Find The Highest Value And Return Adjacent Cell Value with duplicates In Excel - excel

I am having an excel with below table
Name Score
A 80
B 45
C 34
D 45
E 99
F 99
G 99
In the above table E, F and G's scores are same (sharing the maximum value).
I am trying to achieve the Top 3 'Names' and hence trying the formula -
Max 2nd =INDEX(A1:A8,MATCH(LARGE(B1:B8,2),B1:B8,1))
Max 3rd =INDEX(A1:A8,MATCH(LARGE(B1:B8,3),B1:B8,1))
However, I am getting the FIRST name's 'E' only for the rest of the maximum. values.
I am expecting F and G to be displayed the next.
Can anyone please help.
Thanks in advance

You will need a list of the scores that you can increase the LARGE's k parameter using COUNTIF. This can be something as simple as the following in an unused cell and filled down,
=large(b$2:b$8, row(1:1))
Now use this formula beside the list you just created and fill down.
=INDEX(A:A, AGGREGATE(15, 7, ROW(A:A)/(B$1:B$8=E2), COUNTIF(E$2:E2, E2)))


Formula to get crossed values

I am trying to get values from other column, based on some logic, crossed logic, but I didn't get any result with the only thing I know: IF or VLOOKUP.
The table is in this way:
So basically there are groups divided by blank row, and in column D I want to add the value from column B, but according with other letter that the one from the row ( C is from Credit, D is from Debtor). So in first D5 I have C on the same row in A5, so I need to take value from D, which is 2, according to B6.
So sorry if this question is too easy or stupid, but I don't know much about excel formulas, other that the basic one.
I'd say the fastest way with formula takes two columns. The first one (let's say column C) will use this formula to define the blocks:
It's meant for cell C5.
The second column will give back the actual result:
It's meant for cell D5.
Place them accordingly and drag them down to cover your list.
Then again: if you are looking just for the number and not for its sum (and therefore assuming all numbers are equal for each letter in each block), just use this one in cell D5 instead of the previous one:
Now if you were to use only IF and VLOOKUP functions, a possible solution could be this one:
Block index
What to search
What is

Return Multiple Unique Matches in Excel without Array Formula

Given an Excel table of shape
Col. A Col B Col. C Col. D Col. E
x 2 x 2 3
x 3 y 7
y 7 z -5
x 2
z -5
I want to return the first unique hit in Column B for argument "x" in Column D,
the second unique hit in Column B for argument "x" in Column E and so forth.
The formula I'm currently using in cell D1 for this is
which is working.
The problem I'm having is that since this is an array formula and since I'm analyzing a decent amount of data computation time for my sheet is too high.
Is there an alternative for this functionality avoiding an array formula?
Haven't got time to test this properly, but if you have Excel 365 you can use a single formula per row and it may be faster:
in D1.
To pull the formula down, you need static references as OP has pointed out. Probably should check for empty cells in column C as well, so formula becomes:

Assign one value at the time from a column i Excel if the value is the same

I got some help with a problem finding column values in Excel: Find column value Excel
The table looks like this:
A 17 8,5 5,666666667 4,25 3,4 2,833333333 2,428571429
B 5 2,5 1,666666667 1,25 1 0,833333333 0,714285714
C 5 2,5 1,666666667 1,25 1 0,833333333 0,714285714
G 4 2 1,333333333 1 0,8 0,666666667 0,571428571
The code that I got help with basically selects A, B, C and G based of the order of the largest numeric value. The largest value is 17, that is one point for A, then comes 8,5 which gives another point for A. That works fine.
However, then comes 5. I now get B two times instead of first B and the C (the order does not matter, but I do not want to get two points for B when B and C have the same value). How can this be fixed?
(The real problem that this example illustrates is the number of seats on local boards in Swedish multiplicitets, where the number of seats for the different parties is based on the number of seats in the city council.)
Edit: Formula: =INDEX($J$16:$J$25,AGGREGATE(14,6,ROW($K$16:$W$25)/(K28=$K$16:$W$25),1)-ROW($J$16)+1)
Edit2: Wanted result:
Mandate Party
1 A
2 A
3 A
4 B
5 C
To do this by formulas, I think a simple way is to
unpivot the original data using formulas
Apply a unique rank formula to that data
Then use VLOOKUP to return ranks 1-n
The following formulas and defined names will be useful
origTbl =Sheet2!$A$1:$H$4
unpivotTbl =Sheet2!$A$8:$C$35
A8 =RANK(C8,$C$8:$C$35,0)+COUNTIF($C$8:C8,C8)-1
B8 =INDEX(origTbl,INT((ROWS($1:1)-1)/7)+1,1)
C8 =INDEX(origTbl,INT((ROWS($1:1)-1)/7)+1,MOD(7+ROWS($1:1)-1,7)+2)
Fill down A8:C8 to row 35
In the formulas in B8 and C8, the 7 is the number of columns in origTbl minus 1 (eg: COLUMNS(origTbl)-1)
Any changes you make in origTbl will be reflected in the final table
For appearances, you can certainly hide the UnPivot table someplace.
Note: in my locale, decimal separator is the dot

Find Cell Address

ColumnA Column B Column C
name sales index
A 1250 1875
B 5500 15000
C 4500 5625
F 12750 13125
B 7250 28125
F 2000 13875
E 9250 23625
F 39250 16875
A 2250 25500
B 7250 15750
A 8250 29250
B 16500 11625
C 500 804000
In the above table I want to find out the cell address when F has maximum sales. Can somebody help me with excel formula. e.g. in the above table the output will be B9
="B" & MATCH(MAX(IF(A:A="F",B:B)),IF(A:A="F",B:B),0)
This is an array formula and must be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter. This will return the address of the first max value for "F" if there are equal values that are the max.
Also as noted by #XORLX Change the whole column references to the actual data size or big enough to cover what is needed. This will speed up the calculation. With the Array formula it will iterate through the whole column twice. It will run over 2 million times.
Though the real question is for what purpose are you going to use the answer? If the end is to merely know the address then use the above.
But if not then there may be a way to get to the end in one step.

Count data if row is true excel

I have this Data:
var number
a 1
a 4
a 30
b 4
b 50
b 6
b 4
ab 1
I need to find the sum of each time a (var occurs X the number next column right) in excel.
In the case above the answer would be:
a = 36
b = 65
How can I write a formula for this in excel? Can I do this in excel?
Since you are counting the last one as well, I would use this formula:
Here, there is the value a in cell B2 and I can drag the formula down for B instead of typing a whole new formula. Handy if you have many like those to look for.
I assume that you have the table you published above in cells A1:B8. In order to do the calculating you would like to do you need to use the array-functionality in Excel. The following syntax in a cell will do:
However, instead of ENTER you need to press COMMAND+SHIFT+ENTER (I am on a Mac so it might be that Windows has a slightly different key combo. The result is that the formula now reads like:
This will give you 35 and not 36, but in a similar manner you could sum all the columns with 'ab' and then add that up to the sum of the 'a' columns.
Good luck!
