token using the node https module is whether or not the connection is encrypted.
From what I gather, when an https request is made from a browser, the browser handles encrypting the data on the client side. Does node encrypt the data in a similar way, or is this something that I need to implement myself?
If there is some background info that I've somehow overlooked in this regard, please let me know.
To answer your question: if the OAuth API service you're querying is served over HTTPS, then your HTTP library (most likely request) is already handling encryption transparently for you. Any time you make a request to an HTTPS endpoint, your request WILL FAIL if the client is not handling encryption properly.
