wix web development platform adding meta keywords - meta-tags

I'm using wix web development platform, all I need is to add meta tags keywords.
<meta name="keywords" content="Real Estate,Agent,Realtor,Buy,
but according to documentation I'm only allowed to add meta tags such as:
<meta name='google-site-verification' content='XXXXX' />

To Add header meta tags keywords : Access your Site Manager from inside the Editor. Click the SEO tab. Scroll down to More SEO Settings. Paste the header codes in the text box under Header Code - Meta Tags.


How to tell search engines like Google to display its tabs/url?

When we search in google engine it displays top web site tabs or links too. Like when we search "bing" or "net beans".
Q: How it displays those links. Do we have to tell it to display these links.
Q: Does it something have to do with sitemap.xml/robots.txt or it displays the links present in index.php of that website?
Robots.txt: allow/disallow bots to crawl which page.
sitemap.xml: tells the map/loc of your website pages and also tells the frequency.
Q: How does it display description of a website?
I have searched about description it has to do with meta tag name description. But i open the source file of net beans
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Welcome to NetBeans">
But the description google showing is
Fully-featured Java IDE written completely in Java, with many modules available, such as: debugger, form editor, object browser, CVS, emacs integration, ...
For your first question I should say that those links which you've mentioned are automatically genereted in top most visited websites and portals. If you'd set the sitemap.xml and robots.txt correctly in your website root folder, After a while if your website has a lot of visitors traffic, google detect your top most visited links which users most redirect to and show them in its result as you wish.
For the second question meta tags are not the only criteria the search engines show them in their results, Rather they catch the page content and extract the context from the text content of the page and show the description based on your entered keyword. However your meta description will be shown when keyword is the website name or its domain.
Take a look at Open Graph Protocol to extend your information about meta tags and your requirements for seo.

How can I show a picture before a link in google sites

I have a website that i've set up through google sites. I have a link to an external webpage. What I'd really like to have happen is, if someone clicks the link, it shows a jpg picture for about 5 seconds and then forwards them off to the linked website. Is there a way to do that?
Adding to following tag:
<META http-equiv="refresh" content="5;URL=http://example.com">
to the <head> section of a webpage will redirect the user to example.com, or whatever the URL value is. You can display an image in the <body> section of this page. This seems like the simplest way to accomplish what you want.

How to add custom meta tag in Liferay generated page

I need do put different META tags in different Liferay generated pages.
<!-- Page1 -->
<META name="test1" content="content1" />
<!-- Page2 -->
<META name="test2" content="content2" />
How can I achieve this?
I cannot be more specific because this is the simple problem but I think "Liferay 6.0 doesn't support custom meta tags" can be the answer.
I have to be a bit vague as I don't have all resources available at the moment:
In page management you can set extra meta data per page
You can change your theme to include the required metadata.
If you need it available/configurable on the page level, there are custom fields that you can define. If I recall correctly they are also available for pages. I don't know if there's a UI for it, but you can extend the "Manage Pages" UI to include these custom pages or provide independent settings if required (e.g. a portlet on each page, visible only to those having access to that data)
If a whole group (community/organization) has the same metadata, you might deploy variations of a theme or combine them into a common "virtual" site

Google Meta Bots

I have a question:
If I put this code in my website:
<META NAME="robot" CONTENT="noindex,nofollow">
The google won't search the specific page, right? not all website.
With NOINDEX, Google will not include any content from this page in its index (The page will be invisible to Google searches).
With NOFOLLOW, Google bot will not try and follow any link on this page, hence these pages that the current page links to will not be included in Google index, unless they can be reached (by Google bot) in other ways.
Beware that the snippet in the question uses the wrong name for this META tag. ROBOTS needs to be in its plural form, not ROBOT. While upper/lower/mixed casing doesn't matter, I do not believe the bots will try both names.
And, yes! The rest of the web site will be indexed by Google as normally, unless of other bot exclusions.
The official word on the way Google bots interpret the META tags can be found on the Official Google WebMaster Central Blog

Identify Sharepoint Site

How can we know that a site is a Sharepoint Site?
Because its bloated and slow? Just kidding.
If you mean as a user, you can do a view source and there are several indicators, such as
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft SharePoint" />
I will try these to check if a site is a Sharepoint site
1) Check Url, if it has /sites/ in the url
2) check if accessing [ServerName]/_layouts/images/ERROR.GIF gives a Image
3) check if accessing [ServerName]/_vti_bin/sites.asmx?wsdl will display wsdl for the webservice
4) check if source has
meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft SharePoint"
5) check if source show usage of init.js, core.js
6) check if _spBodyOnLoadWrapper function is being called on page load.
One way is to request URL /_vti_bin/owssvr.dll. If you get back a response other than 404 then you know it is a SharePoint site.
I explain some more details in this blog post.
