{Action name} isn't responding right now. Try again soon - azure

I'm new with the ActionSDK and I created an project with the Action SDK.
The fulfillment of my actions is deploy in Azure as a web service.
I've being updating my action with:
gactions update --action_package action.json --project "projectID"
this being said, the update is successful.
this is my action.json:
"actions": [
"name": "MAIN",
"intent": {
"name": "actions.intent.MAIN",
"trigger": {
"queryPatterns": [
"talk to Conduent Helper",
"Talk to conduent help"
"fulfillment": {
"conversationName": "conduentHelpTest"
"conversations": {
"conduentHelpApp": {
"name": "conduentHelpTest",
"url": "https://dialogflowappnc.azurewebsites.net",
"fulfillmentApiVersion": 2
this is a fulfillment code I found after trying my own and had no success with it:
'use strict';
var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var exps = express();
const ApiAiApp = require('actions-on-google').ApiAiApp;
// API.AI actions
const WELCOME_ACTION = 'input.welcome';
exps.post('/', function(request, response) {
console.log("hello World");
const app = new ApiAiApp({request, response});
function greetUser (app) {
app.tell("Hello World!");
let actionMap = new Map();
actionMap.set(WELCOME_ACTION, greetUser);
exps.listen((process.env.PORT || 7001), function() {
console.log("App up and running, listening.")
Whenever I test in the simulator the response is:
{Action name} isn't responding right now. Try again soon.
Whenever I do an update with the command above I see in my web service a request. But when I try to test the action in the simulator I see no request being made.
If someone can point me in the right direction. Point out any knowledge I most gain before proceeding. I there's more info I need to provide let me know and thanks.

Sorry I do not have enough points to comment but We are currently experiencing an outage you can see here if you are being impacted https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/status/
You will want to monitor the Azure Status Page for further updates. Unfortunately we cannot do anything until the problem has been mitigated by engineering.

There are a couple of potential issues:
First - you haven't shown your package.json file, but the code suggests you're using an older version of the actions-on-google library. So the code itself may not be running. Check your runtime logs to make sure it is.
Next, you've specified that it should be listening on port 7001, but the URL you've provided in the actions.json file doesn't include the port number. If that is the host and port it is running on, and you haven't provided a proxy of some sort, then you need to specify the URL as https://dialogflowappnc.azurewebsites.net:7001/
Also, if you're running on port 7001, you likely haven't opened up the firewall to access it.
But it seems likely you're running a proxy (or you should), since you also need to be providing a valid HTTPS connection with a valid SSL certificate. If this is a self-signed certificate, the connection may still be rejected.


Can Open Telemetry Instrument Two Express Services in the Same Node Program?

Let's say I have a NodeJS program that has two separate instances of an express server running.
const express = require('express')
const app1 = express()
app1.listen(3000, () => { //... })
const app2 = express()
app2.listen(3001, () => { //... })
I've been able to instrument a program like this via open telemetry, and have my spans sent/exported successfully to Zipkin. All I needed to do is/was add code like the following to the start of my program.
const { NodeTracerProvider } = require('#opentelemetry/node');
const { ZipkinExporter } = require('#opentelemetry/exporter-zipkin');
const provider = new NodeTracerProvider({
plugins: {
express: {
enabled: true,
http: {
requestHook: (span, request) => {
span.setAttribute("custom request hook attribute", "request");
const options = {
url: 'http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans',
serviceName: 'service-main'
const zipkinExporter = new ZipkinExporter(options);
provider.addSpanProcessor(new SimpleSpanProcessor(zipkinExporter))
and make sure that the express and http plugins were/are installed
npm install #opentelemetry/plugin-http #opentelemetry/plugin-express
This all works great -- except for one thing. Open Telemetry sees both my express services running as the same service-main service.
When I instrumented these services directly with Zipkin -- I would add the Zipkin middleware to each running express server
app1.use(zipkinMiddleware({tracer: tracer1}));
app2.use(zipkinMiddleware({tracer: tracer2}));
Each tracer could be instantiated with its own service name, which allowed each service to have its individual name and show up as a different service in Zipkin.
(/main, /hello, and /goobye are all service via a different express service in the above URL)
Is this sort of thing (instrumenting two services in one program) possible with Open Telemetry? Or would I need to separate these two services out into separate programs in order to have each services have an individual name? This question is less about solving a particular problem, and more about understanding the semantics of Open Telemetry.
It is possible to create two separate tracer providers. Only one of them will be the global tracer provider, which the API will use if you call API methods. You can't use the plugins in this configuration, which means you will have to manually instrument your application. If this is a use-case which is important to you, I suggest you create an issue on the github repo.
yes, you can have multiple express running in the same node process (thats how clustering works in node as well)
but you will need to have them running on different ports.;
# const express = require('express')
const app1 = express()
app1.listen(3001, () => { //... })
const app2 = express()
app2.listen(3002, () => { //... })

Creating an API to wrap an... API?

This isn’t a specific issue question, but I’m trying to wrap my head around the concept of REST APIs and calling an API within your own API.
For example, if I develop an App called “BeesBees”, where users can buy bees, and I have a database of logins and passwords and obviously the bees, and how much each cost, I understand that I can used my own apps BeesBees API to get the list of bees (and if I make it open for other people, they can also use my GET /bees point to get, well, the bees)
But if I want to allow customers to buy the bees, and I don’t want to build a whole platform for doing so, so I integrate Stripe - could I have a POST /:users/charges/:priceOfBee API call that, in turn, called the Stripe API function somewhere somehow? For example, pointing to the URL of a Node.js project that will make the charge using Stripe’s Node.js SDK.
Or, in a case like this, would it be better to just implement the Stripe SDK for my device’s platform and make the charge using the device?
I have no code base so there’s nothing to pick apart, but I couldn’t think of anywhere else to ask, sorry y’all
You can certainly wrap APIs with other APIs, it's really just a form of composition, delegate to other services where it makes sense to do so.
Stripe integration might well be a good example of where it could make sense to follow this pattern. You certainly don't want to roll your own payment service.
Here's a trivial example of a local Express server making an API request:
const express = require("express");
const port = 3000;
const app = express();
const request = require('request');
app.get("/api/example", (req, res) => {
// Make external REST request here...
let options = {
url: 'https://httpbin.org/get',
qs: { parameter1: 42 },
json: true
request(options, (err, response, body) => {
if (err) {
} else {
var server = app.listen(3000, function () {
var host = server.address().address;
var port = server.address().port;
console.log('running at http://' + host + ':' + port)
console.log(`Serving at http://localhost:${port}`);

Configuring Couchbase Server and Couchbase Sync Gateway

I am successfully connecting my couchbase server with my application using localhost:3000
var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require("body-parser");
var couchbase =require("couchbase");
var request = require("request");
var app = express();
var cluster = new couchbase.Cluster('couchbase://localhost');
cluster.authenticate('Administrator', 'ABcd1234');
var bucket = cluster.openBucket('non-med'); //the name of bucket is 'example'
bucket.on('error', function(err) { console.log('Bucket: CONNECT ERROR:', err);});
module.exports.bucket = bucket;
var routes = require("./routes.js")(app);
var server = app.listen(3000, function(){
console.log("Listening on port%s...", server.address().port);
I have also downloaded Couchbase Sync Gateway from on my mac in commend line and service is loaded shown as follows
sudo ./sync_gateway_service_install.sh
chown: sync_gateway: illegal user name
chown: sync_gateway: illegal user name
/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.couchbase.mobile.sync_gateway.plist: service already loaded
Could everyone tell you how can i configure the Conuchbase Sync Gateway in detail??
Any amendment on the app.js
Is there any new file needed to create e.g. sync-gateway-config.json?
If so,
(2a)Where do i include this file? My application project folder?
(2b)May i know the format of json?
Sync gateway needs to run as a separate file.You can set set syncing criteria by creating channels in http://localhost:4985/_admin/. You can refer https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/mobile/current/installation/sync-gateway/index.html to run the sync-gateway. I'll attach a sample sync-gateway configuration file below. Cheers!!
"log": [
"adminInterface": "localhost:4985", //Public port
"interface": "localhost:4984", //Admin port
"databases": {
"your_cluster_name": { //add your couchbase cluster name
"server": "http://localhost:8091", //add couchbase server url
"username": "your_username",
"password": "your_password",
"bucket": "your_bucket_name",
"users": {
"GUEST": {
"disabled": true
"admin": {
"admin_channels": ["*"], //give permission to all the channels
"password": "123456" //admin channel password
"import_docs": "continuous",
"enable_shared_bucket_access": true,
function(doc) {
channel(filter); // set your filtering criteria
Sync Gateway talks directly to Couchbase Server. (In production you will usually not run them on the same machine. Make sure firewall/network filtering doesn't block access.)
Sync Gateway listens for connections from your client (mobile) applications. It does not interact with your Node app in most typical scenarios.
You configure Sync Gateway by supplying a file with your parameters. The name of the file is not important. The format and parameters are in the documentation here: https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/mobile/current/guides/sync-gateway/config-properties/index.html
There are also sample configuration files included in the Sync Gateway distribution.
You do not need to create channels via the admin interface. You typically do this in the configuration file or via the sync function. It is very important to understand the sync function and what it does. See the documentation here: https://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/mobile/2.0/guides/sync-gateway/sync-function-api-guide/index.html

Skype Bot responding with empty body

I'm trying to get a Skype bot up and running based off of the echo example but I'm struggling to make a successful POST to my app. When I send a post to /v1/chat I get back a status of 201 (successful creation), and nothing in the body. My console.log does not print anything either, which leads me to believe that the botService.on('personalMessage', ...) function is not being run. Does anyone have any insight into how these POST requests should be formatted? I cannot seem to find anything in the documentation.
My code:
const fs = require('fs');
const restify = require('restify');
const skype = require('skype-sdk');
const botService = new skype.BotService({
messaging: {
botId: '28:<bot’s id="ID176db9ab-e313-4d76-a60c-bc2a280e9825">',
serverUrl : "https://apis.skype.com",
requestTimeout : 15000,
appId: process.env.APP_ID,
appSecret: process.env.APP_SECRET
botService.on('contactAdded', (bot, data) => {
console.log('contact added');
bot.reply('Hello ${data.fromDisplayName}!', true);
botService.on('personalMessage', (bot, data) => {
console.log('message incoming');
bot.reply('Hey ${data.from}. Thank you for your message: "${data.content}".', true);
const server = restify.createServer();
server.post('/v1/chat', skype.messagingHandler(botService));
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
console.log('Listening for incoming requests on port ' + port);
Final Edit & Solution: I think the problem caused by Heroku somehow(it could be something with their free tier ,1 dyno). After some effort, I uploaded the program to Azure, and it is now working perfectly.
Potential Solution: You need to change the server address in the server.post command. If you run your program in "https:\www.yourwebsite.com/v1/chat" , you need to modify this;
server.post('/v1/chat', skype.messagingHandler(botService));
to this;
server.post('https:\\www.yourwebsite.com/v1/chat', skype.messagingHandler(botService));
Of course, don't forget to specify your app id, bot id, and app secret. If you don't have one, you need to generate a password in your Skype application page.
I have the exact problem with the OP. I followed the tutorial, and it doesn't specify how to modify our code to comply with our server. So, after running the program it only returns this;
{"code":"ResourceNotFound","message":"/ does not exist"}
In the Echo example in the Skype Bot Webpage; it says;
"We'll assume the bot's URL for messaging was set to https://echobot.azurewebsites.net/v1/chat during registration."
Make sure that Procfile and worker processes are setup.
My bot is working fine on heroku itself

phonegap webos 3.0+

I have a phonegap iOS app that i ported to webos on the touchpad the app works great except for the one iOS plugin that i used. it basically saved the canvas data to the photo roll. From my understanding of webos i will need to create a node.js service and write the data to a buffer and finally to the file system, there is an example for that in the forums. however what i can not figure out is how to call all of this from my phonegap app. I believe i will need to have the following in my index.html file.
<script src="/opt/PalmSDK/Current/share/framework/enyo/1.0/framework/enyo.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
and something like
enyo.create({kind: "Main"}).renderInto(document.body);
my guess i will also have to have all of the "kind" data in a js file. but how do i do the little step from my app's js file to communicate with the service that is created. I looked in the phonegap 1.0.js file and see that they are calling services this way.
this.service = navigator.service.Request('palm://com.palm.applicationManager', {
method: 'launch',
parameters: {
id: 'com.palm.app.camera',
params: {
appId: 'com.palm.app.camera',
name: 'capture',
sublaunch: true,
filename: filename
onSuccess: successCallback,
onFailure: errorCallback
but i also noticed it appears that it is all mojo and what i am doing is enyo, so yes i am pretty confused the moment...
seems it should be easy to call a service in webos, say here is a string of image data and write it to the file system from my existing phonegap app. and not have to do everything in enyo. anyone have a sample of a webos plugin like this or know where to point me?
thanks tim
I have created a node service now as defined below, i think that works and i am trying to make the call to the service, but it does not get to it. the test app runs on my touchpad, but when i push the button to save the image i do not get into the service. I tried to follow what was done for the camera in the phonegap0.0.1.js file this is a copy of my service, how i defined it and how i am calling it. any ideas what i am doing wrong.
services.json =
"id": "com.tim.pgmojo1.service",
"description": "FileIO Service",
"services": [
"name": "com.tim.pgmojo1.service",
"description": "FileIO Service",
"commands": [
"name": "writefile",
"assistant": "WriteFileAssistant",
"public": true
** service code
var libraries = MojoLoader.require({ name: "foundations", version: "1.0" });
var fs = IMPORTS.require("fs");
var sys = require('sys');
var WriteFileAssistant = function() {}
WriteFileAssistant.prototype.run = function(future) {
var mypath = this.controller.args.thepath;
var mydata = this.controller.args.thedata;
console.log("in write file");
console.log("path=" + thepath);
console.log("image data=" + thedata);
var data = content.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, "");
var buf = new Buffer(data, 'base64');
fs.writeFile('/media/internal/downloads/timimage.png', buf);
my call to the service**
this.service = navigator.service.Request('palm://com.tim.pgmojo.service', {
method: 'writefile',
parameters: {
thepath: '/media/internal/downloads/timimage.png',
thedata: canvasData
onSuccess: mySuccess,
onFailure: myFailure
currently i have this in my index.html file since it is only for testing..
Mojo is still included on the TouchPad. You can use the same service-calling functions as PhoneGap is doing.
In Enyo, access to on-device services is handled by the enyo.PalmService kind. You can see an example of an app that has a node.js service included and how calls are made to this service at https://github.com/palm/txjs-fortunecookie
