How to set `invalidAttributeNamePrefix` value in Java? - htmlcleaner

Suppose I'm cleaning some html using HtmlCleaner (v2.18) and I want to set the property invalidAttributeNamePrefix (see section Cleaner parameters) to some value, i.e.: data-.
This way an attribute my-custom-attr="my-value" in the HTML will be transformed to data-my-custom-attr="my-value".
How can I do that? I wasn't able to find any example for the Java usage.
You can take as reference this piece of code:
HtmlCleaner cleaner = new HtmlCleaner();
CleanerProperties properties = cleaner.getProperties();
// properties.setInvalidAttributeNamePrefix("data-"); there is no such method
// html is a declared variable which contains some html content
TagNode rootTagNode = cleaner.clean(html);
XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new PrettyXmlSerializer(properties);
String cleanedHtml = xmlSerializer.getAsString(rootTagNode);

Upgrading to version 2.22 solves this.
Now it can be done
// ...


apache poi read custom property

I have added a custom property to my workbook object like:
((XSSFWorkbook)workBook).getProperties().getCustomProperties().addProperty("fileNameSuffix" , "testName");
Now how can I read it back again.
Why there is no such method as getProperty(String key) ?
Do you mean like the method POIXMLProperties.CustomProperties.getProperty(String)? I think that should do what you want. Well, assuming you're on a new enough version of Apache POI to have it at least!
However, do note that it returns a CTProperty object, which is fairly low-level, and doesn't have an explicit type on it. You'll have to call the various isSetXXX methods to work out what kind it is, then getXXX to get the value.
There's an example of how to do that in POIXMLPropertiesTextExtractor
I figure a way to do it, but I do not really like it this way
List<CTProperty> customProperties = workBook.getProperties().getCustomProperties().getUnderlyingProperties().getPropertyList();
String fileNameSuffix = "";
for(int i = 0 ; i < customProperties.size() ; i++) {
CTProperty property = customProperties.get(i);
if (customProperties.get(i).getName().equals("testName"))
fileNameSuffix = property.getLpwstr(); // getLpwstr() will return the value of the property

What is the purpose of the SvgElement.tag(String tag) constructor?

There is no documentation in the API doc for the constructors. I would like to understand the purpose/use cases for SvgElement.tag() .
The SvgElement.tag(String tag) constructor creates a new SvgElement for a corresponding tag value.
For example:
var foo = new SvgElement.tag('view');
print(foo is ViewElement); // prints 'true'
would create a new SvgElement specified by the <view> tag.
This means that the above code is the same as:
var bar = new ViewElement();
print(bar is ViewElement); // prints 'true'
See also the tag constructor from the superclass Element.
Use cases for this constructor are places where you get the value of the tag from text and want to generate a new element of that tag value.
You might get the tag from parsing the DOM, or maybe from a different API. The tag constructor is a way to write DOM code in a "Darty" way (with objects and classes) while being able to work with DOM elements via text.
In many cases, it is preferable to create this Element object instead of say, using innerHtml to set the DOM inside of another Element.
var someTagName = 'view';
var someDomNode = query('#id');
// BAD
someDomNode.innerHtml = '<$someTagName> ... </$someTagName>';
var myElement = new SvgElement.tag(someTagName);

Tridion: Dreamweaver doesn't resolves the HTML code field

We have a compound CT, which outputs the code field of one of the component.
The dream-weaver part of CT is as follows:
<!-- TemplateBeginRepeat name="Component.HTMLCode" -->
<!-- TemplateEndRepeat -->
However this CT displays the code field on the page, instead of converting into HTML.
For eg: If the code field has a value as ->
<div align="center" id="loginapp"></div>
Then this same value is displayed on page instead of parsing.
In the page source, we get output as "&lt ;div align=&quot ;center" id=&quot ;loginapp&quot ;&gt ;&lt ;/div&gt ;"
I know this can be resolved if we use C#.
But is there any way using dreamweaver to stop the conversion of special characters?
You should use dwt to publish the code to server, I mean create new dwt for every code and just paste the code in the dwt. you can use this dwt with emply component or resource type component.
or if you want to use text field, try following tbb code. add this tbb at the end of the template.
public override void Transform(Engine engine, Package package)
Regex objExp = new Regex(#"&#\d+;", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Regex objDecExp = new Regex(#"[^0-9]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
this.Initialize(engine, package);
string strPackage = package.GetValue("Output");
strPackage = unescapeHTML(strPackage);
strPackage = objExp.Replace(strPackage, delegate (Match match)
string strInput = match.ToString();
strInput = objDecExp.Replace(strInput, "");
int intValue = Convert.ToInt32(strInput);
char strChar = (char)intValue;
return strChar.ToString();
strPackage = strPackage.Trim();
Item objOutput = package.CreateStringItem(ContentType.Html, strPackage);
package.PushItem("Output", objOutput);
private string unescapeHTML(string strInput)
StringBuilder strOutput = new StringBuilder(strInput);
strOutput.Replace(""", """);
strOutput.Replace(" ", " ");
strOutput.Replace("&", "&");
strOutput.Replace("&apos;", "'");
strOutput.Replace("<", "<");
strOutput.Replace(">", ">");
strOutput.Replace("¡", "&#161");
strOutput.Replace("¢", "&#162");
strOutput.Replace("£", "&#163");
strOutput.Replace("¤", "&#164");
strOutput.Replace("¥", "&#165");
strOutput.Replace("¦", "&#166");
strOutput.Replace("§", "&#167");
strOutput.Replace("¨", "&#168");
strOutput.Replace("©", "&#169");
strOutput.Replace("ª", "&#170");
strOutput.Replace("¬", "&#172");
strOutput.Replace("­", "&#173");
strOutput.Replace("®", "&#174");
strOutput.Replace("¯", "&#175");
strOutput.Replace("°", "&#176");
return strOutput.ToString();
If I recall correctly it is depending on your fieldtype, if in your Schema you use a normal text field, then HTML is escaped, if you use a rich text field, it will be resolved.
An option would perhaps be to write a Dreamweaver Custom function which allows you to unescape the field (represent it as an HTML field rather than a text field). As you mentioned you could also do it in a TBB, but the Dreamweaver Custom Functions are directly callable from the DWT Template. Either way I think you indeed need to do some coding yourself.
RenderComponentField has two parameters: bool htmlEncodeResult, and bool resolveHtmlAsRTFContent. Are you using this built in function?
Thanks for your help. After lots of trials with dreamweaver code, we decided to use C# TBB instead which solved the purpose.
Also reading the multiline field as a textfield was one of the mistake we committed. This caused the field value to be displayed on page instead of rendering as a code behind.
We finally solved the issue using "MultilineTextField".

Error while adding data to ExpandoObject like dictionary

I am trying to understand c# dynamic. I have an ExpandoObject instance assigned to dynamic variable.
I understand ExpandoObject is implementing IDictionary. But the below assignment fails.
dynamic obj = new ExpandoObject();
obj["Test"] = "TestValue";
Can someone tell me where i am going wrong?
However the above statement seems to be working fine.
To do that, you need to cast the ExpandoObject to IDictionary<string, object>.
This is normal Expando usage:
obj.Test = "TestValue";
This is string-literal (or string variable) usage:
var d = (IDictionary<string, object>)obj;
d["Test"] = "TestValue";
string s = "Test";
d[s] = "TestValue";
If the interface implementation is explicit, you need to cast to a reference of the interface in order to access the members. I'm guessing this is what has happened here.

CATextlayer with AttributedString in MonoTouch

I am trying to create a "label" with different styles on different words, kind of like described here.
The problem is - as far as I can see - the MonoTouch implementation of UATextLayer does not accept assigning an NSAttributedString to the String property since the String property has the type string.
Is this an error in the implementation or is there another way of doing this?
(Yes, I am aware I can add separate labels - but I would rather not when there is a better solution).
EDIT (in response to the answer from Miguel):
After changing to GetHandler and correcting to "void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr" instead of "void_objc_msgSend_IntPrt" the code in the answer compiles and runs, but it doesn't quite work anyway (I was a bit fast in marking it as the answer).
No errors are thrown, but the text doesn't show.
string _text="Example string";
if(_textLayer==null) {
_textLayer = new CATextLayer();
_textLayer.Frame = new RectangleF(50,698,774,50);
CTFont _font=new CTFont("MarkerFelt-Thin",48);
CTStringAttributes _attrs=new CTStringAttributes();
_attrs.ForegroundColor = UIColor.White.CGColor;
var nsa = new NSAttributedString(_text);
If I uncomment the _textLayer.String=_text I see the text (but without attributes of course), so the problem is not with the layer.
For now, you can try:
using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime;
var caTextLayer = new CATextLayer ();
var nsa = new NSAttributedString ();
Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPrt (
Selector.sel_registerName ("string"),
Alternatively, can you download this preview of the upcoming version:
It implements a property AttributedString in CATextLayer that you can set.
