4 Questions to lstm network for sentence generation - python-3.x

Warning: I am a Deep learning noob
I train my two layer Lstm-model on a dataset of jokes (231657 jokes) and want to know 4 things:
I train it now on 50 chars per sentence if I want it to generate new jokes do I need to input 50 chars first or can I randomly pic one char to start the sentence/joke?
Is it not usefull to train it on only 50 chars for 1.8 mio. in total (vector is [10800001, 50, 1]) or is that good?
I used a class were I init my model so I can call it, unfortunately If I want to create a long sentence/mulitple senteces I have to call my predict statement more than once, the problem is that my predict statement init the model first and then predict the value, so I have to use tf.reset_default_graph(), but after a while, it takes longer.
So what should I do to prevent this problem? Should I maybe init the model in the main script or something like this?
How to solve the problem with growing text? I currently take the shape of the input and use it for my model initialization in my class, but is this a good idea?

You need to start by inputting a seed sequence of 50 characters.
I'd suggest you to increase the sequence length.
I don't understand you very well but I suggest you to structure your model properly. Read this for more: https://danijar.com/structuring-your-tensorflow-models/
Again, I suggest you to read the above link.
It's not always necessary to make your model as a class. You can just make the model once in procedural way, train it and then save it using tf.Saver()


Having trouble training Word2Vec iteratively on Gensim

I'm attempting to train multiple texts supplied by myself iteratively. However, I keep running into an issue when I train the model more than once:
ValueError: You must specify either total_examples or total_words, for proper learning-rate and progress calculations. If you've just built the vocabulary using the same corpus, using the count cached in the model is sufficient: total_examples=model.corpus_count.
I'm currently initiating my model like this:
model = Word2Vec(sentences, min_count=0, workers=cpu_count())
model.build_vocab(sentences, update=False)
model = Word2Vec.load('firstmodel.model')
and subsequently training it iteratively like this:
model.build_vocab(sentences, update = True)
model.train(sentences, totalexamples=model.corpus_count, epochs=model.epochs)
What am I missing here?
Somehow, it worked when I just trained one other model, so not sure why it doesn't work beyond two models...
First, the error message says you need to supply either the total_examples or total_words parameter to train() (so that it has an accurate estimate of the total training-corpus size).
Your code, as currently shown, only supplies totalexamples – a parameter name missing the necessary _. Correcting this typo should remedy the immediate error.
However, some other comments on your usage:
repeatedly calling train() with different data is an expert technique highly subject to error or other problems. It's not the usual way of using Word2Vec, nor the way most published results were reached. You can't count on it to always improve the model with new words; it might make the model worse, as new training sessions update some-but-not-all words, and alter the (usual) property that the vocabulary has one consistent set of word-frequencies from one single corpus. The best course is to train() once, with all available data, so that the full vocabulary, word-frequencies, & equally-trained word-vectors are achieved in a single consistent session.
min_count=0 is almost always a bad idea with word2vec: words with few examples in the corpus should be discarded. Trying to learn word-vectors for them not only gets weak vectors for those words, but dilutes/distracts the model from achieving better vectors for surrounding more-common words.
a count of workers up to your local cpu_count() only reliably helps up to about 4-12 workers, depending on other parameters & the efficiency of your corpus-reading, then more workers can hurt, due to inefficiencies in the Python GIL & Gensim corpus-to-worker handoffs. (inding the actual best count for your setup is, unfortunately, still just a matter of trial and error. But if you've got 16 (or more) cores, your setting is almost sure to do worse than a lower workers number.

Training/Predicting with CNN / ResNet on all classes each iteration - concatenation of input data + Hungarian algorithm

So I've got a simple pytorch example of how to train a ResNet CNN to learn MNIST labeling from this link:
It's working great, but I want to hack it a bit so that it does 2 things. First, instead of predicting digits, it predicts animal shapes/colors for a project I'm working on. That's already working quite well already and am happy with it.
Second, I'd like to hack the training (and possibly layers) so that predictions is done in parallel on multiple images at a time. In the MNIST example, basically prediction (or output) would be done for an image that has 10 digits at a time concatenated by me. For clarity, each 10-image input will have the digits 0-9 appearing only once each. The key here is that each of the 10 digit gets a unique class/label from the CNN/ResNet and each class gets assigned exactly once. And that digits that have high confidence will prevent other digits with lower confidence from using that label (a Hungarian algorithm type of approach).
So in my use case I want to train on concatenated images (not single images) as in Fig A below and force the classifier to learn to predict the best unique label for each of the concatenated images and do this all at once. Such an approach should outperform single image classification - and it's particularly useful for my animal classification because otherwise the CNN can sometimes return the same ID for multiple animals which is impossible in my application.
I can already predict in series as in Fig B below. And indeed looking at the confidence of each prediction I am able to implement a Hungarian-algorithm like approach post-prediction to assign the best (most confident) unique IDs in each batch of 4 animals. But this doesn't always work and I'm wondering if ResNet can try and learn the greedy Hungarian assignment as well.
In particular, it's not clear that implementing A simply requires augmenting the data input and labels in the training set will do it automatically - because I don't know how to penalize or dissalow returning the same label twice for each group of images. So for now I can generate these training datasets like this:
print (train_loader.dataset.data.shape)
print (train_loader.dataset.targets.shape)
torch.Size([60000, 28, 28])
And I guess I would want the targets to be [60000, 10]. And each input image would be [1, 28, 28, 10]? But I'm not sure what the correct approach would be.
Any advice or available links?
I think this is a specific type of training, but I forgot the name.

How to handle shared data between samples and batches in Keras

I'm using Keras for timeseries prediction and I want to create a model that is based on the self-attention mechanism that will not use any RNNs. For each sample we look at the last x timesteps of samples to predict the next sample.
In other words I want to feed the network (num_batches, num_samples, timesteps, features) and get (num_batches, predictions).
There is 1 problems with this.
There is a lot of unnecessary duplication of data where sample n has basically the same timesteps and features as sample n+1, only shifted 1 to the left.
How would you handle this assuming you dataset is very large?
I am not very familiar with this, but if your issue is "I have too many replicated data" I think you can solve your problem devising a generator for your data, and then pass the generator as input for the Keras/TensorFlow fit function (according to TensorFlow APIs specification, it is stated that it supports generators as input).
If your question is related to the logic behind the model, I do not see the issue. It is like that you have a sliding window, for each window you predict one value, and then you move the window by a certain amount (in your case, one). Could you argue a little more about your concern?

Data conversion for string based data for machine learning or deep learning

I have string data in my dataset of the type :
Every record has a category associated with it, and given one such string, I have to use a Machine Learning or Deep Learning approach to identify the corresponding category.
I am confused as to what approach to follow in order to do this. My primary question is, should I keep the strings as is and use string similarity functions, or should I break up the strings into different words, and then do count vectorization on it, and then proceed from there?
Given this kind of data, with just one string to predict the class, what would be the best approach? I have to put this into production so I need look at something which will scale well. I am new to ML so any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
It seems to me that you can tackle this problem using lstm. Long short-term memory (LSTM) units (or blocks) are a building unit for layers of a recurrent neural network (RNN)
These LSTM will help us to capture sequential information and generally used in case where we want to learn the sequential patterns in the data
You can decode this problem using character level LSTM.
In this you have to pass every character of the text in a LSTM cell.and at the last time step you will have a class which is the true label
You can use cross-entropy loss function.
This will give you complete idea

Understanding Input Sequences of Unlimited Length for RNNs in Keras

I have been looking into an implementation of a certain architecture of deep learning model in keras when I came across a technicality that I could not grasp. In the code, the model is implemented as having two inputs; the first is the normal input that goes through the graph (word_ids in the sample code below), while the second is the length of that input, which seems to be involved nowhere other than the inputs argument in the keras Model instant (sequence_lengths in the sample code below).
word_ids = Input(batch_shape=(None, None), dtype='int32')
word_embeddings = Embedding(input_dim=embeddings.shape[0],
x = Bidirectional(LSTM(units=64, return_sequences=True))(word_embeddings)
x = Dense(64, activation='tanh')(x)
x = Dense(10)(x)
sequence_lengths = Input(batch_shape=(None, 1), dtype='int32')
model = Model(inputs=[word_ids, sequence_lengths], outputs=[x])
I think this is done to make the network accept a sequence of any length. My questions are as follow:
Is what I think correct?
If yes, then, I feel like there is a bit of
magic going on under the hood. Any suggestions on how to wrap
one's head around this?
Does this mean that using this method, one doesn't need to pad his sequences (neither in training nor in prediction), and that keras will somehow know how to pad them automatically?
Do you need to pass sequence_lengths as an input?
No, it's absolutely not necessary to pass the sequence lengths as inputs, either if you're working with fixed or with variable length sequences.
I honestly don't understand why that model in the code uses this input if it's not sent to any of the model layers to be processed.
Is this really the complete model?
Why would one pass the sequence lengths as an input?
Well, maybe they want to perform some custom calculations with those. It might be an interesting option, but none of these calculations are present (or shown) in the code you posted. This model is doing absolutely nothing with this input.
How to work with variable sequence length?
For that, you've got two options:
Pad the sequences, as you mentioned, to a fixed size, and add Masking layers to the input (or use the mask_zeros=True option in the embedding layer).
Use the length dimension as None. This is done with one of these:
batch_shape=(batch_size, None)
PS: these shapes are for Embedding layers. An input that goes directly into recurrent networks would have an additional last dimension for input features
When using the second option (length = None), you should process each batch separately, because you are not able to put all sequences with different lengths in the same numpy array. But there is no limitation in the model itself, and no padding is necessary in this case.
How to work with "unlimited" length
The only way to work with unlimited length is using stateful=True.
In this case, every batch you pass will not be seen as "another group of sequences", but "additional steps of the previous batch".
