NSUrlSessionDataDelegate: Most methods don't get called - iis

yesterday I wanted to implement the DidReceiveData method to my NSUrlSessionDataDelegate. I noticed that the DidReceiveData method never gets called, and while I tried to track down the error I noticed that the other methods don't get called either. I'm pretty sure that the other methods worked before, I don't know if I changed something or maybe a Xamarin.iOS update is the cause, but maybe I am wrong here and they never worked.
I can confirm this problem for the methods DidReceiveResponse, DidReceiveData, and DidCompleteWithError.
Here is the code that creates the NSUrlSession and handles the response (note: I call IIS WebMethods that answer in XML):
public async Task<string> Invoke(string sUrl)
session = NSUrlSession.FromConfiguration(NSUrlSessionConfiguration.DefaultSessionConfiguration,
(INSUrlSessionDelegate)new SessionDelegate((x)=> _fehlermeldung = x), // Übergebe Methode damit der SessionDelegate die Fehlermeldung weiterreichen kann
request = CreateGETRequest(CreateNSUrl(sUrl));
var data = session.CreateDataTaskAsync(request, out dataTask);
NSUrlSessionDataTaskRequest response = null;
response = await data;
catch (NSErrorException ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Error.LocalizedDescription + ": " + _fehlermeldung);
var doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode elem = doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild;
return elem.InnerText;
private NSUrl CreateNSUrl(string url)
string converted = ((NSString)url).CreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(NSStringEncoding.UTF8);
var nsurl = NSUrl.FromString(converted);
if (nsurl == null)
throw new Exception("Fehlerhafte URL: Aus '" + url + "' konnte kein gültiges NSUrl Objekt erzeugt werden.");
return nsurl;
private NSMutableUrlRequest CreateGETRequest(NSUrl nsurl)
return new NSMutableUrlRequest(nsurl) { HttpMethod = "GET" };
And here is my implementation of the session delegate:
private class SessionDelegate : NSUrlSessionDataDelegate, INSUrlSessionDelegate
private readonly Action<string> setFehler;
public SessionDelegate(Action<string> setFehler)
this.setFehler = setFehler;
public override void DidReceiveResponse(NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionDataTask dataTask, NSUrlResponse response, Action<NSUrlSessionResponseDisposition> completionHandler)
var http_response = response as NSHttpUrlResponse;
if (http_response == null)
setFehler($"Keine HTTP Url Antwort erhalten: {Environment.NewLine}'{response}'");
var status_code = (int)http_response.StatusCode;
if (status_code == 200)
setFehler($"Verbindung abgewiesen, HTTP Status: { status_code}, '{ http_response.ToString()}'");
public override void DidReceiveData(NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionDataTask dataTask, NSData data)
public override void DidCompleteWithError(NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionTask task, NSError error)
if (error != null)
var ex = new NSErrorException(error);
throw (ex);
public override void DidReceiveChallenge(NSUrlSession session, NSUrlSessionTask task, NSUrlAuthenticationChallenge challenge, Action<NSUrlSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, NSUrlCredential> completionHandler)
[...] // This is working fine for Client Cert Authentication or Basic Authentication
The DidReceiveChallenge method does get called and is working. I cut it out for readability.
All the other methods don't get called. I would like to know what I am doing wrong. You can find the same questions from native iOS users, but I can't figure out how to implement their solutions with Xamarin.iOS.
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.


Testing a Multipart file upload Azure Function

So I have written a simple Azure Function (AF) that accepts (via Http Post method) an IFormCollection, loops through the file collection, pushes each file into an Azure Blob storage container and returns the url to each file.
The function itself works perfectly when I do a single file or multiple file post through Postman using the 'multipart/form-data' header. However when I try to post a file through an xUnit test, I get the following error:
System.IO.InvalidDataException : Multipart body length limit 16384 exceeded.
I have searched high and low for a solution, tried different things, namely;
Replicating the request object to be as close as possible to Postmans request.
Playing around with the 'boundary' in the header.
Setting 'RequestFormLimits' on the function.
None of these have helped so far.
The details are the project are as follows:
Azure Function v3: targeting .netcoreapp3.1
public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
public IConfiguration Configuration { get; private set; }
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
var x = builder;
private void InitializeConfiguration(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
var executionContextOptions = builder
Configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile("appsettings.Development.json", optional: true)
public class UploadImages
private readonly IBlobService BlobService;
public UploadImages(IBlobService blobService)
BlobService = blobService;
[RequestFormLimits(ValueLengthLimit = int.MaxValue,
MultipartBodyLengthLimit = 60000000, ValueCountLimit = 10)]
public async Task<IActionResult> Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = "images")] HttpRequest req)
List<Uri> returnUris = new List<Uri>();
if (req.ContentLength == 0)
string badResponseMessage = $"Request has no content";
return new BadRequestObjectResult(badResponseMessage);
if (req.ContentType.Contains("multipart/form-data") && req.Form.Files.Count > 0)
foreach (var file in req.Form.Files)
if (!file.IsValidImage())
string badResponseMessage = $"{file.FileName} is not a valid/accepted Image file";
return new BadRequestObjectResult(badResponseMessage);
var uri = await BlobService.CreateBlobAsync(file);
if (uri == null)
return new ObjectResult($"Could not blob the file {file.FileName}.");
if (!returnUris.Any())
return new NoContentResult();
return new OkObjectResult(returnUris);
Exception Thrown:
The below exception is thrown at the second if statement above, when it tries to process req.Form.Files.Count > 0, i.e.
if (req.ContentType.Contains("multipart/form-data") && req.Form.Files.Count > 0) {}
System.IO.InvalidDataException : Multipart body length limit 16384 exceeded.
Stack Trace:
MultipartReaderStream.UpdatePosition(Int32 read)
MultipartReaderStream.ReadAsync(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
StreamHelperExtensions.DrainAsync(Stream stream, ArrayPool`1 bytePool, Nullable`1 limit, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
MultipartReader.ReadNextSectionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
FormFeature.InnerReadFormAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
UploadImages.Run(HttpRequest req) line 42
UploadImagesTests.HttpTrigger_ShouldReturnListOfUploadedUris(String fileNames)
xUnit Test Project: targeting .netcoreapp3.1
Over to the xUnit Test project, basically I am trying to write an integration test. The project references the AF project and has the following classes:
public class TestHost
public TestHost()
var startup = new TestStartup();
var host = new HostBuilder()
ServiceProvider = host.Services;
public IServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; }
private void ReplaceTestOverrides(IServiceCollection services)
// services.Replace(new ServiceDescriptor(typeof(ServiceToReplace), testImplementation));
private class TestStartup : Startup
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
private static void SetExecutionContextOptions(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
builder.Services.Configure<ExecutionContextOptions>(o => o.AppDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
public class TestCollection : ICollectionFixture<TestHost>
public const string Name = nameof(TestCollection);
HttpRequestFactory.cs: To create Http Post Request
public static class HttpRequestFactory
public static DefaultHttpRequest Create(string method, string contentType, Stream body)
var request = new DefaultHttpRequest(new DefaultHttpContext());
var contentTypeWithBoundary = new MediaTypeHeaderValue(contentType)
Boundary = $"----------------------------{DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x")}"
var boundary = MultipartRequestHelper.GetBoundary(
contentTypeWithBoundary, (int)body.Length);
request.Method = method;
request.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
request.Headers.Add("Content-Type", contentType);
request.ContentType = $"{contentType}; boundary={boundary}";
request.ContentLength = body.Length;
request.Body = body;
return request;
private static string GetBoundary(MediaTypeHeaderValue contentType, int lengthLimit)
var boundary = HeaderUtilities.RemoveQuotes(contentType.Boundary);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boundary.Value))
throw new InvalidDataException("Missing content-type boundary.");
if (boundary.Length > lengthLimit)
throw new InvalidDataException(
$"Multipart boundary length limit {lengthLimit} exceeded.");
return boundary.Value;
The MultipartRequestHelper.cs class is available here
And Finally the Test class:
public class UploadImagesTests
readonly UploadImages UploadImagesFunction;
public UploadImagesTests(TestHost testHost)
UploadImagesFunction = new UploadImages(testHost.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IBlobService>());
public async void HttpTrigger_ShouldReturnListOfUploadedUris(string fileNames)
var formFile = GetFormFile(fileNames);
var fileStream = formFile.OpenReadStream();
var request = HttpRequestFactory.Create("POST", "multipart/form-data", fileStream);
var response = (OkObjectResult)await UploadImagesFunction.Run(request);
Assert.True(response.StatusCode == StatusCodes.Status200OK);
private static IFormFile GetFormFile(string fileName)
string fileExtension = fileName.Substring(fileName.IndexOf('.') + 1);
string fileNameandPath = GetFilePathWithName(fileName);
IFormFile formFile;
var stream = File.OpenRead(fileNameandPath);
switch (fileExtension)
case "jpg":
formFile = new FormFile(stream, 0, stream.Length,
fileName.Substring(0, fileName.IndexOf('.')),
Headers = new HeaderDictionary(),
ContentType = "image/jpeg"
case "png":
formFile = new FormFile(stream, 0, stream.Length,
fileName.Substring(0, fileName.IndexOf('.')),
Headers = new HeaderDictionary(),
ContentType = "image/png"
case "pdf":
formFile = new FormFile(stream, 0, stream.Length,
fileName.Substring(0, fileName.IndexOf('.')),
Headers = new HeaderDictionary(),
ContentType = "application/pdf"
formFile = null;
return formFile;
private static string GetFilePathWithName(string filename)
var outputFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
return $"{outputFolder.Substring(0, outputFolder.IndexOf("bin"))}testfiles\\{filename}";
The test seems to be hitting the function and req.ContentLength does have a value. Considering this, could it have something to do with the way the File Streams are being managed? Perhaps not the right way?
Any inputs on this would be greatly appreciated.
As per this post, I have also tried setting the ValueLengthLimit and MultipartBodyLengthLimit in the Startup of the Azure Function and/or the Test Project as opposed to attributes on the Azure Function. The exception then changed to:
"The inner stream position has changed unexpectedly"
Following this, I then set the fileStream position in the test project to SeekOrigin.Begin. I started getting the same error:
"Multipart body length limit 16384 exceeded."
It took me a 50km bike ride and a good nights sleep but I finally figured this one out :-).
The Azure function (AF) accepts an HttpRequest object as a parameter with the name of 'req' i.e.
public async Task Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = "images")] HttpRequest req)
The hierarchy of the files object in the HttpRequest object (along with the parameter names) is as follows:
HttpRequest -> req
FormCollection -> Form
FormFileCollection -> Files
This is what the AF accepts and one would access the files collection by using req.Form.Files
In my test case, instead of posting a FormCollection object, I was trying to post a Stream of a file to the Azure Function.
var formFile = GetFormFile(fileNames);
var fileStream = formFile.OpenReadStream();
var request = HttpRequestFactory.Create("POST", "multipart/form-data", fileStream);
As a result of this, req.Form had a Stream value that it could not interpret and the req.Form.Files was raising an exception.
In order to rectify this, I had to do the following:
Revert all changes made as part of UPDATE 1. This means that I removed the 'RequestFormLimits' settings from the Startup file and left them as attributes on the functions Run method.
Instantiate a FormFileCollection object and add the IFormFile to it
Instantiate a FormCollection object using this FormFileCollection as a parameter.
Add the FormCollection to the request object.
To achieve the above, I had to make the following changes in code.
Change 'Create' method in the HttpRequestFactory
public static DefaultHttpRequest Create(string method, string contentType, FormCollection formCollection)
var request = new DefaultHttpRequest(new DefaultHttpContext());
var boundary = $"----------------------------{DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x")}";
request.Method = method;
request.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
request.Headers.Add("Content-Type", contentType);
request.ContentType = $"{contentType}; boundary={boundary}";
request.Form = formCollection;
return request;
Add a private static GetFormFiles() method
I wrote an additional GetFormFiles() method that calls the existing GetFormFile() method, instantiate a FormFileCollection object and add the IFormFile to it. This method in turn returns a FormFileCollection.
private static FormFileCollection GetFormFiles(string fileNames)
var formFileCollection = new FormFileCollection();
foreach (var file in fileNames.Split(','))
return formFileCollection;
Change the Testmethod
The test method calls the GetFormFiles() to get a FormFileCollection then
instantiates a FormCollection object using this FormFileCollection as a parameter and then passes the FormCollection object as a parameter to the HttpRequest object instead of passing a Stream.
public async void HttpTrigger_ShouldReturnListOfUploadedUris(string fileNames)
var formFiles = GetFormFiles(fileNames);
var formCollection = new FormCollection(null, formFiles);
var request = HttpRequestFactory.Create("POST", "multipart/form-data", formCollection);
var response = (OkObjectResult) await UploadImagesFunction.Run(request);
Assert.True(response.StatusCode == StatusCodes.Status200OK);
So in the end the issue was not really with the 'RequestFormLimits' but rather with the type of data I was submitting in the POST message.
I hope this answer provides a different perspective to someone that comes across the same error message.

How to access api.openrouteservice.org through Androids Volley package

I want to access data on the openrouteservice API - specifically the distance between two given coordinates on the globe - from my Android application.
I have made requests and gotten viable responses from another API that converts two given addresses into their latlong coordinates using the same style of code this request is trying to execute. It works fine, the coordinates arrive and i can further utilize them no problem.
My problem is that i seem to be accessing the API wrongly because if I Log the URL as seen below and copy it from the Debug window into my browser it sends the request, gets a response and shows it in the browser window.
But my application doesn't recieve a response from the API as the onResponse code bit is never executed and the "Fetch done" Log never appears in the actual Debug Log.
The following is my setup of code, which uses Volley to access HTTP Requests and which works fine for other APIs.
protected String doInBackground(String... strings) {
Log.d("Run =>","Query 3");
String targetKoordURL = null;
String startKoordURL = null;
try {
startKoordURL = startK.getString("lon").concat(",").concat(startK.getString("lat"));
targetKoordURL = targetK.getString("lon").concat(",").concat(targetK.getString("lat"));
} catch (JSONException e) {
String URLfin = "https://api.openrouteservice.org/v2/directions/driving-car?api_key=5b3ce3597851110001cf624823e587e7a80c4c6ab02af6d394585213&start="+startKoordURL+"&end="+targetKoordURL;
Log.d("Debug =>", URLfin);
JsonObjectRequest req = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, URLfin, null, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
store = response;
Log.d("Run =>", "Fetch done!");
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
if(error instanceof TimeoutError || error instanceof NoConnectionError){
sideFetcherHTTPRequestStart replace = new sideFetcherHTTPRequestStart();
Log.d("VOLLEY_ERROR", "Retrying on Kilometer request");
public Map<String, String> getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("Accept", "application/json,application/geo+json,application/gpx+xml,img/png; charset=utf-8");
return params;
return null;
You forget to add the request to request queue, try to do as following:
// Instantiate the RequestQueue.
RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);
JsonObjectRequest req = new JsonObjectRequest(/*params*/);
//add above request to queue

Fastest way to return view in customRestService using a bean

I have written a custom rest Service on an Xpage, which is tied to a bean. The Xpage is:
I cobbled together my java agent from some excellent posts around the net. I have just started on the GET. My code runs but I it seems pretty slow (on my dev server). I want to make it as fast as possible. I am using a ViewEntryCollection and I am "flushing" at each record which I assume is streaming.
I am putting my own "[" in the code, so I assume that I am not doing something right, as I never saw any examples of anyone else doing this.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
package com.XXXXX.bean;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.openntf.domino.Database;
import org.openntf.domino.Session;
import org.openntf.domino.View;
import org.openntf.domino.ViewEntry;
import org.openntf.domino.ViewEntryCollection;
import org.openntf.domino.utils.Factory;
import com.ibm.commons.util.io.json.JsonException;
import com.ibm.commons.util.io.json.util.JsonWriter;
import com.ibm.domino.services.ServiceException;
import com.ibm.domino.services.rest.RestServiceEngine;
import com.ibm.xsp.extlib.component.rest.CustomService;
import com.ibm.xsp.extlib.component.rest.CustomServiceBean;
public class PCServiceBean extends CustomServiceBean {
public void renderService(CustomService service, RestServiceEngine engine) throws ServiceException {
try {
HttpServletRequest request = engine.getHttpRequest();
HttpServletResponse response = engine.getHttpResponse();
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
String method = request.getMethod();
if (method.equals("GET")) {
this.doGet(request, response);
} else if (method.equals("POST")) {
this.doPost(request, response);
} else if (method.equals("PUT")) {
this.doPut(request, response);
} else if (method.equals("DELETE")) {
this.doDelete(request, response);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void doDelete(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
private void doPut(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
private void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
private void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, JsonException {
Session session = Factory.getSession();
Database DB = session.getDatabase(session.getCurrentDatabase().getServer(), "scoApps\\PC\\PCData.nsf");
View pcView = DB.getView("viewAllByStatus");
int i = 1;
Writer out = response.getWriter();
JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(out, false);
ViewEntryCollection vec = pcView.getAllEntries();
int count = vec.getCount();
for (ViewEntry entry : vec) {
Vector<?> columnValues = entry.getColumnValues();
if (i != count) {
i = i + 1;
Change your code to
JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(out, false);
ViewEntryCollection vec = pcView.getAllEntries();
int count = vec.getCount();
for (ViewEntry entry : vec) {
Vector<?> columnValues = entry.getColumnValues();
It uses JsonWriter's
startArray() and endArray() instead of out("[") and out("]")
startArrayItem() and endArrayItem() instead of out(",") and flush()
The JSON response string gets shorter if you set JsonWriter's compact option to true:
JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(out, true);
I see two problems.
First - use ViewNavigator. Here's good explanation of its performance gain.
Second - prepare your JSON in advance. This is very good technique to avoid unnecessary code (and time to process it) to get JSON data from Domino documents.

Custom error pages in servicestack

How do I configure ServiceStack to serve specific error pages (404, 500, etc.) depending on the type of error being returned?
Currently, I'm using the RawHttpHandler below code to ensure that a request for a HTML file is authenticated. However, if the user specifies a non-existent file or endpoint, how can I have it return my 404.html page.
this.RawHttpHandlers.Add(httpReq =>
var session = httpReq.GetSession();
if(!session.IsAuthenticated) {
var isHtmlFileRequest = httpReq.PathInfo.EndsWith(".html");
if(isHtmlFileRequest && !files.Any(s => httpReq.PathInfo.ToLower().Contains(s))) {
return new RedirectHttpHandler {
AbsoluteUrl = "/Login.html"
return null;
The Error Handling wiki shows different ways to Customize Handling of Exceptions in ServiceStack, e.g you can redirect 404 errors to /404.cshtml with:
public override void Configure(Container container)
this.CustomHttpHandlers[HttpStatusCode.NotFound] =
new RazorHandler("/404");
CustomHttpHandlers can be any IServiceStackHandler which is just a HttpHandler that supports both ASP.NET and HttpListener requests. The easiest way to create one is to just inherit from IServiceStackHandler. Here's an example of a Custom Static File Handler similar to StaticFileHandler except it only writes the specified filePath instead of using the HTTP Request path:
public class CustomStaticFileHandler : HttpAsyncTaskHandler
string filePath;
public CustomStaticFileHandler(string filePath)
this.filePath = filePath;
public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase context)
var httpReq = context.ToRequest(GetType().GetOperationName());
ProcessRequest(httpReq, httpReq.Response, httpReq.OperationName);
public override void ProcessRequest(IRequest request, IResponse response,
string operationName)
response.EndHttpHandlerRequest(skipClose: true, afterHeaders: r =>
var file = HostContext.VirtualPathProvider.GetFile(filePath);
if (file == null)
throw new HttpException(404, "Not Found");
var outputStream = r.OutputStream;
using (var fs = file.OpenRead())
fs.CopyTo(outputStream, BufferSize);
This can then be registered as normal, i.e:
public override void Configure(Container container)
this.CustomHttpHandlers[HttpStatusCode.NotFound] =
new CustomStaticFileHandler("/404.html");

J2ME - How to make a thread return a value and after that thread is finished, use the return value in other operations?

I got some questions regarding the use of threads, specially when you have to wait for a thread to be finished so you can perform other operations.
In my app, I use threads for operations such as http connections or when I read from or write to a RecordStore.
For example in the following class that I use to initialize my thread, I retrieve some customers from a webservice using the method called HttpQueryCustomers.
public class thrLoadCustomers implements Runnable {
private RMSCustomer mRMSCustomer;
private String mUrl;
public thrLoadCustomers(RMSCustomer rmsCust, String url) {
mRMSCustomer = rmsCust;
mUrl = url;
public void run() {
String jsonResultados = "";
try {
jsonResultados = HttpQueryCustomers();
} catch (IOException ex) {
//How to show a message from here??
} catch (SecurityException se) {
//How to show a message here??
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
//How to show a message from here??
if (!jsonResultados.equals("")) {
try {
} catch (RecordStoreException ex) {
//How to show a message from here???
public String HttpQueryCustomers() throws IOException,SecurityException,NullPointerException {
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
HttpConnection hc = null;
InputStream is = null;
try {
hc = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(mUrl);
if (hc.getResponseCode() == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {
is = hc.openInputStream();
int ch;
while ((ch = is.read()) != -1) {
stringBuffer.append((char) ch);
} finally {
String jsonData = stringBuffer.toString();
return jsonData.toString();
Notice in the above class that I pass a parameter called rmsCust of the type RMSCustomer
RMSCustomer is a class that I use to handle all the operations related to RMS:
public class RMSCustomer {
private String mRecordStoreName;
private Customer[] mCustomerList;
public RMSCustomer(String recordStoreName) {
mRecordStoreName = recordStoreName;
public Customer[] getCustomers() {
return mCustomerList;
public Customer get(int index) {
return mCustomerList[index];
public void save(String data) throws RecordStoreException,JSONException,NullPointerException {
RecordStore rs = null;
int idNuevoRegistro;
String stringJSON;
try {
rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore(mRecordStoreName, true);
JSONArray js = new JSONArray(data);
//Set the size of the array
mCustomerList = new Customer[js.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < js.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsObj = js.getJSONObject(i);
stringJSON = jsObj.toString();
idNuevoRegistro = addRecord(stringJSON, rs);
//Add a new Customer to the array
mCustomerList[i] = initializeCustomer(stringJSON, idNuevoRegistro);
} finally {
if (rs != null) {
public int addRecord(String stringJSON, RecordStore rs) throws JSONException,RecordStoreException {
byte[] raw = stringJSON.getBytes();
int idNuevoRegistro = rs.addRecord(raw, 0, raw.length);
return idNuevoRegistro;
public Customer initializeCustomer(String stringJSON, int idRecord) throws JSONException {
Customer c = new Customer();
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(stringJSON);
// Set Customer properties
return c;
This class is used to show a list of customer and ,as you can see, it extends the List class and receives an array of Customers as a parameter.
public class ListCustomers extends List {
private final Customer[] mData;
public static ListCustomers create(Customer[] data) {
int i = 0;
for (; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i] == null) {
String[] names = new String[i];
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
names[j] = data[j].name;
return new ListCustomers(names, data);
protected ListCustomers(String names[], Customer[] data) {
super("List of Customer", IMPLICIT, names, null);
mData = data;
public Customer getSelectedObject() {
return mData[this.getSelectedIndex()];
Finally this is how I call the thread from the MIDlet (using all the 3 previous classes) when I want to show a List of Customers:
private void showCustomerList(String url) {
if (scrCustomerList == null) {
rmsCustomers = new RMSCustomer("rmsCustomers");
thrLoadCustomers load = new thrLoadCustomers(rmsCustomers, url);
Thread t = new Thread(load);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
scrCustomerList = ListCustomers.create(rmsCustomers.getCustomers());
Now here's the problems I have :
The showWaitForm() doesn't work (it sets a form with a Gauge as the
Current form)
I don't know how to show all the exceptions that might be thrown from
within the thrLoadCustomers class.
I don't know whether using t.join() is the best choice
The last question is about something the book I'm reading says :
Threads, in particular, can be a scarce commodity. The MSA
specification requires that an application must be allowed to create
ten threads. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. In general,
try to use the fewest resources possible so that your application will
run as smoothly as possible
This is the first time a use threads, and in my app I might have up to 10 threads (classes). However, I will only execute once thread at the time, will I be going against what the previous quotation says??
I hope I'm not asking too many questions. Thank you very much for your help.
P.D Much of the code I posted here wouldn't have been possible with the help of Gregor Ophey
Question #1 is about a different problem not related to threading, and for which very little code is shown. I'd suggest you to post a new dedicated question with proper explanation of the issue.
Questions #2 and #3: You could define a wrapper class like this:
public class WSResult {
private boolean success; //true if the WS call went ok, false otherwise
private String errorMessage; //Error message to display if the WS call failed.
private Object result; //Result, only if the WS call succeeded.
private boolean completed = false;
//TODO getter and setters methods here
In your screen, you can create an instance of result and wait for it:
WSResult result = new WSResult();
//Start thread here
new Thread(new LoadCustomersTask(result)).start();
//This is old school thread sync.
//Here the thread has returned, and we can diaplay the error message if any
} else {
//Display result.getErrorMessage()
Then your runnable would be like this:
class LoadCustomersTask implements Runnable {
private final WSResult result;
public LoadCustomersTask(WSResult res){
result = res;
public void run(){
//Do the WS call
//If it went well
result.setErrorMessage("Your error message");
//In any case, mark as completed
//And notify awaiting threads
You can also do it with thread.join, but wait/notify is better because you not making the screen depend on the particular thread where the runnable runs. You can wait/notify on the result instance, as shown, or on the runnable if it is intended for a single use.
Question #4: Yes threads must not be abused, specially in JavaME where programs usually run in single core CPUs with a frecuency in the order of MHz. Try not to have more than 1-3 threads running at the same time. If you really need to, consider using a single thread for running all background tasks (a blocking queue).
