Microsoft.Azure.Mobile Client - Handling Server Error using custom IMobileServiceSyncHandler - Xamarin Forms - azure

I have implemented the Azure - Offline Sync based on the documentation / Sample provided by Microsoft Sample in my Xamarin Forms Application.
In the sample / documentation provided, they are using the default Service Handler.
// Simple error/conflict handling. A real application would handle the various errors like network conditions,server conflicts and others via the IMobileServiceSyncHandler.
Since I need to implement a retry logic for 3 times if the Pull / Push fails. As per the documentation I have created a custom Service Handler(IMobileServiceSyncHandler).
Please find my code logic here.
public class CustomSyncHandler : IMobileServiceSyncHandler
public async Task<JObject> ExecuteTableOperationAsync(IMobileServiceTableOperation operation)
MobileServiceInvalidOperationException error = null;
Func<Task<JObject>> tryExecuteAsync = operation.ExecuteAsync;
int retryCount = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < retryCount; i++)
error = null;
var result = await tryExecuteAsync();
return result;
catch (MobileServiceConflictException e)
error = e;
catch (MobileServicePreconditionFailedException e)
error = e;
catch (MobileServiceInvalidOperationException e)
error = e;
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
if (error != null)
if(retryCount <=3) continue;
//Need to implement
//Update failed, reverting to server's copy.
return null;
public Task OnPushCompleteAsync(MobileServicePushCompletionResult result)
return Task.FromResult(0);
But I am not sure how to handle / revert server copy in case all the 3 retry failed.
In the TODO sample they where reverting it based on the
MobileServicePushFailedException. But which is available when we implement IMobileServiceSyncHandler.
More over if we include custom IMobileServiceSyncHandler it wont execute the code after PushAsync / PullAsync. Even the try catch wont fire in case any exception.
await this.client.SyncContext.PushAsync();
await this.todoTable.PullAsync(
//The first parameter is a query name that is used internally by the client SDK to implement incremental sync.
//Use a different query name for each unique query in your program
catch (MobileServicePushFailedException exc)
if (exc.PushResult != null)
syncErrors = exc.PushResult.Errors;
// Simple error/conflict handling. A real application would handle the various errors like network conditions,
// server conflicts and others via the IMobileServiceSyncHandler.
if (syncErrors != null)
foreach (var error in syncErrors)
if (error.OperationKind == MobileServiceTableOperationKind.Update && error.Result != null)
//Update failed, reverting to server's copy.
await error.CancelAndUpdateItemAsync(error.Result);
// Discard local change.
await error.CancelAndDiscardItemAsync();
Debug.WriteLine(#"Error executing sync operation. Item: {0} ({1}). Operation discarded.", error.TableName, error.Item["id"]);
In my application I am only trying to achieve retry for 3 time in case any server error. I am not looking for to resolve conflicts. Thant is the reason I haven't added the code for the same.
If someone came across similar issues and resolved it please help.

You say you aren't trying to resolve conflicts, but you need to resolve them one way or another (without telling the user what's going on, perhaps) by accepting the server version of the object or updating the client operation. Otherwise it will just keep telling you about the same conflict each time it retries the operation.
You need to have a subclass of the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Sync.MobileServiceSyncHandler class, which overrides OnPushCompleteAsync() in order to handle conflicts and other errors. Let's call the class SyncHandler:
public class SyncHandler : MobileServiceSyncHandler
public override async Task OnPushCompleteAsync(MobileServicePushCompletionResult result)
foreach (var error in result.Errors)
await ResolveConflictAsync(error);
await base.OnPushCompleteAsync(result);
private static async Task ResolveConflictAsync(MobileServiceTableOperationError error)
Debug.WriteLine($"Resolve Conflict for Item: {error.Item} vs serverItem: {error.Result}");
var serverItem = error.Result;
var localItem = error.Item;
if (Equals(serverItem, localItem))
// Items are the same, so ignore the conflict
await error.CancelAndUpdateItemAsync(serverItem);
else // check server item and local item or the error for criteria you care about
// Cancels the table operation and discards the local instance of the item.
await error.CancelAndDiscardItemAsync();
Include an instance of this SyncHandler() when you initialize your MobileServiceClient:
await MobileServiceClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(store, new SyncHandler()).ConfigureAwait(false);
Read up on the MobileServiceTableOperationError to see other conflicts you can handle as well as its methods to allow resolving them.

The exception carries with it a copy of the server version. In my implementation of IMobileServiceSyncHandler I therefore just return error.Value and this seems to work.
A more extensive example of this kind of logic can be found in this MSDN blog.
The same author has another example where he shows how you can resolve the conflict in favour of the server copy or the client copy, here.


Counter triggered when node is deleted/created, but triggers also for changes of children

this is the structure of my firebase db:
/toSelect=true (optional)
My code:
exports.countNumberOfAllDevices = functions.database.ref('/UserData/DeviceMgmt/Devices/{pushId}').onWrite(
(change) => {
const collectionRef = change.after.ref;// /UserData/DeviceMgmt/Devices/{pushId}
const countRef = collectionRef.parent.parent.child('Counters/NumberOfAll');
let increment;
if (change.after.exists() && !change.before.exists()) {
increment = 1;
} else if (!change.after.exists() && change.before.exists()) {
increment = -1;
} else {
return null;
return countRef.transaction((current) => {
return (current || 0) + increment;
}).then(() => {
return console.log('counter /UserData/Counters/NumberOfAll updated.');
is based on functions-samples/child-count/ where pushed messages are replaced by my devices, but my device have children and messages in the example are childless.
My problem is:
When my device is created in java one writing is object creation, another one is update of its child, so the NumberOfAll counter increments by 2.
At every changes within {pushId} device the function is run useless because that does not change the number of devices.
Should I replace countNumberOfAllDevices with
two functions:
incrementNumberOfAllDevices with onCreate (after creating device object no child is created later)
decrementNumberOfAllDevices with onDelete (before deleting device object no child is deleted earlier)
go deeper with snapshot reference from
when uid is never changed between creation and deletion ?
My Java code that triggers the Cloud Function:
testAddNewDeviceToDevices(String token) {
Device device = new Device( "Test", 0, token);
String deviceKey = dbRefDevices.push().getKey();
.addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
#Override public void onFailure(#NonNull Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "failed. Exception: ", e);
You should use onCreate and onDelete. They were introduced in version 1.0 of the SDK for exactly the the case you're describing. It will simplify your code drastically.
IMO, onWrite is not that useful. It's kind of a legacy trigger from pre-1.0 days.

Snyc Azure local Tables with Azure Server tables in xamarin forms

I am using following method to sync Azure DB local table with server table but the changes which I made on my local DB are not reflecting to the Azure server,
public async Task PushDataAsync()
await _mobileService.SyncContext.PushAsync();
catch (Exception exc)
throw exc;
While using above method I am getting Error :-
Push Operation Fail.
Any Help will appreciated.
you are using right method to sync your offline store with server which is :-
await _mobileService.SyncContext.PushAsync();
I would suggest you to wrote few line of code in catch block which will help you to find out the reasons why the operations are not performed on server side
please use code bellow in catch block:-
public async Task PushDataAsync()
await _mobileService.SyncContext.PushAsync();
catch (MobileServicePushFailedException exc)
if (exc.PushResult != null)
syncErrors = exc.PushResult.Errors;
// Simple error/conflict handling.
if (syncErrors != null)
foreach (var error in syncErrors)
if (error.OperationKind == MobileServiceTableOperationKind.Update && error.Result != null || error.OperationKind == MobileServiceTableOperationKind.Insert && error.Result != null || error.OperationKind == MobileServiceTableOperationKind.Delete && error.Result != null)
//Update failed, reverting to server's copy.
await error.CancelAndUpdateItemAsync(error.Result);
// Discard local change.
await error.CancelAndDiscardItemAsync();
Debug.WriteLine(#"Error executing sync {2} operation. Item: {0} ({1}). Operation discarded.",
error.TableName, error.Item["id"], error.OperationKind);
Remember that PushAsync() pushes ALL changes from your local store to the cloud and that PullAsync first performs a Push. I would get rid of the service variable for each table and just use the service as a singleton class across your app. Here is my initialization. After this method returns, my local db is synced with the cloud and I can start using my tables:
public async Task InitializeStoreAsync()
var sqliteStore = _platform.MobileServiceSqliteStore;
sqliteStore.DefineTable<User> ();
sqliteStore.DefineTable<Comment> ();
await _zumoClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(sqliteStore);
_memoryTable = _zumoClient.GetSyncTable<Memory> ();
_userTable = _zumoClient.GetSyncTable<User> ();
_commentTable = _zumoClient.GetSyncTable<Comment> ();
_statusTable = _zumoClient.GetSyncTable<Status>();
await _userTable.PullAsync ();
await _memoryTable.PullAsync ();
await _commentTable.PullAsync ();
await _statusTable.PullAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine ("Initialize Store failed: {0}", ex.Message);
} search for "Handling Conflict Resolution"

Azure Batch Insert: Bad Request Error

I am getting below error while trying to insert multiple entities in Azure Table storage: Bad Request
Below is the Java code for batch insert:
public BatchInsertResponse batchInsert(BatchInsertRequest request){
BatchInsertResponse response = new BatchInsertResponse();
String erpName = request.getErpName();
HashMap<String,List<TableEntity>> tableNameToEntityMap = request.getTableNameToEntityMap();
HashMap<String,List<TableEntity>> errorMap = new HashMap<String,List<TableEntity>>();
HashMap<String,List<TableEntity>> successMap = new HashMap<String,List<TableEntity>>();;
CloudTable cloudTable=null;
for (Map.Entry<String, List<TableEntity>> entry : tableNameToEntityMap.entrySet()){
try {
cloudTable = azureStorage.getTable(entry.getKey());
} catch (Exception e) {
// Define a batch operation.
TableBatchOperation batchOperation = new TableBatchOperation();
List<TableEntity> value = entry.getValue();
for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); i++) {
TableEntity entity = value.get(i) ;
if (i!=0 && i % batchSize == 0) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Above code is working fine if I will assign batchSize value to 10 but if I will assign to 1000 or 100 it will throw Bad request error.
Please help me to resolve this error. I am using Spring boot and Azure-storage Java SDK version 4.3.0.
As Aravind mentioned, 400 error usually means there's something wrong with your data. From this link, an entity batch transaction will fail if one or more of the following conditions are not met:
All entities subject to operations as part of the transaction must have the same PartitionKey value.
An entity can appear only once in the transaction, and only one operation may be performed against it.
The transaction can include at most 100 entities, and its total payload may be no more than 4 MB in size.
All entities are subject to the limitations described in Understanding the Table Service Data Model.
Please check your entities against these four rules and ensure that you're not violating one of the rules.

NodeJS Error Encapsulation

I am currently trying to handle exceptions and errors in a NodeJS app which will be used for critical information. I need a clean error management !
I've been wondering if there is something similar to Java Exceptions encapsulation.
I'm explaning.
In Java you can do something like that :
try {
// something that throws Exception
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new Exception("My message", t);
That allows you to decide when to log your exception and you get the whole stack trace and call path !
I would like to know if there is a way to do the same in NodeJS because logging at every step seems not to be the right way of doing things.
Thank you.
You should look at this module :
Joyent quote it on his error management best pratices :
At Joyent, we use the verror module to wrap errors since it's
syntactically concise. As of this writing, it doesn't quite do all of
this yet, but it will be extended to do so.
It allow you to get details on error message. And tracking the step of the error.
And also hide details to the client with wrapped error : WError() who returns only the last error message.
I answer my own question to explain what i finaly did to have the wanted encapsulation.
I used as Sachacr suggested.
Then I extended it that way :
my_error.js :
var VError = require('verror');
var _ = require('lodash');
function MyError() {
var args = [];
var httpErrorCode;
var cause;
if (arguments.length > 0) {
var lastArgumentIndex = [arguments.length];
cause = manageCause(lastArgumentIndex, arguments);
httpErrorCode = manageHttpCode(lastArgumentIndex, arguments);
for (var i = 0; i < lastArgumentIndex; i++) {
args[i] = arguments[i];
this.__proto__.__proto__.constructor.apply(this, args);
if (cause) {
if (this.stack) {
this.stack += '\n' + cause.stack;
} else {
this.stack = cause.stack;
this.httpErrorCode = httpErrorCode;
MyError.prototype.__proto__ = VError.prototype;
function manageCause(lastArgumentIndex, arguments) {
if (lastArgumentIndex[0] > 0
&& arguments[lastArgumentIndex[0] - 1] instanceof Error) {
return arguments[lastArgumentIndex[0]];
function manageHttpCode(lastArgumentIndex, arguments) {
if (lastArgumentIndex[0] > 0
&& _.isNumber(arguments[lastArgumentIndex[0] - 1])) {
return arguments[lastArgumentIndex[0]];
module.exports = MyError;
It allows me to use it easily in my code :
var MyError = require('./my_error.js');
function withErrors() {
try {
// something with errors
} catch (err) {
// This is the same pattern as VError
return new MyError("My message", err, 401);
function somethingToDo(req, res) {
var result = withErrors();
if (result instanceof MyError) {
That way, i hace a nice stack trace with call path and every line involved in error/exception.
Hope it will help people, cause i searched a looooong time :)
EDIT : I modified my MyError class to add HTTP Error codes and clean arguments management.
You should be able to do something like:
funtion exception(message, error) {
this.message = message;
this.stacktrace = error.stack;
try {
if(someData == false)
throw new exception("something went wrong!", new Error());
catch(ex) {
You can then throw your own custom exception instance containing whatever debugging info you need.
EDIT: added stack trace to exception object

RFCommConnectionTrigger in Windows Universal Apps To detect Incoming Bluetooth Connection

I am working on a Windows Universal App. I Want to get the Data from a Bluetooth Device to the Windows Phone. I am Using the Concept of RFCommCommunicationTrigger for this Purpose.
Here's the code Snippet I am Using
var rfTrigger = new RfcommConnectionTrigger();
// Specify what the service ID is
rfTrigger.InboundConnection.LocalServiceId = RfcommServiceId.FromUuid(new Guid("<some_base_guid>"));
//Register RFComm trigger
var rfReg = RegisterTaskOnce(
rfTrigger, null
SetCompletedOnce(rfReg, OnTaskCompleted);
Here the Function of RegisterTaskOnce
static private IBackgroundTaskRegistration RegisterTaskOnce(string taskName, string entryPoint, IBackgroundTrigger trigger, params IBackgroundCondition[] conditions)
// Validate
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskName)) throw new ArgumentException("taskName");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entryPoint)) throw new ArgumentException("entryPoint");
if (trigger == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("trigger");
// Look to see if the name is already registered
var existingReg = (from reg in BackgroundTaskRegistration.AllTasks
where reg.Value.Name == taskName
select reg.Value).FirstOrDefault();
Debug.WriteLine("Background task "+ taskName+" is already running in the Background");
// If already registered, just return the existing registration
if (existingReg != null)
return existingReg;
// Create the builder
var builder = new BackgroundTaskBuilder();
builder.TaskEntryPoint = entryPoint;
builder.Name = taskName;
// Conditions?
if (conditions != null)
foreach (var condition in conditions)
// Register
return builder.Register();
Here's the code for SetCompletedOnce this will add a Handler only once
static private void SetCompletedOnce(IBackgroundTaskRegistration reg, BackgroundTaskCompletedEventHandler handler)
// Validate
if (reg == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("reg");
if (handler == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");
// Unsubscribe in case already subscribed
reg.Completed -= handler;
// Subscribe
reg.Completed += handler;
I have also Written the BackgroundLibrary.RFBackgroundTask.cs
public sealed class RFBackgroundTask : IBackgroundTask
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
taskInstance.Canceled += new BackgroundTaskCanceledEventHandler(OnCanceled);
Debug.WriteLine("RFComm Task Running");
catch (System.Exception e)
Debug.WriteLine("RFComm Task Error: {0}", e.Message);
The Run Method is Invoked Every Time The Device tries to Open the Connection.
The type of the Trigger that is obtained (the type I am debugging in the run method of the RFBackgroundTask.cs) is printed as
But I am Unable use that because I dont have this Class in the BackgroundLibrary project.
The Documentation says that this Provides information about the Bluetooth device that caused this trigger to fire.
It has Variables like Socket,RemoteDevice etc.
I think I am Missing something very simple
Can you please help me out .
Once your background task is launched, simply cast the TriggerDetails object to an RfcommConnectionTriggerDetails object:
public sealed class RFBackgroundTask : IBackgroundTask
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
taskInstance.Canceled += new BackgroundTaskCanceledEventHandler(OnCanceled);
RfcommConnectionTriggerDetails details = (RfcommConnectionTriggerDetails)taskInstance.TriggerDetails;
StreamSocket = details.Socket; // Rfcomm Socket
// Access other properties...
catch (System.Exception e)
Debug.WriteLine("RFComm Task Error: {0}", e.Message);
