Sharepoint People Picker with arabic input - sharepoint

I've an requirement, that I need to implement corporate search in SharePoint online Page, and user should be able to search the employees in both English and arabic languages.
Corporate search with English has been done, no idea to implement arabic search.

You can export the search results webpart from the search result page in the search center and open the .webpart file with a texteditor.
Then find a property called “DataProviderJSON” in the search results webpart. One of the values of this property is called “FallbackLanguage” which by default is set to “-1″. You can set the value to the specific locale id which you would like to use for the search results, in your case would be 1025 for arabic language.
After changing the value just import the webpart again on the search results page in SharePoint.


Sharepoint Problem: How to find a keyword in documents on a Sharepoint tab using the search bar?

I am working on a sharepoint and I would like when we're searching for a specific word in the search bar to be able to access the documents in a library in which that word is mentioned.
A search bar in the command bar of le libraies should be the best.
I tried to find the word but nothing was found. But it works when the documents are not associated to the sharepoint.

Sharepoint 2013 search - How can we hide promoted results/best bets for a particular search results page

How can we hide promoted results for a particular search results page. This page shows results from a particular list and I do not want to show best bets on this page which are from other location.
If you check out this reference:
you will see that Promoted Results is an option you can turn off in the Results Settings of the Search Results WebPart.

Adding an enterprise keyword value from search results using hover panel

SharePoint Enterprise Search is crawling SharePoint 2010 content and returning the expected results.
The requirement is to add "Enterprise keyword" value from the search results page for the selected document using the Hover panel. Each document already contains the metadata field (Enterprise Keyword).
By modifying the Search Display Template in SP2013 a hyperlink has been added in the Hover Panel as shown below.
When the "Add keyword" hyperlink is selected from the Hover panel it is required to populate the 'Enterprise Keyword' field with predefined value.
Help with an approach to achieve the above functionality (with references) greatly appreciated.

Google custom search with ability to search specific section

I want to use google custom search for my wordpress setup. I need the custom search to be able to search the whole site or if a checkbox is ticked, only search within a certain category of the site.
Can anyone point me in the right direction with this?
You can have 2 custom search engines- one searching your whole site and another one searching the specific categories you mentioned. Based on whether the checkbox is checked or not, you can display the appropriate search box in your page. A demo of how to select specific sites or whole domains is shown in

Creating a sharepoint 2007 search for a list (results only from that list)?

I have been researching this for some time, and have not been able to find a solution. I would just like to have a search bar that when an ID is entered, the search will return all the list items that have that ID.
I'm sure I am leaving out details (as I am a sharepoint novice), but any help would be greatly appreciated.
What you need is not search, but filter.
In the view of you library, follow these steps :
Put the page in edit mode
Add a web part "Text Filter Web Part"
Open its tool pane
Name the filter, "IDFilter" for example, and validate
Still in edit mode, select "Modify shared Web Part" --> "Connections" --> "Send filter values to name of your library"
Choose the field that holds your ID and click "Finish"
That's it. You can now type the ID in the field, and it will dynamically apply a filter on the ID field.
That said, you should post you future questions on this is a SharePoint dedicated stackexchange site.
