How can I bold/Italic/Size title of a bar chart in Spotfire? [closed] - spotfire

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am not able change the size, font and bold/italic in spotfire.
I tried many ways but didn't got it.

You can change that by using the properties section.
Right click on the chart and take properties.
Properties ->Fonts ->Decription.


What does the different terminal file colors mean in Linux [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I was using Linux terminal and I wondered why some files have different colors from others
do they only have colors to show the type and permissions given to the file?
It looks like that each color do have a meaning, take a look at this answer:

what is this blank space that gets inserted in excel? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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When I open excel, the rows move down and a big blank space gets inserted. I have no idea why this is happening nor how to fix it. Any suggestions? See image below:
It's a known monitor issue, you have to check for compatibility
If you drag it about between monitors it can fix it other than that compatibility settings.

change colour for parameters on powershell linux [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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can you see the -Uri Parameter? this is very hard to read on linux.
is there a way to change the colour?
Hemant answered my question on twitter. You can see the colour settings with the Cmdlet Get-PSReadLineOption. To edit the property ParameterColor I ran Set-PSReadLineOption -Colors #{"Parameter"=[ConsoleColor]::Gray}.

Configure task cards on agile board in Youtrack to show more than 2 custom fields? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How to configure cards in youtrack agile board to show more than 2 custom fields at the bottom line?
I want something like this:
It's not unfortunately possible at the moment.
As a workaround, you can switch to Edit issue mode on the board, by either double clicking the card or with F2 key.

Linux O.S. : Where is the firefox setting stored for this browser modification preference? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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In your firefox if you right click on the top panel next to 'Help' you can uncheck
Menu Bar
this makes firefox better looking to me.
i need to know where this setting is stored however.
i looked at my file at
gedit /root/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/prefs.js
but it was not stored in that file.
toolbar-menubar in localstore.rdf:
<RDF:Description RDF:about="chrome://browser/content/browser.xul#toolbar-menubar"
autohide="true" />
