Does the retrieved OAuth2.0 authorization code for Azure AD web applications expire? - azure

In order to access resources in Azure AD web applications we retrieve an authorization code using the following workflow:
Now my questions is, does this retrieved code also have a specific lifetime (like tokens have) or will it never expire? I guess it won't expire but I need to be sure about that.

Yes, the authorization code has a lifetime of 10 minutes I think.
You use it to get the tokens you need and then throw it away.
You'll get refresh tokens so you can use them to get more tokens later.
ADAL.NET for example handles the token refresh for you, assuming you properly implement a token cache.
Reference: (scroll all the way down) (it's for the v2.0 endpoint, but codes are similarly short-lived in v1)
Authorization codes (work or school accounts)
10 minutes
Authorization codes are purposely short-lived, and should be immediately redeemed for access tokens and refresh tokens when the tokens are received.


Azure B2C implicit flow: acquire new access token witout the use of an iFrame

In the Azure B2C documentation you have this information about silently acquiring new access tokens when the previous one expired.
ID tokens and access tokens both expire after a short period of time.
Your app must be prepared to refresh these tokens periodically. To
refresh either type of token, perform the same hidden iframe request
we used in an earlier example, by using the prompt=none parameter to
control Azure AD steps. To receive a new id_token value, be sure to
use response_type=id_token and scope=openid, and a nonce parameter.
Is there a way to do this without an iFrame?
You can do it with a full redirect by calling acquireTokenReditect() with MSAL. There is no other option in a javascript app. This of course is not going to be a good UX as you’d need to do it every time the api resource changes or scope changes.

Some of our clients getting PARTNER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED

Most of our clients are having no issues whatever with our system. We have an integrator key and our users do an initial link up for integration using OAuth on REST. We store the access/refresh tokens. Works fine. At some point down the road some clients seem to randomly hit this.
We are using OAuth with the REST API and always get a new access token using the client's refresh token if their access token is within 30 minutes of expiring.
Q: If a client's access token expires before they make a subsequent call (some of our clients might go 30 days before having another document to sign) to get a new one with the refresh token can that cause this?
Q: Can the refresh token expire such that they would get this?
Q: Short of the client manually revoking access to the integration on their DocuSign account, what else could cause this?
If you get this error then you need to restart the oauth flow again.
A refresh token does expire at some point. When it expires is a policy issue. To achieve the longest possible refresh token lifetime, request scope extended in addition to signature.
Q: If a client's access token expires before they make a subsequent call (some of our clients might go 30 days before having another document to sign) to get a new one with the refresh token can that cause this?
A: I'm surprised that you're getting this specific error, but I haven't tried this for awhile. I'd think the error would have a different name.
Q: Can the refresh token expire such that they would get this?
A: Same answer as above re the specific error name. In any case, a refresh token can definitely expire. Requesting the extended scope should minimize this, but at some point an account may set a policy that will also expire extended scope refresh tokens. Bottom line: your app needs to be prepared to ask the user to go through the entire OAuth Auth Code Grant flow again.
Q: Short of the client manually revoking access to the integration on their DocuSign account, what else could cause this?
A: Using the wrong base url for the user. Also, at some point there will be organizational controls that can force policies upon the org's accounts. (Organizations own and control accounts.)

Non-Expiring Facebook Marketing API Access Token

I am using passport-facebook to obtain an access token. According to here
under "Get Access Token", I should be getting a 60 day long-lived token. This is the case if the scope is only ads_read. However, when I add additional scopes of manage_pages and read_insights, there is no expiration when I check via the Graph API.
This seems to be a bit contradictory to me. My theory is based on the getting an API key with ads_read permission manually from the below tool.
Using this tool and debugging it via the Graph API, I see one difference in that it the manually generated access token has the "Page" row under it, indicating that it is a page access token (to my own pages). Since it is a PAT, it will never expire, as expected.
My passport-facebook generated access token has the ads_read, manage_pages, read_insights permission as well and the expiration says "Never Expires". However, it does not have the Page row on it. Does that mean I can still use it forever to query the ads insights API?
This is my attempt at obtaining a non-expiring Marketing API access token.
Yes, if the expiration row says Never expires, you can continue to use the token for querying ads insights.
On a side note, is you generate system user access tokens, they also never expire. You can read more about it here -

Will AcquireTokenSilentAsync not work after 90 days?

I'm building an ASP.NET Web API service which connects to Azure Graph API to get a list of users.
So my scenario is to create an MVC page on this service => let Azure AD admin login and grant permission => cache access_token and use this to call API.
However, I acknowledged that access_token will be expired after 1 hour. Even if it's renewed by using refresh_token, admin will actually have to manually sign in on this service again after 90 days.
I read on some example which use AcquireTokenSilentAsync method from ADAL library. But not sure if it would be useless after 90 days ?
Yes, currently the Access Token will expire within the hour. The Refresh Token will be valid for 14 days, and can be used to obtain a new Access Token and a new Refresh Token. You can carry on doing this for up to 90 days. (Note that these are the current values, they may change in the future.) AcquireTokenSilent and AcquireTokenSilentAsync will attempt to use existing state (i.e. Refresh Tokens, if available) to obtain a new Access Token, or throw an exception if this is not possible.
That said, I suspect that is probably not the best approach for your scenario. It sounds like you are in one of two situations:
You are building a middleware service (an API) that will be used by a different app which is accessed by authenticated users. If this is the case, you can use on-behalf-of flow, where (a) your middleware service is registered as a web app/API in Azure AD, (b) the user-facing client app and obtains an Access Token (for the current user) to the middleware API, and (c) the middleware API uses that Access Token to obtain a new Access Token to the Azure AD Graph API, on behalf of the original user.
Sample: active-directory-dotnet-webapi-onbehalfof
You just need to enable unattended access to the Graph API. If the middleware service is a highly-trusted environment, you can use app-only authentication (also known as "headless", or "daemon" apps) to obtain an Access Token without any user context. (This is the Client Credentials Grant OAuth 2.0 flow.)
Sample: active-directory-dotnet-daemon-certificate-credential
Sample: active-directory-dotnet-daemon
Yes, by default refresh tokens expire in 14 days (access tokens in an hour) but with some configuration I believe it can go until 90 days. This is for security reasons and a good practice. Nothing wrong with it. However, this will only work if you implement your own cache because by default ADAL cache uses memory and upon restart it will lose those tokens.

OAuth2 and Google API: access token expiration time?

We have a standalone Java application (see "Installed application") which runs periodically and uses Google API (updates some information from customer databases/ldap/...).
To access Google APIs we store username and password in configuration file, which is a security risk and customer does not like that. So we would like to use OAuth2 long-living access token instead.
What`s default expiration time for Google OAuth2 access tokens ?
As we will have only access token in application, app itself cannot refresh it when access token expires.
Personally I think that OAuth2 implementation in this case will not bring any major benefit but let`s focus on main question - default expiration times.
You shouldn't design your application based on specific lifetimes of access tokens. Just assume they are (very) short lived.
However, after a successful completion of the OAuth2 installed application flow, you will get back a refresh token. This refresh token never expires, and you can use it to exchange it for an access token as needed. Save the refresh tokens, and use them to get access tokens on-demand (which should then immediately be used to get access to user data).
EDIT: My comments above notwithstanding, there are two easy ways to get the access token expiration time:
It is a parameter in the response (expires_in)when you exchange your refresh token (using /o/oauth2/token endpoint). More details.
There is also an API that returns the remaining lifetime of the access_token:{accessToken}
This will return a json array that will contain an expires_in parameter, which is the number of seconds left in the lifetime of the token.
The default expiry_date for google oauth2 access token is 1 hour. The expiry_date is in the Unix epoch time in milliseconds. If you want to read this in human readable format then you can simply check it here..Unix timestamp to human readable time
