How to convert the describe table output list or map in groovy - groovy

How to convert the below output map or list in groovy
"# Partition Information",,
"# col_name ","data_type ","comment "
Need to separate the partition columns in separate map and normal columns in separate map.
Expected output:

Try this code :
CsvParser is used to read the text. But your text needs some alteration before parsing it. So i did some text processing for fitting it into the csv format.
import com.xlson.groovycsv.CsvParser
def csv = '''col_name,data_type,comment
"# Partition Information",,
"# col_name ","data_type ","comment "
def maptxt = csv.split('"# Partition Information",,')
def map1txt = maptxt[0].trim()
def map2txt = maptxt[1].trim().readLines().collect{
it=it.replaceAll("\\s", "")
println getAsMap(map1txt)
println getAsMap(map2txt)
Map getAsMap (def txt)
Map ret = [:]
def data = new CsvParser().parse(txt)
for (each in data){
if(each.col_name) // empty keys are neglected.
your text has empty col_name. This code neglected that rows.


jmeter - how to creat new csv from original csv with groovy

I have a csv file (UTF-8 with BOM) like this
I would like to discard the first three lines and create new csv (UTF-8 with BOM)
I get some idea from the page and code this in JSR223 PreProcessor
def originalCsvFile = new File('g:/Workspace/1.csv')
def newCsvFile = new File('g:/Workspace/2.csv')
originalCsvFile.readLines().take(5).each {line ->
newCsvFile.withWriter('UTF-8') { writer ->
writer.writeLine line
The above code does not work.
It is better to put the new csv path to the variable, I want to get the variable in jmeter CSV Data Set Config
Do you realize that:
take(5) function returns 5 first lines of the list
newCsvFile.withWriter function overwrites the file with the new data each time it's being called
So I believe you're looking for copying and pasting something like this:
originalCsvFile.readLines().eachWithIndex { line, index ->
if (index == 0 || index > 3) {
newCsvFile.withWriterAppend('UTF-8') { writer ->
writer.writeLine line
More information on Groovy scripting in JMeter: Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It
Not as elegant, perhaps, but this is how I would do it:
List li = originalCsvFile.readLines()
newCsvFile.append(li[0] + "\n", 'UTF-8') //headers
li[4..-1].each { newCsvFile.append(it + "\n", 'UTF-8') }

How can i read an print the values from the text file

I have data in the text file.
M10 M2GBXR100A.PGM 8.00000000 3.0000000 3.00000000 2545.07500000sec 0.0
I am trying to read and print the text file data but how can just get the individual data.
I have used
File file = new File("C:/File/stat_l15.txt")
printn file.text
String Name = file.text.substring(0, file.text.indexOf(' '))
By this I am able to retrieve M10 but how can I get M2GBXR100A
Finally I need the output as
Name : M10
pg_name : M2GBXR100A.PGM
right : 8.00000000
left : 3.0000000
these data i am saving in a table !!
Since your file is delimited by spaces, you can use Split:
File file = new File("C:/File/stat_l15.txt")
println file.text
List values = file.text.split(' ')
println "Name: ${values[0]}"
println "pg_name: ${values[1]}"
println "right: ${values[2]}"
println "left : ${values[3]}"

Is there any way to pass Global Properties from external file or something?

-Is there any way to pass Global Properties from external file or something?
-I don't want to navigate Preference-Global Properties and changing the values.
-Is there any alternative way to do this.
You can parse external file in groovy script Step, for example *.csv file with values into the local groovy variables, and then set value in Properties of Test Suite or Test Case or Global Properties too.
Example of parsing *.csv file:
def testDataSet = []
def index = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue("index")
int indx = index.toInteger()
def fileName = "phoneNumbers.csv"
//read from file
new File(fileName).eachLine { line -> testDataSet.add( line.split(";") ) } "Read " + testDataSet.size() + " test values from " + fileName )
//convert value to properties
def testDataLine = testDataSet[indx]
phoneNumber = testDataLine[0].value as String phoneNumber
Example of set property:
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("phoneNumber", phoneNumber)
String indexString = Integer.toString(indx)
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("index", indexString)
Example of set Global Preporty:
globalProperty = com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI.globalProperties.getPropertyValue( "MyProp" )
more info provide here
Global properties are stored in soapui-settings.xml in the user.dir. If you change it, it will be recognized by readyApi/soapUI.

Groovy script to read multiple xml files one at a time from 2 folders and apply xmlunit comparison methods

I have series of xml files placed in 2 separate folders as below. My objective is to read each file one at a time from both folders and apply xmlunit comaprison methods.
Folder1 : actual1.xml
Folder2 : compare1.xml
Part1: Am reading each file at a time from both folders by using below script. I welcome suggestions if there are more simpler methods to do this "**********Read files from Folder1************"
def xml_file1 = []
new File("D:\\GroovyTest\\Folder1").eachFile{ f ->
f (f.isFile()&&'.xml'))
def filename =[0..-1]
xml_file1.add(filename) filename
if (xml_file1.size() <1)
{"No request files found")
} "**********Read files from Folder2************"
def xml_file2 = []
new File("D:\\GroovyTest\\Folder2").eachFile{ f ->
if (f.isFile()&&'.xml'))
def filename =[0..-1]
xml_file2.add(filename) filename
if (xml_file2.size() <1)
{"No request files found")
Part2: Script to perform comparison for each combination of xml files contained in array xml_file1 and xml_file2.
Am actually stuck at this part as the below script works for single files if each xml file is kept in a string, but i have to pass an array as arguments since i have series of xml files to be compared. I get a run time error - groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Could not find matching constructor for: error at line: 60
InputStream xml_stream1 = new FileInputStream(xml_file1)
String xml1 = getStringFromInputStream(xml_stream1)
InputStream xml_stream2 = new FileInputStream(xml_file2)
String xml2 = getStringFromInputStream(xml_stream2)
def factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance()
def transformer = factory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xslt)))
StreamResult result_xml1 = new StreamResult(new StringWriter());
transformer.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xml1)), result_xml1)
xml1 = result_xml1.getWriter().toString()
StreamResult result_xml2 = new StreamResult(newStringWriter());
transformer.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xml2)), result_xml2)
xml2 = result_xml2.getWriter().toString()
DifferenceListener differenceListener = newIgnoreTextAndAttributeValuesDifferenceListener();
DetailedDiff myDiff = new DetailedDiff(new Diff(xml1, xml2));
myDiff.overrideElementQualifier(new RecursiveElementNameAndTextQualifier()); "similar ? " + myDiff.similar() "identical ? " + myDiff.identical()
List allDifferences = myDiff.getAllDifferences();
for (Object object : allDifferences) {
Difference difference = (Difference)object;;
Could someone also help me with methods to ignore empty tags during comparison?

groovy read a file, resolve variables in file content

I am new to Groovy and I could not get around this issue. I appreciate any help.
I want to read a file from Groovy. While I am reading the content, for each line I want to substitute the string '${random_id}' and '${entryAuthor}' with different string values.
protected def doPost(String url, URL bodyFile, Map headers = new HashMap() ) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer()
def randomId = getRandomId()
bodyFile.eachLine { line ->
sb.append( line.replace("\u0024\u007Brandom_id\u007D", randomId)
.replace("\u0024\u007BentryAuthor\u007D", entryAuthor) )
return doPost(url, sb.toString())
But I got the following error:
No such property: random_id for class: tests.SimplePostTest
Possible solutions: randomId
at foo.test.framework.FooTest.doPost_closure1(FooTest.groovy:85)
at foo.test.framework.FooTest.doPost(FooTest.groovy:83)
at foo.test.framework.FooTest.doPost(FooTest.groovy:80)
at tests.SimplePostTest.Post & check Entry ID(SimplePostTest.groovy:42)
Why would it complain about a property, when I am not doing anything? I also tried "\$\{random_id\}", which works in Java String.replace(), but not in Groovy.
You are doing it the hard way. Just evaluate your file's contents with Groovy's SimpleTemplateEngine.
import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
def text = 'Dear "$firstname $lastname",\nSo nice to meet you in <% print city %>.\nSee you in ${month},\n${signed}'
def binding = ["firstname":"Sam", "lastname":"Pullara", "city":"San Francisco", "month":"December", "signed":"Groovy-Dev"]
def engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine()
template = engine.createTemplate(text).make(binding)
def result = 'Dear "Sam Pullara",\nSo nice to meet you in San Francisco.\nSee you in December,\nGroovy-Dev'
assert result == template.toString()
you better use groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine class; check this for more details
The issue here is that Groovy Strings will evaluate "${x}" by substituting the value of 'x', and we don't want that behaviour in this case. The trick is to use single-quotes which denote plain old Java Strings.
Using a data file like this:
${random_id} 1 ${entryAuthor}
${random_id} 2 ${entryAuthor}
${random_id} 3 ${entryAuthor}
Consider this code, which is analogous to the original:
// spoof HTTP POST body
def bodyFile = new File("body.txt").getText()
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer()
def randomId = "257" // TODO: use getRandomId()
def entryAuthor = "Bruce Eckel"
// use ' here because we don't want Groovy Strings, which would try to
// evaluate e.g. ${random_id}
String randomIdToken = '${random_id}'
String entryAuthorToken = '${entryAuthor}'
bodyFile.eachLine { def line ->
sb.append( line.replace(randomIdToken, randomId)
.replace(entryAuthorToken, entryAuthor) )
println sb.toString()
The output is:
257 1 Bruce Eckel
257 2 Bruce Eckel
257 3 Bruce Eckel
